The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, March 28, 1960
i pi i m
Editorial Comment:
6PJ Came9 Was Great;
Audience Somewhat Slim
Page 2
' - Pl
The "Pajama Game" made a tremen
dous hit during its two-day run Friday
and Saturday night at Pershing Audi
torium, at least in every aspect except
perhaps the financial one.
The two-night crowd was estimated at
something like 2,000 a seemingly large
number but one that should have been
larger, not only for the interest of Kos
met Klub but for the general public and
student body as well.
Nearly everyone who went to the show
had nothing but praise for it; and al
though many people generally like to
speculate on the weaknesses of such pro
ductions, there were few hints that so-and-so
didn't play his or her part well.
Students who could afford it and missed
the show should kick themselves for do
ing so; and if the Klub gets necessary
clearance and decides to run the show
later in Beatrice a trip there to see the
production would certainly be worth the
Perhaps one reason for the rather small
crowds was the fact that a number of
houses had social events scheduled for
either Friday or Saturday evening.
And the expense of a house party or
formal or something of that nature may
expend most of the weekend social funds
for some individuals. The houses can't be
Jubilee h Great
From the sounds issuing from behind
the stage curtain after the show, it was
obvious that the Kosmet Klub show cast
and crew were jubilant about their pre
sentation. The feeling of success is, no doubt, one
of the most exciting and rewarding bits
of show business even on the college
blamed for scheduling events during one
of the show nights since the activity cal
endar at this time of year is quite heavy.
But perhaps in upcoming years, the
date for the spring show could ae on the
University calendar when it comes out
early in the fall. It might be a good idea
to make the dates similar to other All
University events such as the Military
Ball, when house parties and such are for
bidden for the evening.
It would probably boost the show and
Kosmet Klub, which deserves a vote of
thanks for putting on a production the
University can be truly proud of.
As for the show itself, nothing but roses
can be tossed the way of the players like
George Mechling, Joe Hill, Norm Riggins,
Bev Ruck, Amer Lincoln, Leanne Jensen,
Paula Knepper, Sue Worley and the rest.
Musical director Bill Hatcher did a tre
mendous job; many observers felt that
orchestration was one of the strongest
parts of the show. Bill Baker, Bonna Tebo
Hays and Sally Hove did their jobs of
technical directing and designing, direct
ing, and choreography, respectively, to
near-perfection at least in the layman's
And certainly not to be forgotten are the
Kosmet Klub members themselves all
the committee chairmen and workers
and show chairman Jack Nielsen and his
assistant Ross Greathouse.
They all spent many long hours work
ing on sets, ticket sales, promotion and
many "back stage ditties" which are just
as responsible for a successful production
as the terrific action on the stage.
It's certain "Pajama Game" will go
down in Kosmet Klub's long history along
side "South Pacific" and "Good News"
as one of its top achievements. It would
be hard to imagine, seeing a better pro
duction even with full-fledged profession
als in every role.
From the Editor Desk:
, It Seems to Me . .
Years ago, they tell me, you could al
ways tell which college women had rich
daddies by the type of clothes they wore.
For instance, their winter coats would
be furs, even for classroom wear, and the
other items of apparel
were of equal taste and
But now, the word is,
that the exclusiveness is
gone from the coed's
wearing habits.
For Instance, hundreds
upon hundreds of 'em
wear standard garb of
trench coats, balky white
sox and canvas shoes.
Individuality is lost in
the maze of camel hair coats.
And of course the same thing Is often
applicable to the male student, with his
ivy cut clothing and all the rest that goes
But one of the most salient points about
the whole situation is that you can be
"mungy" and still popular, it seems.
The run on the white Army surplus
light parkas this weekend is a good ex
ample of how, like Mr. Pusher said, some
thing can be in for a while, then by rea
son of numbers becomes out
More than 200 of the cheap (99 cents)
hooded coats were sold the first day the
Army store had its sale, Informed sources
tell me, and more orders had to be placed
for the garments.
The many buyers of the coats say they're
among the best bargains you could ever
lay your hands on. Like they are good
for spring afternoon outings (the purpose
of which appears quite obvious), picnics,
building Homecoming displays, lounging,
etc., etc. (Once again, no payola involved
here in extolling the virtues of the par
kas.) I wonder if the Denfense Department
ever could have speculated where some
of their Army issues might end up?
Those who lightly laugh off the trials
and tribulations of the "activity jock"
should pay heed to the problems of Sylvia
Bathe, chairman of the Union's talks and
topics committee.
