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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1960)
Queens, Bachelors See Pane 3 Sec Page 4 the PA f- V5L HNe Political Program Organized ISTCWA Plan Thinl in Series - Nebraska University Coun cil a World Affairs is spon soring a program fey the Committee on Political Edu cation in the Student Union March 21 Larry Kilstrup, president ff XUCWA, sail that COPE will send several members from its organisation ia Omaha to present the program. Expected to be the prin ciple speaker is Waller Gray, five-stale regional director for COPE, Kilstrup added. Be wiH speak a why peo ple should be more interested in politics, Kflsamap explained. (DOPE is a non-partisan group with the purpose of; educating the public as to the workings of polite, j It also has been instra-j mental in soliciting more1 voting-age persons to regis-! Her, getting ,000 new voters to register in the 1958 elec tiom, KElstrap noted. This is the third in a series ! of discussion topcis $ p o m-; sored by XUCWA. Prev! as$y, four members of labor ; unions presented a panel symposium a unions, and most recently, three faculty; members spoke on the ""popo- i lalioa explosion,''' Kilstrup pointed at ttihat' the programs are organized for tie benefit of all stu dents, lacully and the pub lic, in order that contempor ary problems affecting tne citizens can be better ex plained. Board Is Selected For WAA Residence HaU Po-r AddilJonConsiderel held Friday, Xew members of the worn- Mrs. Angosta CUn-soa. As- en" Athlfttif AssnrdatifwisiStant IDirector of the Wom- Eoard have been named toy j ihe executh officers. They are Karen Townsend., freshmen, assistant mtramur- al icoordinatar; JiB Eeran., freshman, imembership ichair xrutn Judy Knapp, freshman, publicity h a a r man; Phi 'Qriibe, sophomore, oo-iree- 7'eational chairmaB.; Elaine ! CibhsL fiorihomore. social and ; Sports Day ichairman. T to ;0 s e chosen as sports heads tto be in (charge of the various tournaments and games are also members df the board. They are Corrine Neuton, freshman; Jackie 1 1 1 e s, freshman; Sue Stewart, soph omore; Judy Cox, freshman; (Carole Kauffman, freshman; Mary Ann WitzeJ, freshman; Connie SchToeder, freshman; and Connie Clark, freshman. Ne-rty (elected president of the group, Shirley Parfcer, said they were considering the addition of another posi tion to the board. The position would be Wom an's Eesidence HaU Intra mural coordinator. She would toe "in charge mf the darm" intramural program. ! 'Equal Education Chances To Cost More,' Sap Hardin , Chancellor Cliff ord Harain warned Monday there "lis a ifleep amdenenrrent of uneasi ness circulating through rnmch of the leaaersMp f higher education in that country.'" Speaking before the Grain and Feed Dealers Associa tion, the president of the American Association of Lana Grant Colleges and State UmversitieE told the group this ippears "'despite the sur face optimism'" in edncation. He caDed for the strength ening flf the Laud-Grant edn catioital philosophy the idea that the opportunity to participate in higher ednca tioH must be kept wKhia reach f ewry perwn cap able f meeting its standards f cblaKtic perfonaance, "It (tne phflnsophy') ac- ,cepts the view that the wel-; fare of the nation as wen as that of the person is at state iin higher .educaticm,'' he said. EducBtios is ffoing ore expensive and I ure going to maintaiB the centurv-tid tinwpt tf iirafl ihnw ! SX , '' f . , ' 4 V i . -fie, ,, .. w.:" I , i $ if lit- : I "i? f-- ; 11 iv V ':: I Vr ! ill ff v -x. K -tn (1 ' JL..V,..ri,il.fM WHAT, XO VACATION-That's htv to twp Hp wil Hie Rssslans, akl Dr. Mrris Flslibeii draisg a cvtatia at UftTsity Rlgk. AImt villi like lL spneck he save tw thrr talks al made a radi rrrrdiag y$tTday. H-tnre4 ita him is Mrs. Tjr, I'oL Bigfa fwl aarse. More