The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 06, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1960
Summer Nebraskan
Page 3
O'Kieffe Reveals Life
Of Pioneers on Plains
Western Story: The Recollec
tions of Charley O'Kieffe,
liws-iBaa, won an introduc
tion by A. B. Guthrie. Jr:
University of Nebraska
In this book Charley
v iviene is out to set the
record straight about the
frontier. He believes that a
great disservice has been
done to the West by too
many tales of romance, fierce
gunplay and clever escape
trom me outlaws and injuns.
Corrects Record
Charley succeeds admira
bly in 'setting the record
straight by recording his ex
periences in northwest Ne
braska between 1884 and 1898.
There were nine O'Kieffe
children, ranging from a son
in his twenties to the young
est, Charley. When the father
deserted the family, the
mother gathered her flock in
a covered wagon and set out
from eastern Nebraska look
ing for new country and a
r.ew start. She found both in
Sheridan County in north
west Nebraska. There she
took a homestead, built a sod
house, dug a well and made
a home. Charlev's book tells
how they did it and what
happened to them thereafter.
Operation Survival
The fact is nothing mo
mentous happened. The great
achievement was that they
Summer Golf Play
Cancelled; Tennis On
The University summer
golf tournament has been
cancelled because only four
entries were received.
All entrants in the tennis
singles and doubles tourney
are reminded to check the
schedules posted in the Men's
PE building.
After checking the sched
ule, each player must con
tact bis opponent to arrange
a time for the match.
Shooi Service
Established 1916 Sevng tht Ms-
oun Voiwv to tr Wt Coast.
i29 luart Eidg. Lincoln 8. Niebr.
survived. The gunplay, the
violence, hte outlaws so vivid
ly portrayed on the TV screen
somehow passed the
O'Kieffes and their frontier
nome by. This sort of thing,
if the truth were known,
passea most frontiers.
Charley's story is the sitn
pie, unadorned truth; and it
is tnis quality which makes
it so refreshing. The book is
full of anecdotes some fun
ny, some pathetic. -But all
are revealing , of a central
theme: The big problem was
survival; an unglamor
ous running battle with pov
erty, hunger, hardship and
Simple Charm
Charley is no slick western
writer. But what he savs
has charm. For examnle-
There was never any erace
said before or after meals in
our home. Maybe it was be
cause we didn't have the
time and maybe we didn't
have the inclination, but I
think mostly we just plain
didn't know that such things
snouid be done."
Or again: "For the edifica
tion of housewives who may
never have cooked with buf
falo chips, here is a rundown
of the ooerations that Mother
went through. It goes like
this: Stoke the stove, get out
the flour sack, stoke the
stove, wash your hands, mix
the biscuit dough, stoke the
stove, wash your hands, cut
out the biscuits with the top
of a baking powder can,
stoke the stove, wash your
hands, put the pan of biscuits
in the oven, keep on stoking
the stove until the biscuits
are done."
Faith and Chips
Or: "We got through our
first winter (in Sheridan coun
ty) thanks to faith, hope and
buffalo chips."
This book is Volume II of
the Pioneer Heritage Series
being published by the Uni
versity of Nebraska Press.
They are good social history.
They are good reading. They
set the record straight on
what frontier life was really
University Cited
For Turkish Aid
The University of Nebraska
quotation from the Educa
tes week from the Interna
tional Cooperation Adminis
tration of Washington, D. C.
for its "outstanding work" in
assisting in establishing a
new university in Turkey.
The ICA made known a
quotation from the Educa
tional Division Contract Rep
resentative of the U. S. Over
seas Mission which said:
An outstanding character-
tistic of the University of Ne
braska contract agreement is
the whole-hearted interest of
the University in carrying
out the responsibilities which
it assumed under the con
tract. "In all the university
contract operations in the ICA
world-wide program of tech
nical cooperation, there can
be few institutions which have
taken their responsibilities
equally or more seriously or
have devoted greater time,
attention, and effort to facili
tate the effective imple
mentation of the projects
Summer Clothing, Food,
Activities Bring Relief
Continued from Page 1.
fashion suggestions of
Lincoln sales personnel they
present a workable guide for
summer clothes buying for
Nylon, because of its low
absorbency, is not at com
fortable as summer cottons.
Silk fabrics, because of
for which they are respon- their absorbency, are good
sibile. for summer.
Orion resists sunlight and
stretching and sagging
caused by humidity.
Light colors reflect light
making them cool summer
Women aren't the only ones.
concerned with summer
For men, beach combers,
bermudas and "crazy hats"
lead the way, according to
men's wear specialists.
In suits, a dacron-wool
blend that contains 45 wool
and 55 dacron makes a
"luxurious" suit, say men's
Though it is npt hand wash
able, this type' suit is most
comfortable because of its ab
sorbency and "nice hand,"
they say.