By Carroll Kraus
A few days ago after a presentation of
C. Northcote Parkinson which drew a SRO
crowd in the Union Ballroom, Miss Bathe
was dismayed to learn that a new mem
ber of her committee was unaware that
the entire event had even taken place.
But Sylvia went back to the publicity
wars determined that no one would be
left in ignorance about the next convoca
tion presented by her group.
Day by day publicity plans were drawn
finally the big campaign started. The
whole world was to know that April 1 was
Cousins Convocation Day.
Campus papers, downtown papers, radio,
300 window cards, Union displays, 2,000
billfold cards, on and on the lists ran.
Then came the crushing blow. Miss
Bathe dutifully trotted off early one morn
ing recently to interview for Union com
mittee chairmen.
Interviewee after interviewee 35 of
themcame before the committee. And
then the truth was out. Only two of them
knew of the coming convocation.
Sylvia is a brave girl, but her friends
know horrendous tales of sleepless nights
filled with a recurring dream a huge Coli
seum, the nation's number two speaker (in
terms of drawing audience numbers),
Sylvia Bathe and rows of empty chairs.
Time of the convocation? It's 11 a.m.
this Friday. Classes will be dismissed so
if anybody's reading this, come.
A life may depend upon you.
Last weekend, Sigma Delta Chi brought
in Bill McGaffin, assistant Chicago Daily
News bureau chief in Washington, for its
annual spring initiation banquet.
Bill not only entertained the banquet
audience with graphic stories of M many
years as a foreign correspondent but with
a lot of subtle humor as well.
One side comment he made reminded
me of the Shelley Berman routine about
modern flying.
McGaffin said when he went to the
Washington airport to buy two tickets to
Lincoln, the man ahead of him, apparent
ly a veteran of many an airflight, made
this provocative request:
"Two chances to Chicago."
Daily Nebraskan
Memberi Associate Collegiate rreaa, later-
eollegiate Pren ,
fteprestntailve: National Advertisinf Serr
Ice. Incorporated
Published at: Room 20, Student UbIob
LiacoE. Nebraska
14th ft
TeJejJione HE t-7631. ex. 4225, 422ft 4227
Taa lai Mearaskaa pablltheal Htar, Taeaaay,
trains ftMiM ana nam seetoeto, fcr
Tjalveralty af Nebraska under Mia authartaatloa af tha
CeansnlttM Maaaat AMalr. M M "frT" '
eVrnt pinKxn rafcUcatieaMdfV th Jartodletlaa af tja mm lnmt raMleattaaa shall he trea
fraae aaltcttal wwm.hil. aa Ikf P
anltteo or ea the part of aay member af tha fawaltjaf
at IJBlrerasty. er the part af aay porsna
(fa L ntsr"iSiy T niewiwer af tha DftllF bi mrnhmm
taff are personally repntbe far what aay. ar
ea, ar caMtsa tm be printed, ffebraarf , lSa,
Rnbeerlptlea ratef art S3 pn semester ae IS far tha
aeaaamle rear.
Seesnel-elaes pMtwi MM at Llaeala, Nebraska.
Easier Carroll Bras
Maaagtng EeUtar Baaelra Laaker
Jtewa Editor Mera Probate
Keens E4llor ...Itav Calheaa
Af New Edftar Karen Loaf
Copy Milan Fa Dmm, flarr Kodren,
Oratehea Shrllberf
NltM Newt Ealtar Aaa Moyer
Staff Writer. ink lfllror. An Moyer
Oeral4 Lamberiaa
Jailer Staff Writer Dave Wohlfarth.
Jtaa Format
Beporler... Naaer Browa, Manejr Whltforq,
Clori Clark, Chip Wood, Joha iett,
Hal Browa, Joha Notoa.
Bootaew Manager Mm KeJmaa
Assistant Baslnaas Mataisn Oil Grady, berteae
Ona, Ardlth Khleia
ClreaJnUon Maaasur Boat leaacdaal
V 10 5c E HER &0
Daily Nebraskan Letterips
HELP Program
To the Editor:
The situation in Selleck
Quadrangle appears to be
deteriorating to that of a
large city that is that you
"can't fight city hall".
Some four or five weeks
back, the administration of
Selleck Quad flatly stated
that it would allow nothing
to be done by any organi
zation which would affect
the rights and privileges of
the individuals living in the
Quad. One may recall that
this was in partial reply to
the controversy resulting
from the presentation to
Quad Residents of five ar
ticles which outlined the
H.E.L.P. (House Experi
ment in Long-range P 1 a n
ning) Program under the
sponsorship of RAM (Resi
dence Association for Men).
