The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 10, 1960, Image 1

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MAY 11 1960
Vol. 34, No. 106
Tuesday, May 10, 1960
446 Voters Flock To
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QUICK CHANGE ARTISTS-Members of the prop crew
for "The Diary of Anne Frank" go to work. They can
clear the stage in 15 seconds. "Diary" opens Wednesday
at 8 p.m. at Howell Memorial Theatre.
Curtain to Rise
On 'Diary' Set
On Wednesday
The curtain will rise on the
Nebraska Theater's produc
tion of "The Diary of Anne
Frank" Wednesday evening
at 8 and present nightly
shows through Saturday in
the Howell Memorial Theater.
The play, directed by Dr.
William R. Morgan of the de
partment of speech and dra
matic arts, is an adaptation
of a little Jewish girl's faith
in humanity and her triumph
over Nazi barbarism.
The cast for this play,
which is the last of the 1959
60 season, includes John
Abrahamzon, Zeff Bernstein,
Joe Hill, Sharron Purbaugh, !
Mary Dee Paterson, Louise
Shadley, James Baker, Shar
on Binfied, Bill Larson and
Lesly Smith.
Registration for Fall,
Summer Is This Week
Undergraduates registering
for either the fall semester
11)60-61 or the summer ses
sion must see their advisers
this week, according to Mrs.
Irma Laase, assistant regis
trar. Cards will be pulled for
early registration for both the
summer and fall sessions,
she said.
Junior Division students
should leave their worksheets
with their advisers, while all
other undergraduates are re
sponsible for their own work
sheets, Mrs. Laase added.
Ag College students may
leave their worksheets at the
office of their college dean.
3,000 Persons
Attend Requiem
Says Wishnow
An estimated 3,000 persons
attended the music depart
m e n t's presentation of Ver
di's Requiem Sunday night
at the Coliseum.
Prof. Emanuel Wishnow,
director of the performance,
said that this topped last
year's attendance at the an
nual choral presentation of
the University.
He said he was "encour
aged" by the increased at
tendance, but had hoped that
more might attend.
Soloists Adelle Addison of
Porgy and Bess fame, Rose
mary Kuhlman and John
Alexander of New York and
Leon Lishner, assistant pro
fessor of music, appeared in
concert with the Choral Un
ion. Some 600 students from the
Ag College Chorus, the Uni
versity Singers, Madrigal
Singers, Men's Varsity Glee
Club, the two University cho
ruses .and the University
symphony orchestra participated.
, . .
Although "Diary" is a one
set show, the technical plot
is very extensive requiring
people to handle costume
changes and sound cues.
Heading the production staff
r Bernard Skalka, produc
tion manager; Luther Frost,
production manager; and
Margery Coffey assistant to
the director. The wardrobe
department is under the care
of Leanne Jensen.
Other supervisors in the
production side of the play
include stage crew, Phyllis
Elliot; property department,
Luther Frost; scenery depart
ment, Dick Marrs, and light
ing and sound, Jim MacDon
ald. Andy Wolvin is publicity
Chairman and Ken Tempero
is the house manager.
All other students must turn
in their worksheets at 208 Ad
ministration, or no cards can
be pulled, she explained.
The schedule for turning in
worksheets is: juniors and
seniors, May 16; sophomores,
May 17; and freshmen, May
18 and 19. Late worksheets
will be accepted on May 20.
Miss Laase pointed out that
students not turning in their
worksheets by that time may
register for summer school
on June 6 and for fall, Sept.
Accumulated Hours
Cards will be pulled accord
ing to the accumulated hours
earned by each student and
the order in which work
sheets are turned in.
Changes may be necessary
in the student's original
schedule, Mrs. Laase said.
To allow for these changes
and still make it possible for
a student to have a workable
schedule, she explained, stu
dents must see that alterna
tive courses and alternative
sections in multisection
courses are listed.
Students must also fill in
the bottom schedule part of
the worksheet, she said. For
scheduling purposes, she
added, the Registrar's Office
must assume when time on
the schedule is left blank, a
class could be scheduled at
that time if necessary.
If a student has followed
these instructions and a work
able schedule cannot be
made, the Registrar's Office
wilt call in the student for
consultation, she said.
Sigma Xi
The Initiation Banquet of
Sigma Xi, science scholastic
honorary, will be held tonight
at 6:30 in the Student Union
Dr. Donald Pace, Director
of the Cellular Research In
stitute, will speak on "Smoke,
Smog and Cancer."
