The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1960, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, April 20, 1960
Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
editor's Note: This ft tha aetond r
flcl ta twa-part aerfea explaining the
evectal Freedom Fund of the National
Assoc ta Mam for the Advancement of Col
ored People. The article Heiow provides
a look at present conditions of the Negro
hi the Sent and explains, the rnmpoi
Stndent Christian Council's outlook on
toe Freedom fund.
, By John Else
Since early March, Negro
and white students in the
South have been participat
ing in "sit-in" demonstra
tions of many typesr One
of these demonstrations
started in Nashville, Tenn.,
where young Negroes
walked into the Woolworth
Store and sat down at the
lunch counter.. They were
refused service.
In tras case, as in nu
merous others, the Negroes
did . not retaliate when a
group of whites began name
calling, spitting, cuffing
and then boldly punched,
banged heads against the
counters, stuffed cigar
ette butts down the Negroes
collars and finally pulled
three Negroes from their
seats and beat them.
As the Negroes ran from
the store, the whites
screamed for them, to stay
and fight. Even though
there were law officials
around the . store, no one
was arrested for starting
the violence.
In Marshal, Tex., 70 stu
dents from Bishop College
and Wiley College were ar
rested for sit-in demonstra
tions. Bail for release of
each student was $700,
which was paid by Negro
property owners, but each
student is to be tried in
dividually, which means
large court costs for their
trials and fines.
These two examples only
serve to show what is hap
pening in the South. There
have been numerous arrests
and money is urgently
needed to pay bail for re
lease, court costs for tirals,
and the fines levied.
The Student Christian
Council, representing the
Protestant denomina
tions on the campus, wishes
to speck on this situation
for two reasons: as citizens
in a democratic nation we
hold that each man is en
titled to his place in socie
ty; as communicants of the
Christian faith we hold that
God, through Christ, was
I I Op daily 9:30 to 5:30
I I Thursday 10 to 8:30 ('
x V
reconciling all men to him
self and to each other.
We view the -demonstrations
In the South as evi
flence that the living Christ
is now at work reconciling
negroes and whites unto
each other ,and to God. Our
faith calls, us to share with
the campus our conviction
that we in the North must
participate in this recon
ciliation. We think one valid way
is to raise money to pro
vide lawyers' fees and court
costs for the Negroes de
fense so that the separa
tion of colors is no longer
ata estrangement of man's
relationship to his fellow
Thus we have turned to
the All University Fund to
ask their support for an all
campus solicitation. Any
money raised will be given
to the Freedom Fund ar
ranged by the National As
sociation for the Advance
ment of Colored People for
the specific purpose of help
ing Negroes pay their court
costs and attorney fees.
There are at present sev
eral different funds to
which money can be given,
but we believe this particu
lar one to be the best. By
designating our money in
this way, we do not feel that
this implies complete sup
port of the N. A. A. C. P.
It is only recognition that
their fund is the one which
will be the most effective
in distributing funds where
they are needed.
However, no action will
come from the S. C. C. un
til the A. U. F. has an
nounced its decision. Fur
ther plans will be made
pending their decision.
Young Demos
To Elect Officers
The University Young Dem
ocrats will hold their weekly
meeting today at 8 p.m. in
the Student Union Small Au
ditorium. The order of business will
be the election of officers. Of
ficers will be nominated and
elected by members in good
standing. Membership cards
will be required of all those
Specially designed to
lead on active campus life . . ,
every, bit as smart
as your dress up shoes!
Aplenty .. . . tailored tie in
block, bone and red. 8.95
Pick Me Up . . . jaunty mocassin toe
slip on in bone and navy. 8.95
Grad Study
Soupn maior fellowships
totaling more than $12,000
have been awarded tor grad
uate study during the coming
school year.
The two Regents Pre-Doc-
toral fellowships of $2000
each at NU were awarded to
Don R. Gerlach and Zoltan
Kramer, both working for a
Ph.D. in history.
