The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1960, Image 1

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I , Jfi.-T"' S' Ahh J
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MAR 161960
Vol. 34, No. 81
Wednesday," March 16, 1960
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BOOKS EQUAL NINES These four University students
received 9 point grade averages for the past semester.
They are, from top to bottom, David Gustavson, William
Holland, Don Kaufman and Donald Juhl.
Four Students
6The Impossible9
The impossible was accom
plished four times last se
mester as four University stu
dents attained a nine aver
age. David Gustavson, William
Holland, Donald Juhl and Don
Kaufman defied high mathe
matical odds as they scored
straight nine point averages.
A nine is the perfect score
at the top of the University
grading scale.
These four scholars battled
against 1600 to 1 odds and
6.400 undergraduate students
to achieve the supreme score.
Four Colleges
Four colleges shared the
outstanding students. Gustav
son is a freshman in Arts
and Sciences from Norfolk.
Holland scored in the Engi
neering department. He is a
sophomore from Overton.
Juhl, the only outstate stu
dent (Des Moines), is enrolled
in Engineering College. Kauf
man, Greenwood, is a junior
in Teachers College.
Among the top nine students
scholastically last semester
were Carole Crate, 8.88Z;
Roger Williams, 8.875; Alan
Plummer, 8.857; Donald Mc
Gurk, 8.824; and Jamet Cole,
Four students tied for 10th
'Citizen Kane9 Is
Foreign Flick
"Citizen Kane," the story
of a newspaper tycoon, will be
shown tonight by the Foreign
Film Society.
The Movie begins at 8 p.m.
In the Nebraska Theatre.
Written, produced and di
rected by Orson Welles when
he was 23, "Citizen Kane"
was judged by Time Maga
zine ai the "most sensational
product of the U.S. movie
Joseph Cotton, Agnes More
head and Everett Sloan are
Irish Sprites 'Observed'
... St. Patrick's Day Antics Readied
By Nancy Brown
Shrieks from Bessey
Hall, howls from the Mu
seum, chortles from the Ad
ministration Building . . .
Is the campus spooked?
Hardly. It's that time of
year again around St.
Patrick's Day when the
Irish sprites found even in
the heartland of Nebraska
stick up their heads and
celebrate the day of days
for the sons of Erin,
little People'
A little snooping into old
boxes, cabinets, closets and
attics by this reporter un
covered some of the more
familiar shamrock-bedecked
"little people." For
The shrieks of distress
from Bessey Hall were just
the Pookas stuck in the
closets wanting to get out
to dance a St Paddy's
Day jig.
A pooka, according to
William Butler Yeats, at
least, is an animal spirit
which, somehow, speaks
I with a human voice. These
strange little creatures take
many shapes horses,
mules, bulls, goats, birds.
Small wonder they hang
out in the zoology building.
And those howls from the
Jlweum were, naturally
position with an 8.786 aver
age: Patricia Arnold, Law
rence Mallery, Frederick
Rickers and Dennis Stewart.
Eight Plus
Other full time students
who received an eight point
average or above for the se
mester were:
Charles Ahrem, 8 294: James Brown,
8 588; Brent Chambers 8 000; Mary Jane
Coe. 8.231: Betty Cooper. 8 353: Duane
Dalluge, 8.063: Diane Douglas. 8.000;
Sara Downs. 8.000; Margaret Feather,
8 67; John Fleming, 8.000: James Foley,
8.167; Joanne Johannsen, 8.067; Nancy
Johnson, 8214; Bernard Frakes, 8.000;
.'James G e i s t, 8.200; Tad Hammond,
8 714; Lyle Hawthorne, 8.313; Shirley
Hueftle. 8 167; John Kane. 8.059; Loren
Lutes, 8 353; Margaret Marshall, 8.231;
Stanley Morgan. 8.067; Lawrence Myers
8.250; Faye Oeltjen. 8.278.
