I Friday, April 29, 1960 Page 2 t. . i i ' ( f Questions Raised To the Editor: While Miss Simon's Let terip (Nebraskan, April 26) was somewhat illumi nating, I think that It raises some questions on a level deeper than her rationali xations. First of all, in order that the SCC's -campaign in the near future might not be hindered by misleading re marks, I would like Miss Simon and her compan ions in AUF to consider the following; 1. Though I observe that Miss Simon is more inter ested in seeing that the stu dent body "think," would it not have been well if the members of AUF had thought "What do we want?", or better yet, "What is needed?" As students, they would Tribunal Interviews Disappointing It was disappointing to observe the inter views for the four senior positions on Stu dent Tribunal Wednesday. Five seniors appeared before the Student Council, the product of earlier Council nominating com mittee interviews. The quality of the ma jority of candidates was not up to the de sired level for positions of this stature. The Council cannot be blamed for this lack of competent applicants, but the stu dent body can. It was the students who wanted the Tribunal, and it was students who devoted long hours of hard work to successfully establish it as an effective hearing body of the students' own peers. Yet, only two years after its introduction, the Tribunal lacks enough competent judges. Is it because there is not enough recog nition to being a judge? Possibly. More than likely, however, it's just old Mr. Apathy cropping up again as his old fa miliar self. It was obvious that the majority of the Council was not satisfied with enough of the five applicants to want four of them sitting on the Tribunal. However, to re open the filing would take too much time, according to the chairman of the nomin ating committee. This is not a valid ex cuse. If it is for the benefit of the Tri bunal, the Council should devote the rest of its meeting dates this year, even turn ing the job over to the new Council and, if necessary, even holding a special meet ing until they have . qualified persons as judges. Admittedly, students have plenty of time to file earlier, and the JJaily Ne Staff Comment: A Early this month a professor at the University of Illinois was suspended tem porarily for a letter he wrote which was published in the student newspaper advo cating "pre-marital sexual experience among those sufficiently mature to en gage in it without social consequences and without violating their own codes of mor ality or ethics." The professor went on to explain that "such experience would eliminate frustra tion and lead to much happier and longer lasting marriages among our younger men and wom en." The Incident has at tracted national publicity and heated debate in aca demic circlet. The question the trus tees of that university must decide when they meet this week is whether a professor's publicized views on sexual freedom are protected by academic free dom. The president of the university has said that the professor violated "commonly accepted standards of morality." Other professors at the same school fear that this statement has opened the door to dismissal for any unpopular view. The incident has stirred violent campus controversy. The Illinois U. Student Sen ate gave the professor a vote of confidence but the Dad's Association, a group of fathers of university students, backed the president and criticized the student paper for printing the letter. If the decision of the trustees should be to suspend the professor permanently it will be a great injustice. That the profes sor wrote a letter discussing his views on sex is no different than if he had written a letter discussing his views on a campus mr.kir!.g.,nr.Rblem - Daily Nebraskan EIXTT-XIKE TEARS OLD rtahaerlptlaa ratee an S3 per aemeatar ar t or the Eitaiber: Aocl.ted Constat. Frew. Infer- .t UliMln, KebrMki. ZeprHmitlTf: National AJvertUlnf T- rdlUr . . . . f . ... f, K les, Incorporated - Maaagmg mm tuxm Laaaw Published t: Room 2, Student VnUm " Urol! u Nebraska s 27""" 14th aV K CuCT Editor ...rat Deaa. Oary Rodger, Twlepkmw HE S-7631. ext. 4225, 226, 4227 . '""St h?lh' Tha IMUr Nrbraekaa to published Monday., Taeeday. JJ 'V M!tcr mL" J'4 tamSrmas Viwaeay mm4 Friday duriaa tha HhMl year, eierat " " " eaaaitoa aad nam period, try MMmi at Jm Jml. . . TiT I ml-.-r.lt , ar Nhnuk ander the aathortratloa ml tha amor " ""tew Van Wohlfarth, nurltt ma KtmOnH Affair a aa nnratoa af ta- , , ""T1"'"? dent errteloa. rabllraitaa ander the fcrrudletloa af tha grti ...... Haney '""' ,Lh"f S5' MbeaotmHea aa Mtadeat fahlleattoa ttall mm ttm .'nrL dahn Jett. treat odttwrMI eeawmklp aa the part af the Huheera- " "rowa. den N4ea. mittm ar an tha part ml any member af tha faealty af KUBINBM STAFF th (iftlrerelty. ar an the part af any peraoa ant, ItaatneM Maaacer . . Wtaa Hal man the IinrmroHy. Tha member af the IraUr INiamaaa Aaawtaat WaMnaai Maaagin ..... .Ofl Oradr, Barton aaatf am arnailr iMmniiMri far what ttaay ai, ar (xraee, aJ-Akia iuuan , r aaaaa a aa arhnea. Hmmtmam a, iMa. Daily Nebraskan seem to be somewhat rep resentative of students, or at least representative enough to have asked these questions as individuals. 