Five Franklin E. and Orin
rfa M. Johnson fellowships of
$1700 are for graduate study
at schools selected hy 'the
recipients. These fellowships
and the Regents fellowships
also include tuition. 4
Recipients of the Johnson
fellowships include William
E. Laux of Lincoln, Ph.D.
in political science; Alfred
W. Maschke, Ph.D. in phys
ics; Judith C. DuJardin, mas
ters in social work; Shiva S.
Singh. Ph.D. in agronomy;
and Charles V. Heuer, mas
ters in mathematics.
Space Fight
Miss Entries
Close Today
Today is the final day to
sbmit entries for the "Miss
Space Flight The Girl With
Whom You Would Most Like
to Be in Orbit," according
to Mrs. Karen Timmons of
Teachers College.
The "Miss Space Flight"
contest is being held in con
junction with a' series of
three briefings on the Atlas
missile on April 28. which is
being sponsored by the Uni
versity Air Force ROTC,
Teachers College- and the Ne
braska National Guard.
Each organized women's
house is limited to one can
didate in the "Miss Space
Flight" contest. Candidates
will be judged on the basis
of beauty, poise and person
ality and must be in good
standing with the University.
Candidates will undergo
preliminary judging on the
basis of the entry form. Fin
alists will be selected to be
interviewed by the judging
board on Monday.
Names and completed
forms should be submitted to
Mrs. Karen Timmons, 103
Teachers College, by 5 p.m.
BizAd Honorary
Initiates Seven
Beta Gamma Sigma, Busi
ness Administration honor so
ciety, initiated seven mem
bers this week.
Seniors initiated Include
John Mason and Eldon P.itter
bush. Juniors initiated were Ken
neth Babka, Ernest Carlson,
Rodson Ellerbusch, Robert
Johnson and Richard New
man. College of Business Admin
istration seniors who rank in
the top 10 per cent of their
class and juniors in the lop
five per cent are eligible for
Waut Ads
No Word I 1 j, I 2 U. 4 da
iTo i o ,s I .al i no"
11-11 I .50 I ,M 1.0H I 1.2.1
T 20 I .iO I .95 I 1.25
21-25 I 170 I 1 10 I VTh
urn .no i 25 Cm i 2. no
I .90 I 1.40 I 1 5 I 2.2.1
3-40 1 1.00 I I 55 I .05 t 2 .V)
The Inw-foirt rt apply in Want
Ad which nrf p'ar'ed for corcutiv
riav and pnld for within 10 dav
aftr th ad expire or in cnrwll Ad
to he printed In the rlnMlfied ertmn
of the Oall Nebrnakan mui' he
nMrtmniinfed by th nfim of the person
placing sid ad.
Bent rnt MS fpnrtiin trailer. : ft .
Att-irhtri xld kmrtty pin Uiy
room. Will bU both. t up fur
Hvlnn. at Ju a llttl nvr ttif Inan
value of trntler alnn. uslitv
throughout. 8 It now mov in
Eatr vacation (or hefore'. Bank
will hanrlle lar percental Orm
fact on balance if needed. Iot
106-0. 4000 Cornhuaker Hvry.
19S1 Butclc convertible. Fnllv powered.
Airpolee. 24.000 miles Vogue whte
wall Life tie Womlerhar radio,
heater, tonneau. Original owner.
IV -333.
Conalder summer employment with all
these advantages. Karn up to SldO
per week. Work with a reputable com
pany, nationally famous in its field.
Work according to own achednle
Work anywhere in the I'SA. even in
your home ywn. Continue on a part
time basw when you return to classes
next fall. Earn cash scholarships
Muat have car and be free to work.
Write Daily Nebraskan. box number
100. for personal Interview
Wanted Man and wife to assist In the
care and upkeep of a private home
In Estea Park for June. Julv. and
August. Beautiful Tocatlon at the
bank of the Big Thompson at tie
base of Continental Divide. Habits
temperate. Phone OA 3-2636 for ap
pointment if interested.
Wanted. Hashers to work for meals
contact Howard Koouer fUi
HE 2-3120.