Now what should a person
do after getting dressed in
the proper attire and eating
a "crispy cool" meal?
Ice skate, is the recom
mendation of James Lewis,
city recreation director. This
"nice cool" summer activity
began Saturday for two
weeks at Pershing Municipal
And there are the swim
Union Offers
Game Lessons
Merle Reiling, games man
ager at the Nebraska Union,
and the student activities of
fice are offering instructions
in all areas of the games sec
tion. Anyone can go into Reiling's
office in the Union basement
to make arrangements for
lessons from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
on Monday through Friday.
ming pools, baseball dia
monds, tennis courts and golf
courses. The only trouble is
"they're too crowded," Lewis
Films on India
To Be Presented
Two films will be shown
by the Far Eastern Institute
at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Love
Memorial Library.
The first, "Mooti-Child of
New India," is a color film
of an Indian village. The film
lasts 15 minutes.
The second, a 28-minute
J film, 'Gandhi," is a docu
mentary of the life of Gandhi,
taken from newsreels of the
past 40 years, according to
Robert K. Sakai, director of
the Far Eastern Institute.
Future Never Brighter
For Farm Youth-Bundy
1 Locations
Open 24 Hours Daily
12th and K. St.
1900 0. ST.
There'$ A Laundromat ear Your
12th end K St. 1 900 0 St.4Sth end Von Dorn
HE 5-4313
y town & campus
HE 2-3654
of Summer Fashions
to Vi off
25 off
SHIRTS 14 to off
The future on the farm has
never been brighter, although
many young people do not
and can not return to the
farm, contends Clarence Bun-
dy, a guest professor from
Iowa State University.
The increasing size and the
decreasing number of farms,
the increasing know-how re
quired to run a farm and the
increased costs of farms are
factors that keep young peo
ple from returning, Bundy
Increased Output
Also, mechanization en
ables a single man to pro
duce enough for many more
people today than previous
ly. Fewer people are required
to feed the nation, he said.
Although on-the-farm jobs
are decreasing, there are
more and more opportuni
ties in farm-related jobs,
Bnndy said.
There are opportunities in
college and high school agri
cultural education, extension
services, college research,
soil conservation, veterinary
medicine and farm credit
Farm-related Work
Other jobs that farm youth
are turning to are in rural
farm building construction,
machinery maintenance and
repair and sales in equip
ment, fertilizer and feed.
A young person entering
farming most have patience
because there are still prob
lems that most be worked;
out. Bandy said.
He mentioned the problem
of keeping production in line
with what we sell to control
surpluses and how the farm
er, belonging to a minority
group (12 per cent of the
population), finds it difficult
to limit production.
Former's Responsibility
"I'd like to say the farmer
i should assume more respon
Sibiity in the price stabiliza
tion problem, be said.
"Vocational agriculture in
Nebraska has a real place,
an important place in pre
paring boys for fanning and
non-f arming vocations,"
Bundy said.
He said that research at
Iowa State shows that high
school vocational agriculture
graduates are farmiig larger
farms, more farms and
are prod a ring more acres of
com, soybeans and legumes
than those farming who didn't
hare voc-ag. training.
The voc.-ag. graduates also
have fewer acres in perman
ent pasture and wasteland
and a larger net income than
non-vocational agirkrulture
Bundy said that a boy can
get agriculture in high school
and also the sciences, mathe
matics and English necessary
for college.
"He can even have the
prerequisites to enter engi
neering at this institution or
or any other institution," be
The problem is that not
enough farm boys go to( col
lege or take post-high school
"About three times as many
town boys as farm boys go
on to college," be said.
. This is partly because farm
ers assume that youth don't
need more education to go
into farming.
Farm Boy
Clarence Bundy was born
on a farm in Iowa and lived
on a farm while going to
schooL He was principal at
Iowa Falls, la.. High School
for 18 years. He" has been at
Iowa State, where he is now
a professor, for 13 years.
Bundy has co-authored six
books on animal husbandry
which are used in high school
vocational agriculture
"My interests are still very
much in agriculture," he said,
"and my hobbies are animal
husbandry and state fair
See College
In Advance
"Intellectual programs go
over better in the summer,"
Bill McKinnon, activities di
rector of the Nebraska Union,
said recently.
"The mature or graduate
students, who attend summer
session s," he explained,
"prove more appreciative of
programs on World Affairs
and the Artists Series."
"Timing on programs has
to be geared to the middle of
the week," he said, "because
the commuter students go
home week ends."
During the school year, Mc
Kinnon pointed out, nearly all
activities are on the week
ends, especially free films
and dances.
