The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1960, Image 1

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MAR g i960
Executive Aspirant
Hazel Abel Accepts
YR Engagement
Mrs. Hazel Abel of Lincoln,
who filed Monday as a candi
date for the Republican gub
ernatorial nomination, will
address the Young Republi
cans Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 240 of the Student
"Women in Politics" will
be her topic.
Mrs. Abel, the fifth Repub
lican to enter the May 10 pri
mary, pledged to support the
Republican platform which
will be adopted at the post
primary state convention.
Former Senator
The former U.S. Senator
said her candidacy "will give
Republican voters an oppor
tunity to express approval of
a Republican who enthusiast
ically and harmoniously will
accept the forthright program
of the Republican Party."
The 71-year-old Lincoln
businesswomen and former
American Mother of the Year
(1957) has enjoyed phenom
enal success in 3 past state
wide races. These ventures
resulted in:
1954 primary eleciton vic
tory over 15 men for the Re
publican senatorial nomina
tion. Mrs. Abel polled more
than 32,000 votes; her near
est rival nabbed less than 14,
000. 1954 general election vic
tory over Democrat William
H. Meier. The vote: 2,589 to
A second place finish out
f 2 candidates for delegate-at-large
to the 1956 GOP na
tional convention. In attract
Ing more than 60,000 votes,
Mrs. Abel was outdistanced
only by former Gov. Robert
Her filing in the primary
was the climax of a com
Film Series
To Present
An experimental art film
will be one ot two snown ai
the second Art and Film Se
ries March 17 in the Little
Auditorium of the Student Un
ion. The experimental film is
titled "Moods in Motion," a
kaleidolight in a new visual
art-in-motion form. It was de
veloped by Ettilie Wallace
and presents abstractly some
of the more interesting visual
and aural aspects of subjects.
In it the subjects are schizo
phrenic and as a counterpoint
to the abstract images there
will be music of drums,
flutes and human voices.
It was awarded the certifi
cate of merit in the Cleveland
F e s t i val of experimental
The second will be "Rem
brandt Van Rijin," a self
portrait of Rembrandt. It in
cludes an analysis of the life
and works of Rembrandt.
People and events in his life
as well as his feelings about
them and himself are por
trayed. Paul Johns, chairman of the
arts and exhibits committee
of the Student Union said,
"The film provides both a
graphic biography and record
of Rembrandt's world fame."
Balloon Pop
May Mean
Dollar Profit
Breaking balloons will be
profitable for some lucky peo
ple at the "Around the World
in 80 Minutes" party Thurs
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Stu
dent Union.
The John Marshall Combo
will play for the dance in the
party rooms and at the con
clusion of the entertainment
given by international stu
dents depicting their native
countries d a n c e s and cos
tumes, balloons will be
Inside some will be dollar
Kay Hirshbach is in charge
of the party which takes the
place of the International
Smorgasboard which had
been an annual Union event
Hours Extended
For Frosh Coeds
Freshmen women's hours
Monday through Thursday
now wUl be 10:30 p.m., ac
cording to Skip Harris,
president of AWS, for the
rest of the semester, unless
they have down hours or
below a four point average.
munity petition drive to place
her name on the ballot.
Good Roads
In a lengthy statement,
Mrs. Abel promised to work
for a sound education pro-
(y V X:
" V; S
O i
Mrs. Hazel Abel
'Nixon-Seaton Club'
To Meet Thursday
An organizational meeting
of a University "Nixon-Seaton
Club" has been called for
Thursday at 7 p.m. in Student
Union 240.
Gary Rodgers, temporary
chairman of the group, said
the group's sole purpose will
be to help elect Richard M.
Nixon President and Fred A.
Seaton Vice President of the
United States in 1960.
A membership drive
will be launched at the Thurs
day meeting to recruit Uni-
Band Plays
This Sunday
The University Symphonic
Band will present its spring
concert Sunday in the Student
Union Ballroom.
