The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1960, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Page 4
Quad Men
Sought Out
Selleck Quadrangle o u t
tanding individual nomina
tions are now being received.
Any member of Selleck
may be nominated. Of these
nominations, the Activities
Council will narrow the can
didates to 12 and a special
committee will make the final
selection of four.
These four outstanding in
dividuals will be honored at
aa annual awards and initia
tion banquet on May 11. Two
Celieck men will also be hon
ored for high scholarship and
next year" officers win be
initiated then.
This is the fourth year the
outstanding individual awards
will be made in Selleck.
Read the Daily Nebraskan
Classified Ada. Better still
Speed Equipment
i Hollywood Mufflers
RAM Council OKs
Two Amendments
Two constitutional amend
ments have been approved by
the RAM executive council
and will be presented to the
houses of SellecK yuaorangie
fnr ratlfiration on Mav 5. Tom
Eason, RAM president . h a s
announced. ,
One of the amendments
deals with a change in the
RAM executive council rep
resentation. The president of each house
in Selleck Quadrangle Is cur
rently serving as that house's
representative on the RAM
Under the provision of the
purposed amendment, a rep
resentative other than the
president would be chosen by
each house to be their main
council member.
Eason said the reasoning
behind the amendment was
that the house presidents
would then have more time
to devote to their job as
president. At present the feel
in? is RAM cabinet duties
often require a great deal of
the president s time wrucn
results in neglect of their
house resDonsibilities.
Th nroDosed svstem of
elected representatives to the
RAM cabinet is patterned
after the Iowa State system,
Eason said.
The second amendment
deals with the approval of a
change of the rules-of-order
reference now used by t n e
RAM organization.
According to the rules of
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the Siudent Council each cam
pus organization is required
tn list a parliamentary reier-
ence source in its constitu
tion. . ..
Eason said Kooert s nuies
of Order, the source now
used by the group, nas proved
inadequate and confusing con
.omin? some Questions of
parliamentary procedure.
r n .1.. 41. n T VT tin. Iiaan
consulting Sturgis Standard
riwi Af Parliamentary Pro
cedures and have found it to
be more satisfactory tor tneir
use, Eason commented. -
"We think the book is bet
ter organized by topics and
outlines," he said, "in addi
tion it presents the consider
ations of court decisions
which help to clarify more
In order to be adapted, the
amendments must be ap
proved by 2-3 vote by of
the Selleck houses. There
are 16 houses in the Quad-
If approved by the residents
of Selleck, the amendments
will be sent to ithe Student
Council for final approval be
fore they are amended to the
RAM constitution.
Tribunal lieeks
Law Applicants
Applications are still open
for Law College students who
wish to apply for positions on
the Student Tribunal. The ap
plicant must have campleted
at least one year of law school
successfully and be a sopho
fore or above in the upper 50
per cent of his class.
Applicants must sign for an
interview time by noon Sat
urday, according to Chrch
Wilson, chairman of the Stu
dent Council Nominating com
mittee. Interviews will be
held Sunday afternoon.
Graduate Club
Plans Parly
A party for graduate stu
dents will be held tonight in
the Student Union from 8 to
12 p.m. in room 232.
Special numbers on the pro
gram, sponsored by the
Graduate Club, will be a clas
sical guitar number by Clark
Metcalf, piano solo by Harriet
Ball, Spanish Flaming dance,
tap and ballet numbers, skit
and vocal solo by Jagjit Singh.
Will Host
Panhel To Present
Talent, Style Show
University sororities will
host more than 240 girls this
weekend as iunior and senior
high school legacies come to
Lincoln for tne annual Pan-
hellenic Legacy Weekend.
The main feature of the
weekend will be the Panhel-
lenic style show featuring
clothes appropriate for Rush
Week. The show will be mod
erated by Gail Simon.
Three talent selections will
be nresented at the show in
cluding the Delta' Delta Del
ta Coed Follies traveler act,
Gamma Phi Beta pledge
quartet and a modern dance,
"Gay Children" . by Glenda
Luff and Karen Costin.
Models for the show are
representatives of the soror
ities. They are Katy Griffith,
Alpha Chi Omega; Nancy
Jacobson, Alpha Omicron Pi;
Kay Uehling, Alpha Phi; Ros
emary Kuhl, Alpha Xi Delta;
Sandy Skeer, Chi Omega;
Janet Hoeppner, Delta Delta
Delta; Barb Miller, Delta
Janis Marler, Gamma Phi
Beta; Barb Anderson, Kappa
Alpha Theta; Yvonne Willers,
Kappa Delta; Linda Harmon,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Gail
Mulligan, Pi Beta Phi; Glor
ia Tietjen, Sigma Kappa; and
Maureen Frazier, Zeta Tau
Junior Men
Multi-billion dollar company look in t for two aggressive Junior men interested in
potential sales career. Summer placement and Job training for part-time work this
summer and next school yeart" Qualified men to enter program on graduation for
ales and sales-manarement positions with 5 figure incomes possible.
If you tcan,
A challenge Sale training
Income for part-time work
Wrlta today to
Daily. Nebraskan, Box 200
Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska
Valuable expericnc
Future opportunity
Camera Club
Will Name
Poise Queen
Six coeds have been named
finalists for the title of "Ne
braska Poise Queen" to be se
lected by the Nebraska Cam
era Club.
The finalists are Judy Lang,
Sylvia McNally, Pat Johnson,
Pat Salisbury, Sandy Johnson
and Yvonne Young.
