The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1960, Page Page 4, Image 4
Three Get Year Leave Of Absence Three University professors have received the consent of the Board of Regents to spend the next school year lecturing and doing research work abroad. Dr. Glenn W. Gray, profes sor of history, has received a University Research Council FAllowshin to study parlia mentary proceedings in the i British Isles during the fallj semester. " j Dr. William Bowsky, associ-. ate professor of history, will I travel t Italv where he will' study the history of medieval Siena. Siena was one of the greatest commercial and banking powers in Western Europe during the 13th Cen tury. Dr. Bowsky will take his leave during second se mester of next year. Dr. Oscar Mandel, asoci ate professor of English, has received a Fulbright Fellow ship to lecture on English and American literature at the Amsterdam Municipal University for the 1960-61 school year. A year's absence was also granted by the Regents to Dr. Merle Stoneman, profes sor of school administration and elementary education. Dr. Stoneman will accept a position in the U.S. Office of Education, school plants di vision. Four resignations were ac cepted by the Board of Re gents. They included Dr. Hel len Linkswiler, professor of home economics; Robert Wot ton, associate professor of zo ology; Miss Jean Davis as sociate professor of home economics; and Phil Ruesch hoff, coordinator of art in the Extension Division. Research grants totaling $112,481, training grants amounting to $85,523 and Fel lowships equaling $6,802 were accepted by the Board. On the Social Side. Last Weekend Full Of Parties, Balls House parties and formals wUl dominate the social cal ender this, the last weekend before finals studying begins in earnest. Friday Alpha Omicron Pi Rose for mal, 7-12 p.m. Filkim Elected Builders Rep Myron Filkins, sophomore In Agriculture, was elected Builders Student Council rep presentative Thursday. He was the last member to be elected, except for a run off election for Tassels repre sentative, due to a tie. Grad Club Parly Tonight The Grad Club Party Dance will be held tonight at 8:30 in the Student Union party room. Delta Pim Elect, Pledge, Initiate During Week Delta Phi Delta, national art honorary, has elected Thelhia Christertson as its new president. Other officers chosen include Tweed Champe Evans, vice presi dent; Bette McKeown, secre tary and Kay Harano, treas urer. Last week seven students were pledged to the honorary on the basis of scholarship and art ability. They were Susie Heggen, Barb Hoffman, Lynn Wright, Lois Muhle. Mary Erickson, Mary Raben and Linda Turnbull. In addition. Delta Phi Del ta initiated five new mem bers. They included Tom Slo ane, Judy Lang. Miss Evans, Miss Harano and Miss Mc Keown. Miss Harana has been chosen to represent Psi chap ter of the honorary at the Na tional 50 year convention in Lawrence, Kan. June 24-26. National Defense Loans Available July 15 is the deadline for filing applications for loans on the National Defense Student Loan Program. Students that are on the loan program at present must also file new applications by the 15th. Applications forms and in formation are available at the Student Loan office m 204 Administration. Alpha Xi Delta date-dinner", 6-8 p.m. Delta Gamma-FarmHouse exchange pizza, 5:30-7. Sigma Chi formal, 8-12 p.m. Lincoln General-B e s s e y, Selleck dance, 7:30-11 p.m. Saturday Alpha Gamma Rho sweet heart formal, 6-12 p.m. Alpha Tau Omega formal, 8-12 p.m. Beta Sigma Psi "Hard Luck" house party; 9-12 p.m. Beta Theta Pi Beachcom ber house party, 8-12 p.m. Phi Delta Theta "Swamp Stomp" house party, 9-12 p.m. Phi Gamma Delta Fiji Is land house party, 9-12 p.m. 1 Theta Xi Driftwood house party, 8 12 p.m. Ag Men Cowboy Party, 7 11 p.m. Selleck Quadrangle Soccer Club Dance, 8-11 p.m. Sunday Fedde-Love Memorial Tea, 4-5 p.m. Farmllouse date picnic, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Organ Recital Bv Roberts Set Myron Roberts, professor of organ, will give the first organ recital at the newly constructed Church of the Holy Trinity in Lincoln on Sunday at 4 p.m. The recital will be open to the public and will include a group of Bach selections and others inspired by the Anglican tradition. Roberts will play one of his own compositions. "Prelude and Trumpetings," which is now in the process of being published. This is also the first time for a recital on the church organ. Roberts was the church's consultant in the con struction of the organ and is the congregation's permanent organist. NOW!- OP USE T3 msn AT POPULAR cinmiKG mm mama, fUfl AND HUlK-GllSKWm PRICES! mdt&memm Nebraskan Want Ads 190. Wocd 1 da. I i aa, S 1-1 .40 -M . 