The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tnpsrfov April 5, I960
Page 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Editorial Comment:
uiASAurae chilly, but
i-i- nrnif - OA f
Escape Draft? Chances
About 99-1 Against It
hap Nice w.cAtmer jJere.
iitv i im)c I Uflfl MANY
UJ5 r "r
How many college men eligible for Se
lective Service will duck the draft after
they graduate?
The answer, unhappily so for many col
lege men with military life facing them,
is 99-1, according to Pentagon officials,
Newsweek magazine reports in its April
4 edition.
The magazine says the temptation to
play "draft roulette," that is to lie low,
say nothing and hope to reach the magic
age of 26 before your number is up is a
game that plays havoc with nerves and
For those who frankly want "to get out
of it," there are a few prospects other
than "roulette." Some amount to chance,
others don't
Briefly, these are the main avenues to
"freedom" as outlined in the Newsweek
Continuance of graduate schooling un
til age 26. This of course is dependent up
on good grades and enough money to af
ford graduate courses, hence raising the
cry that the draft setup has "one law for
the rich, one for the poor."
Fatherhood. Actually, paternity doesn't
exempt or even automatically defer but
fathers generally are far enough down on
the order of preference to give them what
is similar to an indefinite deferment
Going into such occupations as science,
engineering, agriculture and teaching.
And here degree of essentiality is left, up
to draft boards.
Failure to meet physical or mental
The ministry or study for the mini
stry. Hardship cases. Draft-board officials
generally are convinced that the success
ful faker is rare, but the tendency is to
ward leniency.
It is certain that the draft poses a tre
mendous cloud over the head of thousands
Staff Comment
(Flnt af two article m the Nebraska Center far Caa
ttaaiag Edaeatteat
With the construction tempo increasing
on the Nebraska Center for Continuing Ed
ucation, the pre-opening evaluation pro
gram is taking shape. To better acquaint
the citizen with the purpose of continuing
education ana me various
. centers across the coun
try, the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation originator of
the program has pub
lished a 60 page booklet
about continuing educa
tion and the centers.
In a word, continuing
education Is "continuing
study by adults, utilizing
periodic learning exper
iences within a university
environment and featuring a specially de
signed facility.
Dr. Emory W. Morris, president and
. general director of the foundation, places
the need for adnlt education on the rapid
ly changing world and the problems it
creates. "Will professional knowledge and
Industrial skills, cultural understanding
and social purpose, keep pace with the on
rushing tempo set by automation and the
rocket age?" be asks.
"Education seems the only hope for an
affirmative answer to this question, not
just education for the young over a sixteen
year span but particularly for the adult
and continuing through his life. Many
Americans are sharing the growing con
viction that continuing education for ma
ture citizens is one of the most signifi
cant educational delevlopments of the last
several decades," Dr. Horris writes.
Centers already completed are located
on the Michigan State and Georgia cam
puses. Nearing completion are three oth
ers, the Universities of Chicago, Okla
homa and Nebraska.
First of the centers was the one at
Michigan State, built in 1951. It was host
to more than 40,000 conference partici
pants last year.
Seven characteristics common to
five centers are listed in the booklet:
Daily Nebraskan
K1A II -NINE TEAKS OLD A.Wlptt rates am St aw aemaalar r S for tha
IenbR Associated Confute Press, Inter- "h r r. w fcr a
collegiate Press Beeaod-elaae postaca paM at Ltoeota, Nebraska.
KepresemUtlve: National Advertising gerv. editoeial rrarr
ice. Incorporated m,:' wll .caireo lm
Published at: Boom 20. Student Cnlim wi""-.
Lincoln. Nebraska " "
14 th aV at " M" Kama Long
TeleiAone RE t-7631. ext 4225, 4226. 4227 " ",5
The IfUr Hebraskao la published stonda. Twator. Wlrh Neare Kditar Mlka MllroJ
MMa mm trxtmrn darlas tha aehaal r-ar, rxeee Staff Writer Mike MHroy Am S3
"""! eaaatiea and nam periods, hj staaats af tha Oerald I uihmM
fatomlt af Xabraeka ander tha aathorUatloa af tha iaalot Staff Writers ....... .Dave Uahifarth:
Camnmtaa aa rttadent Affair aa aa npfraln mt ta- Jhm llS
ZT..7!ZtZ, '-"."h..".'."" """' "-""". WTHf.-Mi
ibaaMUn aa atadeat rabllratlme hall ha fraa fiord ( lark. Ma Hood mm Jrtt
mm"r af tha faeelty af ftUtUNEHM STAFF
2! !!I!!2 r.. "! a" m" matte - Hlnm Manarer fltaa Halmaa
tta fjarvaratrr. Tha member, af tha Rally NenraesM Assistant Banana M otl Grady? (heriaae
Balm and Sage
1. The education is continuing; i.e.,
series of conferences, seminars, work
shops and other educational experiences
between meetings, are encouraged. Ideal
ly, groups with a common interest meet
year after year. Involved are pre-confer-ence
planning and pre- and post-conference
contact through the media of tele;
vision, radio and supplementary litera
ture. 2. The meetings are usually held in a
collegiate or university setting offering
people retreat from their usual environ
ment and largely precluding the interrup
tions which occur in everyday routines.
