The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1960, Image 1

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6 Pf
Tuesday, April 26, 196C
Vol. 34, No. 98
itfMKiawi.imi ar
travwsiiTO t? MT.-T?!. TV,nrla Cliff Mice F.V.'pplf TlljiOPS All E-Week fat Oil DoaTl
of Engineering College Merk Hobson. Witnessing the ceremony are student co-chairmen
of E-Week Hcintz Otte (far left) and Jerry Kaes.
y m i
dent Al Witte puts the final touches on his E-Week dis
play, a device that tunes out radio and TV commercials.
He has a relay switch (middle) hooked up between an
AM and a FM radio. When an announcer speaks on the
AM radio, the switch automatically changes to the FM
band. '
Space Program
To Draw 3,400
More than 2,100 University
men and 1,300 students of
higher education in the Lincoln-Omaha
area are expect
ed to attend the Lincoln aero
space education conference
Three of the nation's lead
ing authorities on space trav
el and missile developement
will speak at Pershing Mu
nicipal Auditorium.
Air Education
Dr. Frank Sorenson, direc
tor of air education at the
University, said this program
is a more intense offering
with a central theme than
ihat. held last week .at the
Lincoln Air Force Base.
Police IJnil
Lt. Jones Named
To Head Platoon
One of to ROTC Military
Police units in the U.S. has'
been organized at the Uni
versity. The platoon, a branch of
Pershing Rifles, was formed
thisvycar as a means of allow
ing the Pershing Rifle organ
ization to become more ac
tive in campus affairs.
The. idea was brought to the
University by Capt. Clarence
Berry, commandant of cadets,
who had occasion to observe
the Michigan State University
platoon at a summer training
camp. '
The platoon will work close
lv with the Campus Police,
directing traffic during tour
anv other special events.
It is presently engaged in
a training, program which In
cludes traffic control, judo,
firt aid, pistol firing, radio
and wire communications and
an introduction to police pho
graphy. The plutoon advisor is SFC
Calvin Vermeer. Its com
mander is hers ing nine Li.
Thomas Jones.
Singers Auditions
For Fall Term
Open To Students
Professor Earl Jenkins,
director of University Sing
ers announces that audi
tions for University Singer,
fall term I960-B1 will be held
this Meek and next in Music
Building 206.
Students interested in
membership in Singers
should report for auditions
in accordance with the fol
lowing schedule:
Wednesday, 9-10 a.m.
Thursday, -ll a.m.; Sat
urday, 10-12 a.m.; Wednes
day, May 4, 9-11 a.m.; and
Thursday May 5, 9-11 a.m.
Membership is open to
students in all colleges.
Soviet Youth to NU
By Karen Long
A group of Soviet students
are slated to be on. the Uni
versity campus next fall it
was announced by the com
mittee on friendly relations
among foreign students.
The group which will prob
ably be here for one week
will be similar to the pro
gram which Terry Mitchum
participated in last summer
in the Soviet Union.
Co-operative Efforts
Sponsored by the YW
YMCA Lincoln has been se
lected to host the group
through co-operative efforts
of the Lincoln city YW
YMCA, the University and
Ag YW-YMCA's and Nebras
ka Wesleyan university.
In a letter to Jacklyn
Wilkes, executive secretary
nf ,thp Y. the oroeram direc
tor wrote, "I think it will be
quite definite that we will
plan to jiuse Lincoln as one
of the host colleges or com
munities for one of the So
viet groups. We cannot make
the itinerary absolutely def
inite until we have the final
clearances with the State De
partment and do the final ne
gotiation in Moscow."
A committee of representa
tives from the 'three spon
soring groups has been
formed and are in the pro
cess of setting up preliminary
plans and selecting people to
head vauous aspects ot me
According to Karen Long,
city Y campus chairman,
there will be a group of un
dergraduates, graduate stu
dents, and young faculty se
lected as one of the states
parations, pre-visit seminars
and special study programs
before the Soviet students
come next fall.
People Selected
People will be selected as
to their interest in foreign re
lations, scholastic standing,
personality, time available to
work on the project, and
previous experience in work
ing with foreign students and
student groups.
'We are honored to be se
lected as one of the state
to participate in the program
this year," said Miss Long.