Prof. Jack Snider will play
a French horn solo. Other
soloists include Frank Tirro,
clarinetist, and a flute quar
tet composed of Gretchen
Blum, Margaret Olson, Sonia
Copenhaver and Eunice Mc
Cosh. The 83-member band will
play "LaGazza Ladra," by
Rossini; "Second Symphony
for Band," by Frank Erick
son; "Pictures at an Exhibi
tion," by Moussorgsky; "Ilya
Murometz," by Gliere; and
"Symphonic Songs for Band,"
by Bennett.
JVU Budget:
Winter Has Been
"Snow, snow . . . won
derful snow!"
As the snow drifts on the
ground, the engineers and
technicians at the Univer
sity pull out their pencils
HERE I AM It's not Sir
the Himalaya! or even an
a student going to class the
yen for scaling higb peaks,
the greenhouse.
gram, "good farm-to-market
roads," development of state
parks and recreational facil
ities, improved public carrier
service and the attraction of
new industry.
She also indicated support
(or a constitutional conven
tion at which Nebraska's
"archaic tax 'structure must
be overhauled."
Mrs. Abel also emphasized
the need for providing work
opportunities for young Ne
braskans and proper exploita
tion of the state's natural re
sources, particularly water.
A graduate of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, Mrs. Abel
was the first Nebraska wom
an and third in history to be
elected to the U.S. Senate.
She held the office for two
months, filling out the unex
pired term of the late Dwight
Other candidates who have
filed for the Republican
nomination are Del Liene
mann, Sen. Terry Carpenter,
Sen. Dwaine Williams and
Sen. John Cooper.
versity members. A goal of
1,000 student members has
been set.
Varied Experience
"We feel that Vice Presi
dent Nixon is the most quali
fied candidate our nation has
had for many years," Rod
gers said.
"His administrative experi
ence includes serving as offi
cial representative of the U.S.
government in over 50 foreign
countries including the U.S.
S.R. and the administration
of the President's duties in his
"He has had legislative ex
perience in the U.S. House of
Representatives and the U.S.
Senate where he has made
many noteworthy contribu
tions,' Rodgers added.
At the present time the
farm situation merits the se
lection of a Mid-Westerner as
Vice President, he said.
Secretary of the Interior
Seaton is a Nebraskan and
knows the problems of the Ne
braska farmer. "We know of
no better candidate for Vice
President than the Secre
tary," Rodgers stated.
Seaton is the publisher of
a Hastings newspaper.
Officers will be elected at
the meeting this week and
many of the coming activities
will be planned at that time.
Anyone interested in help
ing to elect Vice President
Nixon and Secretary Seaton is
urged to attend, Rodgers
(after polishing their snow
shovels and tuning up their
snow plows again) to do a
little "educated guessing."
Not Surprising ,
The conclusion they have
Edmund Hillary, climbing
abominable snowman, bnt
hard way. If you have a
try this drift just east of
g mmm
Vol. 34, No. 77
For Interf raternity
Woody Herman and the Herd will appear Friday,
Mar. 18, at the Pershing Auditorium from 9 p.m.-l a.m.
'Omnia Momentia' Shows
Skill, Grace of Movement
By Doug McCartney
Orchesis means "art of
dancing" in Greek.
a But a more appropriate
meaning might be "art of
movement," for the skills
learned certainly extend be
yond the dance floor.
Males, Too
Nor is orchesis exclusively
for girls. Male students are
always welcomed by the club.
Males who might scoff and
think it sissy might remem
ber that the great Notre
Dame football coach Knute
Rockne gave his big, husky
but clumsy men of the grid
iron lessons to improve their
Rough Moneywise
reached won't surprise you.
The winter has been an ex
pensive and physically tax
ing one. It's been rough'
very rough on certain
parts of the budget.
Although a total and ac
curate estimate of the in
creased cost of this winter
compared with last year is
not possible, here are a few
observations by Paul Owen,
power plant engineer, and
Chet Billings, landscape
Snow removal alone has
already cost the University
over $3,500 more than last
The increased cost of
heating the physical plant
alone, will reach $12,000;
The increase use of elec
trical power measures 15
per cent.