Vernon Peck, 8.533; Dewey Pleake,
8.000; Jean Puppe, 8.647; Robert Rath
Jen. 8.273: Modris Ri enters. 8.176;
Dwaine Races, 8.333; Gretchen Saeger,
8000; Ronald Schater. 8 176; Paul
Schaudt, 8.000: Sanfonf Schuster. 8.250;
Margaret Stanly 8.471; Fred Swaim,
8 688; David Swartz. 8.067; Richard
Travis, 8.200: Mary Ann Wagner, 8.000;
Genevieve Weyand, 8,688; Arnold A.
Wiebold, 8.063; Charles Wilson, 8.214;
Alfred Wttoe, 1.625.
Richard All rock, 8375; Sonia Ander
son, 8 000: Dvaglas Berauler, 8.250; Th el
ma Christensen, 8.000; Paul Feidstein,
8.294; Adrianne Duns, 8.143: Paul Koenif,
8333; Barbara Kramer, 8.700; Carolyn
Lee, 8.357; David McConahajr, S.6O0;
Wayne Phillips. 8.750; Sharon Ramge,
8 125; Sylvia Rodehorst. 8 000: Gene
Sehriber, 8.375; David Sell, 8.429; Nor
man Shaffer. 8.067; Gail Simon, 8.059;
Steve Sommer. 8 000: Barbara Tanner,
8.313; and Richard Waldo, 8 692.
Kenneth Bartos, 8.389; Henry Beel,
8 000; Patricia Bell, 8 385; Irvin Belter.
8294; Dan Blaze. 8.765; David Bliss,
8 176: Karen Boesiger, 8.200; L a fa
Cheuvront, 8.143; Larry Dornboff. 8647;
James Greer, 8056; Donald Hagrman,
8.067; Lyle Linder. 8.118; Lanny McLey,
8308; Monte Nowak. 8000; Mary Ran
dies, 8214; Karyl Rosenberger, 8.067;
Timothy Ruts, 8.429.
James Samples. 8.250: Linda 'Schelbitz
U, 8 000; Richard Schmoker, 8 250: Don
ald Schnelsr. 8.125; Robert Shapiro,
8118; Charles Spooner, 8 500: Marilyn
Sweet, 8 267; Sharyn Watson. 8.000; and
Lynn Wright, 8.235.
Joe Anderson, 8.533; Roll and Rate,
man, 8.267; Margaret Corn. 8.214; Rich
ard Farley, 8.188. Maria Port amp,
8.200; Jane Foster, 8.667; Stanley Frank
lin. 8.118; Jon Froemke, 8.647: Judith
Caster, 8.250; Kenneth Gobber. 8 706;
Larry Hammer, 8.133; Adrienne Hart
man. 8250; Harvey Hartman, 8.333;
Lorna Heim, 8.750; Rachel Hefea, 8.188;
Cynthia Holmquist, 8 125; Lloyd Hoppner,
8 200; Janice Jeffery, 8.200: Dannie
Jelinek. 8.071; William Kenny, 8.186;
George Kraius, 8 000; Elvin Luken.
bach. 8.467; Joel Lundak. 8.250: Kathryn
Madsen. 8000; Judith Marshall. 8.125;
Nancy Miller, 8 500.
Pat Mullen, 8626; Elian More, 8 000;
Keith Phillips. 8 267) Mare Samuelsoo.
8 000: Donita Schmidt, 8.629; H 1 1 e n
Schmiersr, 8.2S7; David Scholi, 8.536;
Kariene Sent. 8.000: Martha Shaffer,
8 467; Patricia Spilker. 8.529; Gary
Starkey. 8.125; Shams Stevens, 8 000;
Olaf Stokke, 8.111; Dwight Sukup, 8 529;
Stephen Tempera, 8 058; Mary Weather,
spoon. 8.769; Charlene Whitney. 8.267;
and James Young. 8.200.
enough, laughing banshees.
These are female spirits of
the old sod who generally
follow old families and do
a great deal of walling
about them.
But on March 17, they're
granted a reprieve and
focus their noise making to
celebrating St. P a d d y's
day. They belong in Morrill
Hall along with all the oth
er antiques and museum
In case there was some
question about the noise at
the Administration Build
ing, that's easy enough to
answer. The most famous
- of all Irish spirits hang out
over there the leprechaun.
