The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    The Doily Nebraskan
Page 3
Baseballers Run Into Trouble;
Lose Three To Missouri Nine
Tuesday, April 19, 1960
By Hal Brown
After sweeping a three
game series in the conference
opener against Kansas State,
the Husker baseballers ran
into trouble against Missouri
the past weekend losing a
three-game set to the Tigers.
Nebraska dropped a double
header to Missouri Friday by
scores of 11-9 and 14-9 and
the Timers swept the series
with a-6vlctaryin Sat
urday's encounter.
A three-run homer by Mis
souri's Ron Cox in the ninth
gave the Tigers the victory
in that one. The game was
tied at eight-aH after the reg
ulation seven innings.
Each team scored a run .is
the eighth frame before Cox
unloaded his homer off the
servings of Harry Tolly who
Box Scores
Maria 1
Rim 'err t 4 I
Inn- t
PorwHif X I
fnnm H I
$wrtt X
Wall t
W abarti
X Jonas Xe 1
1 VTa'inw M 1
X ICaVfcnar at 1
Dam XX
Snim" 14
KaaPnvu lb 1
XwvMc 1
Vudmif 11
TH'Kv Sb J 1
1 Snmiiy 11
a-Suttlram 1 49
Tattia Mil Trait vr s i
a strata; aat for Brimna 4a armmtfc;
a Gnamoai aut itt Janet in wrrma.
VltllMI 15flOP -4
bw stata . . . . . ftt -a
B Smtar. Harrfe, Xante. PinvwU.
tons. Wall. Kamta. E tomw,
Kwaw X, Kantmaa S. WVA Sum
ti Xi-. bmu Suite 11-32. B iUu
aanear. Rraa'i.
SB SxbM, nuahMMr. SB Safer, liar
ri. Swpo. IP rmrtn-K. Kui
sua. LcaV-Nearaala . Kansas 8ts.t T.
- IT B 1 El B SO
Wall (M X 1 I X t
Bttunas M T S i 1
,WaB -!. L fieimui. U Srat
her. Rwas. T :L
ao(md Cfcme
Mmta &aaa art
JAir) Parr 4 2 1
Horn of-if 1
mini if X 1
KMdmKnlh III
OraT-nMofcc 4
rmticV tit . 2k 1
PuroeU if I taum4Ma
Smttrfli tnni I
Rartto Xa t4)t Knnriwc I
Swen X Tuytrr Xfc I
fw f) SrtnrrLnc a a
Tiiitr X 1 aw!tRB 111
Titea XT 4 4 ITntaK M X
-uihM for (Mkintlac ia pventh; k
Kan r akelini it aavanai.
.Drantai WIS we U 4
iBnu suae . MS 4WU a i
l-lr. Harrau ttuiwnaar. Zfsnac.
VfihutBr. Fwar X. Knwkes. E Sieer,
H'Hrknr K. PCH lBbraetui 23-4. $LB.ttwt
fcmi S-B. r Tollj-Sielr-SBUTier.
lfi Vph-mma 4. Kaaaw smt i. EK
HurriK, ZeniK.. Pir. Vi evtfuRr. FcMff.
.feahierliDft. a Xentic.
ip a rx es set
AHter .. I 4 I i i i
Tour Hy 4 X I 1 i
V-hierlu iv f 4 4 X
HBP - Puirffl (SarW. T
Sohiej'lipr. V HrvarX. Iinb(ir. T 1:46.
tun lUMr
fe t iM ab t ij
Siatar 2k 4
X imrnt lb
tiurrit. rfif 4
( Tvmr i
1 Dunn U at
a.ufmaD Ik
X Snlmmitf
finpwlet c
f Karahnaras
4 V aAar
4 Craham
ftutsmcer It X
hll lit
Churnhirtb c
Oltmun c
Zvmu- If
ipmir; If
Purimll rf
Hart 3b
B p Iwt ab
InxiCktl a
Laraon a
Total! If IX TOale X Ml
iMitoraaka 4)36 4MH) 42M 04
K.anw taat (Uti w-
M Sielfr. Harria, uiaiwr. Xmtic.
