The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, March 29, 1960 Editorial Comment: Tribunal Members Need Desire, Respect, Ability TM6 FlrTST friKL- To WAUK CARRYING , wen BOOKS, P1NMIN6V HER . Page 2 " " . "I. C." Gael To Colltge! I THS APPROACH D ' Signup sheets have been posted by the Student Council for one of the youngest "activities" on campus. Deadline for sign ing is Saturday noon. It may or may not be considered in the 'prestige" category and the members may or many not be respected, although we be lieve they are. The activity referred to really doesn't fall into the same pattern that one thinks of when the word "activity" is men tioned. It is a service activity, and one in which the membership should be of the highest caliber. It's the Student Tribunal harassed from the start, still termed only a tool of the administration by some, Dut now pretty much accepted by the majority of the student body. , In several years, In fact, the Tribunal will probably be looked upon as an estab lished University institution, and as such may or may not hold a respected niche in the mind of the student. But one thing Is certain. A Tribunal does help fill that ap which often exists between the student body and the ad ministration. One of the major purposes of establishing the Tribunal was. to estab lish the needed trust and confidence be tween the two areas. The history of having the accused judged by his peers is an ancient one and a needed one. Although the Tribunal can only make recommendations to tae Dean of Student Affairs on what sort of action should be taken regarding an individual case, it is encouraging to note that the body's decision has been approved nearly 100 per cent down the line. The establishment of the Tribunal also pointed out the chance and -the need for students themselves to take the responsi bility of judging their fellows. The1 members must be responsible. Their recommendations can mean very much to the student called before the group. It is hoped that the signup for Tribunal positions contains the names of many stu dents with the desire, respect and ability needed1 to judge well the cases brought before them. It is through continued quality and lead ership of the members that the Student Tribunal will gain the confidence and respect so necessary for "judging of their peers." Quad Rushee Housing Fine Idea Probably few actions of the Interfra ternlty Council have as much potential as the recent proposal to house rushees in Selleck Quadrangle during Rush Week this fall. The fraternity -system undoubtedly will benefit. It is a step towards a more hon est rushing method with the traditional illicit parties eliminated; Lincoln men will not be forced to put up several rushees in their homes each night; everyone will get to bed earlier. The fears of parents that their children are headed for a weekend of sin and frolic should be allayed somewhat by the setup where they stay in the Quad, with definite hours. The new fraternity man's introduction to Greek life under this system will be more dignified and unified, with the em phasis on effectiveness and promotion of the entire fraternity system instead of the sometimes resulting inebriation as the re sult of misguided individual taclics. The rushee will benefit. He will be given a much calmer and more orderly environment in wmch to make a decision that may effect much of his later life. His expenses cannot help but be smaller with the modest meal and room charge of the Quad substituted for the much higher average range of prices pre sented by local merchants. The University itself should benefit by being saved from the possibility almost the probability of drunken driving and allayed incidents often caused by recently emancipated high schoolers. Paternalism may indeed be a threat to the development of the college student i but it is a poor rallying cry with which to attack the type of Greek-Administration cooperation which should show gains for all. Staff Comment Balm and Sage ('T- t I Probasco You