Summer Sessions' Welcome Students Told to Note Educational Extras ( Welcoming students to the 1960 Summer Sessions, Chan cellor Clifford M. Hardin noted the "cumber of extras which contribute to your gen eral educational experience" as well as the academic of ferings. Frank E. Sorenson, direc tor of Summer Sessions, pre dicted that the Summer Sci Eastern Institute would be "of great interest" this sum mer. . "Of special interest," Sor enson added, "'will be the three World Affairs Previews designed to focus on the So viet Union, Africa and Ja pan." Both men called the atten tion of the students to the Planetarium and the informal educational opportunities of fered by the Nebraska Union. Attend All-State The Chancellor continued, "Of special interest, too, are the many programs of the All-Slate Fine Arts high school students: concerts, plavs, speech recitals and a musical comedy. You are cordially invited to attend any or all of the All-State pro grams during June." According to Sorenson, "The summer faculty of about 260 persons, including 10 dis tinguished lecturers and con sultants, will offer opportuni ties in their classrooms for a careful consideration of many of today's most significant developments and critical is sues." He recommended also that students visit the Nebraska State Historical Society to see its presentations of the foundations of Nebraska his tory. " V J 5. Sincere Welcome -i .A Chancellor Hardin c eluded, "The welcome w tend is a sincere one. We are confident that you will find the next few weeks re warding in terms wf your edu cational advancement, and we wish you every success. ; art and sculpture displays in 1 Morrill Hall, the Mueller ence institute and the r ar Chancellor Hardin Dr. Frank Sorenson ... -f i Enrollment For Summer Steadily Up May Indicate School Trend Summer school students are growing in number each year, according to Dr. Frank Sorenson, director of the sum mer school program at the University of Nebraska. Enrollment at the Univer sity summer sessions has in creased from 2,951 in 1955 to 3,374 in 1959. The 1960 enroll ment is expected to be around 3.C5. And the summer student is becoming younger tort "Traditionally," Dr. Soren son explained, "summer ses sions were established to pro vide additional training for teachers and administrators, often to qualify teachers for certificates." '. But the traditional teacher student has been supplment ed by two more learning groups, he went on: 1. The undergraduate stu dent, and, . 2. The graduate enroDment. io graduate college as weO as teacher1! college. "We still have .to take cae of the teachers and adminis trators," Dr. Sorenson said, "but summer session plan ners recognize the desirabili ty of keeping the University plant attractive to students as well." Three main factors contrib ute to the increase of stu dents ia summer schools, ac cording to Dr; Sorenson: L Students realize the prac ticality of finishing school as soon at possible so that they caa begin working or start a home. 2. Students often find it difficult to secure summer jobs, atd attend summer school instead. 3. Students in some colleges, such as engineering, are re quired to take aa extra se mester or year f work and fine it easier to make np some of the hours by attend- Adventures in SCIENCE: Scapegoat of Humanities or Death .... i..j; 4. .,,J4 anunrfiirf tl3C By Carroll Kraus Whom do you admire more a physicist who helped de velop the atomic bomb or a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet? What would you say wauld be the choice of most young men between the professions of research in chemistry and teaching English? If you answered the first question the pbysidist and the second chemical research, you're probably giving the same answers the majority in the United States would give with the same questions posed to them. Why? People like Univer sity professor of English Karl Shapiro think Ameri cans are possessed by somewhat of s science hys teria. Writing in the June 9, 185B, edition of The New Republic for instance, Shapiro con demned the present scientific competition between . Russia and the United States as a game "liable to spell the end Jones ... difference In definitions. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ),T 0- I. Jumii8aimn n i n mti ilwwwi iV SIGNING UP As Summer Sessions stu dents signed up for their classes the Coli seum and Men's Phylsical Education building were busy places. Here Dr. N. F. Index to Inside Pages THE NOT SO GOOD OLD DAYS Teachers' contracts used to deal with many things not concerned with teach ing or teaching ability. For some of the absurdities "mod ern teachers escape see . . . Pajre 2 A HERITAGE OF GREATNESS AND STRUGGLE The Da2y Nebraskan has built a heritage of producing great men and getting into big troubles. For the turbulent and productive history see . . . ........ Page 3 A SUMMER OF ENTERTAINMENT For the Summer ' Sessions students the Student Union has planned a full schedule of entertainment. To learn what the Union has in store for yon see . . . Page 4 FOR SUMMER READING The University of Nebraska library will provide weekly reading lists to be published in The Summer Nebraskan. For this week's list see . . Page 4 REPORT ON A BUSY WEEK END The University of Nebraska has just completed Graduation Week End with all of its graduation, alumni, and board of regents news. For digests of these events Pa2e2 Academia of all humanistic culture throughout the world." But scientists, such as Dr. Robert Chasson, head of the University department of physics, feel that calling science the culprit is rather typical of the never-ending search for a scapegoat to ex plain problems. It seems a paradox has de veloped. Scientists, many feel, rather than the human, ists are being turned to for Carroll Kraus, former edi tor rf the Daily Nebraskan, is a senior In the school of journalism at the Univer sity of Nebraska. Kraus was recently chosen for membership ia Kappa Tan Alpha, journalism none rary, and as a student has Forked for the Lincoln Jours aL leadership in the future of the world, even though the sci entist has caught much of the blame for producing trie bombs that have increased world tension. Perhaps, as Chasson said, it is because the image of the scientist is a mysterious one and because the things that science does are dra matic. Webster will tell you that science is the systematic knowledge of nature and the physical world. Hence a scientist Is a f?ci"iliiit in science, especially the' natural kind. A humanist, on the other hand, is a student of what may be called human na ture and human affairs (hp humanities. The human ities are such things as language and literature, philosophy and the fine arts. ST' see A third area might be de fined. That is the area of the social sciences which deals with the structure of society and the activity of its mem bers. Social sciences include history, economics, political science, ana me me. Scientific Youth You might eet an idea of the interest in science and technology by talking to a 10- vear-old: he s aot to be an expert on rocketry, substitut ing scientiiic 2 act lor ine typical adventurous fiction of the Huckleberry Finn type. Many humanists feel tnat this situation has resulted in short-changing them and the country. As the American Scholar reporteo on March 16 of this year: The past few years nave witnessed a growing protest amonf intellectual agamst the scientific philosophy, and, in narticular. aeainst the sci entific study of "man. After a generation of caretree ascendance scientists s u d denly find themselves under attack from a band of mili tant humanists who charge tnat science is costing man his humanity and giving him little in return. Public Wants Panaceas This is a view that Dr. Chasson describes thusly: the public has a hard time put ting the world situation "into focus so they always look for panaceas to explain every thing." No area of gray exists, he said; "everything is either black or white." This paradoxical bust and mistrust of science and the scientist probably centers around two areas of thought: Although the scientist has made discoveries that have led to development of super i bombs, other discoveries A Si.. "1 vW' ' t V f "i t O - f-V Thorps (second from left), principal of Teachers College High School, helps with a problem. ",;.s They railed it SOcy's Reg MissCatber contributed See page 3 v Shapiro . . . saved by a thread. have shortened "the average oerson's work week and made his life in general easier., Some humanists feel, how ever, that the scientist doesn't want the job of ' run ning", the world, and is fall ing back on the humanist Stuart Cuthbertson, former bead of the University of Colorado department of mod ern languages and literature, made that point in a recent issue of the Western Humani ties Review. He said, - ... it is the nuclear scientist who exalts the humanities by calling upon all of us for help in preventing the misuse of the discoveries of sci ence." Savrd bv a Thread Prof. Shapiro charged that, "In developing a nauon of mechanics and super-me chanics, we have been saved from his toric nerdition (rum) onlv bv a thin thread of re ligion and by a still thinner is - J V 'Spotlight on First Summer The first special feature of the 1960 Summer Sessions will be a World Affairs Pre view, "Spotlight on Russia." The program will be present ed by Nicholas DeWitt at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 14, in Love Library auditorium. DeWitt is a research asso ciate of the Office of Scien tific Personnel of the Na WRWHWIHiinuMNmUHIHmHWriwttM An Editorial 'Adventures in Thmkinsf This is an invnarion to join the Summer Nebraskan staff in adventures in relaxing, in reading, and, most im portant, in thinking. - To the staff, this will represent an adventure in news papering. This editorial, if indeed it is one, may well be the only formal editorial you will read in the Summer Nebraskan. This does not mean that the staff lacks respect for editorial opinion It means that this newspaper hopes to devote its energies to what is called the depth ap proach to news." The staff feels that our summer reading audience merits and w ants a newspaper that is stimulating. Neither the word 'thinking" nor "depth" need mean stuHy." To permit this type of newspaper, several changes have been made in the structure of the Summer Nebras kan. Former readers will note immediately that the paper has been enlarged fiom a 5-column tabloid format to a seven-column newtuaper offering approximately one third more space. Taj staff has been increased to 2 full time employees. Miss Mary Lou Reese as editor will be responsible for the news columns. Miss Doneite Keys as business manager win handle advertising and circulation. Both are seniors completing internship requirements for a Professional Certificate in Journalism. As in past year? advisers for the Summer Nebras kan will be faculty members of the University's School of Journalism. The advirs this summer are Neale Cop pie and Dr. William E. Hall. The Summer Nebraska welcomes your comments and criticisms. It invites your response to ideas discussed in its stories. It inviies suggestions for attention to news areas that might be overlooked. The staff invites your full participation in what we hope win be a pleasant summer reading and