The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2
Tuesday, March 8, 1960 Pagev2 Editorial Comment: Prepsters Must Begin College Planning Early The search tor a college to attend is rapidly becoming a rat race. That is the opinion of Time magazine, which in its March 7 issue points that never before have so many sought college degrees and never before has competi tion been stiffer. One of the Time statements is that "By all the evidence, Americans will soon con sider at least two years of college a social-economic necessity." But as the quest for college education increases, so does the number of high ' school students graduated. The estimate is 1.S03.000 for this June; about 2.309.000 in 1964; and by 1970 the number is likely to be 6.400.0CX) or even higher. One of the characteristics of the new college boom will be tighter standards, especially in "name" schools. They no longer will be able to take everyone" who seeks the name and prestige of enrolling iathe school. Consequently, Time says, other colleges w2I get the excess of the pile-cp, which should bring them smiles. These schools win get the good students that favored campuses cant handle and so raise their standards. And in tarn, lesser colleges must im prove or perish. But as all these things culminate, the importance of choosing the right school becomes all the more important. Enroll ment in a big name school wont matter much if the student doesn't fit in and con sequently drops out as 63 per cent of en tering freshmen do, either to quit college for good or to choose another. Merely the psychological and environ mental factors involved are costing stu dents and the nation alike valuable time and money. So planning must be started earlier in the prospective college student's career. Some educators feel that a college-capable child should be focusing on his goal in the eighth grade. This, they say. is none too soon to visit campuses and glance at ap plication blanks. And while looking around for a college, the high school student also must take a greater interest in his prep studies mere ly to be able to meet entrance require ments and to form a basis for what it takes to get a college degree. English, history, mathematics, science and foreign language are particularly prescribed to meet the battle of brains. Choosing the right college nowadays in volves more than going where your dad went or even making sure that a particu lar department is top notch. If the money ' is available, every prospective campus should be visited. And besides the analysts of the college, it's becoming more important for the pre collegian to analyze his own abilities, temperament and aims. He mast fit in socially as well as academically. Time prescribes the following for the prospective college freshman: Early preparation, steady saving, wise choosing and resolution not to be stam peded in the rat race. Gassroom Courtesy Is Valuable Courtesy always is a virtue. It's valued in business, in the home, in personal relations and should be in the classroom. Bui in this latter area, unfortunately, it seems that the practice of coutesy is forgctten in respect to the instructor of the ciiss. British journalist Colin Jackson de scribed the problem well when he visited the University last semester. To para phrase, he said that at about two minutes before the bell is supposed to ring signal ing the end of class, someone decides it's time to get ready to leave. Students cough and feet shufSe. By one minute before the bell, papers begia to rsstle, notebooks close, ballpoint pens retract with their characteristic click. The professor had just as well end his lecture; the students have decided it is over. For whether be is finished or not, his audience is lost. Classroom courtesy has vanished and taken with it student re spect for the instructor. As Jackson noted, this is a curiously American characteristic, for a student's attention to the very end of a lecture is expected in European schools. Perhaps part of the fault lies with the instructor in not making his lectures in teresting enough to hold the class atten tion for 50 minutes. And perhaps they should demand the respect due to them. Bet it's up to the student to recognize his responsibility toward the