The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1960, Image 1

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    Kegents Adopt Flan
i op
GOOD AT HEART" Anne Frank. Final '
Vol. 34, No. 108
Tempero To Head
Council Next Year
The election of 1960-61 Stu-
dent Council officers h i g h
lighted the next-to-last Coun
cil meeting of the year.
Ken Tempero. past chair
man of the social committee,
was elected to the post of
president, succeeding Jack
Nielsen. Tempero is a junior
and a member of Theta Xi
John Hoerner
John Hoerner, past treas
urer of the Council, was
elected as the first vice-president.
Hoerner is a junior and
a member of Delta Upsilon.
He will also act as the chair
man of the Council judiciary
committee, succeeding Bob
Don Epp, past correspond
ing secretary, was chosen as
second vice-president of the
Council. Epp, also a junior,
is a member of FarmHouse
fraternity. He will also head
me elections commiuee, sue-;
ceeumg ivduiy xiuacn. ;
Roy Neil, past chairman of
the special parking commit
tee and a member of Delta
Tau Delta, and Fran Spoene-
Hardin Presents
AROTC Awards
Seven Army ROTC Cadets to give the instructor an in
were honored Thursday dur- dication of how well the stu
ing the Army ROTC Annual : dent grasped the material
Inspection Review on the Uni-; covered during the semester,
versity Campus. Five cent said tne pur.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin , p(se was to aUow tne stu.
presented Richard .IwU ! dent to see where he stood in
with the General John G. the cb,s Am)tner five
Pershing Medal and f rank ; cent d that
Tomson with the Quarter- WM u refmh tnc stu.
master Association Award. dente mbjd &hfui mtVA
TornM was seie 'ted e e(J whUe ne remaini
of the ten outstanding KOrC ; fj ; f ft fa
Cadets in nations-wide com-1 r . . , T
petition by the uartermaster ! J? sato rau "r lwwer
Association graoe.
Four Cadets were awarded i Je question two, only one
Department of the Army ' Bl-udent gave an unqualified
..rinr Cadrf. Ribbons. Jack ; 'Some do, some don t, de-
Muck received the senior
award. Kenneth Tempero the
junior award, William Holland
the sophomore award and
Steven TemDero the fresh
man award. Lt. Col. Jack j
Anderson awarded the Asso- j
ciation of the United States
Army Medal to Donald Epp.
Colonel Ralph Hanchin, Pro
fessor of Military Science at
Kansas University, Senior In
specting Officer, Lt. Col.
Daniel Carter, Lincoln Area
Command, and Lt. Colonel
Walter A. Granrud, XVI Corps
of Omaha, inspected the
Army ROTC Cadet Corps of
800 cadets.
Distinguished guests in the
reviewing party were Chan
cellor Hardin, Dean Adam C.
Bre ' inridge, Dean J. P. Col
bert, Colonel V. R. Rawie,
Colonel Ralph Hanchin, Hon
orary Commandant Margaret
Marshall and Lt. CoL Jack
Commanding the Cadet Bri
gade were Cadet Brigadier
General Robert Blair and
Honorary Army ROTC Com
jmandant Yvonne Young.
U '4.' . V
' , .- . '
' iff f
' mi W4toifefc-. .. .j 1 --
man, past chairman of the
library committee and a
member of Sigma Kappa sor-1 There were six recurrent
ority, were selected as senior j proposals for improvement,
holdover members. They sue- j They were: 1. Keep the pres
ceed Dave Godbey and Chuck ent system, but allow a class
Wilson. ! period after the final for the
In other business before the ! students to meet with the in
Council, Don Gable, chair- i structor to go over the final
man of the Council final ex-' and see where and wh-V lhev
arns committee, read a re-! errorel- 2. Have an hour final
port recently compiled con-! exam at the last meeting of
cerning finals
c,j(, ,...
Students Interviewed
T, , . . . . .
The report stated that sev-
,.4 1 i ,. 1 I l j.
viewed and four questions
concerning finals were asked
these interviewees. Those
questions were: 1) In your
opinion, what is the purpose
of a final examination? 2)
Are finals at the University
3) What the greates fault !
. V11 18 . fes lauJj
of the present system? And
accomplishing this purpose?
present syste:
4) Do you have an alternate
pan cf testing to suggest?
The renort stated that
"while the number of stu
dents interviewed cannot be
construed to be a majority of
the student at the University,
this committee feels that the
sampling is representative of
6tudent opinion due to the di
versified background of those
"The first question pro
duced the following results:
70 per cent of those inter
viewed felt that the purpose
was one of review and eval
uation of material covered
during the semester. Fifteen
per Tent felt the purpose was
pending on the instructor" to
a flat "no."
