Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan On the Social Side: Two and Maybe More Announce Pinnings Three more TJ girls andiUpsilon possibly a fourth are sport- 'n rs tog fraternity pins. Tie real- P raey ity f a pinning which start ed as a joke between a law student and education major is now being disputed Fear engagements were also announced. PbWlEgf Sue CarkosJo, Kappa Alpha Tbeta junior in Teachers from Hartington to George Mayer, Kappa Sigma fresh man in Law School from Madison. Kay Livgren, Delta Gamma senior in Teachers from Clay Center, to Bob Sidner, Delta Bel In Years Cont. from page 3, toL 3 sophs but Tolly. Tolly has a 2-1 on-lost record with a 3 67 earned run average last PureeH, a 6-1'r, SOo-potutd jgridder, was originally listed alum from Ximr!LSi Sciences from f - ""U'IU following a knee operation. "He mar tun tin u k a Lnion Main Dc.-k: Cigarettes Sold But Information Given, Too if you r. tSQTO PICTURE BfN- 1 rx2 urr you rli .KST SEE L ftrfKSfes' ! "I" HUM Htj Mary Clare Aldrkfa. Sigma ' Ur . ,,t,.v Kappa sopbemore in Teach-- . trould hav, been a ers from Great Falls, lion!., to David Genest, Kappa Sig ma sophomore in Teachers at Montana Stale College. Engagements Alma He nermann, Love Me morial HaU senior in Home Economics from Phillips, to Norm EohlSng, FarmHouse senior in Agriculture from Talmage. Sally McGranis. Gamma Phi Beta senior in Teachers from Wisner, to George Chis faolm. Sigma Alpha Epsilon senior in Dentistry from Lincoln. real good catcher, said Sharpe. Wall, who pilcbed several no-hitters and iow-hit games while at Lincoln Northeast, is a towering 6-6 and is rated as a fine joung pitcher. Web ster, a 6-footer. hails from Billings. Montana the same town that produced Sieler. CougUl is from Richmond, Indiana. Sharpe sees Oklahoma State and Missoari as the teams Nebraska mast beat to lii the Big Eight cham pionship. Sharpe points out that bo teams were bit very at Lincoln General School oi ri bj graduate wit tbe Xnr:r.? from North Platte J P f t lnit Mjrmsa orHnmf)T i rado. By Jim Forrest "Cigarettes and tobacco... tobacco and cigarettes!" This is the observation man? people make on see ing the stacks and racks and piles of brightly colored packages around the Student Union s main desk. Accord ing to Union Operations Manager, W. S. Stockton, however, the primary pur pose of this desk is not the selling of commodities, but rather an "information desk for all Union activities and business." North Entrance The main desk, which is located inside the north en trance and in front of the Crib, as open from 7:30 a.m. until closing everyday except Sunday when it opens at 2 p.m. The desk should have in formation concerning all ac it for the amount of checks that can be cashed during a day," said the Operations Manager. "Money reserved especially for the cashing of checks is brought to the desk at 8 a.m. and again at 5 p.m. When this money is fone, no more checks will be cashed." Located at the desk are the mail boxes for those or ganizations which do not have specific offices on campus and the Union Lost and Found. "The I'nioi keeps lost ar ticles for 3t days past the end of a semester, said ; Stockton, "at which time they are shipped over to Uni versity Lost and Found." j; The attendant at the desk; also fills the function of a switchboard operator by re ceiving all incoming calls to the Union and channeling Besides all of these serv ices performed by the main desk, it also takes over the administrative duties when the Union office closes at 5 p.m. "Any request for service or the . setting up of meeting roo.ns should be made at the desk in the evening," said Stockton. "Also any ideas for what commodities should be sold at tne mam aes are welcome. Parti rulary in the way of unique items for the Union and campus. Cheer Practice All students who signed up for cheerleaders trycuts are to meet in the Coliseum at 4:30 on Thursday for a prac- tice session. r in Teachers from Sidney, Mont. Judy Oliver, from Omaha, to Clark DaltrelL junior is Engineering from North Platte. Main Feature Oork ff.ta.ut: The Lt Voyage, 1:25, 3:25. i-2. 