The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1960, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
The Daily Nebroskan
Monday, May 9, 1 960
For the Week of May 9-1 5
CITY YWCA, Cabinet meeting, 4 p.m., 232 Union.
COUNCIL ELECTIONS, 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Ag and
City Unions, Love Library and Selleck Quadrangle.
VOCATIONAL HOME EC ASSN., senior recognition
tea, 4 p.m., Food and Nutrition BIdg.
AG YMCA-YWCA, cabinet meeting, 7:30 p.m., Cotner
School of Religion, Ag Campus.
RELIGIOUS STUDY GROUP, communism, 4 p.m., 232
FACULTY SENATE, meeting, 4 p.m., Love Library
AG PICNIC, students, faculty and families, 5-7 .p.m.,
southeast corner, Ag Engineering Bldg.
SIGMA XI, initiation banquet, 6:30 p.m., Union.
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA, initiation, 7:30 p.m., 234
' BOARD OF REGENTS, meeting, 3:30 p.m., Chancel
lor's suite, Administration Hall.
FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB, Luncheon, 1 p.m., Union.
NU-MEDS, meeting, Dr. Janet Palmer, speaker, 7:30
p.m., Little Auditorium, Union.
RELIGIOUS STUDY GROUP, racial tensions, 5 p.m.,
Presby House.
CITY YWCA, community service, 4 p.m., 341 Union.
CITY YWCA, religion group, 5 p.m., 232 Union.
UNIVERSITY THEATRE, "Diary of Anne Frank," 8
p.m., Howell Memorial Theater.
CITY YWCA, projects, 4 p.m', 334 Union.
ARMY ROTC, federal inspection and parade, 2 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Field.
PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM, Prof. Trevor Evans, 4 15
p.m., tea 3:45 p.m., 211 Brace Lab.
UNIVERSITY THEATRE, "Diary of Anne Frank," 8
p.m., Howell Memorial Theater.
CITY YWCA, world community, 5 p.m., 340 Union.
RELIGIOUS STUDY GROUP, politics and evangelism,
2 p.m., Cotner School of Religion.
BASEBALL, Nebraska vs. Kansas, doubleheader, 1:30
p.m., University diamond.
UNIVERSITY THEATRE, "Diary of Anne Frank," 8
p.m., Howell Memorial Theater.
GOLF, Nebraska vi. Iowa State, 9 a.m., Lincoln Coun
try Club.
BASEBALL, Nebraska vs. Kansas, 1:30 p.m., University
TENNIS, Nebraska vs. Iowa State, 1:30 p.m., Coliseum
TRACK, Nebraska vs. Colorado, 2 p.m., Memorial Sta
dium. CROPS JUDGING CONTEST, 8-10 a.m., 244 Keim Hall.
THETA SIGMA PHI, initiation breakfast, 8:30 a.m.,
JOURNALISM BANQUET, Edward M. Stanlev, speak
er, 6:30 p.m., Union.
UNIVERSITY THEATRE, "Diary of Anne Frank," 8
p.m., Howell Memorial Theater.
RELIGIOUS STUDY GROUP, Bible, 7:30 p.m., Luther
an Student House.
Home Ec Associations
Induct 25 New Members
hoff, Jane Savener, Karen!
The Home Economics Club
held its annual tea for grad
uating seniors -May 5, at
which time 25 new members
were inducted into the Ne
braska Home Economics
Assn. and the American Home
Economics Assn.
D r . Florence McKinney,
chairman of the Home Ec
dept., was the speaker.
The following graduating
home economics seniors were
Doralee Yeutter, Nancy
BealL Viola Haisch, Joan Nis
en, Ro Jean Stich, LaVon
Howe, Maribeth Powell, Diane
Russell, Sandra GoodelL Co
leen Christianson, Bitty
Levia TeSelle, Sherry Har
mon, Alma Heuermann, Mary
Vrba Wagner, Janis Werter-
Want Ada
Owner, Pat Salisbury.
Virginia Steele, Jo Jasper
son, Sally Miller, Elinor Fid
ler, Betty James and Faye
Air Force Sgt.
Given Award
Four ROTC cadets and an
Air Force sergeant were
honored Thursday before ap
proximately 1,700 Army and
Air Force cadets. The cadets
were massed together in a
joint parade on the Univer
sity parade grounds for the
Colonel W. B. Atwell, pro
fessor of Air Science at the
University presented Master
Sergeant Henry C. Poitz the
Air Force Commendation
Medal for distinguished and
meritorious service.
Two Air Force Cadets were
presented awards. Cadet
First Lf. Frank J. May was
awardcp the Commendation
Ribbonl for his service as a
statistical clerk. These pres
entation was also made by
Coi. Atwell.
Cadet Colonel Donald D.
Nelson was warded the Air
Reserve Squadron Award for
the leadership qualities and
achievements he had demon
strated as Wing Commander
for the Air Force ROTC dur
ing 1959-1960.
Loren C. Cottrell of the For
ty . and Eight Society pre
sented Cadet Master Sergeant
Dee E. Cuttell with the Fortv
and Eight Award for high!
academic performance at the
The other award of the day
was presented to Cadet Mi
chael F. Flannigan for high
scholastic proficiency and
high interest in Army ROTC
by Mrs. Arthur Luhrs, presi
dent of Nebraska American j
Legion Auxilliary.