Nurses Sought By State-wide Group A stale-wide mowment to irocreas the eajrollment in the i U nnrsmg schools of Jwhras- -I 6 , ' ka has been undertaken by j the Coimmittee on Careers of ; 'i the Jveibrasta State League MeresHed in other pursaats i ifor Tnrsmg ! IMrKi:QS- ft 45 The Jiairman, . iajiatjca,, tesseatheex i Mrs. W, Kahrih Scott, R3i-, n-if-nrl i-iiTfts $ naarskt? chorkls ! Clinical Instructor ha PrACfi-; v-,,, sTr,i,,rii i . bU iJ ZVXJUytf. L IfeLM Hi 4WW ; College of Medicine, reported that a iroeetm e of tbe Careers en's Dision of the Depart- meat of Labor, was a guest sj)eiLker at the meeting. Stale-wide Discussed at the raeetmg was a plan iof mon-partid re (tTuitment of nursing students ton a state-wide basis. The assembBug grwp is to be composed f Nebraska d ralirs, members ff prrfe i(in&l groups, including pnysi ians and nnrses and repre sentatives from the Nebraska Student Nurses AssotiatMin. The maior cEfort of the committee, attcofrflmg m Mrs. ; schools of Nebraska. At pres- I iuring iduofiamsts Auto ent, there are only IS high lEavnan and Jack Onossan, schools reporting attempts at j- The mo jmg & a,e establishing future nurse Department Facsaty groups. The committee feels that m ' two jprm the clnbs for future nurses i icipal wiarks ctf the aStennoan. can be an effective means off Berth Audun and Crossaa f mfbering the interest of She j appeared professionaly 'Sodlev? 1011 Urugh b United States. I Emanuel Wishnow was the ; cuuductiar iof the (EircheBtna, Another advantage rf 4-.! e fffiatm; jeBtatian hshing such grotros as fiut rf,trflhe - w-afi allowing the potential dropout j fl and qnal pfwrt unity to par ticipate, Cbere is going to have to be a greater sap port from all sources: pub lic, corporate, and indhid salT' the ChanceQflr added. The Chancellor outlined four areas of challenge which must be taken seriously by everyone: The nation must have "be services of far more people with college educations; More and deeper graduate study and research is being called for than U is mm pos sible to produce; The containing education of adults could become one off the most important needs and (developments of the IWOs; Higher edDcataoa now has new assignments ..involving quality. "A good deal more than American prestige is involved in the ultimate outcome off these tests,'" he said. ""The fate off our nation is involved in them. A whole way cf life is involved in them . . . not only far Americans but atee fur the free world, saaaflemt to become disinter- m Mii P3 eaa- H M therei'ore preventing She cost- jy stajflent is betler qiialified and Enore ior which ito0pciiuts are expen- save. la. !tt al the trena j towards estab!lJhliig high iciw)I dubs. The National League fr Nursing, lac is mm rffricg charters to fa ! thnre ewnr liibs. This is part , wf a natMtnal effml to eacBr j age aMire ywnBg vxMDea to 1 entier the f k id. ! The first snch chartier was 'recentiiy granted fte a Mary land high school Already, one Concert Features Pianists The UruvKr&ily Symphianny (iestra presented a man- 'Carnis-al of Animals'" toy Saint-Saens. This work for two pianos and larchestra is toeing heard ffreguemly mow because off the (recently written verses by .gQen jvasn. ill was per formed without narration. The cellB solo "Xe Cj gne" the befl-iknown part off the suit was played by Miss Prisolla Parson, also a ffac 'iilty member. The most serious work on the program was Mozarfs Ciincerto in E-Flal for Two Pianos and Orchestra. Other numbers included Berlioz" ""E.oman Carnival Overture'" and The "lEspana Ehspsody"" by Chabrier. AF Recruiters Plan Stop Here Three United Stales Air Force recruiters will Ibe is the Stadent Uman March 22. Captain W. W. McBride, UL WiEiam A Chambers and IJ Susan Disbrow will be available to give coimseling and informatiaa on the of ficer training school program from S a.m. to S p.m. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Lishner Records Favorites Muc Prof Doe Folk Songs, Aria Leoa Lishner, Ua:vers:!y associate professor of voke, bas recentily recoivled aa al bum off swags entitled '"Lwui Lishner Sing's Caocerl Favar ites." The alhumn cwilaiiw a va riety off saags raagiug tma American fali songs sjih as "SfcenaniJah" and the -"The Tanner's Song" to an oper atic aria from ALu-in's "Xlarriage off Figaro." The alhoam will be released aroand the naiddlle of March Hinder the KFXSQ regarding Lishner has smug with prin cipal opera companies in the United States and abroad, has appeared extensively a national television, on Broad way and the concert stage and bas swg with fojitog oirc&este-as and distrngtashed eOT'itoctors ff this country. The music professor also has been recorded by the ma tion's Heaiding recwJiaig oom- ies. . Xehraska high school has ap-" plied for a charter. Enrollment in Nebraska schaols of Bursas as of Jam. I ! was somewhat below opac-'. ity. There were U322 students enrolled, teal there was space ' for MS. New AddftMBS la the ear fotae, with the j i! pletion of cdm aiursing i-xwtB aa waaaiuKHiK to u- ready exasting schoolR, i&ere will be moc&mxo&imB few US. .. la 1856, there were 229 ac tive graduates ia mursmg per I0fl,!008 pcgsaalatana in the United States. The national .goal its 238 per ttOILOOa. With an expanding population ia the United States, even naore nurses will be Deeded, it was stated. U arder to O this seed, the sepport f penyAe ia the ined ical and allied fields aad f the OMnnaaily most fee h taaned, Mrs. SoBtt said. She added that the Future Xante CLubs iin the state will be me activity in which the ciliians off the comm unity can take an active part and in which they can be especially luseM in curtog the shortage iiicff nurses. Scrip Sfcmastcripts Manuscripts for Scrip amag araae are (due by Aprl 1, ac cording to EJU Johnson, edi tor," They may be submitted in 206 Andrew's Hal. Stories, poems and essays written by nmdergradnales will be accepted. Track Tests Tractor Talent ... A Campus Pro j eel Only One in World By Karea Long As March 1 arrives each jiear people arotmd Ag campus hear noisy engines and see rainbow colors of tractors palling large ob jects. It looks to som? as iff there anight be a ntmiqTae race taking place., ut it is mlty the wpwmg S the tractor testing season. And this activity can be seen and heard m5j in Ne braska, Fior Nebraska is the state which tests and dQjar states nse the results re ported. Neferaska Law A Nebraska law passed in 1919 stales that every tractor sold nr a represen tative model inmsl be tested. S as spring approaches representatives off all smaa stfacturing firms anfl their tractors as well as foreiga models begin appearing around the testing track. Last year Si trarton irere ha the tests which - re quire St motor hoars auad six fal time engineers aad technki&as wwting day and sight It sounds simple wLea une is told tthat there are rw main tests. One fcr the ponder llake-cff and the sec ond for the dtranhar. Bat Sen. Kennedy Accepts YD Speech Invitation On Tentative Basis Sen, John Kennedy, tD Mass), presently seeking the IVemocnitic noniimation for President, bas tentatively agreed to speak at the Uni versity May 6, according to Don Ferguson of Y o a n g Democrats. Kennedy, who was in Xe fejska Friday to officially and personally file for Presi ident in the stale primary, will be in. Lincoln on that dale as part of his campaign before the primary election May IJL Fergason said he arranged tor the Kennedy appearance through Helen Abd omisch, ex ecutive secretary of Xehras- Ikans for Kessaedv. Mrs. Ab- tlowiscb cwntoctei Kennedy when he was here and be agreed tentatively. The ooovocattuHi wffll prob ably be held in the Coliseain, Ag