3. Ordinarily for two, three, four, or
more days, the participant devote full
time rather than marginal time.
4. There is maximum use of collegiate
or university resources. The program is
part of the institution, an extension of its
teaching functions to a new group in so
ciety. Thus Continuing Education is a
means by which research findings can
flow to the people and be applied to problem-solving.
5. The content of the meetings is drawn
frmo the full-range of knowledge which is
the concern of some unit of a university.
A requisite is that the field of interest
must be that of a college or department of
the university and sponsored by the unit.
6. Continuing Education combines a staff
devoted to expediting the meetings, sub
ject matter specialists from the insttiution
andor elsewhere, and a physical facility
so designed as to make these learning ex
periences most effective.
7. Continuing Education makes avail
able to university research specialists in
formation based on identification by the
people oftheir most pressing current prob
lems. t "To summarize," the booklet states,
"Continuing Education ... is continuing
study by adults, utilizing periodic learning
experiences within a university environ
ment and featuring a specially designed
(Tomorrow: The University Center.)
of young men. Most employers don't want
to hire a "l-A" and employment agencies
are even more outspoken on the subject.
Fresh college graduates complain that
there is almost no chance of getting a de
cent job during the months of limbo be
tween the bright day of graduation and
the dark one when Uncle Sam's greetings
And some college men and defense fig
ures think the shadow of the draft drives
many collegians into various reserved of
ficer training programs, where he has a
chance for more money and prestige dur
ing the inevitable service years but lit
tle drive or initiative to be a good officer.
Moral problems also have resulted be
cause of the draft. Newsweek said, "Where
the question of fatherhood is concerned,
there is simply no way of knowing when
a young man has cynically and deliberate
ly got himself married and started a fam
iyl strictly for draft avoidance. A recent
Labor Department study estimates that
35 to 40 per cent of the men reaching the
age of 22-23 will have become fathers."
What are the opinions? Presidential
hopeful Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey says
the program should be reviewed and re
vised. Sen. Stuart Symington says the
draft should be eliminated and Vice Pres
ident Nixon says the draft ... is indispen
sable to national security.
Selective Service boss Lt. Gen. Lewis
B. Hershey says, "I'm afraid all this talk
objecting to the draft is some more of our
softness the desire to do no work, to
shirk our citizen's responsibilities. We
want everything painless as possible,
everything for comfort and ease."
This may be very true in some cases
but seems like a sad generalization. As
Newsweek points out, the basic complaint
of the average young man is not "Why
should I serve?"
It Is: "Tell me when and how I should
serve and to the best of my ability." He
doesn't want his time wasted and his
time, in the long run, is the nation's time.
By Herb Probasco
I It -l.J . t fat Oa-M 4sWi mmumti
VSa-aBfisaaTat aa-WIII """ W W'
Nebraskan Letterip
Ta DaU Nabraakaa arm aajbBsfe aaty Ikaaa asMara Mefe an atfaas.
utter attacklas ladlvMaal naat aan tha aathar'a aaaae. Otbara aaar I
a ailtlal or a prm aama. ut
amara exmrd thl limit tha Nebraakaa
awajatac a amnr'a vtawa.
No Parking Relief?
To the Editor:
There seems to be no im
mediate relief in sight for
the parking problem on the
University campus. The
parking lot with meters on
the northeast side of the
Student Union is helpful for
fiff-campus students who
need to find a parking place
in a hurry.
On the other hand, many
off-campus students remain
on campus all day for clas
ses or studies. For these
students feeding the parking
meters and moving automo
biles several times a day
becomes a serious nuisance
which detracts from study
ing. Although there have been
vacant spaces available in
the Selieck parking lot, I'm
afraid that his lot will be
jam-packed again just as
soon as the mud settles. Pa
ving the Selieck lot wHl re
sult in fewer mud-spattered
cars and students, but this
improvement will do nothing
to remedy the problem of
inadequate parking space.
