The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1960, Image 1

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Vol. 34, No. 95
Tuesday, April 19, I960
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CAR OF TOMORROW A model of a car model which moves about an inch off the
that rides on air has been built by en- ground. It is powered by a small gas
gineering students for E-Week. Here How- model airplane engine,
ard Kursh and Elton Person watch the
Frolik Will Direct
Agriculture College
Dr. Elvin F. Frolik, asso
ciate director of Nebraska's
Agricultural Experiment Sta
tions, will succeed Dr. W. V.
Lambert as dean of the Uni
versity's College of Agricul
ture June 15.
Dr. Frolik's appointment
was approved recently by the
Board of Regents upon the
recommendation of Chancel
lor Clifford M. Hardin and the
suppoft of Ag College faculty
India Post
Dean Lambert had previous
ly announced plans for leav
ing the University to accept
a post with the University of
Illinois in India. He will re
main on the staff of the Uni
versity on leave of absence
as professor of animal hus
bandry. In approving the appoint
ment of Dr. Frolik, the Board
also approved the recomen
dation of Chancellor Hardin
for a reorganization of the
administrative staff of the
College of Agriculture, effec
tive June 15.
Dean Lambert also held the
titles of Director of Resident
Instruction, Agricultural Ex
periment Sations and the Ag
ricultural Extension Service.
Others Elevated
Under the reorganization
Lambert To Help
Indian University
Bv Karen Long
When Dr. W. V. Lambert
leaves the College of Agricul
ture June 15, he will be va
cating the office of the dean
but not the University en
tirely. Dean Lambert who has
been with the University since
Oct. 1, 1948, has asked for a
leave of absence from the
University as professor of
animal husbandry to take
over a staff position at a Uni
versity of Illinois project In
"In his new position he will
be an advisor to the presi
dent of the College and ad
visor to the Dean of Agricul
ture. The Institution, located on
16,000 acre tract of land,
will open July 1 with all new
builtfiags. It Is located In
Pfoolbagh In the Uttar Pra
desh at the foothills of the
Himalaya mountains about
150 miles north and east of
New Delhi.
The University of Illinois
has established the college
which will be patterned simi
lar to the United States land
grant colleges rather than the
classical European universi
ties. NU In 1900
Dean Lambert expects the
student body to include about
250 students when it o p e n s
July 1. He said that it will
be starting out at approxi
mately the level the univer
sity of Nebraska was operat
ing in 1900.
The program Is aimed at
Improving the status of agri
culture, Increasing food pro
duction which is their pre
sent major problem and even
tually working with Indus
trialization. He pointed out that the
U.S. moved through a simi
lar cycle, and because of im
provements made in agricul
ture the move to industriali
sation was possible.
'Today the average U.S.
farmer can feed himself and
24 others. In India most of
the population is required to
work on farms Just to pro
duce food," he said.
Two Year Term
He said that he will wait
until he gets on the grounds
and studies the problems
Dr. Frolik
plan, Dr. Frolik as dean will
be chief administrator of all
activities of the College of Agriculture-
and E. W. Janike
and Dr. Franklin Eldridge will
be elevated to the Director
ships of the Extension Ser
vice and Resident Teaching,
respectively. Both have been
serving in an associate ca
pacity. The position of Director of
the Agricultural Experiment
Stations will be filled later.
Dr. Lambert
more thoroughly to set any
specific plans.
The assignment is for a two
year term.
Though the Dean has some
regrets of leaving he said "I
hope this will be a means of
helping to maintain goodwill
among Indian people toward
the U.S. and also assist in
improving a more Democra
tic way of life."
"I am sure that India Is
one of the critical spots In
the world today," he said,
"and I welcome the c h a 1
lenge to contribute something
toward the development of
education in that part of the
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
said of Dean Lambert, "With
out question, Dean Lambert
is one of the most- respected
deans of agriculture in Amer
ica." I personally know of no
man who is universally held
in such high esteem, he
Racial Tensions
Discussion Sot
A Methodist minister will
speak at the Ag"'Y" meeting
this evening at 7:15.
He will speak on the history
and background of racial ten
sions in the U.S. and the oc-
curances concerning these
tensions in the various Ameri
can communities.
The meeting will be held on
the third floor , of the Food
and Nutrition building.
f ' " y 1
Dr. Frolik, 51, received his
Bachelor's degree in 1930 and
his Master's in 1932, both from
the University of Nebraska.'
Later, he studied at Cornell
University and took his Ph. D.
in plant genetics at the Uni
versity of Minnesota in 1948.
He was a research fellow at
the California Institute'of Tec
nology during the summers
of 1947 and 1948, where he
studied under Dr. George Bea
dle, native Nebraskan who
has since won a Nobel prize
in plant genetics.