But this is only the be
ginning. The nearly 5 per
cent increase in gas cou
pled .with the cold weather
might turn out to be minor
considerations and the iron
ic part of it all is that it
might be the result of warm
weather, too.
Billings pointed out that
the cankerworm (a species
of worm that feeds on the
leaves of shade trees) is at
work. The pleasant warm
spell during December gave
the female worms a chance
to get up the trees before
his men had a chance to
ring the trees.
"You can't estimate the
damage those worms can
o this spring and sum
mer," he said.
In addition to this trouble.
Herman Contracted
Wr w-j
TJMlK' il jjP-.ll1H1.l. tf-' '""II Illl I
This University's Orchesis
group focuses its work on the
annual spring show to be
given Friday. Here is a
chance for members to dem
onstrate the abilities they
have learned, and for the rest
of the student body to see
how graceful, and meaning
ful, movement can be.
"Omnia Momentia" is the
title of the show to be giv
en 8 p.m. March 11 in Howell
Theatre. The cast includes
20 members of Orchesis, nine
of the pre-orchesis group, a
group from a P.E. dance
class and several men.
'All Movement'
The theme of the show is
the severe temperature
variations during December
caused expansion and con
traction of cracks and fis
sures in some buildings.
Architects as well as ge
ologists explained that this
is not the kind of damage
yon notice immediately, but
is the kind of weathering
that substantially shortens
the life of most buildings
whether they be made of
wood or stone.
Add these troubles to
those of transportation and
the repair and replacement
of hard worked equipment
and you'll begin to get the
You don't have to be a
high-powered economist to
figure out the cost Ne
braska winters could be do
ing more damage for years
after they occur.
YDs Schedule
Bates to Talk
Young Democrats will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. in 323 Stu
dent Union.
Tentative plans are for
Charles Bates, Democratic
candidate for governor, to
Tickets for the Democratic
Workshop to be held April 2
are now available to students,
according to Don Ferguson,
publicity chairman.
They may be purchased
from Dick Robson, finance
chairman, for a special stu
dent price. Rnbson may be
contacted at the Delta Tau
fraternity house.
This year's Interfraternity
Council Ball will star Woody
Herman and band at Per
shing Auditorium, Mar. 18.
Herman, who has recently
signed with Capitol Records,
is one of the most popular
bandleaders and recording
artists in the music business,
according to IFC social chair
man, Ben Prieb.
Girl Vocalist
Herman, who sings and
plays the clarinet and alto
saxophone himself, will pre
sent his entire orchestra of
17 instrumentalists and a
girl vocalist, at the Ball.
According to Prieb, Her
man's band will come direct
from successful engagements
at the Blue Note Club in Chi
cago, the Palladium Ballroom
in Hollywood, and Basin
Street in New York.
"The Ball will be open only
to fraternity members and
invited guests," said Prieb.
"The tickets, for the Ball will
be distributed at the first of
next week to each fraternity
The tickets, which are pro
rated at $2 per man because
of last year's $300 loss, are
to be presented at Pershing
the night of the dance along
with the student's I. D. card
for admission.
"By making every fratern
ity member buy a ticket be
fore the Ball, it is assumed
that more interest will be
shown in attending," said the
social chairman. "It will also
keep the IFC from suffering
described best by the title,
which means "all move
ment." Impressions of move
ment are given of people,
places and things the world
The spring show is by no
means the only project of the
dance group. Earlier this
year they presented a half
hour TV show, visually ex
plaining the club over KUON.
Members of the group are
also prominently found in
chorus lines of campus shows
from the Coed Follies to the
Kosmet Klub musicals. A
show is also to be given to the
Newcomers Club Apr. 15.
Orchesis gets under way
soon after school starts in the
fall. Tryouts are held for stu
dents interested in member
ship. Several instruction pe
riods are given, then active
members choose the most
talented to join. Other girls
who need more experience
may join a pre-orchesis
group, which usually meets
the same time and place. A
formal initiation tea wel
comes the new members.
