The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1960, Image 1

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Education Costs Discussed
Hardin Tells Regent Winners of Price Rise
MAR 28 1960
Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din told regent scholarship
winners from Lancaster
County that "the financial
barrier which many able
young people find on their
road to college is growing
bigger, not smaller."
Speaking at a Lincoln Ki
wanis luncheon honoring the
students, Hardin said, "Study
after study has indicated that
during the next 10 years the
cost of . higher education can
be expected to increase."
Educational Costs
Discussing the increasing
educational costs, Dr. Hardin
pointed out that the Univer
sity has established a new
program designed to help a
student and his family de
velop a financial plan.
He said that among the en
tering freshmen for next fall
"there are 200 excellent stu
dents whose financial back
ing is so meager that we are
convinced they cannot go to
college unless they receive
help." ....
"The University's resources
have made it possible to de
velop plans for 100 of these
by using $23,000 in scholar
ships plus loans aiTd employ
ment. The other 100 are be
yond reach. We believe that
an additional $24,000 of schol
arship fund properly distri
buted would give these young
sters a chance to at least get
Many suggestions, he ex
plained, have been made na
tionally as to how the increase
Are Open
Applications are now avail
able for Student Union advis
ory board positions for the
coming year.
Interviews for the positions
will be held beginning at 9:00
a.m. Saturday in the Student
Union. The interviewing board
will consist of four members
of the Student Council nomin
ating committee, six mem
bers of the Student Union acti
vities board and two hold
over members of this year's
Advisory Board..
Second Year
This will be the second year
of operation for the Advisory
Board. It was formed last
year for the purpose of ad
vising the Activities Board on
various phases of program
planning, according to Stu
dent Union vice president Sue
In this way the Union's
programs will better meet the
demands of the students in
all areas, she said.
Ten areas are represented
on the Advisory Board.
These include a fraternity
representative, sorority repre
member, independent women
member, Women's Residence
Hall representative, M e n's
Residence Hall member, grad
uate student representative,
married student .representa
tive, commuter student mem
ber and a foreign student
Students interested in the
positions must have Tuesday
evenings free to attend Ad
visory Board meetings.
Applications should be re
turned to the Activities Of
fice by Friday.
Men's Ivy Sing Rules,
Deadline Is Announced
Ivy Day Sing rules and a
Friday deadline for entries
have been set for organized
men's groups that plan to
Entries must be submitted
by Friday to Joe Knoll at
the Phi Kappa Psi house. The
men's sing will be sponsored
by Kosmet Klub.
The following rules will be
1. All song names and
names of directors must be
turned in by Friday. In case
of duplication of song selec
tion the one turned in first
will hve priority.
2. Soug groups must be com
posed of from 16 to 25 men
who meet University eligibil
ity requirements. Eligibility
will be checked through the
Office of Student Affairs.
3. No song which was sung
by any fraternity in the last
two years' Ivy Day Sings
may be sung this year.
4. Medleys will not be al
lowed. 5. Songs will be judged on
the basis of tone quality, in
terpretation, expression and
originality of the selection.
6. No group shall use in
strumental accompaniment.
7. Costumes will be prohib
ited Suits' or tuxedos are the
appropriate dress.
8. The order in which each
fraternity will compete onj
Ivy Day will be determined
in educational cost can be
College Standard
"Some declare that t h e
standard of college living to
day is much higher than it
need be, that it involves
great expenditures for parties
and comfortable living, and
even for doubtful luxuries.
"This kind of talk attracts
attention. Moreover, it must
be admitted, that it applies
to a small minority of college
students. At the, same time,
however, it must be pointed
out that this same minority
of students is composed of
those who come from homes
of more than average income.
CENTER GETS $5,000 University Foundation director
Perry Branch and Chancellor Hardin receive a $5,000
check for the Nebraska Center from the state American
Legion Auxiliary. Representing the women's organization
are its secretary Mrs. Hugh McVicker and Judy Brumm,
president of last year's Girls State who was sponsered by
the Auxiliary. Miss Brumm is a senior at Lincoln North
east High. Mrs. McVickers told the Chancellor the con
tribution was in thanks for the many years the University
has let the Girl's State use its facilities.