Department Chairman
He was chairman of the
department of agronomy from
1952 to 1955, when he was ap
pointed to his present posi
tion as associate director of
the Agricultural Experiment
The newly appointed dean
was instrumental in setting
up initial cooperative rela
tionships on Ataturk Univer
sity in Turkey and made two
trips to that country. He pio
neered in atomic irradiation
research work in cooperation
with the Argonne National
Laboratory in Cbicago and
with the California Institute
of Technology.
Dr. Frolik is secretary of
the research committee of the
Great Plains Council, a mem
ber of the Experiment Sta
tion committee on organiza
tion and policy, a member of
Sigma Xi, a fellow of the
American Society of Agrono
my, a member of The Ameri
can Association for the Ad
vancement of Science and the
Genetics Society of America.
He belongs to Farm House
social fraternity.
Janik, Eldridge
E. W. Janike, who was ele
vated to the directorship of
the Agricultural Extension
Service, is a nationally known
agricultural leader.. He is a
graduate of the University of
Nebraska and has done ad
vance work at Colorado State
University and the University
of Wisconsin. He started his
career at the University as as
sistant extension animal hus
bandman in 1931.
Dr. Franklin Eldridge has
been associate director of
Resident Instruction since
1944. He is a native of Idaho
and took his Bachelor's de
gree from the University of
Idaho, his Masters from Kan
sas State and his Doctorate
degree from Cornell Univer
sity. Prior to coming to Nebras
ka, Dr. Eldridge was profes
sor of dairy husbandry at
Kansas State College.
Deadline for
'60 Council
Is Extended
Filing deadline for Stu
dent Council seats from all
colleges will be extended
according to Kathy Roach,
vice president in charge of
An Insufficient number of
students have filed for Busi
ness Administration and
Engineering College seats,
she explained.
If no more applications
are received, the Engineer
ing representation will au
tomatically be cut from I
to 1 and the Business Ad
ministration from 2 to 1,
according to the Council
Candidates must file their
petition complete with sig
natures of 25 members of
their college in the office
of Student Affairs by the
deadline Wednesday. ,
The Council election will
be held May 9.
By Ann Meyer
''More and more people are
realizing that the United
States and India have a great
deal in c o m m o n," M. C.
Chagla, ambassador of India,
said today while addressing
the University Honor's Con
He said the countries pos
sessed a striking identity on
basic and fundamental mat
ters, which determine their
political philosophies.
V Both Colonies
He said the fact that both
India and the United States
were once colonial countries
and both had achieved their
freedom and created a last
ing bond between them.
"We in India have always
looked upon the United States
as a country which not only
became free herself but has
always stood for freedom
and has helped dependent
n f , n f. t
Hill, McGill Are Named
Distinguished Teachers
Distinguished Teaching
awards of $1,000 each and
medalions were presented
Tuesday by the University
Foundation to Professors Nor
man C. Hill and David P.
McGill at the University's
Honors Convocation.
Dr. Hill, professor of po
litical science, and an internationally-known
authority in
his field, has been a Univer
sity staff member since 1927
and has worked in the grad
uate as well as undergradu
ate fields of instruction.
Waverly Native .
Dr. McGill, an associate
professor of agronomy, in
structs in the field of gene
tics. He is a native of Waverly
and first joined the Univer
sity staff in 1946 as an agri
cultural research worker.
Intrigued by the satisfac
tions of teaching, he turned
to the instructional field in
1956 and has since devoted
full time to teaching.
The University selects staff
members for the Foundation's
annual awards on the basis
of nominations submitted by
the various colleges. One
award is granted for dis
tinguished teaching in the
social sciences and humani
ties; the other in the natural
sciences and technology.
Foundation President John
K. Selleck who made the pre
sentation said the awards
"are given in token of appre
ciation for the vital role of
excellent teaching in the
communication and expan
sion of knowledge."
Professor Hill, nominated
by the Graduate College, in
RAM Names
Fall Slate
The Residence Association
for Men's cabinet met and
nominated a slate for the
Selleck elections May 5.
The slate includes: Fred
R i c k e r s, president; Bob
Wright, treasurer; E 1 d o n
Hays and Jim Laska, secre
tary; Dick Peterson, social
director; Steve Lovell. ath
letic director; Bob Green and
Larry Fritz, scholastic di
rector; and Don Witt and BUI
Holland, Student Council.
Tom Eason, RAM presi
dent, said that further execu
tive nominations will be in
order by any member of the
RAM cabinet.