Student Council elections
yesterday drew more voters
than elections in the. past two
years a total of 2,446 stu
dent voters went to the polls.
Students flocked to the
polls during the mid-morning.
The afternoon lines were
long during a sunny day for
voting. Last years total of
1,986 voters amassed
during rainy weather. The
1958 total of voters in the
Council election was 1,908.
A total of 455 ballots were
invalidated by the Student
Council due to the neglect of
the voters to read the ballot
Some ballots had an insuf
ficient number of votes for
the number elected in that
college and others those bal
lots dealing with constitution
al changes were invalidated
due to the lack of a mark
either for or against the pro
posed changes. Of the total,
114 ballots were invalidated
in the constitutional change
Votes were tabulated by
KK Seeks Reps
For Fall Show
Kosmet Klub will hold a
meeting today at 3 p.m. for
all skitmasters or repre
sentatives of frater
nity houses interested in
competing in the Kosmet
Klub fall show.
The meeting will be in
the Student Union, room
NU Police
Look For
Half Body
Costly Mannequin
Taken Saturday
The campus police are cur
rently seeking a pair of ban
dits that stole the lower half
of a mannequin from a car
parked in front of the Stu
dent Union Saturday night.
The mannequin, which is
estimated at costing $150, was
stolen sometime between
11:15-11:30 p.m. during Uni
versity High's Jr.-Sr. B a n
quet. The two thieves, who were
seen wearing green and white
jackets, were followed into
the Selleck Quadrangle where
the trail disappeared, accord
ing to Richard Hart of Uni
versity High.
"It is not known as of yet
whether the two boys are col
lege or high school students,"
said Mr. Hart.
The theft of the manne
quin, which will have to be
replaced by the junior class
unless it is returned, is in the
area of grand larceny and
will be treated as such un
less returned, according to
Mr. Hart.
Kosmet Klub
There will be a meeting of
all Kosmet Klub members in
Room 349 of the Student
Union at 5 p.m. "
All members are urged to
attend this meeting.
Charioteers Start Practicing
Jr. IFC Plans Greek Games
The annual "Greek
Games," sponsored each
year by the Junior IFC,
will be held May 13 at the
south end of the football
practice field.
. A football throw, chariot
race, egg race, chug race
and a pyramid race will be
the featured events of the
1960 all-Greek day.
A traveling trophy will be
awarded to the winner of
the entire games. In addi
tion, individual trophies will
be awarded for first, sec
ond and third places..
The different contests will
be scored on a point basis,
with the chariot race carry
ing the most points for the
winning Greek house.
Chariot Race
The chariot race will con
sist of four fraternity men
pulling, while the sorority
girl of- their choice rides.
the University's IBM Data
Processing Department.
The following results are
the official notification for
those elected. Students elect
ed are to attend the next
meeting of the Student Coun
cil, which will be held in 235
Student Union at 4 p.m.
One tie resulted in organi
zational voting! Two girls
each received seven votes for
Tassel representative. Build
ers have not elected their
representative yet, but are
expected to do so at their
next regular meeting. Tas
JVominations are now being
accepted by the Daily Ne
braskan for its Outstanding
Nebraskan awards to be pre
sented to a faculty member
and a student who have dis
tinguished themselves on the
Any student or faculty
member may nominate a
candidate in the form of a
letter addressed to the Ne
braskan office in Room 51
Student Union.
Letters should be signed
by . the person making the
nomination and become the
property of the Nebraskan.
The names of those persons
nominating will be kept con
fidential. Nominations will be ac
cepted until 5 p.m., May 17.
Any or all parts of the" let
ters may be reprinted in the
The winners will be an
nounced in the final issue,
May 20. Certificate awards
will be presented to the "Out
standing Nebraskans" at a
luncheon in the Union the
same day.
Faculty members nom
inated must have been on the
University staff for at least
two years. Student candidates
may not be paid staff mem
bers of the Daily Nebraskan.
Columnists are eligible.
Dick Basoco and Professor
of English Karl Shapiro were
last semesters honorees.