Union Has Chair Openings Applications fr ckarr laaarsaiqps and asi$lats fr fhe Ag Staoeiit I nifta rm niittees are av milable at fie Ap I'niAa arinTtiM wTfkr. The cmp)rtt4 farns 1,1 BS letiuaed by XI area 1 Six areas vpem fm rwra aittee leaders are for Km, dance, bnwse, pshScity, gea eral eertaiBinext aad sta dent f aeiilty eM&raittees. AppBcants casst eiasider that Tuesday aight meetiB s are a rtaireiweiBt to Maia and jnaiutiia be chakm&a ships and assistastshlps. Four Given Air ROTC Conunissions Four Air Force EOTC ca dets have been selected to receive "regular"" cKmmis-l Air Force lupoa graduation this June, according to UL Col. Richard L. IRamiton, acting professor of Air Sci ence. The four cadets selected are Cadet CM. Donald D. Nelson, Cadet CdL Robert G. Paine, Cadet Lt. Col. IDtemnis L. Haeriha, and Cadet LL CM. James K Sandm. To be eligible for a regular commission cadets mast show evidence off high moral char acter and outstanding pal iities (of leadership (demon strated through achwvememts while participating in recog nized canijpas activities. The cadets must be in the upper one-third off their .grad uating class and the tupper one-third of all cadets in their Air Force WTC sum mer (training unit. a mmmber naff stieps are in dtnded iin eacJa ione s that nearly every inch n" tthe tractor iis studied toeffore re lease.. Self Supporrtg Finances far the self-supporting project come from tthe csimsnanies, A base fee tf tm is charged plus S39 per formula if horse power. The average is 3"L3Ml The procedure has mmt changed qach sdaee 182 that acrarale cmpariwiis f the Grst KBodels tested can be compared wi& those cf im Last year tthe largest wheel type tractor had 155.25 (drawbar horsepower and tthe smallest, a garden model, had J59 drawbar horsepewer. Acofflnding to Bob Heed, assistant engineer, the smalestt toak jnst as ranch time and was fast as diff ficml as tthe largest am&deL Night Tests Both temperatHTe and baromi,fcr affect tthe per formanue, sb ftea the tests take place at night, to get EnifQjrm corciditiiGns. When tthe tractors arrive they are completely drained f (3 and a meas ured aoinit scibstil'fflted to cdelermine the amoinl con- Ferguson said, at 10 a m. Ferguson said, at 18 a.m. It will be dismissed other than at the discretion of the in structor, be added, since as all-University convocation is scheduled for April L At that time, Norman Cou sins, editor off the Saturday review off literalmre will speak in the Coliseum. It is unlikely that clearance for a second ail-Universjty .. convocation oomld be arranged, Ferguson pointed out. Sen. Kennedy addressed the Nebraska Wesleyaa Uni versity student body last De cember, at which time be was made an honorary mem Ton 5ii Half Per Month Means Cookies, Cakes EXUMr Vw TMI te Mir ma nw nittiund aqr vtor More than a ton of and a half-ton off shortetaing are among iELgrediemts msedidav througb Satzarday. each moaih by the Student Umwa Bake Shop, according t Marty KohEigiam, director off the food service. KhISgiaa said these ia "Tedieats are csed to pntdace abat lfl pies aai 3D rakes at the hake shf each day. The bale shop is lucated Hardy To Lead Fireside Talk week's Statant - Facul - !: ty FaresMSe wm be Bed Thturs- ! day ereffliag by Dr. Geme Hardy, assiisltaat professissr ff !EfrgMsh. The ttippic off discinssiiifflB wil ijtoe relaliw betwoea facmllly amd stffldenls. the Student Union S. St. en-;: trance at 7:: 15 p.nn. for Dr. Hardy's home. The series ff discussions which are belli ia faculty homes and open to any Uni versity students are being sponsored by the YWCA Those whs want to attend should make reservations at the Y office ia the Student Union. Job Files Show Vacant Positions Job opportunities and spe cial position reipests are available at all times in qpen files f the office of Dr. Franklin Eldrtdge at