Friday, May 20, 1960 The Daily Nebraskan Page 7 Eyth Receives Outstanding Intramural Athlete Award Sparks Phi Kappa Psi To Intramural Cronus Bob Eyth, sparkplug of two Phi Kappa Psi champion ships, has been named the Daily Nebraskan's Outstand ing Intramural Athlete of the Year. Eyth played wingback in football and scored 17 points in the track meet to pace the Phi Psis to titles in the grid and cinder sports. Senior The 21-year old senior is small but powerful. The for mer Beatrice track ace stands 5'11" and weighs 165 pounds. This year Bob made the All-University football team J : : ; 1 I i iff I? IV. i ill 4 as a wingback, scored 10 points per game on a Phi Psi basketball team which fin ished second in its league and had an over-all 6-3 won-lost record, played on the Phi Psi volleyball team and played center field in Softball. Perhaps Eyth's best show ing this year came in the In tramural Track meet where he singlehandedly led the Phi Psis to the championship. He finished second in the 60 yard dash and one lap race and anchored the winning four lap relay team. During his four years at Nebraska Eyth has partici pated in football, basketball, track, volleyball, ' softball, paddle ball and handball on the intramural scene. In the 1958-59 Intramural season, he was on the second place football squad, the championship volleyball team and won the 60-yard dash, one lap race and 440-yard dash in track as the Phi Psis finished third. Eyth was on the Nebraska track team as a freshman and sophomore, picking up a freshman numeral. Other ac tivities include past-president of Phi Kappa Psi. IFC Rep resentative and Phi Epsilon Kappa. In high school Bob won 10 letters, sparking in track, football and basketball. The four-year track letterman was second to George Peterson of 1 It 1 , V te--iiiiiyfiiTiiw. , A Gridder Nebraska City in the 100 and 220 yard dashes in 1956 as Beatrice copped the State Track Championship. Eyth turned in marks of 9.9 in the 100 and 22.0 in the 220, two real good times. Eyth, who is in Teachers College majoring in speech with a minor in physical edu cation, plans to be married June 11 and return to finish school and take graduate work next year. Future plans for Bob in clude coaching and teaching. You'll Enjoy Shopping t GOLD'S UPBEAT DOWNBEAT OFFBEAT Phone CR 7-1211 Swim Beat! Yes, this summer get into the twhn of things wttb. beach accessories and the new two-piece look. It's your privilege to stir up envy on th beach! ... A Student Freshman Roster Has 20 Natives With only five seniors on this year's Nebraska baseball team, it will be no easy task to break into Coach Tony Sharpe's lineup next spring. Nevertheless, there are some promising freshmen who will be giving the veter ans a fight for positions. Only Veteran Harry Toily is the only vet eran on this year's mound staff and with Jan Wall, Don Purcell, Dave Webster and Ron Cougill returning, spots on the hill will be scarce. Top frosh hurlers include Tom Ernst, Ron Havekost, Ed Johnson, Dick Mil ma, Gary Thrasher and Ernie Bonistall. Bonistall was with the football team this spring but is considered to be a top prospect by Sharpe. Sam Kreigh, a two-sport star in basketball and base ball leads the catchers. The top infielders include Dale Anderson, shortstop, and outfielder-f i r s t baseman Larry Bemis. Roy Imai, a good field no hit freshman, John Faimon and Don Schin del lead the outer gardeners. Gii Dunne, captain and second baseman on the 1959 team, has been directing the frosh workouts. Twenty six players are on the roster Including 20 who list Nebras ka as their home state. A; ' 1 j i . . "5. - V U " Bob Eyth ... A sprinter Husker Bowlers Tie for Second Nebraska's bowling team finished in a tie for second with Kansas State In the Big Eight Bowling Tourney. Ne braska had the high team game of 1058 and second high team series of 269. Ralph Track Program TKIDAT 10:M a.m Class B pole vault (InsideV 12:30 p.m. Class A pole vault (inside). 1:00 p.m. 1M htftl hurdle prelimttt Bnn, Class C hixh jump. Class A broail jump (inside). Class C shot put. Class D discus. l:4ii p.m. 100 yard dash preliminaries. 2:1 p.m. W) yard run finals. 2:90 p.m. Class D hull jump. Class B broad jump (inside). Class D shot put. Class C discus. 2:50 p.m. -M0 yard dash prelimin aries. 3:0 p.m. Class C pole vault (inside). 3:20 p.m. 1B0 yard low hurdles pre liminaries. 4.60 p.m. 220 yard dash preliminaries. SATURDAY 9:00 sun. Class D pole vault (inside), Class A hh jump. Class C broad jump (inside). Class A shot put. Class B dis cus. 10:10 p.m. 2-mlle relay finals (Classes A it B. Class B high jump, Class D broad jump (inside). Class B shot put. Class A discus. I SO p.m 120 yard hUrti hurdles finals. 1:19 p.m. 100 yard dash finals. 1:901 p.m. 180 yard low tiurrlles finals. l:SO p.m. 440 yard dash finals . 2:10 p.m. 22(1 yard dash finals. 2:35 p.m. Mile run finals. 1 3:00 pjn. 880 yard relay finals. 3:45 p.m Mile relay finals. Homstrom had the high aver tgn of 189. Kansas won the tourney, ! followed by K-State and the Huskers. Colorado was fourth, Oklahoma State fifth and Mis souri sixth. Congratulations Zero Tou Alpha won the Philip Morris Inc. Save-A-Pock contest. They won a Mognovox stereo with 5,788 packs. PS. DoVt forget to sov your empty poe;s (Philip Morris, Parli ament, Marlboro Alpine) this summer. Philip Morris extends their thanks to all those who entered the eon test this year. DO YOU HAVE TEST DOLDRUMS? THE CAPTAIN Suggests ( lJz that you stop in and brighten up your WEEK and MDROB 3 UNIVf'SITT OS tiiIIASKA IINCOIN . ' -yl N hi iwm : ''Minnie Finnie' a aeiiehtfuicoinbiHtioBttitewitii you to your favorite beach, a barbecue or wherever there is likely to be fun. Should cause a riot on campus! .1.98 : i.9s riu Tax 'Set A Record" A clever beach bar for the stereo bug: in the crowd. Clever idea for a gift. The Lobster" A conversation piece of a swim hat. Many styles of "save a wave" caps by Klienerts. Cap .3.98 2 I r f(te so til Whflre You Receive Added Savings with Green Stamps. 1 1 III -0 d "Whistle Tops" This delightful duo shown could span any sports wear wardrobe. So cute "n olever. Everyone's talk intr about them. Many styles not shown. S. M. I 1.98 Each D. "Straw Hat" A rood way to halt the summer heatwaves and keep your skin soft and lovely. 2.50 E. 'The Mask" A beach bar that captures the African native flavor. 2.98 F. "Sea Anemone M This sharp two piecer is a scene stealer on the fceach. A two part story about the return of the native. Es tablish your beachhead in this suit by Maurice Handler ... only ... 14.98. GOLD'S Fun n Sun Shop ... Second Ftoor COLD'S Surf 'a Sand Shop ... Second Floor