The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 30, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, March 30, 1960
Editorial Comment: ;ESsra I j i want io raw rtw I j ifltf aivs?ii.TD j ITTmitt' k
Cousins Talk One That j q
Shouldn't Be Missed ' i gilteJ jJIILs gjjfesj
come thousands upon thousands of words
which have been applauded by many an
audience in the United States and abroad.
Andom his pen have poured thou
tands of others, which have set off world
wide discussions, many invitations to
write or speak, writing awards, and com
mendations from many a journalist and
Friday morning at 11 a.m., the editor
of the Saturday Review will address an
All-University convocation at the Coli
seum. Subject of his talk will be "Educa
tion and our Foreign Policy," a topic
which should appeal to University stu
dents and faculty alike on matters which
are or should be of prime concern to
Cousins certainly has the background to
speak on the subject. He has been editor
of the Review since 1940; has been to
every corner of America and around the
world several times; was the first Amer
ican to speak on questions of foreign
policy before the Soviet Peace Committee.
He has made nine trips to the Far East
since World War H; he has been an ana
lyst for both NBC and ABC; has been
chairman of the Governor's fact-finding
committee on education in Connecticut.
He has received 13 honorary degrees
from colleges and universities across the
country; has received many other awards
including the National Service to Educa
tion Award from Rutgers University, the
New York State Citizens' Education Com-
'Three Men'
Should Score
University Theatre followers are chuck
ling over what might be the funniest
Howell production in years.
It's '"Three Men on a Horse," scheduled
to open tonight at 8 p.m. and run through
Saturday night.
But besides the laughter, there has been
a lot of hard, work going on in Howell.
Three .sets of scenery are needed and
shifting of sets between acts is causing a
major technical headache.
But it's a pretty sure bet that "Three
Men" will go off in typical efficient
Theatre style. With the direction of Dallas
Williams and Jack Wenstrand, a good
cast and background, "Three Men on a
Horse" should be one of Howell's best of
the year.
Award, all in 1959.
He is a member of the American Coun
cil of Learned Societies, the board of edi
tors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and
is director of the National Educational
Television and Radio Center.
All this and the tremendous publicity
campaign put on by the Union talks and
topics committee points to one thing go
to the Counsins Convocation Friday. It
will be a profitable experience.
Council Proposal
For Final Exams
Stops 'Bunching'
The Student Council and the Faculty
Senate sub-committee on final exams are
now engaged in a project designed to give
University students a better final exam
schedule. They have recommended to the
Faculty Senate a schedule which attempts
to distribute equitably the exams so that
the fewest possible number of students
will have their exams bunched together.
The schedule the Senate was consider
ing and might have approved, had not
'the Council interceded in behalf of the
students, would have netted students with
Monday-Wednesday-Friday 10, 11 and 1
o'clocks exams on three consecutive days.
The Council felt, and rightly so it seems
to us, that the majority of the students
have classes during these periods and that
the exam days for those classes should be
The Council has recommended the adop
tion of a schedule which alternates "light"
and "heavy" days for exams on the basis
of the effect upon the largest possible
number of students.
The schedule recommended by the Coun
cil also would tend to get away from hav
ing the 11 o'clocks and 1 o'clocks on the
last two days of final exams. More than
half the student body takes one or the
other of these class times and few would
be able to get away earlier.
One of the Council advisers said the
Faculty Senate would not likely approve a
schedule to get the students home sooner
because many of the faculty members
themselves like to take off as easly as pos
sible. The Senate, for this reason, alter
nates the schedule each semester.
Thus several thousand sacrifice two
or three days extra vacation for the con
venience of a few hundred faculty members.
Staff Comment:
A Leftist's View
Iast October a group of Negro college
students from a North Carolina college
-went into a Woolworth's store in Greens
boro, N.C. They bought some toothpaste
and other minor items then turned to the
lunch counter and or- t , .
dered coffee. " '
mi r 3 " X :
iney were reiuseu seiv- ;
fee. 4 ""
That incident touched
off the lunch-counter seg-
it : -
regauon or oii-in uai
tle that is being waged
r.ow. Since then similar - -
incidents have occurred
throughout the South. ' , v ;
The governor of Florida, Sandi
Leltoy Collins, has be
come quite concerned with racial demon
strations in his state. In a recent radio
TV address he to.d the following incident:
A highway patrolman told him one noon
that he had had word that a big busload
of students Negro student from Ala
bamahad pulled in to the Florida A & M
campus and that they had baseball bats
because they were out to augment the lo
cal forces and put on some kind of dem
onstration. The governor called the president of the
college and got this answer:
"It's true, Governor; we've got a bus
load. For a year now we've had a ball
game, a baseball game, scheduled with
the institution, np there in Alabama, and
the boys are here with their bats to play
the ball game."
The game was played.
Wild rumors lead to suspicion. Suspicion
leads to fear. There's mob violence mob
violence carried on by angry demonstra
tors who don't know what they're doing or
why they're doing it.
And it's mob violence by people who
carry racial prejudice which has been
taught to them by equally stupid people.