Dressmaking or alterations done at
reasonable prices in neat-up-to-d.ite
styles. Come to Mavis, 418 No. 23rd
Apartment for rent :
TOQ. One bedroom with stove, re
frlgeralor, b."eakfast bar and stools.
Ixcated in beautiful neighborhood.
O o u p ' e can occupy now. c.n
3A 3-1B16 after 5.
W( f O If " ..
j. tf i-" ,t 1 li1 - 1
BIZ AD HOXOREES Newly elected members of Beta
Gamma Sigma, national scholastic fraternity in business
administration, are: (left to right, standing) Ernest Carl
son, Kenneth Babka and Rod Ellerbusch; (sitting) Eldon
Ritterbush, Richard Newman and Robert Johnson. Not
pictured is John Mason.
Board of Regents Promotes
Fourteen to Professorships
The University B 0 a r d of
Regents promoted 14 faculty
members to full professors
last week.
Those promoted include:
J. K. Matsushima, animal
husbandry; Mogens Plum,
dairy husbandry; Ralston J.
Graham, experiment station;
Gerda Petersen and John
Weihing, both agricultural ex
tension; James II. Looker,
chemistry; Stanley Ross, his
tory. Saul Epstein and Edward
Zimmerman, both ' physics;
Manfred Keiler, art; Robert
J. Cranford, journalism;
Richard M. Bourne and Rob
ert H. Cole, both business or
ganization and management;
and Norman Thorpe, second
ary education.
Assistant professors pro
moted to associate profes
sors are: Robert M. Hill,
biochemistry; Norman Un
derdahl, veterinary science;
Gordon A. Gallup, chemistry;
Louis Crompton and Oscar
Mandel, both English; Lloyd
Teale, Romance Languages;
Robert Beadell, music; Don
ald O. Olson, speech.
Arvirf R. Riveland, civil
engineering; Richard Harns-
J j
' ....... . ' '..':iy.' . ;. K. - - 1
iiumih-i,,-,, aifaiull lliiiiiiiiiiinnif-"- ... . ...-.. ...... , amitri mil. rfi" .I'wmviirtl iii htki mi InMliin miih iiiiiiiiihiiiUi J
As a college sophomore, you're nearing the mid-point.
Halfway through college halfway through Army ROTC.
Now you face a major decision: Are the gold bars of a
Second Lieutenant worth two additional years of study
in advanced ROTC?
That question is yours to answer now before you
register for your junior year. As you explore the facts,
carefully weigh the traditional responsibilities and rewards
of serving as an Army officer .. . ,
1 Traditional responsibilities. To meet the command responsi
v ' biHties of an Army officer, you apply the leadership prin
ciples absorbed during advanced ROTC training.nd your
executive potential grows as you gather leadership experi
Lad year, 14,436 sophomores answered "yes" to this
vx ! "wnm
berger, law; William D. An
gle and Robert S. Long, both
internal medicine: Hilton A.
Salhanlck, obstetrics and gyn
ecology. Georee Alliband. ophthal
mology; Morton H. Kulesh
and Milton Simons, both pa
thology; George J. Klok, pe
diatrics; Phil H. Rueschhoff
and Joe Zafforoni, both ele
mentary education and Lil
lian Castner, physical educa
tion for women.
In addition to these promo
tions Ihe board appointed
Prof. James Blackman as as
sistant dean in the College of
Engineering and Architec
ture. . , .... .
Dr.: Aubrey L. Forrest, for
merly of Lincoln, was ap
pointed director o'f student
financial assistance and as
sistant to the dean of student
Dr. John H. Pazur was ap
pointed as acting chairman of
the department of biochemis
try and nutrition.
Read the Daily Nebraskan
Classified Ads. Better still
On The Social Side; . i :
Conspiracy Of Cupid.
Rabbit Takes Toll
The Easter bunny and
Cupid joined forces during
Spring vacation and came up
with fifteen pinnings and en
gagements. Plnnings
Judie Morris, Delta Delta
Delta junior in Teachers from
Benkleman, to Lynn Schot
tler, Delta Tau Delta senior
in Business Administration
from Norfolk.