instructor. The professor is a human being doing his job; a little courtesy on the part of his stu dents would make the task easier. Staff Comment Balm and Sage lift mm Probasc Overheard in the Crib: "Well, what are you? Big I or liKle i?" "What are yon talking abac.?" To me, this just about sums cp the kind of opposition yoa run into when a group such as Tom Eases and las small clan sets out to "organize" the SeSedt Qsadrasgie. When an ap parent independent isnt evea aware of that which concerns him, you're rua ning into a stone walL The geEikinan who ut tered the above reply may cot be a SeUaci reddest; chances are he isnt But, you can bet that there are plecty like him in the Quad who lack any interest in anything outside of their own LtiJe clique. Siae this wfaele bsae tf Ts aad fs came I save tried to stay clear of it, but rather than spent off to oaly a few sta deats Oat I may reach witheat writing la the Bag, I will devote this week's cclazaa to my views ea the whole, sordid BMSS. It is dLlkruit for me to take a non partisan stand on this issue, as I am a personal friend of Mr. Eason as well as being affiliated with the Greek system. However, ahoagh I respect the inten tions of those connected with the House Experiment lo Long Range Planning (HELP), I cannot feel but that tnay are fighting a losing battle. Ia the first place, on a campds like Ne- By Herb Probasco braska's, with a strong Greek system that is respected as an integral part of cam pus life by those who support aad are fa miliar with it, it becomes extremely diffi cult to organize a completely different group of any equal stature. True, there are many men in the SeHeck Quad who belong in a fraternity, bat for one reason or another are not affiliated. I would hesi tate to believe that there is enough initia tive and interest, however, to successfully support another system which would tend to be a stereotype of fraternities and so rorities. Ia the Ivy League schools aad other so called "prestige coQcges, wnere Greeks are of a lesser fwer thai at ether schools, great eompctitjoa exists between the vari es mea's resideaee kails. This provides a stimulating eatiet fr those who eafny saca rivalry. As Mr. Eason points out, however, most of the Fs are "frustrated fraternity men." The excuse he gives for not being in a fra ternity, but instead wasting to organize the dorm, is that be feels SeSeck can be organized without "mickey mouse" pledge ship. This is an out If he can spend the time working to improve the ties between stu dents in SeHeck, he could be putting it to use in a fraternity, improving it as he would see fit I would be the last one to say that the Greek system cannot be improved. But only by being in a fraternity can it be strengthened, and this is where those who are in Mr. Eason's corner belong. Daily Nebraskan CTTTT-KTVE VFAfcR OLD Meu&ar: Awdatc4 Oltofete Press, later tJ'i",lm mm c r n uiaa toftcfiale Pro mt2SWZrMt mmmm - . mm y. Xearesealatfve: KatfraU A-fvtrUsims ov hi umttm, wrr mm ma mi im . uu. it. IMrr-tai BJWKMUU. WATT - . . . ... . . -Camm Kimb , 77w m. m Hp alia MMav ...-IM i TeferA c KEt-UH. est, tZSS. Ctt. iCT tmm, Mmmm, rmt Da wJ&jyjTiSSr mmZTJZTZiwVTZZ zzLmur ..JirV" - - tntai iffun mm mm r i ' n' i a mt mm- mmmt mmma mrrmm mmmt mmmfmriu. a . - 4 mwmrr tmm kmMM mt aa mm Wm tin 1 1 ! in ii i IWiHI f ilIh mmm mt t SCStXTBSt 8TAFT ... . i , m mm tmr mm mt tmm fmmmm- Nitw Hi Mi Wtaa HMf mt mt a mm mt mmr tmm fanr mt AMMaat Mnini Cm CfWi JIMw at- rmn. mw mm mm- won ml mmr mmmm mmtmt mmm. rs IHiUft C Mnnu. tmm mmmmm mt tmm Bf Hn caramtaa l BXa l ZLuSliaJ J pcntA it I I MY HEAD HURTS AND . Forget it By Dick Stuckey Why does this white stuff keep falling down for? I have always held that rotten days were good be cause no one could do so much- like meetings and everything, but isn't it time we got done with having it snow? How about it, beau tification committee of the Students Council, how about it? Unbeautify the area of all the granulated ice would you please unbeautify it? Hint: Now that everybody cut out Religious Empha sis Week, you may have some trouble, but let's have some action. We're all now snowed already enough. (Check them asterisks) So here we have this Uni versity here. Cool. So all some odd