George Abbott to Replace
Seaton at NU Meeting
George Abbott, solicitor of
the Department of Interior,
will address Nebraska College
Young Republicans and Uni
versity students at 4:30 p.m.
in the S t u
dent Union
S e c r e
tary of the
Fred A. Sea-
ton, who was
to speak, will I
be unable
address t
group be
cause of the
of the recep-
tion for Vice President Rich
ard M. Nixon. Mr. Seaton
must attend the reception at
the time the University
speech had been scheduled.
He may appear at the meet
ing after the reception.
All University students are
invited to attend the speech.
Abbott is a native of Al
meria. He is the chief legal
advisor and counsel for the
Department of Interior and
for Secretary of the Interior
Thirty-six years old, he is
at a drawing of numbers at
a later date. The song di
rector of each fraternity will
be notified of this time.
9. An entry fee of $3 to
help defray the expenses of
the meals, transportation and
other expenses of the judges
must be paid before a fra
ternity will be allowed to compete.
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When Is A Pill Not A Pill?
. . . Student Health Pharmacist
By Ann Moyer
A pill is not a pill.
A pill as we know it is no longer considered a pill by
Miss Phyllis Platz, Student Health registered pharma
cist, said most pills are actually tablets. The difference be
tween a pill and a tablet is that a pill is hand rolled and a
tabet is made by machine, she explained.
"The method of hand rolling pills is almost obsolete,"
Miss Platz commented.
The pharmacy is located in the Health Center and
handles an average of 75 prescriptions per day, she said.
"University students are allowed a 25 discount from
the regular price charged for medications from the Student
Health pharmacy," she said, "even if they have been sub
scribed by doctors outside the Health Center."
Miss Platz explained that
prepared and filling a prescription consisted of checking. '
the doctor's order for possible mistakes ard transferring
the medication to containers of the proper size, labeling
them and filing the prescription card.
Jiowever, prescriptions can be compounded in the
Health Center pharmacy. Miss Platz said about 15 of the
orders filled are compounded. She attributed a large nunv
"They are the students
whose' standard of living at
college would not change ma
terially regardless of whether
tuition charges are doubled
or tripled or quadrupled."
The. whole argument over
looks one point, he added:
"The ability of a student to
achieve scholastically does
not move hand in hand with
the ability to pay."
Also, he said, the welfare
of , the nation as well as the
personal welfare of the stu
dent is involved in participa
tion in higher education.
"This is a principle which has
long been established in
America and which has long
been accepted. To abandon it
today would be a great risk."
the youngest department gen
eral counsel and one of the
three youngest appointees to
superior offices made by
President Eisenhower.
Abbott, a graduate of the
University of Nebraska, is a
past president of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity, a member
of Innocents Society and
sports editor of the Daily Ne
braskan. He was president of the
University alumni in Wash
ington. Before assuming his
present duties he practiced
law in Grand Island and for
five years was counsel for
the House Interior and Insu
lar Committee.
, Through a staff of 210 law
yers, Abbott - administers a
department of 50,000 em
ployees. Connie Roeser, state YR
chairman will also address
the gro'm.
Groups from Hastings, Mid
land, Wayne, Concordia,
Creighton, Omaha U. and
Doane Colleges will be in at
tendance. The University,
Midland and Hastings groups
will be presented with char
According to Bob Austin,
Nebraska College Director,
the meeting will be open to
the public and those inter
ested in hearing George Ab
bott may attend.
Colloquium Cancelled
The Physics Colloquium
scheduled for Thursday of
this week has been cancelled.
Trevor Evans, visiting pro
fessor of math and astron
omy, had been scheduled to
speak on "Unsolvable Prob
lems and Abstract Computing
most of the medications were
34, No. 87
Will Hold
"How Does a Poem Mean"
will be the subject of a lec
ture by the distinguished and
controversial poet, critic and
lecturer, John Ciardi Thurs
day at 8 p.m. in Love Li
brary auditorium.
Sponsored by the English
department, Ciardi's lecture
is open to the public. He will
also meet with interested
students and other persons at
3 p.m. Friday in 225 Andrews
Saturday Review
Ciardi is poetry editor and
critic for the Saturday Re
view. He authored an article
"The Act of Language,"
which appeared in the March
19th issue of the Saturday
Evening Post.
His poetry has been des
cribed as "colorful and
straight-forward" and, as po
etry critic, he has aroused
national controversy more
than once. He has expressed
a presonal belief that "poetry
is itself a religion; it gives
meaning to life."
