The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, May H, I960
Page 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Editorial Comment:
Nearly Three Million
Hit 1959 'Dishonor RoW
Every year the Travelers Insurance
Companies publish a statistical report on
U.S. highway accidents during the previ
ous year. The I960 edition, the 34th an
nual one, is called "The Dishonor Roll,"
featuring on the cover a picture of Death's
bony fingers clutching a grim record of
death, injury and suffering.
In 1359, more than 2,900,000 Americans
added their names to the nation's roll call
of dead and injured in auto accidents, an
increase of almost 50,000 over the previous
year. They vert added despite the plead
ings and warnings of those who try in vain
to halt the carnage on our highways.
For those who recognize the evil and
battle it with the few weapons at their
command, the struggle often seems a hope
less one. Eaci year the grim reaper
emerges victorious, bis Dishonor Roll
growing even longer with the names of
men, women and children, drivers and
pedestrians, the careless and innocent
Since the first automobile chugged nois
ily down cobblestone streets, more than 62
million killed, crippled and maimed .Amer
icans hav inscribed their names on this
Dishonor RoQ. Mora have died on the high
ways than on our nation's battlefields.
More have been injured than in all the
world's wars combined.
This roll call of highway fatalities is no
secret document hidden from public gaze.
In newspapers and bulletins, legal and po
lk reports, in courtrooms and judges'
chambers, the names of the Dishonored
and their innocent victims are made
known to aH.
And not the names alone, but the cata
logue of their deeds; driving while drunk,
excessive speed, violating the rules of the
road, jaywalking, faicre to dim lights.
These are a few of the offenses. In an
endless roll the names are read, and the
judgments given. Then, more often than
not, the dishonored proceed to emblazon
their names again on the shameful record.
It is apparent that despite the statistical
lists, the courtroom scenes, the newspaper
headlines, and the spotlight of publicity
we continue to ignore this great and need
less waste of human resources and ma
terial values.
We shake our heads in sorrow over
friends and relatives listed, children killed,
lives blighted. Then, as in 1959, we add
the names of 37.600 men, women and chil
dren killed, 2,870.000 injured, maimed or
disfigured, an ever-increasing toll of dis
honor. What is the solution to this national dis
grace? Obviously, no one has found it to date.
Statistics, pledges and slogans have had
little apparent effect on the American pub
lic. None of those have brought about last
ing awareness of the needless waste of
lives, the untold suffering, represented by
this Dishonor RoIL
Each year, more and more of us heed
lessly forget or intentionally disregard the
messages of our safety experts. We re
fuse to make that personal commitment
to greater care which is necessary if we
are to survive the holocaust of our high
ways. Only through an awareness of the ter
rible power of the modern automobile and
only through the desire of each of us to
keep our good names from the pages of
the Dishonor Roll, will we begin to lower
the deadly toll, and make our highways
safe avenues of commerce and pleasure
Weight on World More Ponderous
The weight a the world's shoulders
seemed to grow heavier Monday when the
Sig Four Summit Conference came to
what seemed aa abrupt ball almost before
it started.
Soviet Premier Xiila Khrushchev took
back Ms invila&OB to President Eisenhow
er to visit Russia and both exchanged
angry words accusing the other of tor
pe4oing tie conference.
The American viewpoint, of course, is
that KhrsshcbeT pulled a typical Russian
move of, as Senate Democratic Leader
Lyndoe Johnson said, subterfage to avoid
, "orderly negotiation."
The President said, The onJy conda
s5oa that can be drawn from Ms (Khrush
chev's) behavior Monday morning was
that he came all the way from Moscow to
Paris w3a the sole intention of sabotaging
the meeting on whks a mods of the hopes
of Che world have rested."
AJSSttaga KhruEhdher seemed to make
an issue of the Ul spy plane incident, he
also teemed to ignore- Eisenhower's dis
closure that VS. spy Eights over the So
viet Union have been cancelled.
This frySSpnt Monday, piled open all the
ethers involving the Soviet Union in in
ternational relations for many years, made
it even more dear that the United Slates
is facicg an enemy of the like it has never
faced before compromising, very pow
erful, very defeated to the goal of world
What can this nation do? Perhaps we
most again try to deal at the conference
tahle and keep cj the hope that somehow,
omeday the world can live without fear,
wiihovt hate, without conquest at the goal
of leaders of very powerful cations.