2. This is an emergency! Certainly, we could let the Southern college students spend their summer in jail, but the demonstrations against racial discrimina tion are being carried on now, and the need for sup port is now! 3. One of the famous arguments of the advocates for white supremacy is, "Why is not every Negro entirely upset by discrimi nation? And since they are not, why should we do any thing?" Now, I'm sure Miss Si mon should note that the first movements toward in dependence in this nation were carried on by a very small part of the popula braskan does not condone the lack of in terest shown by the student body. How ever, it would seem that it would at least have been worth a try to reopen filings for the rest of this week. As far as how the interviews were con ducted, the majority of the questions asked were sensible and well thought out. However, the Daily Nebraskan heartily disapproves of the question asked of four of the five applicants: "What are your views toward social drinking?" Such a question is out of order, improper' and shows a lack of common sense on the pail of the Council members who asked it. Regardless of what the individual's views are on this subject, as a Tribunal judge he would be expected to uphold the law. In the first place, there is no such thing as social drinking on the part of any individual under the legal age limit. All drinking, moderate or heavy, is illegal in this case. If a person is over 21 and limits himself to social drinking, then there should be no need to worry about being caught, providing he hasn't purchased any liquor for a minor companion. The candidates who answered the ques tions honestly and candidly are to be con gratulated. Needless to say, things are not all go ing smooth yet for the Tribunal. The Daily Nebraskan can only request that more stu dents take an active interest in this im portant phase of self-government and cau tions the Student Council not to lose sight of the attitude of maturity it must main tain toward the Tribunal. Leftist's View The dad's organization displays its stu pidity by backing the president of the uni versity. If parents are so afraid their little sons and daughters are going to be ex posed to naughty things at college they should have kept their kiddies locked up in closets at home where their intellectual curiosity could rot. A random poll was taken of students at the University of Illinois this week to de termine what the students think about the situation. Results showed that approxi mately three-fourths of those polled be lieved that the professor's view was wrong but that he should not be suspended for expressing that view. These students have shown that just be cause a person advocates a certain thing does not mean that everyone must follow his advice. The choice is that nf the stu dent to make. By the time a person is in college he should have the ability to hear or read with an intelligent attitude and then chal lenge that which he hears or reads before making an;' decisions. American colleges and universities are facing a retardation of responsibility. A British educator made this charge after studying higher education methods in the United States for three months. He noted that students at most Ameri can colleges are still dependent on lec tures, examinations and grades to an ex tent inconceivable from the British point of view. He explained that by the time a student in Britain has reached his junior year in college he may spend as much as a third of his time working on his own. He wondered what the ultimate effect would be on the student in America who does not have the opportunity to work on his own during his most impressionable years. 1 -jm -f , Sandi tion. But their demonstra tions eventually aroused the great mass of people, until they gained the support they needed. Then, too, they didn't have to go through the AUF. 4. What could happen to your money? It would be used to help meet the legal expenses of these s t u dents, since the demonstra tions are not over. About $17,000 was spent in court by the NAACP in the first few weeks of the demon strations, and, since then, they have spread to many other cities throughout the country. All money would go for the purpose for which it was intended! As to the suggestions which the AUF so charit ably offered: 1. Why doesn't the AUF simplv make an announce ment 'next fall to the effect By Sandi Looker Letterips that all students interested in giving to the AUF merely come to the fifth floor of the Student Union and de posit their money with the smiling sitting solicitor. No? Then how could you expect the SCC fo make a successful solicitation un der the same conditions? 