But the recent lunch-counter segrega
tion problems involve more than mob vio
lence, racial prejudice or moral rights and
The so-called demonstrations also raise
legal questions. .,
The current issue of U.S. News and
World Report summarizes the legal ques
tions involved here.
First of all, is a storekeeper or restau
rant owner within his legal right when he
By Sandi Laaher
sells to one customer and refuses to sell
to another?
Generally, lower courts have held that
a merchant has the right to select his
customers. Restaurants often have re
fused to serve people who were not wear
ing coats and ties. Restaurants also have
been upheld in both State and lower fed
eral courts in refusing to serve Negroes.
However, 18 states outside the South have
specific laws forbidding businesses that
serve the public to discriminate on the
ground of race, color or creed.
Then what about "sit-ins"?
New legal questions are being raised
here, the article points out. One is wheth
er a store may serve a customer at one
counter and refuse to serve him at a lunch
Then there is a question whether stores
that cater to the public take on a "public
interest" and must treat all members of
the public equally. Under this argument,
Negro customers could not be discrimi
nated against.
Are Negroes' civil rights under the
Fourteenth Amendment affected?
Courts have held that the Fourteenth
" Amendment restricts only State action, not
individual action, according to U.S. News.
The Supreme Court once noted that "in
dividual invasion of Individual rights is
not the subject matter of the Amend
ment." Under this interpretation, can store
keepers discriminate?
"It would seem so," writes the author
of the article. The Governor of Florida,
in the speech mentioned above, said he
thinks storekeepers have a legal right to
refuse to serve Negroes at lunch counters.
He also commented that the legal right
conflicts with what should be morally
What if "sit-ins" might lead to riots
or violence?
Governors, mayors, police officials are
charged with maintaining peace and order.
In Montgomery, Ala., a new ordinance
requires a permit for demonstrations,
parades and processions.
U.S. News comments that the "outlook
is for a long series of lawsuits over 'sit
ins. "
It's too bad the already crowded courts
have to contend with such lawsuits. If we
were to act like a nation of responsible
people, such suits would not exist.
Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Jntar-
eolleiate Press
Bepresentathre: National Advertising Serv
ice, Incorporated
Published at: Boom 20, 8tsdent Unioa
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th tt B.
Telephone HE 2-76.11. ext. 422S, 4226, 422f
The Dally NrhrMhaa In imblleried Monday. Twwter.
Wednesday and FHtfa Airing Mia tehaml Jr, except
darine; vacation and mam perl ml, by etjaa at taa
LelYerslty of Nebraska maer the aathorliatlea of taa
Commttlee oa Ntadent Attain mm an eaMrmnloa of eta
aeat opinion. Publlcat.aa andr the Jnrtedtetloa af taa
Mabenmmlttee aa rJtadent Fnblleatkms ahull be frati
tram editorial eeaaomhlp an the part af the anbeam
Riittee cr an the part af aay member of the faenltr af
the University, ar aa the part af any aefeoa earela
the Unlvertlty The mnnbem af the Dally Netoroeaaa
etaff am personally renpormmie for what they any, ar
aa. a? aanae to be printed, rJebraary S. leoa.
RuiMertption rate are $3 per aemeater ar S5 for taa
afiulemle year.
BMoad-euua postage paK at Lincoln, Nebraska.
I '
r: r
In the near future the
Student Tribunal will pre
sent to the Student Coun
cil a report of the year's
activities and recommen
dations for
changes to
i m prove
the sys
tem. The
question at
t he mo
ment is
w h e ther
the Council
will take
any action
to improve
the organization and opera
tion of this body in order to
make it more than a mere
symbol of the voice of the
student body in the affairs
of the students.
As this body is now or
ganized, it consists of sev
en students and two facul
ty members. They read the
police report and the de
fendant's statement in the
presence of the defendant,
and the defendant is given
the opportunity for further
explanation or comment.
The judgments of this body
are fairly well established,
as in any court, except that,
since there are no fines or
days of imprisonment, etc.,
the penalties are more dis
tinct. However, there are a few
borderline cases which do
call lor a decision by the
Tribunal. The precedent in
the past on these cases
seems to be a reversal by
the Office of Student Af
fairs, which has complete
power to change or nullify
any decision by the Trib
unal. In a few exceptional
cases, when some kind of
pressure is evidently
brought to bear, some Tjf
the more clearly cut deci
sions are even reversed.
It would seem that if the
Tribunal is to be anything
other than a figurehead do
ing a poor job of repre
senting student participa
tion in University govern-
by john else
ment, it must te given
more power than being in
a position to have its de
cisions changed by a single
member of the administra
tion. In high school it may be
all right to kid along with
students, letting them sup
pose that they have a voice
in the government, but It
would seem that cell ge
students should be given re
sponsibility suitable to the
"cream of the crop" ((re
member the -freshman ori
entations), or else the ad
ministration should quit
trying to kid ns.