Weighed Too Heavily
According to the students I
interviewed, the greatest fault j
of the present system seems
to be that finals are weighed
too heavily. Some students
said, "many times finals
Dorm Interviews
Are Scheduled
Interviews for Women's
Residence Halls counselors
for the school year 1960-61
will be held Monday and
Tuesday afternoons from 1
430 p.m. in 234 Student I n- :
Applications may still be
obtained from Dean Helen
Snyder in 207 Administra
tion and must be turned
back to Dean Snyder by
Monday noon. Applicants
should sign for an interview
time at the office of t n e
dean of student affairs.
performances of "Diary" will be given at
8 p.m. tonight and Saturday. (Daily Ne
braska n photo by Doug McCartney.)
; count as much as 50 per cent
; of the course grade.
me uiwu.k u uu,
the committee felt, was the
t . . . , , , i
'fact that the tests would be
K. .,w i
Uincu wfitwici,
3. Have a comprehensive
test for seniors which could
cover what the student
should know after four years
rather than specifically what
was covered in the last se
mester. 4. Give oral tests as
is done for advanced degrees
in SOme P"- "
crease the number of hour
m, j .., 4U r:i
exams and cut tbe final ex-
nation out complete v. 6.
Change from the present sys-
tem to the quarter svstem
and retain the present final
examination procedure.
The committee report stat-
ed that while the above so- j versity staff m 1957. Prior to
lutions have some merit, no his xebraska appointment he
attempt is made to recom-, ughi at Bennington College
mend one. They are indica- j for jwo years
live that there is much room ! A native 0f Komej Italy, Dr.
for improvement in the pres-' Zariski earned all of his ad
ent system znd the committee ! vanced degrees from Harvard
strongly urges the finah com-1 University, receiving his Ph.
mittee of the 1960-61 Council 1 D. in 1952.
to look further into this."
uame s committee com-1
piled the report since "there ;
seems to be varying opinion,
both among students and fac
ulty, as to the purpose of fi
nal examinations. The pur
pose of this report is to list
the various purposes sug
gested by the student inter
viewed, to acknowledge the
opinion most students inter-1
viewed agreed with and to
list possible alternate test-;
ing procedures." The report
will be submitted to the Fac
ulty Senate sub-committee on
final examinations.
Prof. Tierney, Edison Retire
The retirement of two pro-
fessors who have together
served the University a total
the Board of Regents at its
Wednesday meeting.
Miss Elizabeth Tierney,
professor of music, who has
1925; and Oskar Edison, pro-
Miss Tierney
By Herb Probasco
Framework for an "out
standing professors" p r o
gram was adopted by the
Board of Regents Wednes
day. The idea was introduced by
Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin
who explained the need to
keep top faculty members on
the staff.
As adopted, the new plan
hopes to insure the Univer
sity of the continuing services
of several outstanding pro
fessors in various fields.
Begin Selection
The board directed the Uni
versity administration to be
gin the program by super
vising the selection before
Sept. 1 of two or three staff
members who may be in
stalled in "Regents Profes
sorships" and receive a sig
nificant salary supplement
from donated funds.
Friday, May 13, 1960
So Solly; Not
Enough Spate
In This Edition
Outstanding Xebraskan
nominations are still being
accepted until Tuesday at 5
p.m. at the Daily Nebraskan
Due to space problems
the today's letters of nom
inations will not be printed
until Monday.
Those nominated today
were Karen Peterson, Rob
ert Anderson and Fred
Howlett, students; and Mrs.
Irma Laase, assistant regi
strar. Dr. Zariski Gels
i , . ,
t UilbriUlll Lrrailt
A University faculty mem
ber. Dr. Raphael Zariski. as
sistant professor of political
! science, has received a Ful-
bright grant for the 1960-61
academic vear.
Dr. Zariski will use the
$5,000 award to lecture on
a ; , -,, i
Uni j of n .
Hikave from the Um,
versity is subject to the ap
proval of the Board of Re
gents. Dr. Zariski joined the Vm
Union Pix
Due Today
Pictures from the Student
Union picture lending li
brary are due today in the
music control room in the
Student Union.
Those failing to return
their pictures tomorrow
will forfeit the one dollar
deposit made at the time
the picture was checked
out to them.