Khrsshcher commented Monday that a
sdx-fnanta delay la summit talks may be
necessary; tfcat a later IL$. adinMstration
may enderstand the situation if the present
one cannot.
"What will the United Stales do"? Will a
fa for perhaps another slap ia the
The answer may well be that we will
have to return and hope. The hope for
peace is eternal and although cf.en frus
trating, perhaps the conference table is
the place where some "tangible advance
ment towards peace may be met.
It seems thai we are bayiEg time to live
wilhout a "shooling war but are not buy
ing peace. For we are in a real war right
now, one of ideas and dollars more so
than rifles and armies.
Perhaps this is all we can do try not to
get pushed around too much, yet not make
the boldest of statements, not push tfee
most agressive policies. .
It would not be surprising, therefore, to
see this nation in November turn to the
candidate from the Democratic Party, in
hopes, perhaps unreal ones, that a change
in the executive branch will enable this
nation to deal with Russia effectively.
This might be an unreal hope. Rut al
ready concerned Republicans have admit
ted that what happened Monday may have
cat thousands of voters away from the
Republican side. Others expressed hope
that the American people may be encour
aged by the stand of President Eisenhower
and look forward to more GOP leadership
of compromise only if constructive changes
are quite apparent.
Perhaps it would be wise for the catian
to f&JQow the advice of Sen. Johnson "to
remain calm in the face of the danger
which confronts ns."
The general feeling at least before the
Suaunil began was that Russia would not
want to start a war at this time, perhaps
never n a nuclear scale. We are holding
onto this and rationaliziiig about our (mu
safety, yet are very concerned for the fu
ture of the mankind.
As Sen. Johnson said. "If this game
goes on ia its present vein this game of
propaganda, counterpropaganda, this
game of probe and conmerprobe, this
game of invite or not to invite there will
indeed be a wreckage to study, a monu
mental wreckage.
''But it will be for some other genera
tion, not this one, to study it For the
wreckage will not be just a plane. It win
be the charred remnants of a civiizatkm
which houses living mankind."
Daily Nebraskan
grnr-ifXKE team oi
Tfrfw, AshmUW CaUrttM mm
lee, iMrpfwea
jTuMAri t Kmbw te. ftce Cataa
lutarota. Ketone
Ttf t-iai, ert. . tttt TJ
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tartar r7!i' " '-' - -' " -'rllrt!', "
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MUM. Mmra
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iiiiv '""T ffawr mnw,
!Tl -. ' "". torn ML
KtM mim. tmmm mmm.
wumxwm nmn
f)n Other Campuses
K-State Fraternity Men
Stingy With Pins, Rings
I- ' 1 - mT.l -
Nebraskan Letterip
Th, Bm MiMkn mm NkH mmU Ihtmt wnmm mmrm
tMtm mnmtmlmm tmliiKMX
M mmm tmm iln' mm. OiMn anv
j tBlMte m a mrm LiWii m rmrrt ttm nm. KM
liiHi ra4 IMs Ml Um Krtntta nil tmm rtO 1 1 I n tkas.
Will tmm wtncTs rmrrnm.
Good Work
To the Editor:
It is encouraging to see
good news about fraterni
ties once again.
I am referring to the
awarding of the Alpha Tau
Omega Help Week Trophy
to the Sigma Alpha Mu
The SAM s can be proud
of their pledge class activi
ties during the year, which
included a general clean-up
at the State Mental Hospital
and help in providing direc
tion to juevnile delinquents
as another project.
And the class made a fine
6.1 average overall, a goal
that many fraternities
would be doing well to
strive for.