"'The University, Lincoln, and
the entire state has many
unique factors for the Soviet
students to observe.
"Opportunities are un
limited in showing them how
oeonle of the midwest operate
in both the agricu'tural and
industrial phases as well as
how thev study at a modern
university," she said.
YWCA Plans Speech
By Education Lobbyist
University people, as well
as the general puDiic, win
be given the opportunity to
see the exact duplicate of
the first Mercury capsule
that will eventually carry
man into outer space.
This is the first time the
public in the Lincoln-Omaha
area will have a chance to
see the capsule which has
been released for general
viewing by the U.S. Depart
ment of Defense. ,
The three speakers include:
Col. Vernon Hastings,
USAF, who will speak on the
development of the Atlas In
tercontinental Ballistic Mis-
sle at 3:10 p.m.,
Al Higgins of C o n v a i r
Astronomies, the expert re
sponsible for planning of all
Nebraska Atlas bases will
speak at 4 p.m.
R. A. Fitzgerald of Mc
Donnel Aircraft Corp., the
makers of the nose cone and
capsule, will speak al 8 p.m.
The aerospace education
conference is sponsored joint
ly by the University units of
the ROTC, the Nebraska Na
tional Guard and the U.S. De
partment of Defense.
Dr. Sorenson said maps
and plans of the sites in Ne
braska will be reviewed by
the general public.
A special aircraft, a C-119,
has been equipped to fly the
capsule to Lincoln and will
arrive in Lincoln Wednesday
afternoon. The capsule will
be on display beginning
Thursday at 1 p.m.
Prof Lishner
Will Appear
hi TV Over a
Prof. . Leon Lishner of the
University music department
has accepted an invitation to
appear in the television pro
duction of Gian-Carlo Menot
ti's opera, "The Consul."
Prof. Lishner will sing the
role of the secret police agent,
a role he created in original
Broadway production and
sang in the world premiere
just 10 years ago.
Lishner has performed this
role during the Broadway
run, in two European tours,
at thp Npw York Citv Onera
Company and throughout the
United States. He also ap
pears in the Decca recording
of the opera.
This attraction will be pro
duced bv the International
Telemeter Company, a divi
sion of Paramount Pictures,
"The Consul" will be re
corded on tape and on film
in this production. The film
is being used for the purpose
of presenting the program in
parts of the world where
there are no facilities for
tape transmission.
Dr. Arthur Hitchcock, ex
ecutive director of the Na
tional Personnel and Guid
ance Association, will speak
to the YWCA on poli cities to
day at 4 p.m. in Room 334
of the Student Union.
Dr. Hitchcock, who has
been active in the work pre
paratory to the National De
fense Education Act as a lob
byist in Washington, D.C.,
will speak on "Behind the
Scenes in Washington." The
public is invited to attend.
Jr.: Division
Dr. Hitchcock came to his
nresent nositiin from the Uni
versity where he was Direc
tor of the Junior Division ana
Counseling Service and Pro
fessor of Educational Psycho
logy and Measurements. Pre
viously he had served at Har
vard University as Assistant
Director of the Guidance Cen
ter and Lecturer in Guidance
in the Graduate School of Ed
ucation. Before entering the Army,
where he served in personnel
and training work, Dr. Hitch
nnrk wns Director of Guid
ance in the public school of
Bristol, Connecticut, and a
teacher and counselor in the
Junior and Senior High School
of Greenfield, Massachusetts.
A graduate of ' Wesleyan
University, Dr. Hitchcock has
a Master's degree from Har
vard University and a rh
Young Workers and the Per
sonnel and Guidance Advisry
Council of the Bureau of La
bor Statistics.
He is a member of the
Commission on the College
Student, a Consultant to the
Commission on Relationships
of Higher Education to the
Federal Government and a
Consultant to the Commis
sion on Education and Inter
national Affairs, all of wich
are affiliated with the Ameri
can Council of Education, and
in addition, is a Consultant to
the Educational Policies Com
mission of the National Edu
cation Association.
Dr. . Hitchcock has b e e n
president of the Nebraska
College Personnel Association
and the Conneticut vocation
al Guidance Association. He
is a Diplomate and Fellow in
Counseling Psychology of the
American Psychological As
sociation, a Professional
member of the National Vo
cational Guidance Associa
tion and a member of the
American Personnel and
Guidance Association.