Purtwil. &rtti X. Vneel. CUueii, Larwm
2. 7'aylor. turm. kaufmim. SoMntifc.
Knnwim X, 'aaer. Ko4. E PurtwU,
Jlpctter. iimeh, .Dunn. 'ilmw. f'ir.
lienhiwr. P5 .Mritk 17-11. rb
m Biatr ZI-. MJL HaJTit. tolnit.
2H CnuroniPb. Snmin. SB (Swler. 1L
Kuifiinr. ,fcF afcarrw.
f'mirill b 1 X 1 1
Lamia O'W 4 X B J
Into ... ... 3 X
Graham . . . X 4 4X14
Kamat tfc 4 4 X X
S 4 8 4)
Vl P-Crnham, Laraun. BalkCoueUl.
r U'ffl ame
jniMtorfci fK4aLt
at t rtrtil at b rtt
tarr Xb X Sialar ab. a 4 a I
litulty Jf i 11 Hkitu. at 4 1 2
fcowcnitt a S 1 3 nti U 4 11
Mr! a til ttmrohiift c 44 n
; n 1 amli B St
Hiitatl 3b X 3 Punmll j) S Ii H
UlufirBr lb t ti alarBii 0
NU Golfers Notch Lone
Victor7 On Southern Trip
V.v Oovd Clark
Nebraska" golf squad
turned from the Southern cir
cuit with one win and three
losses under its belt.
Larry Bmjue a the out
standing Husker golfer in the
team's work ver Spring va-
Ion. Nebraska dropped the
opeTing Match against Okla
homa State, 1K-J. but Rmjue
brightened the loss by s curing
a hole In ne.
After tiie deJeat at Stall
water, the Huskers absorbed
another loss in Norman. The
Oklahoaaa Soonere (defeated
Nebraska 31-4 on a windswept
OU course.
Wednesday brought venge
ance upon the Oklahoma
when Nebraska scored an 18
Z win in a waterlogged match.
Romjue paced ne golfers
with a 3 over par 7S at the
Shawnee Elks Country Club.
Wknita edged Nebraska 11
10 in golf Thursday in play
postponed one day by rain,
Jerry Overgaard and Larry
Typewriters For Rent
foycl Underwood Smith - Rensirjtcn
' Try Oor if enfci-f archest f len
Special Student Rctcs
125 No. 11th HE 2-284
- Typewriter Ribbom Pirf Ob- -
had come 'is to relieve Doi
Puree!! In the sixth.
Dick Nelson and Dick Be
cher each collected two hits
for the Huskers.
Never Trailed
Missouri never trailed after
the first inning of the night
cap to post a 14-9 win. The
Tigers scored eight runs in
the first two innings off Jan
Wall and then coasted to the
Phil Barth led the Husker
attack with three for
three including two home
runs. LeRoy Zentic, Bex
Swett and Becher had two
hits apiece for Nebraska.
Missouri solved the offer
ings of Wall a ?ain in Satur
day's game with George
Hulett connecting for . two
home runs as the Tigers
LaHTma 4
Cacti r
Sit TnCr
t SMM Ik
Caaeild lb
Bart lb
jirdmnm m
TiaaH 4 IS
aljuwa m for Parcel! in fit
is rai far Berber to aaramb; cVoeal m
far Iwaem is fiftfe; m'aB atrw
far Sum )n tnra: aluraaa aaeM
MhiMari M ?S
XvbrMka . . . - WM M
B Starr t. dnr . tnmnran. Ort X.
Cm X. BfiMi. Mabrar. Seilar, Banrak
bmtic. Ntliro. Paroett. Pf t , Sartb
2. E Cos. Swrtu Bartlh. Pnntt. SeOr.
bra: 3K7-11. !P lifiti-rw inffl!ii3fd t
Lafi Miswmri 1J, V-fcmsa . ea-
Switr. Vftbrw.
Boar X GS-
Jsnkini S
Cue nil B
PutorB $ III
Tslh' (L i
1 I 1 s
X 3 X
HBP Sy Jnfctw.
