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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1960)
Monday, March 28, 1960 The Daily Nebraska Page 3 39 Letters, 22 Numerals Awarded to NU Athletes By Norm Beatty A total of 39 letters and 22 freshman numerals were awarded to the various mem bers of the University of Ne braska winter sports teams, according to Athletic Director Bill Orwig. Basketball toped all other winter sports with 19 round ballers winning awards. Twelve varsity letters and seven frosh numerals were given out. Herschell Turner, who set a new scoring record this year, heads the list of varsity monogram winners. He was accompanied by Bob Harry who was held from competi tion for the last two games after a brilliant season: Wayne Hester, Lincoln, was the only other senior who won a letter this year. Other varsity lettermen in clude Bill Bowers of Lincoln, Al Buck, Ft. Wayne, Ind. and Jan Wall of Lincoln who will make up the Husker rebound ing corps next year. They will be ably assisted by veterans Jim Kowalke of Sioux City, la. and Albert Maxey of Indianapolis, Ind. who finished direotly behind Turner in scoring for the 1959 1960 season. The remaining varsity letter winners who will be back next year to boost Jerry Bush's team are Al Roots of Kansas City, Mo., Rex Swett of Huron, S.D. and Phil Barth of Omaha. .These three will probably provide able quarter-backing for the 1960-1961 team. The Huskers will get help from the following freshmen who have won numerals: Tom Ernst, Columbus; Sam Kreigh, Zanesville, Ind. ; Rich ard Muma, Chadron; Chet Paul, Lincoln (top scorer for the frosh for the past season) ; Mike Stacey, Weeping Water and Homer Uehling, Uehling. Fred Rickers of Wayne and Martin Swan of Lincoln won varsity and freshman awards for student managers respectively. Dozen Swimmers A total of 12 athletes won varsity swimming letters. This group is highlighted by Joe Stocker who holds Husk er breaststroke records and diver Jim Frank. Others are: Don Benson, Scottsbluff ; Roger Bos veld, Mason City, la.; Ron Buck lin, Lincoln; Larry Ferrell, Lincoln; Larry McClean, Fre mont; Kuniaki Mihara, Oma ha; Myron Papadakis, Oma ha; Jim Picket, Lincoln; Fran Tomson, Omaha; arid Branch Walton, Lincoln. Frosh numeral winners in clude Russell Ash, Omaha; LaVern Bauer s, York; Jay Groth, Lincoln; John Matters, Omaha; Bob Mitchell, Lin coln; Phil Swaim, Lincoln and Jim Wilber, Lincoln. 14 For Gymnasts In gymnastics there were 14 awards given, 11 varsity and three freshman. Phil Hall, Husker standout who missed the latter part of the season due to an injury, heads the list. Dennis Anstine, Hastings, Bowers, Lincoln; Bill Brass, Sargent; Karl Byers, Lin coln; Herbert Hanich, Lin coln; Virgil Kubert, Lincoln; Doug Moore, Omaha and Charles Williams of Ainsworth also won varsity gymnastic letters. Freshman numberal w i n ners were Louis Burkel, Be atrice; Richard McCoy, Lin coln and William Murphy, North Platte. William C. Wax of Lincoln was given a varsity letter for his student manager work. Only four wrestlers won varsity letters this year. The promising freshman squad produced five numeral winners. Full Slate Scheduled For May 7 All Sports Day Plans Announced - The University's All-Sports Day program was announced Friday by NU Athletic Direc tor Bill Orwig. j Football, as usual will high light the May 7 program, pit ting the Varsity against the Alumni. A dual track meet between the Huskers and the Air Force will add more spice to the sport festival. Coach Bill Jennings com mented that even though the spring practice session for the Varsity players has been set back to April 18, the Huskers will meet the Alum ni at 1:30 p.m., on All-Sports Day. The program: 9 a.m. Golf, Nebraska vs. Kansas at Lincoln Country Club. 10:00 a.m. Gymnastics exhibition. 10:30 a.m. Tennis, Nebras ka vs. Kansas at NU courts. 1:30 p.m. Football, Var sity vs. Alumni at Memorial Stadium. 4:00 p.m. Track, Nebras ka vs. Air Force Academy at Memorial Stadium. The otherwise drab wrest ling team had a brilliant standout this year in heavy weight Jim Raschke, a sopho more who was the winningest Husker wrestler this year. The other three athletes who won wrestling letters on the varsity team were Jim Faimon of Lawrence; Garry Harley of Grand Island and George Rethmeier of Neligh. AOPi-DUV Win Coed Volleyball ' Alpha Omicron Pi-Delta Up silon No. 1 defeated Gamma Phi Beta-Sigma Phi Epsilon No. 2 for the Coed Volleyball Championship. The AOPi-DU team swept the finals with 12-5 and 15-0 wins. Playing on the winning team were Jim Kowalke, Den nis Elder, Jan -Sherwood, Phylis Grube, Polly Doering, George Garrett, Pennie Sand ritter, Jack Koberg, Fran Johnson and Dean Prazak. The Women's Athletic As sociation, under the direction of Miss Gifforn, sponsors the annual Coed Volleyball Cham competing for 8 weeks. The first games were played De cember 8. Tortured Logic To Spread Vegetarianism (ACP) A slight case of tor tured logic will be employed to spread vegetarianism in the West, says the Asian Stu dent. The object to be used is a two-year-old Indian elephant. Woodland Kahler, vice president of the International Vegetarian Union with