Pot 0 Gold
Normally, the "leps" con
fine their activity to mak
ing shoes, hundreds and -hundreds
of shoes. But in
addition, they have charge
of the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow and any
other money which might
be floating around. So, the
spot for them is in the of
fice of the chief money
handlers on campus.
The lep's younger broth
er, called by the Irish the
cluricaun, will do his cele
brating today in the base
ment of many a fraternity
Why? WelL Yeats says
Posts Open
For Frosh
Freshmen interested in
becoming cheerleaders can
sign up for the positions
starting Friday, according
to Yell King Brent Cham
bers. Chambers said two fresh
man girls and three fresh
man boys will be chosen.
A booth will be open just
outside the Crib Friday and
Monday and Tuesday of
next week. To be eligible
for cheerleading duties, ap
plicants must have at least
a 5.0 average and must sign
up by Tuesday.
Practice sessions for ap
plicants will be held March
24, 28 and 29 at the Coli
seum, each session starting
at 4:30 p.m.
Tryouts will be held at
7:30 p.m. March 30 in the
Chambers especially in
vited freshmen to sign up.
Twnty University fraterni
ties havs held spring elec
tions thus far.
Sigma Alpha Mu and Pi
have not yet held elections
and Acacia does not hold
spring elections.
The fraternity officers are:
Alpha Gamma Rho Dan
Wehrbein, president; Maur
ice Vitosh, vice president;
Ken Riddle, pledge trainer;
and Rich Eberspacher, rush
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Richard Petrick, president;
Bob Ficke, vice president and
pledge trainer; and Gary
McDonald, rush chairman.
Alpha Tau Omega Win
ston Wade, president; Bill
Wells, vice president and
pledge trainer; and Phil
Case, rush chairman.
Beta Sigma Psi Duane
Wray, president; Lords Haar
berg, vice president and
peldge trainer; and Henry
Bauermeister, rush chair
man. Beta Theta Pi John Craft,
president; Bob Kretz, vice
president; Arliss Brash,
pledge trainer; and James
Gourley, rush chairman.
Delta Sigma Phi Don
Gable, president; Larry
Hayne, vice president; Frank
Holub, pledge trainer; and
Ken Flickinger, rush chair
man. Delta Tau Delta Dennis
Novicki, president; Richard
Stuckey, vice president; John
Mitchem, pledge trainer; and
Jim Morgan, rush chairman.
Delta Upsilon Denny
Elder, president; Ted Marx,
vice president; Robert Geis
ler, pledge trainer; and Virg
Kubert, rush chairman.
Farmhouse Archie Clegg,
that he makes himself
drunk in gentlemen's cel
lars. Then there's the practi
cal joker of the Irish
fairies, the Far Darria, or
the red man. All he does is
pull pranks, and nothing
else. Maybe he's the one
who's responsible for all
the tripping on the campus
this week and not old man
winter after all.
Peculiar Spirit
The girls aren't forgotten
by the familiars, either, on
St. Pat's day. Good author
ity has it that many a so
rority house will be visited
by the changeling, a pe
culiar spirit who makes
girls change their minds
but fast. And this in leap
year, yet !
If faculty members
think they'll be left alone
by the little people on St.
Pat's day; just ask them
or better yet watch them
the day after, following vis
its by witches (or even
fairy doctors.)
An! as a final warning
to those non-believers, fol
low the crowd to the local
hangouts serving plenty of
shamrock-colored beer and
just see if the next morning
you don't feel as if you'd
had some pretty interesting
visions!! ,
oscoe Pound To
At Law
Harvard Law School Dean
Emeritus Roscoe Pound, a
graduate of the University,
has accepted an invitation to
speak at an all-Law School
Convocation at 11 ,,
March 25.
Dean Pound, who will be
90 years old in October, will
be a guest of the Law Schools
Student Assn. He will speak
on a legal subject.
Open To All
The convocation will be
open to all students and fac
ulty members and others who
might be interested.
A luncheon honoring Dean
Pound will be held at 12
noon following the convoca
tion. It wiU be held in the
Indian Suite of the Student
Union. Reservations can be
made by contacting Harlan
Hubka, present of the LSA.