1.00 11-15 M .80 1.0B IM is-20 ,00 .96 1 25 I 1 ISO n-25 ) ITO I 1.10 lT 1 1 TO 86-Mt I .80 1 I 1.05 I 2 00 itl-g I .00 I 1.40 1. I 2.2B 38-43 1.00 t I M 2 88 ) 8 80 Theae tow-oet mtea apply to Want Arte which are planed for m-ecutlv dura and pal for within 10 davi after the ad errIre or la canceled. Ada o ba printed In the elaaalfled aactlon ef the Dally Nebraeken muat be acenmpanted by ttaa noma of tha person placing amid ad. FOR SALE Beat rent 'f8 Spartan trailer. IS ft., attached fxlt knotty pin aturiy j room. Will aetl both, aat up for i living, at Just a Httle orar the loan i lue of trailer alone. Ouallty I throughout See tt now move In , Easter vacation lor before (. Bank will handle lanra percentare. Con tract on balance If needed. Lot loa-O. 4000 Comhuaker Hwy. j OrartuatlnirT Treat yotiraelf to a dandy '69 Ford Oalarle 2-dnor. Ivory with i red Interior, low milee. condition per fast. Call OR T-1098 after . t? Plymouth Oninbrook, blue tr. j trans, very good condition. OA 8-676. 1 or Beeeey Hall, room' 16. ! WANTED Wanted. Haahera to work for mean, contact Howard Kooper SAM HE 2-2130. TAILORING pieaaiuaklng or alterations dona at rea sonable prices In neat up-to-date atylaa. Call Ma via. HE 2-2214. RIDES rf35r?vrirM"3 TODAY! fHFalS . - -a..-.. afX I lnirxiii4 It f r I f m .m M. f M w UuD zoom a . V-sJ V,l- z- YiV i Tfet wkatt bStte trj f tht tte cwldnt kD-tte pMgcst ! wkt ntatw enmt tMmwMtlartifM Tml 'eaaS4aa) a.-." VV. V Mom 4y wit it PARK FREE 1 AFTER 6:00 P.M. Leaving for Los Annlea June 1. Will talc four rldera. IN 0-1350. Would like to share experwes with per aon driving to Los Aneeiea vicinity between May 30 and June 4. Call HE 2-202. The Daily Nebraskan Delta Omicron Plans Musical e Delta Omicron, national pro fessional music society for women, will present its Spring Musicale today at 4 p.m. in the Social Science auditorium. The group will present five numbers under the direction of Sue Stehl. Soloists will be Louise Con rad, Jean Sanders, Kay Schoneberg, Nancy Watton and Ann White. MONEY Isn't Everything But, don't sell your skills, ox perianc and education too cheaply. At A PLUS we van get you top money for your talents, from jobs available at this time. Men & Women OFFICE SALES ENGINEERING SClENTtfK A PLUS Employment Agency 4S3I So. 24th Omaha 7, Fre pufcinr after C p.mj DOORS OPEN VLM 140 N T3A-KE 2-1465 STARTS TODAY! LWREI KKNCTM HERBERT BACALLMORELOM wf J I feHT xcifin9 ADVENTURE . . I r35 moving DRAMA! I T1m most suspeRstlul i 1 x liri Filmed in exotic India Friday, May 13, I960 . Jr jtcc psrlctng aAer 1 1 mA .11 MMWS nPTV MM 1 11 1227 U-KE 2-3897 STARTS TODAY! M-CMpm. m LANA lURNER TP. KIRK Douglas TY WALTER PlDGEON - DICK Powell,. f t J , I , i,, tiniiiiiii'iiiiriiiiii"- bakkvSUUJVAN Graham e GILBERT Roland iiH! fcltlall! ! to M-8-M Ka Ra VNaw a-jaajy iTll III M-Q-M . - TECHNICOLOR "THE LAST TIME f I SAW PARIS" j Stsmng CUZAÐ VAM TAYLOR - JOHNSON waitek PSDGEON'PowmaREEP A BODQQQQQDQDQigQODDQQQQDn PERSONAL iou can ret by with It at Wilbur and yoii ean get buy with It at Pureey vllle. but yon better not try it at Craw. TURNPIKE Sat. Moy 14 The FobulotM SMOKEY STOVER n1 hit original Firemen Stars ef "Arge Record." Biraet fraaa ChaMoo'a fanwtie "Brae RoH . . . eaoft re a raopaaartng at raw Srarouat Hotel In Los Vegot. JPECIAi. ADDED ATTRACTION"" The Presentotion of the 9 Finalists of the "Miss Lincoln Contest." AfMiM TMuti, Millar ft talnaa Tana tnaa SsccN College Nite mcosi VALLA PIZZA & SPAGHETTI HOUSE 2790 South St. E SPECIAL OFFER TO 0 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS o SUNDAY, MAY 15 ONLY! O Present I.D. eards for special Prices. O All Dinners $1.00 n $1.50 Pizxo '.'Ml... $1.25 " - n Rose Villa- for excellent food " served in nfeaif.,. nnfirannuent O o p a ak l l I n c o I n CAREER SHOE SHOP, FIRST FLOOR M SHOtS strike a smart summer note! So light, cool, right for summer-long wear . . . seven from our smart summer collection! The matchless plain pump, perfect for sum mer in white or in black potent. In high or mid heel. 10.95 Mid-heel sling style is beautifully done in white, bone kid, black patent. 12.95 7 YvSNT 8.95 The bare, beautiful shoe is high heel style in bone kid nougat or in black patent; mid heel style in bonenou gat. 12.95 Elegant pump with a graceful bow is the perfect oil white shoe. 12.95 The most popular sling . . in white lustre, mist gray lustre or lilac kid. 12.95 High white heel pump it ol 12.95 Soft - grained leathe makes a smart li flat in all white. EXCLUSIVE IN MILLER'S CAREER SHOE SHOP, FIRST Shoe, daily 9:30 ta S:J0, THURSDAY 10 to .29 UDC'QDflQDQQDQQtlllOQOGaQQ Ca1