Perhaps many off-campus
students will find that
walking or riding the bus is
the only immediate solution
to the parking problem. Un
fortunately, these students
are faced with the problem
of lugging around a large
pile of books. On this score,
I believe that the University
could and should provide a
By providing book lockers
in the University Library,
University officials could
make it more feasible for
students to walk fairly long
distances to school. More
over, the adoption of this
idea might result in more
students having their text
books on hand in class when
they are needed.
From the parking prob
lem, I will now skip to an
other subject which is un
related to the first. Why
doesn't the University cre
ate some lounges for Uni
versity men? Perhaps one
reply to this statement
might be that the campus
is a place to study and not
a place to sprawl or sack
On the other hand, I be-,
lieve that short periods of
time which are spent in
relatively private relax
ation increases rafher than
decreases study efficiency.
In this regard the gold
fish bowl type of lounge in
the Student Union is not
answer. Furthermore, since
the University has provided
lounges for University wom
en, why not create the same
facilities for the men?
John Schepman
Civil Right Utue
To the Editor:
1 w as very pleased to note
several letters in the Daily
Nebraskan concerning the
civil rights problem in the
South. The opening of the
Freedom Fund also is en
couraging. I can imagine the South
ern Negro youth's urge for
equal treatment and human
justice. I am not surprised
at their violent demonstra
tions. Any rational human
being in their shoes would
feel the same way. I know
how I felt when some of
the "white Christians" in
the "Holy Land-L i n c o 1 n
Land" told me that they
could not let me rent an
apartment because 1 was
Perhaps it also will be
quite appropriate if the stu
dents of this University re
spond to the Boston EPIC
(Emergency Public Inte
gration Committee which is
coordinating the activities
of campus committee at
Harvard, Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology, Bos
ton University and Brandeis
University; plus non-campus
groups opposed to dis
crimination) appeal by:
1. Sending resolutions of
support to the Negro schools
in the Southern move-uent;
akaaM aot axaeM taa arard. Wara
tha rKkt ta nail ran i
2. Peaceful demonstra
tions; 3. Sympathy meetings to
encourage our fellow broth
ers in the South.
I hope that the colleagues
who wrote several letters on
this subject will take the
leadership in doing some
thing constructive.
I am willing to give my
personal support and I am
quite positive that there
will be several others on
this campus and outside
who also are interested in
human justice, equal treat-
ment and "Love they neigh
bor as thyself."
Kandiah Satkunam
Palladian Society
To the Editor:
In a Letterip on March
28, Mr. (John) Hartung asks
what RAM can do to help
those scholars interested in
social organization.
Although RAM must
solve this problem by it
self, there are other organi
zations which provide in
tellectual encouragement
as well as social activity.
I refer in particular to
the Palladian Literary So
ciety. The Friday night
programs provide the mem
bers with an outlet for their
talents through such things
as play readings, original
poetry and readings, inter
pretive reading, reports, de
bates, speeches, etc. ,.
Although this society has
an average of over 7.0, it
is not exclusively scholastic.
After each program re
freshments are served and
the people present sit
around and talk.
Every once and a while,
we break away from the
scholastic theme with pro
grams like a mock trial,
paper bag dramatics, a
Christmas program, a Hal
loween program and a
spring picnic.
I hope that some of the
independents from the boy's
and girl's dorms, who are
interested in scholastic plus
social activity, will attend
our Friday night programs
at 8:30, in Temporary Build
ing J. (Except just before
' John Wehr
Corresponding Secretary
Palladian Literary Society
1. Paatura palaver
4. Take oa
9. Small chaos
It. Hipster's
14. Hriftttt airs
15. Like
Huasa Hsyward
16. El-mi
17. Brando's sarthj
1 1. Colorado rasort
10. Breezy call
to arm
22. Tbey'ra behind
Wscon Train
14. Hirea lor tears
25. Lovers' quarrel
2. Kmall Air force
S7. Sound from
Willie the
Pen ruin
18. What Mora
areata to know
war ron doa't
12. Constable's
U. Ida rood lor a
squaeat or two
15. Killed a lot
M. Bur la Vlrra
and tat
11. To be is
Latin I
40. Sonr of the ZO's
4L Coma
up to ths
Menthol Magic
of Kooi
&, Stevenaon'l
44. Just ths thinf
for a fifth
wheel (2 words)
-47. Anti-bug
Jul OS
4R. Ben. Kefsuver
41. It's profitable
for Olmdo
1. Sea (French)
2. Alone without
S. He's definitely
out (2 words)