Furthermore, he said
that any member of Selleck
may file for' any elective
position by petition of 30
members of the Quad. These
petitions must, be on file by
noon today.
All residents of Selleck are
eligible voters.
Amendments to the con
stitution will also be voted on
at the May 5 election. The
new RAM main cabinet will
take office May 16.
Union Awards Dessert
The annual Student Un
ion awards dessert will be
held tonight at 7 in the Pan
American Suite of the Un
ion. New committee as
signments and chairman
ships will be announced
along with out s t a n d i n g
worker awards.
i countries to achieve free
dom," Chagla remarked.
Actions regarding the digni
ty of individuals have also
been similar in the two coun
tries, he said.
Racial Problems
''People are more and more
realizing that the only privil
ege which is good and which
will ultimately survive is the
privilege that arises from
merit," he said.
The country of India had
the same racial problems as
those of the U.S. he said.
Like the U.S., India has abol
ished its old system of nn
touchability and has given
the former untouchables the
same fundamental rights
which other citizens enjoy.
He remarked that their ra
cial . problem, like ours, had
I not yet been fully solved,
j "It is one thing to bring
about legal integration of the
addition to his teaching
through the years "has kept
up a steady stream of schol
arly production both in peri
odical and book form." Sev
eral of his textbooks are in
wide use throughout the coun
try. Last year Professor Hill
was the recipient of a Ful
bright fellowship and taught
at the University of Wales.
He has also served as a visit
ing professor at the Univer
sity of Washington. He has
directed the work of an un
usually large number of grad
uate students.
A graduate of Oberlin Col
lege, Dr. Hill received h i s
Ph.D. from Wisconsin and
subsequently studied at t h e
Sorbonne in Paris.
Dr. McGill, nominated by
the College of Agriculture, re
ceived his undergraduate and
master's degrees from the
Witle, Tolly, Sandin
Get Boucher Awards
r r
71 W
Three outstanding male
students at the University
were the recipients of C. W.
Boucher Memorial Awards at
the annual Honors Convoca
tion Iheld this morning. t
The seniors are Alfred
Witte, Jr., Harry Tolly and
James Sandin.
High Average
One of the highest honors
went to Witte, whose 8.8G7
average is the highest cumu
lative grade average for four
years among seniors.
Witte is a mathematics and
engineering major. His scho
lastic achievements include
being on the University honor
roll all four 'years he has at
tended the University. For
the past two years he has
led all University upperclass
men in scholarship. -
The 26-year-old married
student has also earned a
perfect 9 average one semes
ter for 17 hours of work.
Tolly receivved his award
for maintaining the highest
scholarship record (7.577J
Negroes or the untouchables
into the social fabric, but it
is entirely different to bring
about social integration,"
Chagla said.
African Freedom
He expressed his thought
that this decade which has
just started would be known
in history as the decade of
African freedom. The forces
of freedom in the land are
on the march, he said, and
are looking for allies. They
were looking to the U.S. as
one of their strongest allies.
Chagla pointed out the
problem which faced India
when she had to decide be
tween a constitution simi
lar to that of America
or Britain. He said the final
decision was a compromise
between the two, the British
parliamentary system and
a Bill of Rights similar to that
or the U.S.
University of Nebraska; his
PhD. from Iowa State. His
introduction to teaching came
when he occasionally taught
a class on a "fill in" basis
while working on the research
Genetics Courses
Recognizing that genetics,
a course required of men stu
dents in agriculture, is some
times viewed as "compli
cated and dull," Dr. McGill
has searched for ways to
make his courses both inter
esting and effective.
He inaugurated recitation
periods in his laboratory ses
sions and developed labora
tory exercises to permit his
students to see genetic segre
gation in the living popula
tions of plants. His carefully
planned quiz sessions have,
as one of his colleagues put
it, "become a McGill trade
mark." "His enthusiasm, good hu
mor, and complete fairness,"
his nominators declared,
"havebuilt a tremendous re
spect in his class and attract
students to his office for coun
sel." In presenting the award to
Dr. McGill, Mr. Selleck said,
"It is my understanding that
your selection reflects not
only 'the opinion of your col
leagues but also that of your
students." ,
among senior athletic letter
men of a major sport.
Tolly, a Teachers College
major, is a member of the
Innocents Society and is pres
ident of the N Club. He plans
to continue at the University
in graduate college. He has
lettered in football three
years and is a two year let
terman on the baseball team.
ROTC Award
Sandin received his award
as the senior ROTC candidate
for an officer's commission
with the highest four-year
cumulative grade average
Sandin, enrolled in College
of Agriculture, plans after
graduation to help his father
on the farm for one year
after which he is committed
to the Air Force for five
Sandin achieved the cadet
rank of lieutenant colonel in
Air ROTC and is a member
of Alpha Zeta. an agricultural
honorary, and the Agronomy
t T
4The similarities in th
constitutions of our countries
created another important
bond," Chagla said.