Hanrat). FS
Chtrrrtrtrti. T Jrtti.
a fc nia ;i
5StarrSb S
0 SiMw flb
3 7-pntir M
II Onnriie
X Nehim rf
X s
X 1
3 4
- Cm m
EuWn At
; HlH.Wll) P
I Pnrrwll rf
a Bthw lIMf X
X Bar !
a fiwm as
Va!) 11
Skarfltc a
Tnla5 32 35 12 Iftttata at
a Mwer ennuiMI eat Stir Bim1 m
MiiwrarJ SH 4M H
Kaaraan U ai
B-JStaiT H. firspwrn S, Orf X. Cm,
' Haimu Mfnw J. Ruantl. Karstea, Hr
1 ra i. Eemic Oiartauon. Bwbr X. Brtb
X, Walt E Owe LwiK. Baober X. PD-
I wlMBoan 1 JUabriMka JM. IP
' Claii-Siarr-WMiTw. HlHmnun S.
I . iB Starr.
1 9R Am4wt . VNhiwr urr dm. flfrHllv.
Bartb X. Bacber. SH LafJwn.
KmmeV 2 J 1
Kamra WI 4 7 X X 1
Wall W i 5 X I
Out-ill X X 4 X
Harris ... X 1
PB-Omrrtiirh. T-'all X. C-&ine-r.
Ratwa. X" :IE.
a b KM a rtii
! Starr Sb
tit iicl-ir 2 i 41
$ 2 1 Harria ci 1 1
111 Ximitir M 410
1 ftcuitw if
; iSu'opoll of-ilf
rs iff
! ..m
l,Kf)tft r
' fJHf f
"It 41 '0 CbuTOhir c t 4 I
11 ftmhor n X II
ill V-mm n X 4
III aHlon 1
til Puraell b XXI
HI Barttl 3b : 4 41
4 (1 11 wti as III
1 4 4) W all a 14 1
TiiU- a
am Tatalt nu
I Tmri
nr-fiMtriHcoH .tun itar SanBl in Yltnth
Wbrta ' ,,t' s"
Suut X. Snownratt, C X. Hultt X,
!Lafiom. Paym- Harr. Zentic. Oiurnb
jflh, PiwraU. Barth X. E-tarr. HeOw.
Hrl. 'rimt. Punt. artti. watt S. PW-ft
i Mmmiiirt 17-11. Nfbraaui X7-11. IIP
Htt 4jmitMHMd 1 ; timSiun. Ltjh
I MtaHtmri 1H. .obnmk
i 211 Xtalllj. SK Huh X. Otai.
; Cburduob. PuroeU. SB Starr
Pavna iCW. Ut... J U 4 X X
GtH)-m X '! 1
Wall .11. 1W!I t 8 X
Tally . 1 1 1 1 4 a
Wf JPa.v'iw. PB fl ..afftum. HBP 'Wall
'HulMtti ; Paynt tBartti. U Hortwa,
VBr. T X:Xa. 1811.
1 Romjue shared medalist hon-
ors with 74's alone with
Wichita's Jack McGLure.
Handicapped by bad Spring
weather the 1959 golf team
had m poor tart oompetmg
against teams which had been
practicing in Southern t u a
tliine. Tlus year a look at the
polf cores will reveal a
steady improvement as the
Husker squad gained more'
loiva Half beck
To Come to NU
Coach Bill Jennings has an
nounced that Charles ((Chuck)
Doepke, one of lie top half
backs in Iowa high schools,
has signed a grant-in-aid and
will attend the University of
Nebraska next fall
Doepke played with West
Waterloo High School He is
M and weighs IBS. Jennings
said he ranked scholastically
high in his class.
swept the series. Ely Church
ich collected four hits in
five trips to the plate for Ne
braska. It was the Huskers 10th
game in eight days and left
them with a 34 record in the
conference and 7-5 overall.
Missouri is also 34 in the
conference. The Tigers lost
three decisions to Oklahoma
State, the defending NCAA
Coach Tony Sharpe's crew
. , -4
. . I ' 'WWWW' m -J.
' $ f
l n - 6H, l,,irri i- ,.,,ia.