Dr. James Miller, chair
man of the English depart
ment, noted that Ciardi's po
etry is the type that reaches
the masses.
Boston-born and bred, Ciar
di was educated at Bates and
Tufts Colleges. He received
his Bachelor's degree from
Tufts with high distinction in
1938. In 1939 he earned a
Master's degree from the
University of Michigan.
Eight Books
The 43-year-old literary fig
ure has published eight books
and has won six important
literary prizes, the most re
cent being the Prix de Rome
in 1956, which provided for
study in Rome.
His latest book was pub
lished last year and is en
titled "30 Poems."
In 1958 he was elected pres
ident of the College English
Assn. and is a fellow of the
American Academy of Arts
and Sciences and the Na
tional Institute of Arts and
He is professor of English
at Rutgers University and
has taught at the University
of Kansas City and Harvard
and in 1951 was a lecturer at
the Salzburg Seminar in
American Studies.
During World War II he
served with the U.S. Army
Air Corps and saw combat
on Saipan as an aerial gun
ner. He lives with his wife
and three children in Metuch-
en, N.J.
IFC Approves
Initiation Rule
The IFC Wednesday
night approved an amend
ed motion that a pledge
must be on the IFC Roll
four weeks prior to the end
of the semester in order to
be initiated. "
The motion to allow a
pledge to be initiated if he
makes a 5.0 average includ
ing three hours of extension
courses (maximum) was
passed with the folIOMing
1. The extension course
must be started and comple
ted during the semester
that the pledge makes his
2. The extension course
must be a night course or a
course offered by the Uni
versity Extension Service.
bcr of these to the medications prescribed by the derma
tologists who are at the center twice a week.
The records of prescriptions date back 15 years and
fill several file cases. These are used for refilling prescrip
tions and reference, Miss Platz explained.
She said it is wise for a person who has been using the
same medication for several years to check periodically
with their doctors because the conditions of the treatment
may change. Also, the advance in medical research leads
to a constantly changing trend in medicines, she explained.
The special swinging shelves In the pharmacy make it
possible to keep on hand more than 10,000 bottles contain
ing tablets, pills, chemicals and solutions, Miss Platz said.
Miss Platz is the only registered pharmacist at the
Health Center at present. She is also a teacher in the Phar
macy school and is frequently assisted by senior students
who have had experience dispensing medications. Ihe stu-
dents are not allowed to dispense prescriptions, however,
unless under the supervision
"Pharmacy is onepf the few professions which is legally
bound not to make mistakes,'' she said. "We are responsible
for catching any mistakes the doctor might have made in
writing the prescription and of course for filling prescrip
tions accurately."
Arts & Sciences College
Ends Compulsory PE,
Offers It As Elective
The College of Arts and
Sciences faculty recently
voted to abandon physical
education requirements for its
This will change the status
of physical education courses
to elective and these courses
will not be required for a de
gree. Final action on the change
will come from Chancellor
Clifford M. Hardin and the
Board of Regents.
Chancellor Hardin said he
Old Soldier Pound
Returns, Keen, Witty
An old soldier returned Fri
day to the battlefield that
sent him - on the road to
Keen, witty and forceful,
Dean Roscoe Pound left no
doubt in the minds of his cap
tive audience, many of whom
were grandchildren of his
former students, that he was
still full of the brilliance
Time Changed to 2 :45
For Nixon Reception
The reception at the Lin
coln Municipal Airport for
Vice President Richard M.
Nixon, will be postponed un
til 2:45 p.m. due to a change
in his time of arrival.
A crowd of several hun
dred high school and college
students is expected to wel
come the Vice President.
Students not having rides
to the Airport are asked to
meet at the north entrance
of t h e Student Union be
tween 2:30 and 2:45 p.m.
Due Soon
SoDhomores. juniors and
law college students may sign
up for interviews to fill posi
tions on next year's Student
The sign 'up sheet will be
posted on the door of the Stu
dent Council office, 339 Stu
dent Union. No applications
will be used since the Coun
cil felt that the interviews an
swered the questions asked on
the applications.
Deadline for signing up for
interviews is Saturday noon.
The Council nominating com
mittee will interview all ap
plicants Sunday.
Interviews for junior judge
and law college judge will be
held before the Council April
20, with the senior position
interview April 27. At least
two candidates for each judge
will appear before the Coun
cil. The Faculty Senate Mill al
so be asked to suggest names
of prospective applicants.