7.25. :. liotwla: "Tiie Bridge At Toko El." IjOO. 4.30, tm. "Tlx CssMJffltry Girt. 2:4". 6:1". 9 A". Vrwtt : "Os Jb Beach." J:25. 4:fi3, :4t, 9:U. Mate Tobi Tyler." J .25, 326. 5:27, 7.28. $.2.9, Surf. "South Pacific.' UQ er on game Fnday with a a Saturday. Single H ELD-OVER FOR 2d SMASH WEEK! THE WILDEST. WACKIEST. W33UEST GUDKkSUNGEJt EYES TO SHOOT UP A TOWN! ll n i I Until m n1! nEM 4 f 1 1K?XLA" "3 o trianmctrS j Cancer Sociely Will Organize Today in Union Tbe University Cancer Society w ill bAd aa orgaBi taiiuaal taeetisg today at S:U p.m. U the Student loioa. Terry Higgins, temporary chairmaa of tbe orgaaiza Uws, pointed out tliat (Ms is w4 a fund raising orgaa izxUvn. It porpoMe it to edocafe pxple a btit cascer, be said. Tbe &eetjng r-ooni num ber will be pasted is the Uniaa. AH persons inter eslesd is w'oriing to a cas ter ediicalktto preiject can atjaal Are Due Today ApplkalioM are doe t day for posilioes oa tbe I hersity'f team to tbe GE Coliefe Bowl Tbe applkatiofts sboold be made witb Walter TA rigbt, aitaid deaa of tbe Col lege of Arts aad Srieaees im m BuroefiL Aa exam, givea today at It n, wdl reduce tbe fieid of (candidates to 2. Tbe final tean wlfl be -ttttltd m a balf-botir itrlr vkk prorgan beM o Kiovn. ke- mav be checked out at anytime from the attendant on" duty at the desk. Sound System A special functiWB f the mam desk is the control f the Union's entire ouad tem. Throijgh this swund tem tbe desk can page a per son in any area of t2ae Union, including, meeting rooms and party rooms. 'l&'e prefer to p2ge only bote people who are known to be in a certain area or room," commented Stock too. "A10 an attempt is be ing made to set tip some kind of restriction on the or CJimctances when tbe desk wil page." Tbe sound sy stem turn also be used to prograra reeord faigs, tapes, etc., from tbe Inoa's mask rooca to avy Bteetisg or party area. Another impontaat service; the Union dask performs Is tlae caJEhiDg of ctecks. The desk can smi wilH casb a check written mi any bank ac long as ibe stiudeiits IBM cumber as riMi oa the check, 'The Ubawb dues teft a to- t 4- i -.rr. on campus of general mier-. . a 1 i ix ntei c "i jjj. aeK coma auer open tbe season with a two- J many mere questions cob-I game stana against aoukn j fenuug these artniUes d Dakota an Lincoln April 4 ! the varioos organizations and and S but only an extreme j group woald inform the optimist sees much chance maia desk before band, of such an event. Mu Nekton. The cooJerettte opener isj Tbe desk also has on hand sctediiled for April 8 against J all tint keys for every meet Kansas Slate at Manhattan, ing room and for the offices Conference series this yearjuithja the Union itself, ac wiH consist of a doublehead- 5 cording to Stockton. Tnese Typewriters For Rent Revo! . Underwood Smifk - RentngtM Try Osr Sent nl-Perthese Pin Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Pkoie HE 2-42S4 Typewrfer Slbbom HtQn Coming April 4 Hughes announces campus interviews for Electrical Engineers and Physicists receiving B. S., M. S. or PJi. D. degrees. Consult your placement office now for an appointment. the Vc'$ irnd-r im advanced electronic HUGHES CtkmrCur, 7 