AG TROPHY WINNERS Pictured from left to
right are the trophy winners la the recent Ag College
Said Bohreyri, Burr HaH, displays the trophy he won
ia the table tennis championship. Ray Preston, Farmhouse,
was second in the mes's division of the table tennis tourney.
Karei EdeaL, Love Hall, displays ber trophy for win
naif the women's division of the table tennis tourney.
Vent Feye, Farmhouse, holds the championship trophy
he won in skin pool, while Vera Egger, Love HalL holds the
runner up trophy for table tennis.
Not pictured is Merlin R art man, who was second in
skill pooL
Conference Bowling Title
Taken by KU Jayhawks
By Jack Sack
The Big Eight Bowling
Toriniament held at Kansas
Stale on Saturday, April 9,
was won by Kansas Univer
sity with Missouri placing
second. The Nebraska team
tied for 51h and 6t3s place.
Ralph Holmstrom placed
10th in the All-Events.
AH the teams bowled 15
games, the first of which
started at 7:30 in the morn
ing. The tournament was
quite sitccessfnL according to
Merle ReOing.
At a meeting foDxrwmg the
banquet a vote was taken to
determine Ss place for the
1961 tour33e . The Big Eight
Bowling ToLament in 1361
wiH be held at the Nebraska
Union announced Games
manager. Merle Reiling.
Plans are new being made
to make it one rf the finest
tournaments ever held in the
Big Eight Conference.
Progress of Women
Dr. Allure
Magnetism of men v.lio use ordinary hair tonics studied. Conclusion:
bartly existent. Magnetism of men who use baseline Hair Tonic studied-
Conclusion not yet established since test cases being held captive
by nrighboring sorority- Examination f alcohol tonics and sticky hair
creams (rubber gloves lecwmmended for this class). Result: repelled
women. Frequent use of water on hair cited: this practice deemed
harmless because 'Vaseline Hair Tonic mollifies its drying effect.
Female Appraisal of Contemporary Male. Conclusion: Student body
O. K. istudeut head lept date-worthy with. "Vaseline Hair Tonic.
Materials: nt 4 ez. bottle
; if?J-5.m.
won games from Kansas State
by scores of 6-1, 5-4 and 1W.
Tulsa Falls
In other games during va
cation, they defeated Tulsa
tw ice and lost games to Em
poria State Teachers College
and St Cloud Slate Teachers
College. ,
The Huskers will be trying
to end their five-game losing
streak when they travel to
Iowa State for three games
Friday and Saturday.
The Big Eight Conference !
will have a league nest year !
and Stu Kutler of Nebraska
will be the secretary.
One tournament is left, for
the Nebraska bowlers on
; April 30 and May L They will
,j travel to Boulder, Colorado,
' U participate in The East Inter-Mountain
Collegiate Tour
nament The Nebraska bowl
ers became eligible for this
i tourney when they won the
; Nebraska Collegiate Bowling
I Tournament.
French Movie
Will Be Shown
Jean-Paul Satre's "'Les
Mains Sales," will be shown
by the French Club tonight at
7j30 in Love Library Audi
torium. '
The movie will include
English subtitles and admis
sion is 25 cents. The public
is welcome.
(toward men)
cf'Vaulin Hair lemk
L ai(i-.l,- i;jjf
By Norm Beat
The Husker track team
opened the 1960 outdoor sea
son during the past week on
the road.
Although the Sevigne men
failed to win any of the three,
meets that they entered, they
gave N.U. track fans an in
dication of better things to
The thinclads opened the
vacation tour at Stillwater,
Okla., where they lost a 78-58
dual against the Oklahoma
State Cowboys but posted
three of the four new meet
records. The new marks
came in the mile", the shot
put and the javelin.
4: IX Mile
Joe American Horse
knocked 2.3 seconds off the
existing record ia bis spe
cialty to set the new meet
mark ia the mile at 4:13.
This marl also equals Amer
kan Horse's best time in the
Strongman Al WeDman
cracked the 49 foot record he
tied a year ago with a 50
foot Cl inch heave t give
the visiting Huskers one of
four first places they grab
bed. Howard Nellor led a Hus
ker sweep in the javelin with
a toss of 203 feet S inches.