" Recently a petition was
presented to the RAM Coun
cil signed by more than 300
Quad Residents, which in
effect requires that the
basic legislation for the
H.E.L.P. Project: l.e.,
whether it Is to be or not
to be; be presented to the
residents for a vote.
Upon receipt of this pe
tition the RAM Council ap
pointed a committee to
write this basic legislation
including a legal defini
tion of H.E.L.P. This com
mittee had a very short
meeting (about 30 seconds
in length) at which it was
announced that the admin
istration of the Quadrangle
had confiscated the above
mentioned petition and that
there was no longer a rea
son for the committee to
The RAM Council should
not appear to be anxious
for the members of RAM,
i.e., the residents, to be al
lowed to voice their opinion
on the H.E.L.P. Project
through an election. In the
past publicity on this mat
ter has been very unfavor
able to the Council, and
many Council members
feel, and rightly so, that
the H.E.L.P. Program
would not be accepted
through an election.
With this state of affairs
the opinions of the residents
seem to be biased oppositely
from those of their repre
sentatives, the Council
members. Which faction has
more potential still seems
to be controversy. R e s i
dents don't like to be
pushed around, and yet it
looks like they w uld
squelch the opportunities
offered by H.E.L.P., whlclr
caters to a finite minority.
The RAM Council should
have had more f!th in the (
residents by having the
committee perform its dut
ies. The residents should in
turn approach the problem
with a fresh unbiased view.
If the administration actu
ally did confiscate the peti
tion, it shows that they,
too, are concerned with the
outcome of an election.
Even so, the Council
should provide the residents
with an election, merely
because general opinion is
in favor of it, as evidenced
by the success of the peti
tion in obtaining the re
quired number of signa
tures. As for the adminis
tration, a confiscation ac
tion can only lead to wor
sened public relations with
in the Quad. Still they must
protect the right of the in
dividual. But what of H.E.L.P.? It
is said to be another house
within RAM. The only dif
ference is that the mem
bers are selected upon ap
plication, whereat other
RAM houses are persons
who live within a defined,
area. But a H.E.L.P. house
must be within a defined
area also and where are
Residents are shifted
around in the Quad so that
one particular house will
be more "active" than
most others. Pity! This is
the status quo only In
the past it occurred by
chance, usually amongst
predominately "freshman"
areas, such as Seaton I and
In many of the now some
what "dead" houses, some
residents, particularly up
perclassmen, are potential
"social liors." They have
had their time well occu
pied in the past by their
studies and are now blessed
with more spare time, be
cause of some reason which
may or may not pertain to
their ability in their major
Also In the past, because
of their industry in scholar
ship, they had not had much
opportunity to become ac
quainted with their coed
classmates. Now they have
time and are interested
they need H.E.L.P., and
they need It now.
But H.E.L.P. cannot
help them, because the ad
vantages of H.E.L.P. do not
exist where they are.
Has RAM considered a
program to aid these per
sons? RAM apparently has
not. To have an organiza
tion within RAM which
would haye overlapping jur
isdiction with the houses
would, I have been told, be
against the RAM Constitu
tion. What will RAM do for
these scholars?
No one knows, but it cer
tainly is within RAM's jur
isdiction (and purpose) to
provide a program to aug
ment a weak house pro
gram. In any organization
the purpose should take
precedence over the meth
od. .
Hence, if the purpose of
RAM is to provide to the
residents a means toward
social organization at the
University, why can it not
accept an augmentation
program? Let's hope that
it will and that condi
tions at "city hall", can be
John W. Hartung
onstrations" and "revolt"
which the editorial treated
as synonomous. Pr o t e s t
demonstrations in this case,
and in general, cail atten
tion to unequal application
of ideals, rights, etc., while
revolt might erroneously
lead the reader to believe
that the considered ques
tion is of debatable valid
ity. Further, demonstrations
are legitimate and effective
means of voicing support to
certain convictions.
K. H. Flaming
To the Editor:
It is regretable that the
editorial voice of The Daily
Nebraskan has taken such
an archaic position to the
problem of equal rights of
fellow human beings. Half
hearted compromise with
such anti-human interests
as those represented in Con
gress are hardly sufficient
for a country which claims
to be the advocate of indi
vidual dignity and freedom.
It should also be pointed
out that there is a differ
ence between "protest dem-
( I FEEL THAT (6lG& )
Nebraskan ,
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