Currently, Dr. Htichcock is
a member of three Depart
ment of Labor organizations
the Federal Advisory Coun-
D deeree from Yale univer- en on tmpmyumn .umj,
siv 6 jthe Advisory Committee on
Hooded Handicap
Duffer' Kellnht
8unny4ldc l)
Tailrt Good
Miserable Martyr
Greek God
i Posh t Pride
Little Hill '
I Beanpole
Ratman't Ruddy
Ril Kara
rlltorU Faa
YWCA Seeks
Camp Counselors
Two summer camps are
seeking counselors through
the campus YWCA office.
The two camps are Good
all Cedar Point camp at
Ogallala and the Portland
Oregon Scout Camp' located
in the southwestern part of
Washington state.
Anyone who would be inter
ested in a .summer camp
counseling position should
contact Miss Jackie Wilkes,
YWCA executive director, for
more information.
The Itump
Rodeo Ranch
The Fortran
Rlrri Cajre
Probation Palane
Rodeo Ranch
Hunker Hilton
Tin Roofed Terrace
Rodeo Ranch
tfoap Box
The Iftland
The New F.diface
of the dump, that la)
Launchina Pad
Dlftclples Den
Bird Can
Rtc Ham
Dlnciploa Den
No Trainer
Fo Fum
No Trainer
Au Revolr
Rich Farmer
No Trainer
Farmer'! Boy
No Trainer
No Trainer
No Trainer
;!3 -3
lo and ateady wins the rare
Whipped home with a Klub.
Hardly heard of first two lap., hut lf
wiial'a up front that count.
Clean cut ateed aline hnme with little
trnlninC. 1
Ran In the rlirhl paok.
Bad horae. hut ahow. what rood room
ing can do.
Much talked of hooves need reahoelrMt.
Rag Applications
Are Available
Applications for positions
on the paid staff of the
Daily Nebraskan are now
Applications will be ac
cepted in the J-School of
fice, 309 Burnett, until May
Pub Board will hold in
terviews for applicants May
14, beginning at 9 a.m.
Not much more than
that's enough.
Thre. three, alwaya three.
a whlnney, but
f lied ; but. then
Blue Plate Hneclal allm to none
Ho Trainer
real raer waa
ln't tills one?
It's oln to be close.
Illegal entry, bul big time backing wins
the race.
Has nothing, but It's a loan field.
Judge's decision In photofinish with Bean
pole, hut "mucky" track may bring
him home.
"I may he sub-aln. bul al least I'm pot
"No year Is that lean" An Innocent.
"I'm beginning to feel like toilet."
e rt --
Masquerade Parly
Bell Bay
Bovine Body
Regal Lady
Florence tilrhtengale
Damp Paddler
Katydid .
Dial Dollv
Hanna'a Hnncho
Hello Honey
Bettle Bomb
Hllver Nail
Kias Me Free
Hume f an
Dragon'a Den
Tammany 'Hall t
Peanuts' Plana
The Plantation
Tammany Hall
The Pen
mill Building
Passion Pit
The Pen
Ho Trainer
Miss Front
Flawless Fillle
Court Magistrate
German Beak
Miss Front
No Trainer
Teacher's P'
Ag Vllle Ointment
Ko Trainer
No Trainer
Bedouin Boudoir Woods Opening
Dragon's Den
Tainiiiatiy Hall
Peanuts' Plaae
-Heu but Hooal
No Trainer
Mist ronl
OertiMU Ba
Aronlleoturai Associate
Lineage doesn't detract.
Running out of willed -stable, but tepl
ailka clean
Weighted average holds her back.
Broke faat from the grates and ran well,
(io aure ahe'a making Book.
Hhetland aiie keens her back In the par.
Pulling flower cart may ap her strength
at the finish.
Won't even work up a aweat.
Stable tradition helps.
'Well, If she's really got .5 . . . "
a Mortar Board.
Has one masque; wants another.
Has been tethered, but hobbling toward
the finish.
Not a thoroughbred, hut may run on
-slow track.
Depends on how many finish.