2. Before you have the Freedom Fund investigated, you might recall that this special Freedom Fund is for a limited time only, de pending on the duration of th e demonstrations. So, your mock attempt at gen , erosity, by offering to put ' the fund on the poll, is somewhat impractical. The second primary con sideration of the AUF should revolve around its purpose as a University or ganization. Did you perhaps realize that no solicitation can be made on state pro perty without the prior per mission of the immediate administrative personnel? Why should we need "pro tection" through AIT, when state laws already provide for it? What about off-campus students? How does AIT prevent that "ever-present knock-on-the-door" in this case? But rather than think that AUF is a protection agency which a sks for money (a highly dubious role), I would like to be lieve that AUF is an or ganization which can most effectively administer the money which we give to the present needs of the world. The AUF does have a concern! And I have enough faith in the capabil ities of its members, de spite past performance, to think it possible for them to intelligently reevaluate this concern in terms of greater validity and mean ing, both for themselves and the university commu nity. Let's hope that the future brings . this result! Jack K. King Reorganization To the Editor: Only 10 years ago, T.N.E.'s were afraid to show their faces in public because the administration had issued an ultimatum to the T.N.E. alumni never to organize this fraternity again on campus and if any member of the University of Nebraska did belong to this organization, this indi vidual would be automatic ally dismissed from school. Yet a T.N.E. newspaper has boldly been passed around campus this week and T.N.E. alumni are hav ing a dance on Friday night perhaps to look for more prospective members. It seems the present col lege fraternity boys look up on the name T.N.E. with reverence and awe. The fact is that the T.N.E. stand ards have always been known to be morally and reverently wrong; the type which give the University a bad name outstate. Their juvenile pranks are definite ly not what a school with high scholastic standards should advertise. Supporting their own members and politically tak ing over every organization possible, they do not func tion to unite Greeks to- tu?pp; owp N 51Rt'UW TO CURE SOMEONE OF BEiM AFRAID Of L'BRA&J HERE...GUOE UiHAT YOU NEED 15 A LITTLE INSPIRATION... NM K3LDW5 YOUR LIB8ARY CAfti MISH , Y30 MARCH , PfcVm'viiLim tup i ift?APv' . a. iar " w r-r 4 t V t f'Z VOW? ' DON'T I FEEL WOT YOU FEEL )u)NLIKE A FOOL cether as they so proudly claim. The offices of es teem on campus seem to fall to their wheelings and dealings rather than on the merit of the Individual. In short they benefit only T.N.E.'S. Their, power over the cam pus ' stems from the fact that the. administration is apparently afraid of T.N.E. Why? Is it possible that the T.N.E.'s have several alumni on the Board of Re gents" or among the alumni who are quite prominent in Lincoln. Does the ad ministration now definitely condone their action aftd. again believe the T.N.E.'s have a rightful place on this campus no matter what their past record has been? It will be of definite in terest to see the answer. If the administration does not take action the answer will be either the administration no longer disapproves of sub-rosas or that the ad ministration is afraid of punitive action from higher ups. The latter case has been said to be a factor in a few previous decisions. I only hope the attitude of the University is under stood by its supporters, the taxpayers, in this matter; the taxpayers who contri bute more than mere don ations for keeping T.N.E. on campus. As long as we are influenced by material factors we aren't living up to the standards that should be found at a tSate Univer sity. Possibly the only action having any effect is that of the legislature cutting back the budget in order to save a few of the farmer's hard earned dollars by not supporting such juvenile de linquents as the T.N.E.'s. It would be very interest ing to see an investigation by the legislature into this very matter. Then possibly honesty over greenbacks would once again return to enforce the code and laws set forth at the University of Nebraska. Conservative Estimate By John Hoerner At this Ivy Day time of year more than ever before the air is filled with shouts of '-foul," "unfair," "nepo tism," "necromancy," and "those f damn I TNE's." ! As you guess e a, the subject ( is the se lect ions ,of new in dividua 1 s to fill posts or p o s i- Hoerner tions vacated at this time of year. It covers every thing from a Builders as sistant to the Mortar Board president. Certainly there is nothing more despicable than stu dents involved in. a plot to put a person in office not because of his qualifi cations but because of his friends (or lack of ene mies.) Before those on the out side (that is those who didn't sit in on the elec tion or selecting board) start their hue and cry however, they should find out the facts. After all, we owe a cer tain amount of confidence in the judgment of our in terviewing and selection boards and societies and to believe that they are rig ged without proof is a pret ty rash assumption. (It is pertinent to point out that one of the poorest sources for these facts is the individual who wasn't selected. Try asking a few members of the interview ing board or others who would know both sides.) Often there are reasons used by a perfectly sincere group in making selections which are not or cannot be known to the general stu dent body. In this case the time for caution and the time for crabbing is when the inter viewing boards and com mittee members t h e