Two seniors in architecture,
James Gorup and Jacob Ha -a
have been named as recipi
ents of the annual American
Institute of Architecture
. G-ornp received tfce first
place medal and Haun the
second place honor. Awards
are made in recognition of
scholastic achievement, char
acter and promise of profes
sional ability. Both received of "Mont Si. Michel
and Chartres" by Henry
Adams. '
Other awards were the Al
pha Rho Chi medal to Jeff
Baii&eberg, A1A award for
outstanding achievement dar
ing five years of study to
John Pressly Solso and fac
ulty awards fur outstanding
achievement and development
m line tmj or arcniieciure
darirg the past five years to
Lamrence Hawthorne, Leroy
Ha&mussen and Modris Pud-
mm. fan
Although not a SAM. I
must again congratulate
them on their constructive
pledge program and hope
that other fraternities
even my own will take a
more positive attitude to
wards pledge training and
other fraternity activities
that will give Greeks some
good publicity, that which
they need and that ihich
they deserve.
J. B.
Music Requests
Considering myself some
what of a lover of music of
all types and enjoying juke
box facilities in the Crib,
it's rather appalling to see
the childish scribbungs that
deface the request list on
the Crib jukebox.
The piece of paper put
there is for the purpose of
finding out what new songs
and types of music Crib
patrons would enjoy it's
cot for testing out four-letter
words and "smart" say
ings. Beethoven
Kansas State coeds have
been able to manage vari
ous tokens of affection from
about a third of the K-State
fraternity membership.
The Kansas State Colle
gian reported that 324 of
1,197 fraternity men were
lavaliered, pinned or en
gaged at the time of the
recent poll.
Lavaliering has taken in
nearly half this, number,
16S. Some 123 pins are out
as are 53 rings.
The paper commented
that perhaps the remain
ing 853 fraternity men are
the ones who are most com
monly heard singing a rath
er familiar song the boy
girl ratio is terrible.
If you haven't got out
much in the sun yet this
spring and are admiring a
friend's tan, better not be
in too much of a hurry to
catch up.
For the head of Student
Health at the Kansas State
University -says cosmic
rays from the sun consti
tute a serious radiation
hazard source, and aid in
the possible development
of skin cancer in future
The K-State Collegian re
ported Dr. B. W. Lafene
said, 'This does not mean
that sunlight is unhealthy.
Gradual suntan is a healthy
"A person should not try
to judge the degree of his
burn by the pinkish tint
of his skin while he is still
in the sun." the doctor add
ed, for "the bum does not
fully develop until several
hours after the exposure."
And Dr. John G. Grant
of the Iowa State Health
Service suggests working
up to long periods of
Dr. .Grant .advised,
"Blondes should start
with 28-minote periods
ia the sen. Breeettes
should start with 39 min
ates at a time."
And he warned against
falling asleep and taking
in too much sun without
realizing it It's just like
walking into a fire, . Dr.
Grant said, with possible
ruit of blisters, swollen
eyes and . second degree
One of America's 10
leading Shakespearean
scliolars will retire from
the faculty of the Univer
sity of Wichita at the end
of this year.
Dr. George W. Wilner,
professor of speech and
dramatic arts, joined the
faculty in 1923 and Is cred
ited with making the dra
ma department at the Uni
versity a success.
His plans for the future
include travel to Mexico,
Alaska, Quebec and New
The University of Minne
sota is preparing for its
first undergraduate humor
publication since the pass
ing of Max Schulman, Heg
gen and Ski-U-Mah.
The new yearly will be
named "Fester, the maga
zine that makes everyone
"Fester" reportedly will
be identifiable by a pic
ture of Jayne Mansifled on
the cover and will be me
morable by virtue of - a
Mansfield picture on the
The recent Veishea cele
bration at Iowa State Uni
versity didn't even up hap
pily for everyone.
A number of Iowa State
students and Veishea visi
tors filed complaints with
Ames Police Chief O. J.
Erickson that they had
something stolen.
Most of the articles were
missing from the Memorial
Chief Erickson said the
stolen articles included nu
merous raincoats and two
typewriters, one from the
Verishea office in the Union
and one from a graduate
student. A transistor radio
and a camera with acces
sories were taken from a
car parked on campus.
And in addition at the
Union, someone walked off
with a bowling ball and
several billiard balls.
Chief Erickson said he
did not know whether visi
tors or students were re
sponsible for the thefts.
Read HVebraskan
Want Ads
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When your ihroat tells )
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a;MOk a mniunwm tummu tmmr. " "