Judy Feather, Gamma Phi
Beta alum from Lincoln, to
Don Purcell, Phi Delta
Theta sophomore in Teachers
from Omaha.
Georgann Humphrey, Kp
pa, Delta alum from New
York City, to Bob Cain at
the. West ftoint' Military
Academy from Raleigh, S.C,
Glenda Wall, Love Memo
rial Hall freshman in Home
Economics from Eagle, to
Larry G. Ott, Ag Men junior
in Agriculture from Lyman.
Anita Dunker, Love. Memo
rial Hall freshman in
Home Economics from
Schuyler, to Gene "Mannlein,
FarmHouse sophomore in Ag
riculture from St. Paul.
Anita Dunker, freshman in
the College of Agriculture
from Schuyler, to Gene Mann-
lein, .FarmHouse sophomore
in the College of Agriculture
from St. Paul.
Jackie Shaffer, Alpha
Omicron Pi junior in Home
Economics from Lincoln, to
Bill Tidd, Sigma Alpha Ep--silon
alum1 at the University
of Iowa from Omaha.
Yvonne Young, Alpha Omi
cron Pi senior in Teachers
from Sargeant, to Dick West,
Phi Gamma Delta senior in
Arts and Sciences from Oma
ha. Jan Nisker, Sigma Delta
Tau senior in Arts and Sci
ences from Norfolk, to R 0 y
Earnings will he in excess of S 100. per eek,
plus a ihance for 81,000 scholarship; Eleven
81,000 scholarships will he awarded. Appli
cants must he: Exceptionally neat in appear,
ance; above average in aggressiveness.
Those Mho qualify may continue their next
semester on a part time basis. For appoint
ment write Al Booth 4i.i No. 80th St.,
Omaha, Nehr.
ence. That's why employers often prefer men who Berved at
commissioned officers. These men already have proven
their capacity to shoulder executive responsibility.
2. Traditional rewards, In every organization, greater respon
sibilities mean greater rewards. Thus the traditional respon
sibilities and prestige of an Army officer are matched by
material advantages. For example, if you plan to marry
soon after graduation an officer's salary can be a distinct
advantage. A married 2nd Lieutenant earns a minimum of
$355.68 per month plus substantial fringe benefits.
Need more information? Check with the Professor of Mill
tary Science and Tactics at your college or university.
He'll be glad to discuss your decision tnth you.
questionand enured advanced
Buffum, senior in Engineer
ing from Galesbu'-g, 111.
Kathy Burkhart, Kappa
Alpha Theta senior in Teach
ers from Sioux City, la., to
Larry Halsted, from Yankton, '
Diane Douglas, Kappa Al
pha Theta senior in Teachers
from St. Joseph, Mo., to Gene
Nicholas, Sigma Chi senior in
Business Administration from
St. Joseph, Mo.
Carol Larsen, Chi Omega
senior in Arts and Sciences
from Thedford, to David
Erickson, Beta Theta Pi sen
ior in Law from Central City.
Carol Schaller of A ins
worth, to David E. Jonrs,
Burr Hall sophomore in Ag
riculture from Ainsworth.
Pat Erickson, W 0 m e n's
Residence Halls senior in
Teachers from . Arcadia, to
Merlin Butt.
Dorothy Glade, Towne Club
senior in Teachers from Lin
coln, to Ralph Middleton,
Acacia alum from Bridge
port. Renoir, Picasso
Subjects of Film
The Student Union Arts and
Exhibits committee will pre
sent the third film in the Art
Film Series Thursday in the
Small Auditorium at 5 p.m.
The title of the film is
"From Renoir to Picasso." It
is a study and comparison of
the characteristics of Renoir,
the sensualist; Seurat, the in
tellectual; and Picasso, the in
stinctive artist.
The show will also present
"Carnival," a study in
rhythms and light conveying
something of the kaleidos
copic quality of an amusement
Army ROTC.