Wwuio, Ftlixrum, Lot AefUx, UiUkm td htMfat Headk, LmUjmmim, Mad Titoum, Aruemm ftePJST LOOK iatne Lucky Strikes Dr. Frood reveah A Foolproof Method for Rating Your College Theta Sigma Phi Tbeta Sigma Phi, roxnet 1 profesKiunal journalism fra-j tonucty will meet today at ,5 ' p.m. lis itbe DaJy SfebraKkan office. Men; tiers are ttrd to attead to mate final arrange- i ments for the annual Matrix I dmner Apr! L J Door Or, Frood: Do you belie 113 the tfwomiet fhiil t.aiptaarc as actuaUy either Mititoje r tUuo ? VWaLari l! tl .tW S. IK J8-5.C tsa-s .lx "a .. il t;. Door Engtti: AJ rML I few dkwr tliditraM rcttatrdk fl Mbjtxt and eau prow ttotit ladowe wa ntlugSf Bou, nod Qiad Kotwa (wtw vat a W rf a tutu at, te railitf, Mark, asd fltal SUxJU- twM m!ir rtxA wur rU:, mi Ltct, Qiw fJixaUdk,' S ill!) . crrT ui-. V I Art 'irt'Hi w t 0 t 4iC ' S .Hi "AVi Art 'irtiHi .f j)n.r,rti iwr iiww-.iii.h tt..v .llfl .W ii1 iV'tlUH ,1.' (Hi.. itlr 1DI1 t Mt"i 'W ,W .ittliiriK) 1W1 lit )fMlift Ml li :ll.4i w m)ttuii -f i,imi lLui.O,v tJwniU'.wjt i'iiu' tut .uwnni.nwHl v 'Hw rtm.H .j' .i.i. . ,,he new ceroJ-toncd meke-wp Iry FRANCES DENHEY As vf esclimfflf'tinj for p1e Mortdes os for iff .e ryfv hsxrtd, thus c1:lectioni f uriske-iMp bejiirvs .lifb o fundctlssrt of 5e:!s(bt!fuJ ifreilootiinj csAsr , .. .. end ... rx!ki6ss S tipititk !f br,ilLonf csxcJ y ss f rov4, 12s tS9 fat fvtn cMy ftMtidk ii4, au. ets ru tax Mle COSMETICS, flRST f LOO It rtivuv '. lui.dutfun.. JtiVHii; jKuwli. fl-iAlV f . tMufiiHH)(i i -tiV. (Taj! o. jiv. Pmr -nu'jnu. m.MTntr W. .rtJwitta. ilfii.jii..t.i:it; V ' Door Dr. Frood: I tun a ttsy senout to Jtowe stuCteM besteu J ibtstunia .ou aiod tkpvr. tbey a' aH fook. 1 wbo U mterk&. What sbouid I eto? Iwiediew to fM faftw for MOT WX,WTXO .f rtlW ittiJCH 4i4niti1Ht,.rW tAK (firy rtHnlK,, WtttutH! wfa, fittrwiirf . flU iw fl .tfitf tftiuw :.nvwu Ojrif (lf 'rtltWMHCtbr iflttWic lU'(i,t( Jft'tirtirUMi : ffiWOri wtt.ti Hti rf-RHWAt r"j.y y ivi" tOIT Ni,1 j rriv "IT Door J&tfkon: ' i x& ofc ne. U kfl mrkt imtrmtwm mt topifal etar crrjtf4tatt. CoottwtMB, boo iw, yo K4ir, I orie trk. fmdtey ft Utiti, ie rto- to oitc ) fertUr, and 1 fv ivSemt Bwfltf is loo old fur you. CO Door Dr. Frood: Abmecr I am 'ri jjrk. f t.uitor. Fraoyy, I Ibick ft bscaui cny pmr&M tncf uAi pit abaut tbe tods and tbe bees. can I do? . W. Simkt Doer A W.; w tt4 lattur naid ouwe bout o O wjKCt I (tiA&!i rKws atiMf MJMroi loiodk's 7br ftw Are tow t rk. mid Agues Miirt'f tO 0 9 Door Dr. Frood: h there ax actei oaeibtsd tor idtEWrmakij t aatderoic ? .K Door L fjf iftturtc bjJU ibe Swbd muttfocr 4 grvimx) ad diidc Door Dr. Frood: Whenever 1 Md ew Lixtl y 5mi, ey roommale pkks it op and finkbe a. ttow can I sgo fctai? Door Po I4 b(k oods. Door Dr. FrooeV I am )ust a irttle bit worned atouj rwurj. I bsfe jk4 aittsriiei aoy cbt&set t5t I bae not 6mt Msy realtor eiAr, 1 mutt be in Aii Jjt the psM imtbet umil tbe day before ccam and, of caurae, w ill be unabto U study. Any ssstaans? Doer feozry: Do yoo tibttufc fnAtmet htjKt are otudr of Mmmt? Jo( fed Ibtoi tent w SvM ate 1 am wre flary ifl iwdtrvuaid. wad if Dsry do! estMC wo afcwjiiaWtsr trM exfVtMii M nrnuqt: vjot mm folltr oral ouiz ) cm Ule at your Itwrt batr b) dac SMnuau; COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE MORE LUCKIES THAU ANY OTHER REGULAR! When it comes to cfociir.g their tt&V&t tm,c-,c. college ti4ent$ head right or fins tdbscco. f?es,ult: U&i Strj'Ke top evsry oLif regular old. Lts tacle bests all tJi rest becau LS WTX Lst StjKe meant fine kacco. c r r r TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER! 10 to ft;30 THURSDAY ui,. J"inir wiiij Oiuu jtMm .r