Born in L i c o 1 n, Dean
Fraternities Elect
Semester Officers
president; Morris Beerbohm,
vice president; George Fritts,
pledge trainer; and Jim
Greer, rush chairman.
Kappa Sigma Gary
Koopman, president; Marvin
Keller, vice president and
pledge trainer; and Jon Mov
er, rush chairman.
Phi Delta Theta Richard
Youngscap, president; Frank
Tomson, vice president; Al
Cummins, pledge trainer;
and Joel Meier, rush chair
man. Phi Gamma Delta Larry
Kilstrup, president; Ron Win
ter, vice president and pledge
trainer; and Neal West
phal, rush chairman., -i
Phi Kappa Psi Bob Eyth,
president; Bob Hall, vice
president and pledge trainer;
and Dave Myers, rush chair
man. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
College Bowl
Due Soon
Interested students are re
minded to apply for posi
tions on the University's
team to the GE College
Bowl by March 23.
Applicants should send
their names, addresses and
telephone numbers to Wal
ter Wright, assistant dean
of the College of Arts and
Sciences, 204 Burnett Hall.
All students are urged to
apply, especially those who
are well versed in a specific
field or in the general hu
manities field.
' Selection of the team will
be through a general written
examination March 23 in
Love Library at 4 p.m. This
will reduce the field to about
A half-hour television pro
gram on KUON-TV will se
lect the final team.
YR Topic Is
Labor Issues
"Nebraska and National
Labor Issues" will be the
topic of John Tate who will
speak to the Young Republi
cans, this Thursday at 7:30
p.m.' in Student Union 240.
Tate represents the non
partisan political Education
Council. He is Executive Sec
retary of the Midwest Em
ployers Council.
The Young Republican exec
utive board will meet at S
p.m. Thursday in Student
Union 341.
'Moods inJVlotion'
Move Thursday
"Moods in Motion" and
Rembrandt Van Rijn" are the
next films in the Art Film Se
ries. They will be presented in
the little auditorium of the
Student Union, Thursday at 5
"Moods In Motion," an ex
perimental kateidoiight film,
deals with schizophrenia in an
abstract art-m-motion form.
"Rembrandt Van Rijn" gives
a self portrait of Rembrandt,
analyzing his feelings about
the people and events of his
School Convocation
Pound was graduated from
the University with an A.B.
Charles Childers, president;
Ross McGlasson, vice presi
dent; Philip Bauer, pledge
trainer; and "T" Davies.rush
Sigma Chi Harry Tolly,
president; Dick Newman,
vice president; Jon Ericson,
pledge trainer; and Ben
Preib, rush chairman.
Sigma NU Ron Reagen,
president; Thomas Mat
thews, vice president; Don
Wenzl, pledge trainer; and
Gary Rodgers, rush chair
Sigma Phi Epsilon Don
Casey, president; and Gary
Christensen, vice president.
Theta Chi Don Larson,
president; Darrell Fouts,
vice president and rush chair
man; and Jack Verschuur,
pledge trainer.
Theta XI Carroll Novicki,
president; Milton Schmeckle,
vice president; Don Binder,
pledge trainer; and Bernie
Votava, rush chairman.
Zeta Beta Tau Dave
Goldstein, president; Alan
pledge trainer; and Steve
Friedman, rush chairman.
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TROUBLES? Going south on an east
west street Isn't much fun as this car own
er will testify, especially with a large
White Stuff Nears Record Depth
Only six inches of new snow
are between the record snow
fall and the snow accumulat
ed thus far this year, accord
ing to R. E. Myers, Chief
meteorologist at the Weather
The record is 58 inches set
in the winter of 1914-15. The
total accumulated so far is
52 inches as of last evening.
This total is only one inch
below the winter of 1947-48
which recorded a 53 inch
Just why we are getting so
much snow has been asked
the Weather Bureau fre
quently, said Myers.
Jet Stream
Myers said that the in
crease in snow has been
caused by a shift in the jet
air stream.