thinking" adventure. BnniminiHntniitmmiuwtirnimHnwiffltwwHKUuHfflifflmimnmiatmniimnHiwiiuKiHiw thread of humane studies." Shapiro said moral author ity in America today is "all but non-existent," claiming "the scientific mind . . . drove religion and the arts into the wilderness." As far as religion and sci ence go, C. J. Ducasse, pro fessor emeritus of pbilosphy at Brown University, put it, . . . what modern sci ence has done has been to clean out and dispose of some of the myths that had no re ligious functions, and that only served to anaesthetize unsatisfied scientific curio sity." Tint in Hniflff SO. DUCaSSC said, "science has cultivated in man the habit of demana ing evidence for the beliefs be is asked to accept; and this has led many persons to reject the religious overbe Iip'c imnlv because there was no evidence for them." Science and Education Is education pro-science? shanirn said. "In America we have not yet reached the point of scientilic govern mont hut we have gone pret ty far already in adopting scientific education, i a e .hniii eririrfltinnal bureauc- Wt MSC racy, the whale quasiscientif ic class of educationalists with their punch cards ana hnloeical batteries have turned American education into just another machine, fin fhe noint of education, however, a Lincoln scientist, Dr. Emerson Jones, con tended that the humanities were far from lost. Dr. Jones, assistant to the director of Consumers Pub lic Power District and a chief scientist in the construction of the Hallam atomic plant, pointed out a difference in definitions. Jones said be fell that TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1960 tional Research Council and National Academy of Sci ences in Washington. D.C He has been an associate at the Russian Research Cen ter at Harvard University for approximately 10 years. He was bom in Kharkov, Russia, and is a naturalized citizen of the United States. DeWitt is the author of two Peaceful the student scientist has an ample opportunity t broaden himself with a wide range of coDege courses. He agreed, however, that the engineering stu dent generally doesnt have the same opportunity. Prof. Chasson agreed with this viewpoint, and decried "crash operations" of edu cating the engineer. He said an engineer, like the sci entist, needs to assimilate a large body of knowledge dur ing bis college years, and can't touch a very broad field in most four-year, technology-crammed engineering courses. Science in Government What about scientific gov ernment? Jones agreed with charges that science may have been over emphasized here in re cent years. But he added that such really isn't the case in American business. For instance, he said, America's transportation sys tem could be quickly turned to nothing but aviation in a short time. "But would the average person want to take a heli copter to get to Crete?" he asked. The consumer, he ex plained, bas more of a choice on what industry will do with science than does the taxpayer in what the government does. Physicist Chasson pointed out that if government ae tivitie concerned with sci ence have been overbalanced, it is hard to place the blame on the scientist. Businessmen, not human isti or scientiti. control most of the key portions in gov ernment and even in sucn groups as the Atomic Energy Commission, be said. Good Morning! There are now only 44 days remaining In the 196 Summer Session. Russia' Special books dealing with Soviet Russia: Soviet Professional Manpower Its Education, Training and Supply, and Ed ucation and Professional Em ployment in the USSR. In ad dition to publishing 16 arti cles and two monographs, De Witt has served as tech nical director for the docu mentary program "The Chal lenge: Soviet Sciences' pro duced by Westinghouse Ra dio. De Witt win arrive at the University June 10 to lecture in the Department of Histo ry and Princples of Educa tion. He wiH speak at il a.m. Friday, June 10, and at 11 a.m. and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, June 13. The Second World Affairs Preview, "Spotlight on Afri ca." wO be presented by John Furbay at 2 p.m. Mon day, June 27. Furbay, a grad uate of Ohio State University, New York University, the Sorbonne, and Yale, is a for mer president of the College of West Africa in Monrovia, Liberia. He has also served as education adviser to the Liberian government During his three years in West Africa, he collected li berian Tiatke artifacts which are now on permanent exhi bition in the American Mu seum of Natural History in New York. He has worked as a syndi cated newspaper columnist, been guest lecturer at the World Seminar in Geneva, Switzerland, served as senior specialist for the United States Office of Education and written five book. The final World Affairs Pre view, "Spotlight on Japan," Continued en Page 2 Co-Existence? Knell? I What is the aMWBT tO What is the answer to tha science-humanities problem, if it really does exists? Prof. Shapiro suggested' "all of this middle ground between science and art, this no-man's land called so clev erly social sciences, is ground that has to be cleared before the humanities can get on the march." The Pulitzer Prize-winning poet said. The ho- , inanities must, in fact, res cue science from its un comfortable position of au thority, a position the true scientist will gladly abdi cate." The phsyics department head called for more under standing, understanding of who scientists and humanists are and what they do. Chasson said the humanist and the scientist "have to rely on each other far complete guidance of people m their total lives." And the public, he said. can't deny one or the other. 1 J 4 - ." '" V 7 S JIS Chasson . . . search for scrapegoat.