Not Military
He remarked that although
there was no military alliance
between the two countries a
deep and lasting friendship
existed between them.
The Indian political philos
ophy is based on the princi
ple of co-existence, he said.
He explained India was
friendly with communist
countries not because she be
lieved in communism but be
cause a world peace could be
attained only by reducing in
ternational tensions.
Reduction of world tensions
could be attained only by
countries agreeing to live
with each other peacefully,
ihe said.
"'India fully supports your
president's recent policy
which creates a situation
where leaders of different
countries are prepared to
meet and talk to each other."
Chagla said.
On the economic front In
dia and the U.S. also have
much in common he said. He
explained the U.S. started
its career as a country full
of great natural-wealth and
untapped resources just as
Today, however, India
j lacks the capital and machin
! ery necessary to develop
; these resources and are look-
ing to the Unieed States for a
j helping hand in an attempt to
! raise the standard of living
; of the people of India.
Chagla remarked there
were two philosophies in the
world today which were com
' peting with each other. India
j believes in the one which
. maintains that it is possible
to bring about economic ad
' vancement without sacrificing
I individual liberty, he said.
For this reason, Chagla con
cluded the two countries
should stand side by side
helping each other and fight
ing the battle against pover
ty. Students
607 Scholars
Eighty-two University of
Nebraska students were lion
pred for superior scholarship
and another 525 students for
high scholarship at the 32nd
Honors Convocation today.
Students honored Tuesday
morning were :
Seniors graduating in 1960
who are in the upper three
per cent of their class or
have been on the Class Honor
List each year since entering
as Freshmen:
Charlw T. AhreiM. Patricia A. Av
old, Paul E. Baldwin. Nanoy X. Baal,
Dale K. Behnter, Richard R. Barm,
Hohcrt C. Blair. 'Fradnrlolt A. Hliaa.
l'aul B. Bower, Carole E. Crate, Judith
JAnn Douglas, Iarli-nr J. Krnat, 3amea
A. Foley, Troy D. Fuehrer, Marvin H.
.lumen K. Geld, William G. (llnjrlea.
Dorothy J. Glade, a.lnlee K. Gorley,
Dorothy M. Hall, Xyle E. Hawthopw,
John J. Herout, Krntit E. Hlnea, Hole
J. tioeKaMui. Jamet. O, Jirea. feanoy
L. Johnson, John W. Kane, Raymond. a
Ktar. .laroalav Kohl, Dayld Kraua.
Dennis K. Krause, I.awrenee D. Ruhl,
Judith A. Lanee, Barbara Baeon Lanr
hanser, Marvin C. Lnehhart. Loren D. (
Lutes. Xawrenre E. Mailer. -Belly X.
Maim. Hnhert H. Mayas. Dtena L.
Waiwell, Ronald H. MrKnlatil, Ronald
R. Morphea, Faye P. Oeltien. -Hhephea
ti. Pawelski, Karen L. Peterson.
Dewey -L. drake. Jean A. Pupm.
James B. Pureed, James K. Oniefc, lh
lores I , Kalble. Ruaaell L. liasmuseea,
i Dwalne VY. RoKge.. Paul M. Roomy.
Earl K. Rndisil. Gretehen A. Haesrer,
j .lames K. Handin, Carol J. -Havener.
I Myrna ttoule Hohmid. Santard X. ftanua
tar. Erlka M Hlarck.
' Dennis J. Rtewart Tred T Dwatm.
! Paul A. Thomas, Harry R. Tolly, Prank
1). Tomson, Judith Tmell. Mary E. Hal
ters, Mart L. Watts, Genevieve Weyand,
Charles H. Wilson, Alfred H, Wltte. Jr.,
Allan J. vvorreas. James l.. Yt
Seniors in the College of
Dentistry, Nursing and Medi
cine who are in the upper
three per cent of the class or
i have been on honor list since
j entering:
Marllvn Behrena, Rex Boaley, Mary
Christenaen. Wesley D. Clark, Hecer
Hutnhiiurs, Kelson Jensen, Jr., Paul IV.
Jewell, Marllvn Xaaota, Fnd J. "n,
Rtehard Xyneh.
Advisory Board
Intemiieivs Set
Union Advisory Board in
terviews will be held in
Student Union 349. becin
ning at 9 a.m., Saturday.
There art 10 areas to be
filled on the Advisory
Board. All persons inter
ested in applying may do so
in the Union Activities of
fice b,y noon April 22.
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