"The jet stream is a nar
row band of high velocity
winds aloft, and cuts a jagged
degree in 1888. He earned his
master of arts in 1889 and
hts Ph.D. in 1897, also from
He attended the Harvard
Law School 1889-90 and was
admitted to the Bar in 1890.
Returning to practice law in
Lincoln, Dean Pound was as
sistant professor of law at
the University from 1899 to
1903 and dean of the law
department from 1903 to 1907.
Illinois Move
M o v i n g to Northwestern
and Chicago Universities, he
joined the faculty of Harvard
in 1910. He was named dean
in 1916, a position he held
for 20 years.
After retirement as dean,
he continued to teach at Har
vard and also taught for sev
eral years at Stanford, Cali
fornia and UCLA.
Dean Pound has received
17 honorary degrees from
both American and European
A recognized authority on
jurisprudence; he has also
been the president of the In
ternational Academy of Com
parative Law since 1950.
Justice Adviser
He has been the adviser to
the ministry of justice of the
Student Union
To Select New
Board, Assistants
Applications for Student
Union committee chairmen or
assistant chairmen openings
must be made by March 22
in the Activities Office.
Requirements for applica
tion for a position on one of
the 13 committees include a
5.5 average, one semester of
Union committee experience
and ability to attend Tuesday
evenings meetings.
Interviews will be March
On March 22 a coffee hour
will be held in the Ogallala
Room for the applicants. At
that time they will be intro
duced to the Union activity
board and the current chair
men and assistant chairmen.
Snow, Snow, Snoiv
path across the earth," said
The jet stream which usu
ally runs across the middle
of our continent has shifted
along the southern coast, My
ers continued. This jet
stream causes a low pressure
area and throws gulf air up
on the central plains.
Cold air hovers over the
Central Plains and causes the
moisture brought up by the
Gulf air to condense and fall
as snow.
Storm Patterns
According to R. E. Nelson,
assistant meteorologist at the
U.S. Weather Bureau, the
storm patterns are as regu
lar as clockwork.
They begin in the Pacific
Northwest and continue
through the Southern Plains
and turn back up through the
Central Plains hitting Kan
sas, Missouri, Iowa and Ne
Republic of China since Feb
ruary of 1946.
From 1904-07 he was ,com
missioner on uniform state
laws and from 1901 to 1903
he was commissioner of ap
peals for the Supreme Court
of Nebraska.
The American Bar Associ
ation awarded him a medal
for his "conspicuous service
to the cause of American
He is a member of various
international law associa
tions. Lectureship
At the University, the Ros
coe Pound Lectureship was
established in 1950, and Har
vard set up the Roscoe
Pound Chair of Law, also in
Dean Pound's sister Louise
was a long-time member of
the English department fac
ulty at the University and
an avid golfer. She died last
year. His sister Olivia still
resides in Lincoln.
Amend Its
Two proposed amendments
to the constitution of the Uni
versity Student Education As
sociation will be voted on by
members tonight at 7 in the
party rooms of the Student
' Item one includes a section
which would require all mem
bers to attend three meetings
in order that membership
could be included on any ap
plications for teaching.
Item two concerns local
dues when more than one stu
dent in the family belongs to
the organization.
The slate of officers will al
so be announced and addition
al nominations may be made
at that time for the election
in April.
Dr. Wesley Meierherrry is
in charge of the program con
c e r n i n g opportunities for
graduate work and John Wil
1 i a m s, representing Larc
School will explain a proposed
project for the school.
cadillac. He was foresighted, however, and
brought a shovel. The great snows con
tinue to plague campus commuters.
braska hardest as they go to
ward the east.
This change In pressure
areas has caused many of
the northern states to have
below average snowfalL said
"The extreme low tempeiw
atures, 20 degrees below nor
mal for this time of the year,
have further added to the
misery of storm," said My
ers. "The cool temperatures
have not let the snow melt
and we now have 19 inches
of snow on the ground vhicli
is very unusual for this lata
in the season," said Myers.
"Nineteen inches cn th
record," said Nelson. "And
these nineteen inches repre
sent about three inches of wa
ter when it melts. This higl
figure is due to the extreme
packing of the snow this win
ter, Nelson said. .