Meetings are held one eve
ning per week. The basic
theories and ideas of dance
and movement are taught
and practiced. They learn
how to interpret feeling,
moods and ideas with their
bodies. For example, the
amotional mood anger would
be shown by cmick sham
movements, sudden thrusting
of hands and legs. A feeling
of tiredness uses slow, sweep
ing movement.
Body control is acquired
only by practice, and that is
what these girls do. Under
the direction of Mr. De
Hughes and his wife, thev
have put in almost 10 hours
of practice for this Friday's
Costumes are basically
black leotards, with small
additions such as hats and
skirts added to heto set the
mood. Little scenery is used,
in order not to detract from
the dance.
Provide Music
Music is provided both by
records and piano.
In the dance "Breakers at
the Seashore" performers don
green and blue striped skirts
as they emulate the rolling
waves. One of the dances is
oriental, with the silted move
ments of the emotionless Far
East. The finale, "The Mar
tyr", is a highly emotional
piece performed to the mu
sic of "The Robe."
Wednesday, March 9, 1960
the losses it has incurred in
the previous years."
Approval of the time for the
dance (9 p.m. -1 a.m.) and
the extension of coed hours
by the Division of Student
Affairs is expected this week,
said Prieb.
The social chairman went
on to say that this year the
Ball should have a much im
proved attendance over last
year's mark of 200 couples.
"Every fraternity member
should go," he commented.
"He would be crazy not to
after paying $2 for tickets."
To Speak
J -School Grad
Heads Bureau
William McGaffin, Univer
sity graduate and assistant
bureau chief of the Chicago
Daily N e w s in Washington,
D.C., will appear at a ques
tion and answer-type convo
cation in the Little Auditor
ium of the Student Union at
2 p.m. March 25.
Sponsored by Sigma Delta
Chi, professional journalism
fraternity, McGaffin .w i 1 1
spend an hour with students
and faculty discussing topics
of current interest that affect
his beat in Washington.
He is also .going to speak
at the fraternity's spring ini
tiation banquet in the evening
of the same day. His topic for
that talk will be "The Job of
the Political Reporter in an
Election Year."
McGaffin was graduated
from the University School of
Journalism in 1932. On cam
pus he was a member of
Innocents Society, Sigma Nu
fraternity and managing edi
tor of the Daily Nebraskan.
Following his graduation he
worked on various newspa
pers in the state before re
ceiving the first Gilbert M.
Hitchcock award for g r a d-.
uate study in journalism at
Columbia University. Since
then the award of $1,000 has
been made annually to a Ne
braskan who has d i s t in
guished himself in the study
of journalism.
At 26. McGaffin became Eu
ropean Features Editor of the
Associated Press, headquar
tered in London. He was a
war correspondent for the AP
during world war II, cover
ing nearly every front.
He joined the Daily News
in 1944 and was a foreign cor
respondent for several more
years before returning to the
United States where he cov
ered the United Nations be
for going to Washington.
Includd on his beat are the
White House and Capitol HilL
Carroll Kraus, president of
SDX, said, "We feel very for
tunate in gaining the consent
of Mr. McGaffin to spend part
of Ms tight scheduled with
members of the student body
and hope for a good turnout."
Hardy To Lead
Fireside Talk
This week's Student-Faculty
Fireside will be led Thursday
evening by Dr. Gene Hardy,
assistant professer of English.
The topic of discussion will
be relations between faculty
and students.
Students will leave from the
Student Union S St. entrance
at 7:15 p.m. for Dr. Hardy's
The series of discussions
which are held in faculty
homes and open to any Uni
versity students are being
sponsored by the YWCA.
Those who want to attend
should make reservations at
the Y office in the Student Un
ion. AF Recruiters
Plan Stop Here
Three United 'States Air
Force recruiters will be in
the Student Union March 22.
Captain W. W. McBride, Lt.
William A. Chambers and Lt.
Susan Disbrow will be avail
able to give counseling and
information on the officer
training school program from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.