head quarters in London, said in Bombay recently that the strength and stamina of this vegetarian animal would con vince the non-vegetarians of the efficacy of cabbages and kidney pie. NU Bowlers Trip to Iowa The Nebraska Union Bowl ing team left Friday after noon for two matches in Iowa. The Husker bowlers met Iowa University Friday and faced Iowa State Satur day. Team members making the trip were Ralph Holstrom, Gary Stark, Bill Vacek, Stu Kutler, Jerry Dondlinger and Jerry King. Merle Retting, Games Manager, and Bill Mc Kinnon, Union Activities Manager, accompanied the team. . The Huskers are rated in the Number 2 spot in Big Eight Conference Bowling. The Nebraska team is sporting new scarlet pants that match the scarlet trim on their white shirts. Gymnast Albers Will Come to NU Dennis Albers, the all around gymnast who has led Hastings High School to two consecutive states titles, will attend the University of Ne braska next fall, Coach Jake Geier announced. Albers, who has won the all-around erown the past two years in the state meet plus other titles, rates this opin ion from Geier, "Albers has the ability to become a na tional contender within a year or two." .. APPLIED PHILOSOPHY 221 Thought Process of Women Dr. A. Tract Emphasis on philosophy of getting dates. Background of dateless stu dents who use sticky hair creams or alcohol hair tonics. Fundamental logic of students who have discovered that 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic takes care of hair even when used with water. Philosophy of the Enlighten ment: one may use all the water one wants with 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic. Students who use 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic think therefore they are sought after by lovely females. Cause: 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic. Effect: Dates. Materials: one 4 ex. bottW Vaseline Hair Tonic inFnjlR i mm , ;' ' I II 1 lil I -xl-y, J, : : RsmhsS&i&Ssi 0,1 Vnim ini . Ij to.riMi I J fVj fl 1 ttft.tbtlUIMili, I ' ' j t 1 7 I MMMfcffcmiM I 1:1 WMM I I mi mm' t tmu-dMi m KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE (SNOW) BALL . . . Ken Ruisinger, first baseman for the Huskers bats with a shovel as teammates try to clear away snow that has blanketed the Husker diamond since two days after Christmas. Ely Churchich assumes his catching position with Elmer Takenishi backing him up. LeRoy Zentic helps clear the home plate area as Doug Sieler works the third base line, also with a shovel. The Husker baseballers are scheduled to. open the season Friday against South Dakota State, but it's going to take more than shovels to clear the diamond. Neil Nannen Will Attend Nebraska Neil Nannen, high scorer for the Syracuse Class B State Championship basketball team will attend the Univer sity of Nebraska next fall, Coach Jerry Bush announced. State tournament fans will remember : h i s outstanding performance) against tin Holy Name standout," Chuch' Sla dovnik, in the finals of the tourney. Neil is 6-4 in height and is in the upper 50 percent of his class scholastically. His ac complishments in basketball include All State, All Tour ney, All State Class B. Neil is a brother of Lyle Nannen who played for Ne braska in 1955-56-57. Have Parts, Will Travel While Recruiter's Aieay The Thieves Will Play Cornhusker assistant foot ball coach Dick Monroe is having trouble keeping his car in one piece. Thursday Monroe returned from a- recruiting trip and discovered his steering wheel had disappeared from his car, which had been parked in back of the Coliseum. After finally securing a new one he invited Husker Aide Jack Braley to join him at lunch Friday. But Monroe wasn't to get off se, easily. The car wouldn't Baseball Meeting There will be a very im portant meeting for all freshmen baseball candi dates at 7:00 p.m. Monday in the Field House, accord ing to Coach Tony Sharpe. start. After checking under the hood, he found that the carburetor, the air filter, the fan and several other parts were missing. Dick commented, "Fortu nately, I was able to get it towed away Friday afternoon, otherwise it would have all disappeared, tires, motor and all." Daily Nebraskan Sports Relays To Honor Nebraska Nebraska will be one of the five schools honored at the annual Drake Relays at Des Moines, April 29-30, according to NU track Coach Frank Sevigne. Nebraska is one of the five schools in the University di vision to win the most events during the first 50 years of the track classic. The Drake Relays Committee will pre sent an award to the schools, according to Bob Karnes, Drake track mentor. Read Nebraskan Want Ads obi DOORS OPEN 12:43 Typewriters For Rent Royal - Underwood Smith Remington Try Our Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Phone HE 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On if rrv ; I i -i - ' - - ?j 1 V",: ; there's. V opening "X : I xv., Juno orsdunto.;-..;-- 4, lr .'. - .. ... u: r,..4. - -jr but there will be soon Youth is no obstacle at IBM for outstanding people. The way up is always open. We've been expanding rapidly ... and we promote from within. 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