Qualifications for the stu
dents include a grade aver
age in the upper 50 per cent
of his college class and that
no student may serve on both
the Council and the Tribunal
during the same academic
No student may participate
in the selection of judges if
he is seeking membership.
Answers Question
of a registered pharmacist.
had received notification of
the resolution and stated the
matter would be placed be
fore the Board of Regents at
some future meeting.
Women students will be af
fected most by the change
since male students must take
required reserve officers
training courses unless ex
cused because of conscienti
ous objection, physical dis
ability or other cause.
A large number of the Uni
versity's female population is
which has characterized his
long years as a world-renowned
legal educator.
Speaking before more than
300 persons at an all-Law
School convocation, the 89
year old Harvard Law School
Dean emeritus warned, "The
time has come to look reali
ties in the face.
"What we have to realize,"
he said, "is that law is both
experience and reason. The
reason is developed by ex
perience and tested by
further experience."
The University graduate
traced the progress of law in
his lifetime, noting that prin
ciples and reason rather than
commands have become the
foundation of the law.
Cautioning the law stu
dents arid attorneys in at
tendance not "to shape
analogies into awkward situ
ations," he noted that the
analogy between the individ
ual and a corporation is no
longer valid because of the
size of corporate structures.
"Corporations affect the
public interest as is not pos
sible for the individual," the
former University law school
dean pointed out.
His advice to the students
and members of the legal
profession was, "Go forward
confidently in the law. The
law, like the sun, do move."
A lengthy ovation acknowl
edged his talk which lasted
some 50 minutes ("I never
talk less than 50 minutes.").
He carried an Irish shillelagh
which he used as a cane.
Dean Pound was in Omaha
Wednesday to address a meet
ing and spent Friday and
Saturday visiting his sister
Olivia Pound.
NU Blood Bank
Draws Over 200
More than 200 persons have
joined the University's Walk
ing Blood Bank program, ac
cording to Bev Ruck, Red
Cross disaster chairman in
charge of the program.
These people signed during
the two day period that the
Blood Bank booth was oper
ated in the Student Union.
Miss Ruck said that inter
ested persons may still sign
up by contacting their health
chairman or by contacting
her at the Alpha Phi house.
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these works of modern art that appeared on campus Sat
urday. Rather the warm rays of the spring sun molded
them from former towering snowbanks. Don't look for
the display today hoMever. It's gone north for the sum
Monday, March 28, 1960
enrolled in the College of
Arts and Sciences. All female
students are required to take
a course in physical education
each semester of their fresh
man and sophomore years, if
they are enrolled in the col
leges of Arts and Sciences,
Teachers, Business Adminis
tration or Agriculture.
The professional colleges of
law and medicine and the
college of architecture and
engineering do not have phys
ical education requirements
at present.
Elimination of physical edu
cation requirements by the
college will not mean elimin
ation of courses because stu
dents may still register for
any elective course they
In the past, requests for the
elimination of the physical
education requirements were
made by the colleges of Busi
ness Administration and Agri
culture, but no final action
was taken.
University officials were un
available for comment on the
proposed change.
Formal Is
Plans are now underway for
the annual Selleck Quad
rangle Spring Formal, ac
cording to publicity director
Harvey Hartman.
Theme for the April 2 event
which will last from 9-12 p.m.
is "Japanese Tea Gardens."
According to social chairman
John Nasi the decorations will
inlude a 12-foot "mountain,"
a reflecting pool and a water
fall. "Bud Holloway's dance
band is scheduled to provide
the music and all indications'
point to the most successful
formal ever held in the Quad
rangle," Nasi said.
Ticket sales are being han
dled by the social chairman
of each house. "We are get
ting good cooperation from
many individuals in the dorm
and ticket sales are picking
up as the date approaches,"
Nasi added.
NU Singers
To Present
The annual spring concert
of University Singers will b
presented Sunday prior to
their Nebraska tour.
The Singers, under the di
rection of Prof. Earl Jenkins,
will give their concert at 4
p.m. at the First .Plymouth
Congregational Church, 20th
and D Streets.
The selections will include
"Serenade to Music" featur
ing solos by William Hatcher,
Paula Knepper, Amer Lin
coln, Kenneth Scheffel, Roger
Schmidt and Jocelyn Weid
ner. f
No human hand touched