run into a lot of unexpected people, conversations and things at a political convention. Such was the case at the Re publican Founders Day madhouse which took over the Cornhusker Hotel Monday. The most out of place sight at the whole conven tion was Bob Conrad's headquarters. Conrad is a Democratic candidate for governor. This didn't bother him, however, as he leaned over the railing from his corner on the mezzanine of the hotel and shook hands with the GOP members as they milled around. Congressman Phil Weaver (dubbed by Jerry Whalen, hit Democratic opponent, as "Twin Bill Phil," because he intro duced only one bill during his last two terms in Congress) stopped in at the Con rad headquarters to ask Dick Shugrue bow to get to the speaker's table in the ballroom, I hope he can find his desk in the house with less trouble. Sam Jensen did a top-notch job of ac commodating the press during the hassle. Nearly 50 newsmen put in an appearance during the day and few complaints were heard. Along with the Vice President on his Journey were Bill Lawrence, native Lin colnite and national correspondent for the New York Times, and Earl Mdzo of New York Herald Tribune. Mazo published a biography of Nixon last summer. Asked how the comments had run regarding his book, he commented that they had all been good, because he would probably punch anybody in the nose if they said they didn't like it. "You mean," I asked, "if I were to say I didn't like your book (which I didn't), you would hit me in the face?" By Herb Probasco "No," he responded, "I'd just throw you out the window." Young 1 Republican delegations were present at the banquet from nine colleges around the state, including the Univer sity, Nebraska Wesleyan, Doanc, Crelgh ton, Omaha, Wayne State, Midland, Has tings and Concordia Teachers. Some 250 YR's attended the banquet. It was termed the largest college turnout at a party func tion in history. Secret Service men were milling around the area. I spent half the evening trying to locate one to show to a friend who was sure that every photographer was going to attempt to assassinate Nixon. They were pretty secret, though, as we never did find one. Some 720 pounds of Nebraska beef and 720 pounds of ham were served, along with 500 pounds of cabbage for the cole slaw and 400 pounds of cottage cheese. This was eaten by some 3,650 persons, more than 400 of who had to take their plates to the balcony, because of the lack of space on the main floor. Nebraskans are definitely supporting Fred Seaton, secretary of the interior, for the vice presidency. Secretary to the cab inet Robert Gray, a close friend of Sea ton's said, "It's time for the midwest to give to this nation a Vice President . . . We think the right man is Fred Seaton." Seaton jokingly noted the statement, saying, "I want you to know, Mr. Vice President, that I enjoyed every word Mr. Gray said. But to be candid, the record must show that Mr. Gray was brought to Washington and hired by me." The interior secretary stuck his foot in his mouth at his press conference when he was asked about the farm problem as a national issue. He said that it was a "regional or area" type of issue, compar able to that of the tunafish problem on the Pacific Coast. Daily Nebraskan KJXTY-NINE TEAKS OLD Subscription rate in II m Hmnla or IS for the fifanfttn AMOoiated Colgate Pre. Inter- iVuSTw.. P.,d u. N.brMkfc collegiate rresi inrnnnn n... Seprsseatetlre: t!mml Adyeritataf Serr- Ed(ef f. . . k. ice, Incorporated Managing Editor Sandra Tinker Fnfciisked At: Boom 20, Student Union Editor Herb ProiM Hm-oIm Nebraska Sports Editor Dave calhoua ii. B A Nr Etftor Long 14tO & B Copy Editors rat Data, Gary Rod (en , TeleuSone HE 2-7631, txt. 4225, 4226, 4227 K, . . . areteiwn shriibenc OT.X NebrwlLu. I. Pruned Monday, Tuesday. f'"V E,ltur ........ .Mlk., ttdmedy and Friday during the school rear, -pt St" W15or Hike Mllroy, Ann Meyer diu vacations and exam periods, by stndents of tha Gerald l.amhrrsa iZ vaVtT it the autl.orlE.tloa t the Staff Writer. '...UavaWoWfarfb, fkwnmittee oa Student Affairs as aa expression of itu- , m KorrenC X enlSlnnY PoMiratlon ndr the Jurisdiction at the Reporters .....Niaer Brown, Nancy Whltford. ttaUmitto on Mudent Pabllrntlon. .hall be free Oloyd Clark. Chip Wood, John Jelt, fironTedltorial wn.or.hlp on the part of the Subeom- Hal Brown. John Nolon. anlttM or an the part of any member of the faculty at BUSINESS STAFF the University, or oa the fort of any person outsat. Bustneis Manager Stan Kalmaa the University. The members of the Dally Nebraska Assistant Business Managers Oil Grady, ( hsrlene ataff are personally responsible for what they say, a Ones, Ardlth Killers SXs w causa to be printed. February 8, MM. Circulation Manager ..oag Xoanidabl xur The Reporter Meets A Bureaucrat Editor', Note! The following was taken from the North Carolina Bute student dally, and presents a view of the problem of the reporter In this day of licht-llvped bureaucratic news releasing-. By Chuck Holmes (A play In two Acts) (The scene is in a dingy building; in a hall lined with rows of- doors. The Young Man is pacing the worn boards, note book in hand. The Young Man has a sticker on his hat which says "PRESS" and one ear is noticably bent. At the left sits a Secretary shuffling stacks of papers marked "Super - ultra - highly - se cret," and occasionally throwing one or two papers into the trash can. The Young Man looks hopefully at the Secretary. She smiles and shakes her head. The Young Man continues to pace. After some time, a head, said to belong to Mr. Linkinblock, appears through the door, which has just been opened.) Linkinblock: Next. Young Man: I have a few questions ... Linkinblock: I'm not qualified to release that in formation. You'll have to see a Mr. Xntfglk about that. (The head disappears.) SCENE II. (Different, scene: some what later Same Young Man; different secretary; same batch of papers.) Young Man: Is Mr. Xnft glk in? Secretary: (smiling sweet ly) No, Mr. Xntfglk is on a two weeks field trip. You may sit down and wait. (The Young Man sits down) SCENE III. (The Young Man is no ticeably older. The Secre tary is, too. Mr. Xntfglk enters.) Young Man: (Jumping up excitedly) Hello, Mr. Xntf glk. Mr. Linkinblock has re ferred me to you. I have a few questions about . . . Mr. Xntfglk: I'm not al lowed to release that infor mation. You'll have to see Mrs. Fileweb. (Mr. Xntfglk disappears.) ACT II. Time: two years, 5 months, 3 days, 2 hours, 32 min utes later. (The Young Man, after seeing Mr. Kink inblock, Mr. Xntfglk, Mrs. Fileweb, Miss Lookinglass, Mr. Hinkleheim, Alfred Newman, Nikita Eising hower, and Fida, has been referred to I. Pushabroom, the janitor. We find the Young Man exploring the dim depths in search of Mr. Pushabroom. He finds him.) Young Man: Mr. Pusha broom? Pushabroom: Yes? Young Man: I have a few questions . . . Pushabroom: Have you cleared this with everyone? Young Man: Yes. Pushabroom: What de nomination are you? Young Man: Druid. Pushabroom: Have you signed the loyalty oath? Young Man: Yes. Pushabroom: Good. Young Man: Now, I have a few questions . . . Pushabroom: I can't re lease that information. You'll have to go see Mr. Linkinblock. (Young Man drops dead. Pushabroom sweeps him up with the rest of the trash.) Nebraskan Lelterip Tka Dally Nebraska win publish aaly those letter wkiek are signed. Letters attacking Individuals must carry the author's name. Others ratty ae Initials or a pen name, letters should sot exeeed Ma words. Wbaa setters exceed this limit the Nebraska reserrw the right to sonde&ss than. MtoJalac the writer's views. Selleck Rooming To the Editor: If the Daily Nebraskan's would be if they could be editorial pundits have faith in the approach to the dis crimination which they espouse, I suggest they ex ercise their typing fingers by treating the segregation policies of Selleck Quad rangle. A Negro student is care fully roomed with another Negro. A foreign student is forced, at least initially, to room with another foreign student. Why? Jerry