The Queen will be selected
by vote of the members at the
Club's annual convention in
Lincoln this afternoon at the
Cornhusker Hotel. Photo
graphs of the girls will be on
display and the members will
vote from the photos.
An engraved trophy will be
presented to the winner.
Dr. Scott To Speak
To Chem Society
Guest speaker at the month
ly meeting of the Nebraska
s e c 1 1 o n of the American
Chemical Society will be Dr.
Scott Searles, associate pro
fessor at Kansas State Uni
versity.' ' Effect of Ring Size on
Properties of Small Ring
Heterocyclic Compounds" will
be his topic. The meeting will
be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
324 Avery Lab.
9m n DtM Ckwf Shorn at apfcr gajadoss, NBC-TV -Ou Pal Boom Cn Showroom veettf , ABC-TV
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University Awarded
Grants for Research
Grants totaling $39,706 have
been awarded to the Univer
sity from the Small Business
Administration for four re
search projects concerning
Nebraska business.
Dr. Harold E. Wise, depu
ty research administrator at
the University, said the grants
$6,900 for exploration of
methods of counting the num
ber of business firms and es
tablishments by type, size and
location in Nebraska, conduct
ed by Dr. . Z. Palmer,
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for fait delivery, favorable deals
Rev.' Pickering
New Pastor
For Presby
Kansas Minister
To Begin Aug. 1
The Rev. Alan Pickering of
Lawrence, Kan. has been ap
pointed University pastor for
the United Campus Christian
Rev. Pickering will begin
his campus ministry on Aug.
1. ,
The United Campus Chris
tian Fellowship is the coop
erative work of the United
Presbyterian Church, Congre
gational Christian Churches,
Evangelical and Reformed
Churches and, Evangelical
United Brethern Church.
Rev. Pickering was gradu
ated from the University of
Kansas. He received his B.D.
degree from McCormick
Theological Seminary in Chi
cago and completed his resi
dent work for the PH.D. de
gree at Hebrew Union College
in Cincinnati, Ohio.
For the past three years
he was associate university
pastor for the Presbyterian
students at the University of
Kansas. ,
chairman of the department
of business research.
$5,500 for the study of op
erating controls utilized by se
lected Nebraska ;manufactur
ing firms, employing 25 to 200
persons, conducted by Dr.
William G. Dick, associate
professor of business organi
zation and management.
$9,154 for the investigation
and analysis of research ac
tivity, product diversifica
tion, and product differentia
tion by' small manufacturers
in Nebraska, conducted by Dr.
Campbell R. McConnell and
Dr. Wallace C. Peterson, both
associate professors of economics.
$18,152 for a study of es
sential factors in the estab
lishment of efficient vegeta
ble processing and distribu
tion firms In Nebraska, direct
ed by Clarence J. Miller, as
sociated professor of agricul
tural economics.
Dr. Miller said that in the
past Nebraska has had a num
ber of small business enter
prises engaged In producing,
processing and selling vege
tables. Most of these firms,
he said, "have after a period
of life gone out of business
or have been absorbed by oth
er firms.
"Lack of success has been
attributed to such factors as
distance of major markets,
inadequate access . to re
sources such as labor and
capital, erratic weather which
made production unstable,
and changing technology
which made the older estab
lished plants outmoded."
As the environment for pro
ducing" and processing of
vegetables has in recent years
become more favorable in Ne
braska, it is obvious that a
survey of the managerial
problems connected with the
vegetable processing industry
is to be successful, Dr. Miller
German Student
Coates Receives
Curtis Award
The Scena Hansen Curtis
$50 prize for high scholarship
for a senior majoring in Ger
man has been awarded to
John Coates, according to
Dr. Paul Schach.
Dr. Schach is the acting
chairman of the department
of Germanic languages. The
department made the award
from a grant presented by
Mrs. Edwin Curtis of Minden,
a former German major at
the University.
Coates is a member of Del
ta Phi Alpha, German lan
guage honorary and Sigma
Phi Epsilon social fraternity.
Hold Down
Sorority legacies have ap
parently slowed the social
pace this weekend.
A tew aaie uumci a a a a
formals dominate the scant
Kappa Kappa Gamma tea
honoring national president,
3-5 p.m.
Terrace Hall formal, 6:30
1'2 p.m.
Fedde Hall ormal, 6-12
Love Memorial Hall-Ag
Men picnic, 4-7 p.m.
Delta Tau Delta date din
ner, 7:30-9 p.m.
Phi Delta Theta date din
ner, 6-8 p.m..
Sigma Nu date dinner, 5-7
Business Ed
Board .Seekers
File Monday
The filing date for 1960-61
Business Education Student
Advisory Board election is
Monday in 210 Social Science
The election will be held in
connection with the student
Council elections in May. The
Board consists of two mem
bers from each class from
sophomore on up with at least
one woman from the junior
and senior class. '
To be eligible a student
must be presently enrolled in
the College of Business Ad
ministration, be in good
standing, and have a 5.0 ac
cumulative average or better.
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This airplane is actually a' flying
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sible future leaders of the Aero
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weeks of training will win each of
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wings of an Air Force Navigator
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For certain young men, this
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bright career of executive poten
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advances in the fields of naviga
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tronics and radar. And here is
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To qualify for Navigator train
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Age. If you think you measure up,
we'd like to talk to you at the nea r
est Air Force Recruiting OfficeJ
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Ther$'s a Pldce or tomorrow's
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