Thirteen Activities Commit
tees, composed of student
workers, plan and direct the
social and cultural programs
during the winter. In the sum
mer, the programming at Stu
dent Union is managed by
jDr. Frank Sorenson, director
u?P .notmo"nlfl!-' eration with McKinnon.
dUU SMUUIIliDg, IS 01-
fered to high school students
Slimmer Session Brings
Union Scheduling Changes
Welcomes JV.l. ttudenU and intite$ you to
Play on our Tiett CARPETED COURSE
attending All-State, said John
Moran, director of All-State
While providing an oppor
tunity for talented high school
students to receive further
instruction in the fine arts,
extra time, he said, is filled
in with serenades, dances,
and queen elections.
Nebraska AU-State, derived
from the idea of the music
camp held at Interlochen,
dates back 25 years, Moran
said. Originally, big name
artists were asked to direct a
music seminar at the Uni
versity. Financial difficulties,
forced such programs to be
discontinued, he said.
Since 1940, he said, the pro
gram has grown to include
speech and art and will pos
sibly offer additions next
Although the University :
tries to accept all who apply,
Moras said they are limited
by boosing and teaching facili
When asked if the All-Stale
program is becoming nation
wide. Moran replied that
there are some schools, such
as Kansas University, which
have a similar program, but
many still offer only music
Because of the variety of
courses offered to the high
school students, many people
feel this program is pat on
just to promote the college
and more specifically the
School of Fine Arts, he said-
According to its bulletin, Al
State is designed to afford a
learning opportunity for young
people who are especially
interested in the fine arts
while offering a "most hap
py summer experience in a
wholesome atmosphere.!
Even though it is not de
signed to promote the Univer
sity, Moran said that most
former All-Staters do attend
college here. Out of the 88'
that go on to college, he said,
78 come to Nebraska, but
only 10 major in the College
of Fine Arts.
And how do the students
feel about it?
At the closing banquet when
the Ideal All-State Girl and
Boy are announced, Moran
said, "They are estatic. You
can see tears and smiles.
They think it the experience
of a lifetime."
shown: "Pygmalion" on July
7, and "Captain's Paradise"
with Alec Guinness of July 21.
In summer, the games area
is used very little, McKin
non reported. "No doubt the
intense study schedule of
summer, school leaves little
time, and out-docr activities
have more appeal." he said.
The Union Board of Manag
ers is composed of six faculty
members, three alumni, and
12 students. Every month
they meet and report to Chan
cellor Clifford Hardin and the
Board of Regents. Once a
week some committee of the
board meets and discusses
They Are Better At Gravel.
Smith mt the "H. U." Temple
problems of policy or expen
Eleven professional men
make up the staff of the Un
ion, or are in charge of the
various departments. There
are 40 full-time employees in
cluding secretaries, waiters,
cooks, and janitors. The Un
ion also employs 130 part-time
student workers.
Watch Repair
1-2 Day Service
In Peden's Bookstore
Acrou Street
from Lore Library
Since the study load is i
heavy during the summer and
the time short, next year the
Union plans to have fewer
programs, but of high quality.
for the mature students, Mc- J
Kinnon said.
Student tuition fees finance
the Union. So students should
get about what they want in
entertainment, according to
A. H. Bennett, managing director.
"Of the $11 portion alloted J
to the Union from each stu-j
dent's tuition," he said. '-$6.50 J
goes to the bond issue for the j
building, and $4.50 goes intoj
current expense funds." j
These funds pay staff and .
maintenance expenses.
The food service depart
ments of the Union, cafeteria,
the Crib, and the banqueting
rooms, are seu-supporung.
The Crib serves about 3,000
persons each day. Average
food check is $.21 and the to
tal income about $500 a day.
About 400 have lunch in the
cafeteria every day and 250
eat there in the evening. Dur
ing the summer, the lunches
served are comparable to the
rest of the year, but the eve
ning business is not as great
One department of the Un
ion that actually makes mon
ey is the foreign films. Only
three were scheduled for the
summer. Two are yet to be
Graduates to
Picnic Saturday
At Pioneers Park
The Graduate Gun will
sponsor a picnic Saturday for
all graduate and profession
al students and their guests.
A complete dinner will be
served at the Pioneers Park
picnic grounds. Cost of the
dinner will be $ 90 per per
son, according to Thomas
Glass, president.
Glass asks that all students
planning to attend the picnic
sign up at the information
desk of the Nebraska Union
by 1 p.m. Friday.'
Cars will leave from the
north door, of the Union at 3; 30
p.m. Saturday. "Any person
needing a ride, as well as
those with extra room in their
cars," should meet at t he
Union, Glass said.
In case of rain, the picnic
will take place Sunday, he
or go International. Our United Na
tions Special has a touch of France,
Ruasia, Italy and the Good Ole
a favorite pol for ttudentt
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