Require Vote
Bv a Third
At least one-third of the
student body must vote at
Student Council elections to
day if the proposed amend
ments are to go into effect.
Ballots will include names
of candidates for the repre
sentation from he nine col
leges. Separate ballots will be
available for the vote for or
against the amendments.
Copies of the proposed
amendments will be present
ed to the voters.
According to Kathy Roach,
chairman of the council's
election committee, all stu
dents, including graduate stu
dents and non-residents are
eligible to vote on the amendments.
Typewriters For Rent
Royaf. Underwood - Smith Remington
Try Our Renlal-Purchose Plan
Special Student Rates
125 No. 1 1th Phon HE 2-4244
- Typewriter Ribbons Put On
wt mil ' part in traitor, U ft.,
tt&cted ftxl knotty pin Mv4t
room. Will Mil both, Mt up tor
II vine, a Jut llttl or tha loan
value of tnllar alona. Quality
Oiroufbout. It now movt in
KaMar Vacation (or baforai. Bank
will Band! Urn prcamm Con
tract balanoa If naadca. Lot
10 -a. 4000 Cornbiukw Bwy.
CrrJuUnf ""-eat youraalf to a dandy I
ft Ford Oalazia 2-door. Ivory with 1
red Interior, low mile, condition par- !
fact. Call OR 7-108 aftar .
'gjs Cherrolet Balalr V-( automatic; I
To or lea. Bee Ted Wade. 201! Brace
Lab or phone 7707-2186 evening. 1
Vented: Hasher to work for meal,
contact Hl'lli Hooper BAM
Hi 2-J120.
Wantad: Typing of tneu m German
OA 3-2163.
Io roa need tutoring In Oeraan
Ruaiian? Call OA 8-1077.
6irl th telephone number of the
bachelor' chateau ha been chanced.
I Plea dial HE 6-1871 for all 'utur
all. Dare. Con, Lrry, and Willy.
ftoM ring, initial D. O., diamond a
In l.g. bldg. Don Gavin. IV 8-0098.
Thurs., May 12 8:00 p.m.
Corn Cobs Presents:
i i
jj J,"' LbI Nation No. lntrum nul
Jazs Oroup
ALL SCATS RESERveO $1 90 Jl 50
Students With I.D. $.95 -$.75
Tickets on Sale in Union
Today Til 2:00
Sophomores Report to Student Health
Exams Taken by Teachers
More than 300 Teachers
College students report to
Student Health each year for
their health examinations, re
quired for all sophomores in
Dr. Samuel Fuenning, di
rector of Student Health, said
the examination is one of the
requirements for teacher cer
tifications. In the last five years, the
time of the physical he has
been changed from the senior
year to the sophomore year,
he said.
The reason for this is to
benefit the student who needs
corrective work or to dis
cover early if a person is not
physically fit for the teaching
Dr. Fuenning explained
that the process .was set up
quite systematically and, if
followed correctly, took little
of the student's time.
The students are first noti
fied by Teachers College and
several questionaires are dis
tributed to them concerning
past illness and allergies. The
student fills out the question
naire before he reports to
Student Health for his physi
cal. ,
The physical is filed at the
Health Center and the stu
dent is consulted if any cor
rective treatment is needed.
When a student reaches the
senior level, a state health
certificate is sent to Student
Health and is filled out ac
cording to , the student's
health record. This statement
must be signed by a physi
cian and then returned with
other records to the teachers
certification board.
One only difficulty with the
syste, Dr. Fuenning, said, is
that often students wait until
the very end of the sopho
more year for their physicals.
This causes unnecessary in
convenience to the students
and student health staff.
Read Nebraska
Want Ads
and win a 1 ehonnel tra
Whisker King'
Is Heffelbower
Charles Heffelbower w a s
selected "Whisker King" at
t h e Championship College
Rodeo Saturday.
The "Whisker King" receiv.
ed an electric shaver for six
weeks of effort in growing the
most unique and attractive
1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBft.
Speed Equipment
Hollywood Mufflers
Linda Clark
Delta Delta Delta
University of Nebraska
Judy Sreen
Phi Mu
Nebraska Wsleyon
Susie Douglas
Gammo Phi Beta
University of Nebraska
Katy Griffith
Alpha Chi Omega
University of Nebraskf
Cynde Peterson
Kappa Delto
University of Nebroska
Gladys Tietjen
Women's Res. Hall
University of Nebraska
Barbara Hall
Delta Zeto
Nebraska Wesieyon
Skip Harris
Pi Beta Phi
University of Nebroska
Phyl Grub
Alpha Omicron PI
University of Nebraska
Jeanne Garner
Delto Gamma
University of Ntftnoska
Becky Schneider
Chi Omega
University of Nebroska
Gloria Tietjen
Sigma Kappa
University of Nebroska
Charlene Graben
Willard Hall
Nebroska Wesieyon
Maureen Frailer
Zeta Tou Alpha
University of Nebrosk
Sharon Hanna
Alpha Gamma Delta
Nebraska Wesleyon
Rosemary Kuhl
Alpha Xi Delta
University of Nebroska
Diann Rohrke
Alpho Phi
University of Nebroska
Mary Bartlett
Kappa Kappa Gamma
University of Nebraska
Suzi Haberman
Kappa Alpha Theto
University of Nebraska
MAY 11 through 14
12th and R Sts Phone Ext. 3263
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