ni sei ves are selected. If you have reason to be lieve there's a rotten apple in the barrel in any rne case it's your duty to get the facts and scream and shout if you have proof! Ir these rare cases where underhanded 'selec-' tlon methods do prevail, nothing short of total ex posure and censure of the individuals involved would be adequate, but let's not slap on the "corrupt" charge indiscriminately without getting the facts first. Up) OR ELSE . . . by joliu Seldom is there any amount of recognition given to constructive activities on this campus. One of these events - is currently taking its signifi cance will p r obably be disre garded be -cause of the more i m portant Spring Day and I v y Day a c t i v i- Else ties. A word of praise is def initely due the professional student societies of the Col lege o f Engineering and Architecture for one of the most significant contribu tions to public relations throughout the state and for the opportunity they pro vide for keeping up with the newest developments in the field of science. It is commendable that college students can volun tarily put forth the extra effort which makes it pos ible for other students and persons outside the Univer sity to become familiar with some of the feats which can be done by engi neering. Of course compe tition is involved, but at least it is encouraging to know that competition can be channeled into construc tive efforts. The cooperation between the societies or individuals - and the faculty is even a further reason for praise. It is inspiring to know that it is possible for student and instructor to work closely toward a particular ml SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Large corporation has openings for eight college men in sales and marketing depart ments. Must hare a car and be free to work oil summer. Earnings will.be in excess of $100 per week, plus chance for $500 schol arship. No experience necessary For personal interview, call Mr. Boorhe at Hotel Cornhusker, 1 1 cm. - 1 p.m., 5 p.m. -7 p.m., Wed., Thurs., Fri.. HE 2-4471. Thurs., May PERSUING Com Cobs r-r 4mi K,, Jazz Croup ALL SEATS. .RESERVED. .11 .90 $!.50 Students. With. I.D. $.95 $.75 : Tickers on Sale in Union Today Til 2:00 CAMPUS WORSHIP SERVICES DISCIPLB STUDENT FELLOWSHIP (CHRISTIAN CHURCHES) 1237 it HtiMft Ketth D. tcprwmon, nlnlitar lu.uo a.m., awie. at Holy Cmnuinloa lif.V) a.m., Oirff and Iuniwlaa . :M p.m., Iupar :00 p.m.. Worihlp n Program LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (NATIONAL LUTHERAN COUNCIL) t Horth Mth MrM aJTln M. fttnm. pumor :1a a.m., tutimt Church Courted with Blbt Stn6 lt and 3rd ttundayo L B A. Cabinat with UlbU Study (and and 4Ui Bundarij 10:S a.m., Horning Worship t.3U p.m., Lutinran Htudtnt AM mutton SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER) lilt U htiaae C J. Kwnan, part or tV F. hriy. J. R. Mya. aihtodata undar Maana at I, . 10. 11 U Conteaauma on taturday: 4:20-6:30 p.m. and 1-M-tM UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (PRESBYTERIAN. , hGRESA W Km Know!, minlttr 11:UU a.m.. Mornm VMhl. .m ::ur. . ' UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL mm mm Ollbart M. Armatrong, Chaplain a f" 1!!, ColTmum'm .!., Vornln Pram " .ai p.m.. Evening Prayer e:00 p.m.. Cantarfaurp iLNh'X!aRl'TJ.LUTf:ERAN CHAPEL (MISSOURI SYNOD) Liufr VL3""" in :& a.m., Morning Wortwa i.M a.m., Blbla Claaa Waltwaday avanlng iaata arvlo 7 UK) p.m. UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHAPEL (WESLEY FOUNDATION) W. B Oimld and J. B wnit. mimiiMr 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion (Weaiey Houa. 1417 ft) 0:30 a.m., Morning worahip (536 N. Utti) in: JO a.m., Oofla hour and Blbl Study (Wly floua I:IHI p.m.. Supper 'Waaler Houae) :00 p.m., Forum (Rtutlmt Union) 7:o p.m., Vp.r (Wealay Houae) Wlrtrtay Lenten Hervlew, Monday thru Friday, 12 :SO-12.au a m. Vernier at 7 :Uil u.m u,.,in,u f. else goal, that student and fac ulty can be brought closer together by such work. - Not desiring to leave a question unanswered, yes, Miss Simon, I think the purpose of AUF is extreme ly trivial if it is only to protect the students agains t the eve r-present "Knock-on-the-door." The administration policy does this; no one can solicit for anything on this campus without administrative per mission, so why have an organization which spends innumerable hours each year doing that which the administration would do anyway? Of course this would give no opportunity for students to give to charity, b n t it could always be arranged for the Community Chest, which solicits the faculty anyway, to solicit the stu dents also. A good question has been raised: "What is the pur pose of AUF?" I hope ihat it is not simply to take a little burden off the shoul ders of the administration nor to provide one more activity f or the c a m p u s. Perhaps it would be well if the AUF asked itself this question. PHILLIP MORRIS SAVE-A-PACK anil via a 1 channel tere GRADUATION t ANNOUNCEMENTS j $2.23 PER DOZEN They Arc Better At Grave. GRAVES PRINTING CO. South a4 th Labor Tempi t 12 8:00 p.m. AUDITORIUM Presents: DAVE BRUBECK Quartet featuring Paul Desmond iNatiun'i No. 1 Instrumental ZTl "nr t :M p.m., Forum 'iWrlWJ'SfWtrtFWI"'" f -v. 1 T- '