4. Avoids
1. Where to put
your finger
oa her number
f . Like a
TV movie
T. It goat begging
8. Williams.
Mack, Busing
Kool'i Menthol
10. Deejay
11. Girl you
left behind
U. Crank's
last nsroa
18. Little pairs
20. Talk,
Southern style
2L How your throat
feels, when
you're smoking
21. Scatter
20. Tu
0. You (French),
1L Wrsp up In
Law School?
12. It can bs
a Kooi is
13. Cams to
town (2 words)
17. High pisces
21. French for
88 Across
11. my
40. Lots of dough
42. Short
for Latin
48. Common verb
44. Still
f I - it r
Hoof -Marks:
The Satyr
Mes Amis! (Notice the
falacious generalization.)
The SATYR have returned
after the horrendous sea
son de la neige et le slush
huzzah for Spring. When a
young SATYR turns to the
thoughts he's been thinking
all winter . . . maidens
The joyous clip of cloven
hooves has become a muf
fled limping after the past
week's defeats. Yet the
SATYR regenerates daily.
Prometheus may have suf
fered upon the rock suffer
ing his heart to be eaten
daily by vultures so suf
fers the SATYR. (This suf
fering jazz has come to a
screeching halt.)
Attend me muse whilst
I tell of the towering Ceres
of Olympus (have you ever
known a six foot two Swede
called Ceres?) and her
charming daughter Aphro
dite (unsure of nationality
but close to six foot tower
of purity). They rapped
lightly upon the entrance
of the cave and left words
of condolence and kindness.
Thank heaven for little
The goat will soon amaze
you with the mystic selec
tions for the coming year.
(This is only a cheap jour
nalistic attempt to scoop
the Pixie press.) But the
goat will attempt to justify
these selections if anyone
can. So gentle reader, await
the behind scenes struggle
for position. (How else can
a struggling goat get read
ership?) Gentle readers! It is the
goat's ardent wish that
you are not naive enough
as to not understand what
is taking place on the cam
pus political front. Would
you be shocked if you were
told that elections were
rigged? Ah! then I shan't
tell you that. Would you be
shocked if you knew that
perhaps five of the new
male mystics belong to two
fraternities simultaneously?
Ah! then I shan't tell you
that either.
But this is not our pur
pose today. The SATYR
Dear little fiends or
friends, as the case may
be, would you like to know
of these things? Or would
you rather stay completely
1 2 "5 I 1 Ji 16 J 1 1 I " "It jlO III
73 17
-J-eajJ 7i TT
20 21" 1 I -""
Z . """ S- .
28 29 30 31 ! T df ""IT"" "
: Jmr)
""""1 36 37 i 3. 1 3?
40 """ 77" 42 ' 43 ' 44
4J 71
7 ' T ""4
Whenyour- throat tells ; n
you Hktime for a change I
a real .roinflri..-
mi Vf iL.
Oisss, aaows a williamso tosacco eoae.
rSM-Ml c.TTaj .:.
devoid of these little bits?
Drop your cards and letters
to the Cave and if you're
not sure about the address,
Mouse will take care of
Children of misfortune
and woe, the SATYR drops
his pipes of Pan to take up
the staff of crusade. The
Fates and Furies have held
counsel for this year but
next year will rewrite his
tory. (There may be a war
or something.) As long as
the disinterested men on
this campus fail to make
their voices heard in their
own councils, TNE will go
When good men in your
own houses fall by the way
for some strange reason, it
is time that you deter
mined the cause rather
than shrugging your shoul
ders. This is the worst kind
of apathy. This is the
apathy that kills initiative.
This is the apathy that
forces your own activity
men to join the ranks of
subrosa to gain recognition
for your house.
Back to the cave to nurse
the wounds and delve deep
er into the mysteries of non
existence. Introspection,
dear readers.
Relay Queen
A University coed will be
selected next week on photo
graphic beauty to compete for
the title of co-queen of Kan
sas Relays.
The University Innocents
Society is asking each organ
ized house and resident hall
to submit one contestant. The
girls will be interviewed be
ginning at 7:30 p.m. on April
5 by Innocents, according to
Harry Tolly.
The girl chosen will be
photographed and judging of
the photographs will be April
10 at Kansas University.
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