Service Totals 81
fessor of electrical engineer -
ing, who has been a staff
member since 1914 will re -
ceive the rank of professor
ementus, effective July 1
Both professors, glancing
back over their years at the
said although
their fields have changed
rfPidly the h ,u m a n
changes very slowly.
"The students are better in
quality but they are basically
the same as when I first be
gan teaching in 1914," Edison,
Edison entered the Univer
sity as a student in 1910. After
receiving his bachelor's de
gree, he became a member
of the faculty.
Miss Tierney received both
her bachelor and master's de
grees from the University,
studied in Paris with Mile.
Nadia Boulanger, internation
ally known artist, and took
advanced work at Columbia
A professor of theory and
"With competition growing
increasingly keen for college
teachers and scholar s,"
Chancellor Hardin said, "it is
highly important that the Uni
versity take steps to get and
keep really eminent teachers
and scholars on its staff.
"Such people," he added.
"not only strengthen teaching j sources are now assured to
and research but have 'pull- j "permit us to start this pro
ing power' in attracting i gram in a modest way." He
Iri-bigs Lriven
Year Probation
Three fraternities lost their
rushing, pledging and initia
tion privileges Wednesday un
til September 1961 for then
part in a drinking' party Ivy
Day night.
The Board of Regents ac
cepted Student Affairs Dean
J. P. Colbert's recommenda
tion that such action be taken.
The houses had earlier been
placed on indefinite activity
and social probation.
The board also gave Dean
Colbert full authority to close : and are doing everything in
any of the houses immediate-1 our power to see that the
ly, should they step out of j chapter complies with Uni
line. jversity rules."
Review Case i He explained that he came
At the end of the proba-; to Lincoln at the request of
tionary period, the case will I Dr. Raymond Dien, alumni
again be reviewed before full j adviser. He said he met with
rights are returned to the the active chapter Tuesday
guilty fraternities. ; evening and that a discipli-
Dean Colbert appeared be- j nary program bad been laid
fore the board Wednesday j out to correct ills of the
afternoon with a "recommen- chapter,
dation and a request for dis- A few men will be suspend
ciplinary action against Sig- ed from the chapter, he
ma Alpha Epsilon. Sigma added.
Phi Epsilon and Sigma Nu "We. are determined to
under the provisions of Sec-; lick this problem," Smith
tion 17, Chapter 5 of the By- said.
Laws of the Board of Re-; A graduate student proctor
gents." will live iii the house and
His recommendation d i f- his expenses will be paid by
fered from that which t he the chapter. Smith pointed
University Committee on Stu- out. In addition, an alumni
dent Affairs directed him to 1 committee headed by Dr.
make to the board. , Dien and Lincoln banker
Dean Colbert explained, 1 Eames Irvin will oversee the
however, that after notifying entire operation of the chap
the national offices of the i ter.
three fraternities, be received ! Right Standards
"an immediate and unquali
fied promise of support . . .
and also valuable assistance
from local alumni representa
tives . . . that a constructive
program can and will be The traveling field secre
worked out . . ." tary for Sig Ep added that
The committee on student a similar constructive pro-
affairs met May 5 and direct -
. ed Dean Colbert to "recom-
mend and request that the
board . . . close the chapter , sented at the Regents meet
houses of SAE. Sig Ep and I ing.
Journalism Week
To Feature Banquet
Highlighting the activities ! devil on an Aurora news
of Journalism Week, May 1- paper. After high school he
20, will be the School of i went to Colorado College in
Journalifm Banquet Saturday Colorado Springs for a year
according to Dr. William I7. and ran a newspaper called
Hall, director of the school. Pike's Peak Breeze.
The speaker for the banquet j while attending the Uni
beginning at 6:30 p.m. m the : versity he worked for the
Student Union will be Edward ! Lincoln Star as police re
M. Stanley, director of public nortpr
affairs for NBC.
Aurora Native
Stanley is a native of Au
rora, and is a 1926 graduate
of the University's School of
Journalism. He is also a
member of Sigma Delta Chi
and Phi Delta Theta.
Since boyhood. Stanley has
been in some field of mas? manger of the Public Af
communications and has a fairs and Education Depart-
wide cacKgrouna m journal-
ism both here and abroad
His first job was a printer's
! composition, she said that the
music students today are bet
; ter equipped in academic sub-
'Students," she said, "nave
a tendency to experiment,
more than in the earlier
years of my teaching.
1 Both Miss Tierney and Ldi-
pLuTU ite Brt
; year
wwh,, r..,j
V ft !
promising young staff mem
bers." Inauguration of the Regents
Professorship program is be
ing made possible through
assistance from the Univer
sity Foundation and the
Alumni Association.