His performance broke the
old record of 191-2 set by ex
Husker Bill La Fleur in 1958.
Al Roots was second with
a 196-5 fling, which also
broke the old record, while
Tony Divis completed the
sweep with a ISO-SH effort
fry,. -.Ztl W1 mi
Rmadinmn Swraa I
Nebraska's other sweep
came ia the broadjnmp when
Bob Knaub, Jim Kraft and
Larry Janda finished 1-2-3
with 23-3. 21-W.s and 21-1
marks, respectively.
Sophomore Bob Cross gave
N.U. its fourth first with a
performance in the 229
yard dash and foBowed ap
with a second place in the
109 yard dash.
Other Nebraska 4oint get
ters in the OSU-NU dual meet
were Joe Mullins, second ia
the 440-yaid run; LeRoy
Keane. third in the low bur
dies; Bill Fasano and Milt
Haedt second and third in
the high hurdles, respectively, f
Ken Ash second and Dick
Kier third m the 880-yard
run: Kraft, second ia the pole
vault, American Horse, third
in the two mile; Janda and
Roods, tie for third ia the high
jump and Divis and Well
man, second and third in the
Nebraska again fell behind
ia team points last Tuesday
in the Oklahoma U. quad-
.') 1 . k. tnrleatara! tu I I
Track Debut
f - -
1 7-.--
American Horse
rangular meet, won by
heme standing Sooners.
The only Husker bright
spots came in javelin and the
two mfle ran. The Big Red
lancers again swept the first
three place, asing the same
trio that captured all posi
tions in the earlier dual with
Oklahoma State.
Al Roots led the Roots-Nellor-Divis
combination with
a 211-11 cast. Nellor and Davis
followed the Kansas City
stronirman in that order.
Joe American Horse placed
second in the two mile to give
Nebraska its only other top
two positions in the meet.
Other N.U. tracksters who
added to the 26 point Nebras
ka score were LeRoy Keaue,
fourth in the 440; Joe Mul
lins, third ia the mile; Bill
Fasano, third in the high
hurdles; Al Wellman. third in
the shot put; Bob Knaob.
fourth in the broadjnmp and
Jim Kraft, fourth in the pole
, T .ir jaer -w
r-" - s
jt mm ' J - waa
iiia4x-A a.iH
". atw-J
yj J
J -
up new users every day
Beaks or PEOPLE EsterbrooL has a pea point to
uit every xtrjling personality ! Tbey range aB the
way from one fine enough to write the Gettysburg
address on the bead of an instructor to one broad
enough to write on the side of a bara.
The Esterbrook Classic fountain pen tarte writ
ing instantly the minute it touches the paper.
Feek so Yighf in the hand ... and looks good, too!
Choice of six colors.
Durable? This pen is so durable that itH la
lojig enough to band down to your children ... if
that's vour idea of fua.
Siit&i&wcfi ubiib
vault. The Husker Mile relay
team finished third.
Coach Frank Sevigne led
his charges into the Arkan
sas Relays, meeting, the
strongest show of competition
the Huskers have met so far
this year. There were no
team point totals kept in the
meet that featured Illinois
(Big 10 indoor runner-up),
Oklahoma State, Kansas
State, Arkansas, Emporia
State and Fort Sill, Okla.
and Nebraska. -4
The Husker two mile relay
team, the 4Sv-yard shuttle
hurdle relay team and the
distance medley relay team
all finished second whDe the
N.U. 440-yard relay team
placed third.
In the individual events
Tony Divis finished third ia
the discus, Nellor and Roots
finished 3-4 ia the javelin,
Kraft was third in the pole
vault, Wellman was fourth
in the shot put and Knaub
took a fourth place in the
broad jump.
The Nebraska thinclads
will travel to Lawrence, Kan.,
this weekend to participate in
the annual Kansas Relays.
4-11 Oub
Leading group recreation
and square dancing will be
features at the University 4-H
Gub meeting Wednesday at
7 pan.
The program will be in the
Activities BuDding Gymnas
ium on Ag campus.
171 M St. LWCOtM, NEERa
Speed Equipment
Hollywood Mufflers
mil iiiimiiiiirMm'l""M""