First of all, if the Uni
v e r $ i t y administration
doesnt feel that it can give
this much authority to a
group composed as it now
is, then the composition of
the group should be
changed, perhaps even to
four faculty members and
five students;; the function
of the Tribunal would then
be real, and -even if there
were less student opinion
on the Tribunal, at least
that voice which the stu
dents have would be a
voice, rather than a tape
recording which can be
shut off or erased at the
convenience of the admin
istration. Secondly, there is not
enough variety of penalties.
There have been no expres
sions and no suspensions in
the last year, which means
that conduct probation
"covers a multitude of
sins." The spread of of
fenses which have to be
governed by conduct pro
bation is enormous.
It is evident that some
intermediary form of pun
ishment is needed between
conduct probation and sus
pension. Why not h a ve
something like a '"conduct
restriction," under which
the student would be placed
on a curfew, which would
be enforced by house moth
ers, counselors or parents,
with the possibility ' of a
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check by administration at
any time and automatic
suspension if the restriction
was broken?
If anyone did not care to
attend the University under
such a restriction, he would
always have the option of
Thirdly, there Is no action
that the Tribunal can take
against obvious prevarica
tion at the hearing. It
seems necessary that a
door be open for some sort
of disciplinary action
against this type of individ
ual who is not man enough
to receive his punishment
once he has broken the reg
ulations. These are probably only
a few of the needed im
provements of the Tribunal.
It will be in the hands of
the Student Council. May
be we will see that the
Council, in trying to make
some changes, is as much
a "symbol" as is the Tribunal.
Tryouts Tonight
For Cheerleaders
Three boys and two girls
will be selected as new varsi
ty cheerleaders at try-outs to.
Those trying out must be at
the Coliseum "at 7:30 p.m.
The new Yell King and As
sistant Yell King will be an
nrtirnffd. Two cirls from this
year's squad will be selected
to return to the cheerleading
squad for the coming year.
Foreign Film.
Tonight's foreign film show
ing will be "'The Crucible,"
starring Simone Segnoret.
The film win "be shown at
8 p.m. in the Nebraska
now interviewing
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XAvthor of "1 Wat a Teenage TknarT'The Many
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"Hello,'" said the voice tm the telephone. "This is Wertlie
Sigufoos. I sit next to you in pFych. I'm land of dumjry and
I always wear a sweat shirt."
"I'm afraid I don't remember you said Anna Lh-ia Plura
belle. '"I'm the one whose lecture notes you've been borrowing foe
two years,1' said Werther.
"Oh, yes !" said Anna Livia. '"What do you -winh, Walter?"
"Wertluir," said Werther."'What I wish is to take you to tht
Junior Prom next April."
"'But this is November 27., Westnor," said Anna Livia.
"Werthcr," said Werther. 'Tes, I know, but you are so round
and beautiful that I was afraid you might have a date already
"As a matter of fact I do, Wingate," said Anna livia.
"Wertiter," said Werther. "Oh, drat !"
Anna Livia did not reully have a date, but she was exacting
to be ankedby Stewart Stalwart, athletic and BMOC, handsome
as Apollo, smooth as ivory, wearer of faultless tweeds, smoker
of Marlboro cigarettes which even without his other tuilueve
mente -would etamp him as a man with know-how, with a
pleasure-oriented palate. If you think flavor went out when
filters came in, try a Marlboro. This one brims with zest and
sip and the good, mild taste so dear to those who smoke for the
pure joy of ft. Get yourself a pack of Marllioros and listen to
your friends gay, "There, by George, goes a smoker who knows
a hawk from a handsaw."
But I digress. Anna Livia waited and waited for Btewart
Stalwart to ask her, but two days before the Prom, to every
body's amaiement, he asked Rose-of-Sharon Schwartz, a non
descript girl with pavement-colored hair and a briefcase.
Anna livia immediately phoned Werther Sigafoos. "My
Prom date has come down with a dread virus," she said, "and
I have decided to accept your invitation, Waldrop."
"Werther," said Werther. "Oh, goody ganders!"
The next day Anna Livia received a phone call from Btewart
Stalwart. "My Prom date has come down with a dread vimn,"
he said. "Will you go with me?"
"Certainly," Bhe said and promptly phoned Werther and said,
"'I have come down with a dread virus and cannot go to the
Prom with you, Whipstitch."
"Werther," said Werther. "Oh, mice and Tate!"
So Anna Livia went to the Prom with Stewart and who do you
think they ran into? Rose-of-Sharon with Werther, that's whol
Stewart had lelt obliged to auk Rose-of-Sharon because eht
always did his homework, but she had weaseled out because she
really wanted to go with Werther with whom she felt a great
oneness because they were both bo dumpy. He fell wildly in
love with her at the Prom, and today they are married and run
" T Buocessful five-minute auto wash in New Bern, N. C
Anna Livia and Stewart are happy, too. They are still junion
mnu iiBvr nor misnea a prom in sixteen years.
We hope fou-ll be making Marlboro, at pour prom or
tou like mlldnen but you don't Uke Philip Morrto
ffrom the earn makers.