Behringer Editor's Note: Recent' writers of letters to this newspaper concerning the civil rights problem might like to devote their efforts towards constructive ends, with groups now operating chiefly in the East. The Boston EPIC (Emer gency Public Integration Committee), which is co ordinating the activities of campus committes at Har vard, Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, Boston University and Brandeis University, plus non-campus groups opposed to dis crimination, has appealed to the students at all Amer ican colleges and universi ties. The group has been and plans to continue to picket local .Woolworth .outlets, while adhearing to a strict ly non-violent discipline on the lines. Non-picketing activities on Boston campuses includ ed the circulation of peti tions and the sale by ad hoc student committees of post cards addressed to New York Woolworth. The group urges student support by 1. sending reso lutions of support to Negro schools in the Southern movement, such as Har vard's student council was planning; 2. picketing local Woolworth stores; and 3. sending postcards, letters and petitions to E. F. Har rigan, vice president, Wool worth and Co., 233 Broad way, New York City. Address of the EPIC chairman is Harvey Press man, 333 Harvard St, Cam bridge, Mass. Leters sent to this news-" paper have shown that many students favor dem onstrations and other means to bring about better conditions for the Negro in the South. Perhaps some leadership will be directed in the right manner by some member of our University community. NO IWm liST SS3 i a oTiJl 9Mnf M3d MNOiTJgNOHOvgv S3 I TPVISJVNVD !33HStGn I TO ANVflq 0 DQ$ 3Wl3 IvNioiTi vToinq goo 04 HOTKX! poo- qtv, km, MQ9fj oaspivi S N TP N 3 3 H S INVlnlMVO x owvliv i Ha lAJeJci 9 ions Engraved and Flat Printed Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 Formal ATTIRE NEW LOCATION HOLWAY RwL - Ci - Jux. 1219 P St. Formerly located at 234 No. 12th Phone HE 2-2262 Lincoln's Only Exclusive Formal Shop TUXEDOS DINNER JACKETS TAILS fi a fl ITHIAVC r-t-nM I i-rr RING BEARER SUITS CANDLELIGHTERS GOWNS "Men's Formal Wear Is Our Only Business" Make reiervationi for Formal Wedding Attire early lllK?FAldBLe I . CROSSWORD No. 10 13 jr. ! ACROSS 1. Fraternal letter 6. Haywira 9. Crw drivers 10. This is poison 11. Sport lor Willi tha Psniuin (2 words) 11. BeaUof-tha-panta condition 14. They go with oats 15. Grand, hand or band 17. Small accounts SO. Llttl ortanisatioB 11. Strike out 2s. With damea U. Hayaeedy man's nsm to. Whst Harvard man fish for tl. A littl. kas than many 12. A kind of Ahner S3. Between you and the mattress 15. Gin alternative ST. Everyone KooTs Menthol Matte 41. Khan man 42. "Jernt" 44. Kind of cent 45. Libido 46. Backward idol in Italy 47. Bess's curvs 40. An age 4. N. C. college DOWN V da Boulogne S. Reaching without tha ring S. Where tha nut coma from 4. Cricketers' craving 5. This is basic ' in basic 6. Like switching to Koots (3 words) T. Upright (2 words) 8. Necessity for Pop's ear 12. Traveling (2 words) 16. Curvaceous figure 17. It's good In thshols 18. Modem art, sounds educational (pi.) It. Claaay classes 21. Kools are r favored by discerning smokers 22. It follows "Hi" 23 j.m 24. It's cooling like a Kool 26. Ointment item 27. Crane crime 21. Podal wiggler 38. Buy a carton of Kools at your favorite 84. Count, for Instance 85. It precede 80 Across 28. Unopened 18. America's most refreshing cigarette 82. Prefix meaning "within" 40. Kind of diva 43. Knowledgeable fellow 1 Vi 3 IT k is it I7 ' Is f7TTmmmm ARE YOU KOOL 9 To- ENOUGH TO KRACK this? ,7 ,9 20 2?" 2?" HTi 25 n 1 li aaakaa. aaMtaaaa. hmijitll mmmm aJM WiW aagffHM aaaaaMM aaMtaaa 26 27 28 29 r! To JT "" mm M " xT """"34 i ' Ji 34 " 37 """"" 38 3T" 40 4 """75 JT -jj 47 ' Ts """" 49 aawaaaiaaaa naaaaai aaawaasava SfflfaaaaaaaBBsaaBBfei Wheh your throat tells ) you its time for a change you need J a real change. YOU NEED THE 0F KQDL r Ohm, shown wiluamsom tobacco cant. a? '&A tan M ,.iQMTH''-.- .H. .. ClOAHBTTfiS I -