Past faculty recipients of
the award include Dallas
Williams, director of Univer
sity Theater; Dr. George
Rosenlof, dean of admis
sions; the Rev. Rex Knowles,
former student pastor of the
Congregational-Presby t e r
ian House; Mary Melenz,
Six J-Schoolers
Are Honored
Six students in the top 10
per cent of the junior and
senior classes in the School
of Journalism were initiated
into Kappa Tau Alpha scho
lastic journalism honorary,
They were Barbara Barker,
Mary Blake, Mary Lou Reese,
Carroll Kraus, Ingrid Leder
and Larry Novicki.
Russell Weber, editor of the
Fremont Guide and Tribune,
was guest speaker at the
Other undergraduate mem
bers of the society are Diana
Maxwell, Gretchen Sides and
Sony Whalen.
The chariot cannot exceed
the maximum of ten feet
from the axle to the end
of the tongue and the four
men will be required to
pull the chariot by means
of a tongue which cannot
exceed seven feet in length.
These four men must be in
a row, not in tandem posi
tions. Chug race requires par
ticipation of three fra
ternity members and three
sorority members. The bev
erage used will be con
tained in baby bottles and
the participants must tag
the next person in the race
only after he has finished
his bottle.
The egg race will be run
over a 150 yard course and
requires one runner from
each house. Eggs will be
placed in the runners'
mouths and in each elnow
with the amu crossed. ,
Council Election
sels will be required to hold
a "run-off" election in the
near future to determine
their representative.
Election results are as fol
lows: (those elected are in
bold face)
Deon Stuthman 210
Sara Rhodes 177
Roger Phipps 204
Clare Vrba 118
June Struve 67
Marjorie Goman 52
Invalid 33
James Samples 308
Alan Plummer 281
Are Open
professor of secondary edu
cation; Frank Hallgren, as
sistant dean of student af
fairs. Ferris Norris, chairman of
the electrical engineering de
partment; Duane Lake, for
mer managing director of the
Union; Dr. O. K. Bouwsma,
professor of philosophy; Dr.
Carl Georgi, chairman of the
bacteriology d e p a r tment;
Emaneul Wishnow, chairman
of the music department.
Donald Olson, assistant pro
fessor of speech; W. V. Lam
bert, dean of the College of
Agriculture; and Bob Handy,
former activities director of
the Student Union.
Student winners of the Out
standing Nebraskan award in
clude Steve Schultz, Sandra
Reimers, Diane Knotek Buth
erus, Gail Katske Wishnow,
John Gourlay, Tom Novak,
Bob Novak, Mary Stromer,
Jack Rodgers. Eldon Park,
Don Noble, Robert R a u n,
Mrs. Ernest Herbts and Phyl
lis Bonner.
Are Sought
Applications are still
being accepted for paid
positions on the fall semes
ter staff of the Daily Ne
braskan. Students wishing to apply
should pick up an applica
tion in the School of Jour
nalism office in the west
corridor of the third floor of
Burnett Hall.
The completed form
should be returned to the
J-School office by 5 p.m.
Positions available and
the salaries per month in
clude: editor, $85; manag
ing editor, $65; news editor,
$65; sports editor, $45; three
copy editors, $35; four staff
writers, $35; business man
ager, $65; three assistant
business managers, $20 plus
commissions; and circula
tion manager, $60.
For any further informa
tion, call the Daily Nebras
kan office any afternoon
except Wednesday,
HE 2-7631, ext. 4225, 4226,
4227, or the School of. Jour
nalism, HE 2-7631, ext. 3156
or 3157.
A person will be elimi
nated for running off the
track, breaking another
runner's eggs or breaking
his own eggs. The winner
must have the egg in his
mouth intact. The last three
runners of the race will eat
the eggs. .
Pyramid Race
The pyramid race will re
quire six members from a
house. Five will carry the
other participant with no
support other than hands
for a distance of 50 yards,
require distance, not ac-
The football throw will
require distance, not ac
curacy. Each contestant
will receive two throws and
the winner will be deter
mined from these throws.
Preliminaries in the cha
riot, egg and pyramid races
will preceed the finals of
these events and the ac
tivities begin at 2 p.m.