Kuuuiug under the wrung colors.
liuesn't bae
.aliauoe, put -ooutda'-t
Young Ds
To Meet
Geis Given
The University Young
Democrats will meet tonight
at 7 in the Little Auditorium
of the Student Union, accord
ing to Don Ferguson, presi
Fereuson also said that the
YD's would continue to meet
on Tuesday night for the re-
mainder of the school year.
The program will feature
student speakers on the can
didates they support on the
state and national levels.
Special rates have been se
cured for members of the
YD's who plan on attending
the Jefferson-Jackson Day
dinner in Omaha May 7.
Members will he permitted
to participate in the $25 din
ner for $3.50.
Deadline for reservations
to this dinner is Thursday -at
6 p.m. Reservations should
be made with Don Ferguson
at the Phi Gam house or at
GR 7-6454.
Ferguson also announced
that Don Geis had been made
an Admiral in the GTtat
Navy of the State of Nebras
ka by Gov. Ralph Brooks.
The honor was bestowed for
Geis' "political career at the
University and being presi
dent of the Young Demo
crats.' The YD's were also pre
sented a gavel made from
wood of the banister of the
old Governor's mansion.
TVia nrA(TTom lhac SfVTl STV-
proved by Chancellor Clifford
Hardin and Dr. Vance nog-
ers, president ot wesieyan
Entire University
The entire University will
be asked to co-operate in the
project as well as the city
and state.
Last year the University rf
Missouri was host to a group
of twelve. They report that
the program stirred up inter
est on the campus not only
in Russia but in world af
fairs. Miss WHke said of th pro
gram, "Student YW-YM't w
have been host groups befor
have felt that the most valu
able contribution made wai
in the field f human relations.
"Getting to know just on
individual from the Soviet Un
ion win heln a Nebraskan
feel that Soviets can bt btp-
man and the sam haippen
when Soviet students xcmt
""We don't hop to tacld
ideolgies nor to change thr
ways but to show them some
thing of midwest life nd flh
university campuses," she
Missouri Conference
In a conference with Mia
souri officials, Miss Wilfcei
discovered that the Soviets
placed highest importance on
warmth of reception and real
thoughtfulness in the campus
living situations.
The Universities h a v
stated that they will encour
age fraternities and sorori
ties to offer housine to the
twelve Soviet visitors.
The Soviet Exchange stu
dents will be older than nr
18-25 age students. Their
group includes graduate stu
dents, teachers, and people
related to academic pursuits.
Some of them will be biling
ual and an official interpre
ter will accompany the group.
The University Russian de
partment has agreed to help
with interpretation.
Some of the suggestions of
fered by the Lincoln group
for hosting these students
have been the unicameral, a
farm visit. Boys l own ana
the sandhills region. Sugges
tions will be appreciated and
may be left or mailed to the
Y office or Karen Long at
the Daily Nebraskan.
Letters will be sent to Uni
versity and city personnel but
other suggestions for host ap
plicants or people interested
in taking part in the project
may submit names and quahV
fications to the same place
listed above.
Award Goes
if V ' 1
fefeW)((JMs. i
To Maxwell
Diana Maxwell, University
senior in the School of Journ
alism, recently received the
annual Nebraska Press
Woman award for 1960.
Thp nH-nrrl
is e i v e n f"'J?
1 A.
eacn year ?
to the out
standing sen
ior woman
j o u r n a 1
ism major
in Nebraska,
according to ;
Dr. William
Hall, dirsc-
tor of the Miss Maxwell
She received a certificate
and a $25 award at the NPW
Miss Maxwell is a Phi
Beta Kappa student, past
editor of the Daily Nebras
kan and a member .of Mortar
Board, senior women's hon
orary. During the past summer
she interned at the Grand
Island Independent. Mis
Maxwell was one of two Uni
versity stuaenis representing
the University at the Air
Force Academy's annual tw
day exchange student panel
discission this past year.
A recent magazine article
written by her was chosen to
appear in the American Edi
tor as an example ol out
standing writing by a wom
an student in journalism.
Miss E-Week
Awards . Dancing
'uu lis Lis
Friday, April 29
Cotner Terrace, 7:00 p.m.
(rMfHIItUUm ri. "