Chancellor Hardin said
funds donated from outside
Sig Nu . . . starting immedi
ately after the close of the
second semester . . . ending
with the close of the school
year 1960-6L
Attending the meeting
were representatives of Sig
Alph and Sig Ep.
Exec Secretary
Rex Smith, national execu
tive secretary of SAE, told
the board, "We, of course, are
very, very disappointed with
the actions of the chapter
"We are definitely going
to make this fraternity live
up to the right standards or
take away its charter," he
1 added.
! gram will go into effect in
that house.
Sigma Nu was not repre-
He joined the Associated
Press in 1929 and stayed with
that organization for almost
10 years. Between 1931 and
1933 he was the London AP
Bureau feature editor. He
served as executive editor of
Cornet and Esquire maga
zines before ioining NBC s
In January of 1958 he was
named Director of Public
Stanlev is perhaps best
known in the broadcasts?
field today for leadership
in exploring the education
potential of commercial tele
vision. tnjr(j time tnat a former
Dr. Hall said that this is
student of the University
School of Journalism has
been brought back to speak
at a J-TCsnquet.
Seienc Editr
Last year Howard A'laway,
editor of Pomila'- Science
MojUy. and a 933 graduate
DaCK. ana "WJiiam L.a;-u'..
on the staff of the New York
Times W?siin4on Burau.
spoke at the 195R banuet.
Arcornf to Dr. Hl'
banout i open to" st"dents.
alumnf, all repmenMives
of all communlctjons media
Includinir telev'sion. radio,
advertising and others.
Winners of upprclass
Rcholarshins will also be an
nounced at the banquet. They
will be the recipients of the
Harry T. Dobbin scholar
ship, the- first KOLN-TV
.-..VIifrViin anil first YfihraS-
in m-.em-uv
, ka v.'c' lv scholarship, vr.
J Hall said.
added that he had verbal as
surances that some funds will
be available soon.
Number, Amount
"We hope that we will be
able to increase the number
of the professorships rapidly
and also increase the amount
of the salary supplements,"
he explained, which he said
had not beon decided.
"The going level of our
faculty salaries simply is not
high enough to enable us to
compete successfully for the
services of professors who
are being sought by the Ivy
League, the Big Ten and the
California institutions," he
Under the program the Re
gents approved, nominations
for the Professorships can be
initiated by University facul
ty members. Chancellor
Hardin said that a committee
would probably be estab
lished, composed of faculty
Only persons of wide aca
demic reputation and irre
proachable personal integrity
are eligible for consideration
and the selection plan pro
vides for an extensive screen
ing process.
It's possible that specific
chairs or names for the Pro
fessorships will be estab
lished, Dr. Hardin said.
The positions will be con
tinuing. All colleges will be
eligible and will be under
discussion, he added.
I f -. .Jill I l ! 4
Dean Dow
David Dow
Is New
Law Dean
I Belsheim Resigns
Will Still Teach
Veteran Law College Dean
; Edmund O. Belsheim stepped
; down Wednesday and named
to succeed him was Prof.
David Dow.
Dean Belsheim had asked
to be relieved of his admin
istrative responsibilities and
his request was approved by
the Board of Regents.
"I have been dean for 11
years and I feel that is
enough," Dean Belsheim ex
plained. "I would prefer now
to devote my full attention to
teaching and research," he
Faculty Support
In presenting the nomina
tion of Prof. Dow to the
Board. Chancellor Clifford
M. Hardin said that he had
; discussed the appointment
with the Law College faculty
and "it has their overwhelm
ing support."
i Professor Dow served the
College as acting dean during
the academic year of 1954-'55
while Dean Belsheim was on
leave and in 1957 received
the University Foundation's
Distinguished Teaching
A native of Michigan, Pro-
. fessor Dow received his bac
calaureate and law degrees
from the University of Michi
gan and engaged in the prac-
1 tice of law in New York City
from 1936 to 1943. During
World War II he served on
the administrative staff of
the Los Alamos laboratories.
Joined in 1946
! He joined the University
staff early in 1946 as an
associate professor of law
and the following year was
(appointed full professor.
! Like Professor Dow; Dean
! Belsheim came to the Univer
sity in 1946 when the College
of Law was reopened follow
ing World War II. He was ap
pointed Dean in June of 1949.
Dean Beisneim w-as instru
mental in the establishment
of the Legal Aid Bureau. an
agency tbe College operates
in cooperation with tbe Lin
coln Bar Association and the
Barristers Club to provide
legal services for indigent