eight thousand of us have come here to study and enjoy the fruits of a fabulous (that's what all the college kids say) inspiration al wealth of knowledge the fruits of yeah. So Mf the greatest era of each scholastic year is drawing nigh namely the time during which all cam pus organizations are re javeaated so some more people e a a be officers hi the mad rush U the May day scramble. And me, be ing a bar. apathet, aad fascist would bke to pub lish what all them initials ia aH them organizations really mean. And like here we go now cousins. AWS: Originally started by Agaes Wimple Sores in 1907 for the purpose of get ting enough power to ob tain phony Studest Health permits so Agnes could get ointment for her sores, the AWS is now dedicated to better and bigger Coed Fol lys. Howxat? AUF: Formed in 1504 for the purpose of integrating the Heart Fund and the As sociated Lungs League, the AUF now is a morally righteous stepping stone to the Mayday Court The let ters stand for AH Us Pon ies, and AUF is similar in operation to CARE, the In ternal Revenue Departr ment, and a company lunch picnic. IFC: Started la W on a dnuk sponsored by several of those dirty old fraterni ties bea several fellows tared to Lester Blister. AH Americas boy-boy, aad said tacy were starting a aew orgaalzatioa, aad what should they call it. Lester, oat of Ids miad, was at tempting to stiffle aa oral frastratioa repercas sioa. bat fafliag, attend, ipfBcx: " Fabulous!" said aH the college kids, and they short ened it to "ifc." Turning again to Lester, they asked pray what did he think the objective of ipfbex. or ifc, should be. whereas Lester fell off his chair. "Cool, Lester." they aH said. "You're subtle man what a gxxi head." And from the floor we hear Lester's last words, "I. tco. may be "n iana shunt!" IWA: The Independence War Affltfliary. These girls send knitting and hot choco late to the Big I's. and nasty notes to the littles. Tiie Big I's: This group's eyes are bigger than its be'Jys. The little i'S: The eyes clasest to the brains on the face of the campus. They are about the only ones who know that their 1120 is tuition, not dues. The i's have it! (Without signing the pink sheets, which need not be done). KK: No relation to the old KKK in the South, ex cept that everyone still fights over who gets to wear the robes and hoods. NUCHA: Standing f r "Naaghtr Ulysses Catght With Alice:", this groap got lU start whea Ulysses Wallace was eaaght moss ing wfta Alice Moxie fa Political Science !- Wal lace then started his own eirrieilam, the Utile sneak! Pub Board: The board fee these members pay for spending all their time at the Pub. ROTC: (Grab this) These letters originally stood for "Ready On Three (fellas) . . . Charge!!!" This group has now taken over the Girl Scout Cookie Drive and the DAR bake sale. YR and YD: Two politi cal clubs above campus politics, and far from na tional or state etc., except by a straight line to the Governor's Tea, and Some one's Founder's Dinner. These groups are organized for those who doat have time to read the paper. The letters stand for "Yon Rat, You're Done!", which I may be after the finale here . . . STUDENT TRIBUNAL: (With the rare exception of the chairman) A young adult Sunday School class proposed by the adminis tration to console lonely hearts and scold naughty people. It functions through hearings, which are (as de fined by the ST charter): "A gimmick where evil people must go and bear the pains of the Univer sity. Hearings shall proceed on the idea that one is guilty unless he can talk his way out (which isnt advised) or unless one has friends in the inner realm. Since a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice, hearings shall not investigate or be fair, but onlv prosecute." The Student Tribunal is a substitute for a good old chewing out by the dean, except that here Girl Scouts get to chew the "naughtvs" for the evils of the world. The Tribunal meets in Room 419 of the Administration Building, very close to the elevator shah. Anyone interested in pushing this thing a little further, contact me and my men across the hall . . . waiting. (There's them asterisks again.) Huzzah. This is aH. I shall now hide longly till the grass gets greenly. Bat remember . . . dont forget to sign ap for an interview to see if yoa caa be interviewed to obtain aa application to get oa .the special Uatoa Board com mittee to investigate the Faculty subcommittee on special Student C o a a c i 1 committees on knuckle basting, or ratchet throw ing, or corn cracking or something. Join something now and see the world from atop the Carillon Tower . . . travel . . . pay . . . fun . .. and a group therapy major. And dont forget this, friends Lester Blister's last words "You, too, can be an Innocent or something!!" Around Campuses Stamps Might Help Decrease Class Cuts A dean at Henderson State Teachers College (Ark.) has come up with a. new system of getting stu dents to attend class, says the Henderson Oracle. The dean suggests that schools b?gin giving stamps for class attend ance. Upon filling a book of these stamps, students would be awarded gifts from stcres downtown. The dean suggested that stamps be given for grades. The Oracle comments: "While this seems very im probable at present, sev eral schools have had cer tain systems ia awarding special letters or awards to students with special scho lastic ability. "One school in the north ern states (unidentified) used the same lettering sys tem as the athletic depart ment in all departments. If a student made top grades in math classes, he received a sweater and let ter signifying that he had lettered in math." Date Card Filing From the Iowa State Daily comes the comment of a" women's dormitory so- s n r. cial chairman that "a card file for fellows would be a wonderful idea." Cards to be used by fra ternity or house social chairmen, would provide in formation on whether or not the girl in question is attached, her interests, year in school and if she approves of blind dates. The system saves a lot of footwork and time In finding girls to go en dates, says the Dally, but it adds a word of caution: "Such a filing system helps students to have an enjoyable time, but doesn't necessarily help t h e m in meeting their one and only." Threat to Talent A Fresno State College instructor in English and creative writing sees Madi son Avenue as the princi pal threat to realization of the full potential of student literary talent, the Intercol legiate Press reports. The instructor labeled the wave of publicity which skyrocketed the 'beatniks" into nationwide popularity as the "Madison Avenue swindle." "The publicity given the so-called beat generation placed the prestige value of creative literature at a new low," be said. "In the past three semesters, three mothers have phoned me and asked that I discourage their 'Johnny' from enter ing the field of .creative writing." "Of course, I ignored their request," he added, "But it is an indication of the low esteem accorded writers of fiction and poet ry. They are automatically identified with the North Beach set." Job Interview The Roth Packing Company will be on Ag Campus for in terviews today with Ag ma jors who might be interested n permanent positions with the firm. Interview times may be ar ranged in 206 Ag Hall. 3fl O.I V N VLl: 0 3 9 -T emfmrtt. mmmm h S 3 aid a a 3 o.i 3 Nqa a N,n;ia3i ili3 a" Q 3.TM.3 imZ' 1 --T las o on N! WljL. OllVdS noioa 3 x od T 3 n on OlDUIl jva:3 d of VII 3 S.dW,V;0ifd.0H CROSSWORD No. 8 ACROSS 4. BMt. Ii' m'm"m$ L r4 far k.1 L . Hm I 1L tm tmusmm tmm DOW mTym. -? ft-vtac nmt S. WVattfelfeM oltctmtt m4 ! U. MM j 14. t mm. mt 10. Vmtpmtmmi mt KmaaT 1- Eua X. Umtm a Gnm4 II mmmm Atrmm 1. Get frah 12. Owr ipatat) mmnttf mi mmmm 1. Ob iM itutf IT. Dqc't t mrnmyi M. tw ML Vmtmvmt Tt. WkBD btt, Jtvtfey !1 mmm mmmm I. Immmtmt gaf XL Bm iiMtto V. Wkippid wmmttx tl, 11. h.I,Im a.HaMbicht tZ. A mmd mt Wifi mmA IS. Rail baqr St. FxkM milk -mrm ttiTVw t.WiMiniiHi UKMia BMteta (aaferj M. Hrnrn jmrn 14 otfac t.l mm t. Worm tmwf mmmtr tS.Ktt tt mntak ST. Straat mt rapnt tf Shaksptara tl. tuck tm tar ti. Afraca mmmt ti. Tmt year xrAa aatkataMa ri.Cmmpmmmmmt . Uttit i Vaeyoukodl ' 2 3 I I I5 I I7 ENOUGH TO . ' 10 KRACK TWIS? I Ts mm . WWl-wwliW!' jitataaaaaKMBMiiM aBw, ,7 t mm. JO jT'TiT" "" " " """ "" " mm ' aT -J. ..J .... wmmm 2 " n 2 m ji sr 3 jT j7" - When ytxir throat telk ) you rts time for a change you neea a real change. YOU NEED THE vr law f ---- r- .v ' yJ 4