Joanie Davies 235
Ann Moyer 212
Fred Rickers 199
Pamela Holloway 135
Linda Sawvell 124
Evelyn Eisenhart 48
Invalid 116
Bill Connell 138
Philip Johnson 130
Gaylan Abood 127
Raymond Bulin 119
Judith Hansen 97
Stanley Wilson 97
Jeffery Orr 60
Invalid 20
Bryan Ericson
Tom Evans
Neil Ferguson
Steve Gage
Chip Kuklin
Milton Rogge
Leon Olsen
John Musselman
George Moyer
William Gourlay
Robert Atkins
Roger Prochazka
Dave Myers
Joel Meier
Jean Morrison
Judith Hamilton
Pat Mullen
Nichole Christie
Letty Hubka
Kathy Madsen
Gayle Branigan
Helen Glenn
Paul Johns
Jean Carlson
Patricia McOstrich
Catherine Stuart
Alfreda Stute 6
Vera Egger 5
Gisela Stark ' 2
Dave Bliss 7
Jerome Stam 5
Roy Arnold 6
Ron Gould 4
Bob Shapiro 4
Don Witt 14
Bill Holland 10
Sharon Rogers 11
Judy Means 3
Diane Tinan 11
Jeanne Garner 7
Alan Kreuger 8
Marcia Weber 2
Mike Milrov 19
Booths Used
In Ag Rodeo
Eleven clubs set up booths
to represent Ag College dur
ing, the Rodeo Friday and
Sponsored by the Ag Exec
Board, the booths were de
signed to promote Ag clubs
and departments in the Col
lege. There was a competition
for the best booths in which
Block and Bridle club took
first place followed by Ag
Union, second, and Wildlife
Club third.
Plaques were awarded by
Roger Wehrbein of the Ag
Exec Board at the afternoon
Judges of the booth compe
tition were members of the
faculty and staff and in
cluded R. B. Warren, assist
ant professor of animal hus
bandry; Richard Trickey, as
sistant professor of art; and
Deloris Clouse, professor of
According to Mylon Filkins,
the booths were so successful
that they will become an an
nual event at the rodeo
Lending Library
Pictures Are Due
The pictures checked out
from the Student Union pic
ture lending library are due
They should be turned into
the music control room be
tween the hours of 10 a.m.
and 10 p.m. A fine will be
charged for overdue pictures.
Jay Snell
Nancy Tederman
Gaylan Wells
Pat O'Dell
Muriel LelchAik
Letty Hubka
Jean Hinman '
Cindy Peterson
The Student Council consti
tutional changes were ap
proved by a vote of 1,783 to
Also elected in voting yes
terday were the members of
the Business Administration
Student Advisory Board.
Students eligible were to
vote for two from each class.
There were 32 invalid votes.
Students elected are in bold
type. Results were as follows:
Judith Hansen , 247
Michael Miner 193
Stanley Navrude 153
Joel Lundak 139
Janice Dean 366
Lloyd Sauter 366
Roberta Knaup 366
Steve Stumpff 366
Voters in the Student Coun
cil election this year once
again used the new ballot in
troduced last year, the fa
miliar IBM dard.
Formerly ballots were
counted by Student Council
members and the counting
ran far into the night in
many cases.
Four IBM machines are re
quired for the tabulations.
First the ballots are run
through a mark sensing ma
chine which transfers the
pencil marks into appropri
ate holes in the card which
can be read by other ma
chines. Next the ballots are sorted
by college.
A third machine, an elec
tronic calculator, adds the
total number of votes on such
ballots ot be sure that the
ballots are filled out correctly-
The fourth machine, a sta
tistical sorter tabulates the
number of votes given each
candidate and prints the re
sults. Total time elapsed, Vk
List Revised
Student voters also ap
proved the proposed Student
Council constitutional
changes in the election held
yesterday, according to Kathy
Roach, Council Elections
committee chairman.
Proposed Council constitu
tion changes included a re
vised list of Organizations
and Group Representatives.
Each newly approved group
will be entitled to one repre
sentative on the Council.
These groups are: AWS;
Corn Cobs; IWA; IFC; Inter
Co-op Council; Nebraska Un
ion Board of Managers; Pari
hellenic Council; RAM; Tas
s e 1 s ; Builders ; University
Council on Religion and For
eign Students.
Other changes in the con
stitution which were ap
proved were primarily
changes of the wordieg for
Annual Banquet
For Masquers
To Be May 21
Tickets are now on sale for
the 16th annual Nebraska
Masquer's award banquet
which will be held May 21
in the Pan American Room
of the Student Union.
Featured at the banquet
will be the presentation of
the awards for best actor
and actress, best supporting
actor and actress, technical
and experimental theater dur
ing the past University the
ater season.
Tickets may be purchased
from any Masquer or Mas
quers' worker for $3.