the College off AgriicmlltEre. Dr. Ddridge reports tthat from one to 28 people are needed ia a variety iof per manent positions. The files are located in 205 Ag HaU. suaaed. Then tthe company represeatative gives it a 12 htwar lombering nnp period and states tthe imaTOirnnaa power.. Ctece tthe afljmst mjents are made by (the connpany, they are not a3 tewed to make any coHrrec tekfflms during tthe llests. Faei esnsnraptioa aad m-perating eondiiioKfi are de termined by testis g at speeds ihA ver 15 niDes per bmr. The fael ruts are made n each gear speed aad the tests are speeifir ally set fw lames tests which are each tww to If boars ia kagth. At the cisnchasi&a tthe company mam takes the motor apart to check di mensioa against tthe speci fficatkxns tf crthers csm the market. This guarantees tthe buyer tthat a special model was matt fixed specially-ffw the tests. Esropesa Mdels Enropeaa tracttiori are dif .Hrent than the United States models because they are nsed cm the roads more and refuire license plates. The interested observer this year may see English and Crechoslovakiaa models1 and cohere ffnoni Enrcpe. Last year 13 brands cir cled the exdLzsire lok2ng "trace track." Tuesday, March 8, 1960 ber of the Young Democrats Club n the University cam pus. His brother Robert, former chief counsel for the Senate committee investigating im proper practices in labor and management, spoke at a Uni versity convocation in Jan uary when he was in the state campaigning for the Senator. Earlier efforts to obtain Sen. Kennedy to speak oa campus had failed because be felt that be mast devote all bis time and energy to campaigning before voting age citizens rather than col lege stademts, many of whom would not be il. in the basement off the Union, and is directed by Mrs. Tbel ma JesLsen. She and her as sitant Rofebye King, work from 6 am. till 4 p.m. Moo- The shisp bakes, ia addition to pies and cakes, cookies, muKias. eront bread aad pud dings. Each pie is made by hand aad baked M a six-tier rotary oven. Then the dishes are all done by hand, accord ing to Mrs. Jensen. Mst wf the pastries are ed by the Uaa ia either the crib w the cafeteria, bat tf are vsed fr parties 1 aad desserts cwodncted ia the A small bake shao was to- ; calod im the MtoJem off tSae Vwwm. before the ij was remiwlelei last year. Bant, KoKLliigam sajd, a roeed was felt tto separate the bake shop asd the kitdDea so this was 8MW "he remoKSelaaiig pro- t,fiSS- Coimtesses, Rifles To Be At Tourney Cadence Comtesses, the University's .girl drill team, and tthe Pershing Rifle drill sqpiad performed at CoHum twas, Neb., Saturday might at tthe Stale District Basketball Twmrnament. This was the Cauatesses first appearance since they received their new aanifarais from the Uamersity. The ami forms feature red cordaiirw waist4emgth capes and red hats with white cordaroy skirts and bluiuses- The Cocmlesses uw have ttwio complete naifeims. Be side tthe osSsime described above, tthe girls also have a royal fclae and while outfit. The girls dril team wil per form Friday might ia tthe Sim dent Union at the Stale Bas ketball Tournament Dance tto be held after the games. Raicie To Speak On Communism CcJ Vernon Bawie, head of tthe Army EOTC toachmejiit' at tthe Umwersity, mM. speak to the Ag YMCA-YWCA joint meeting Tuesday Eight oa the sub ject ff CfflmmsEnism in the United Stales and its effect sa tthe citnens of the awntry. Neil Grsthea, publicity cairmaa atf the groicp, saal that all studeEls are invited to the program mtach win be held cm the third floor cf the Fo&d and NatrMiaa Elda. m Ag Campus, beginning at 7:15 pjn. Thela Sigs Plan 3Iatrix Bancpiet The Matrix Baaqaet, spoo sored by Theta Sigma Pni, women's professiasal ssirEal ism fralarnily, will be feeM April 1 instead off April 2, as prevjoasly announced. Speaker for the evesst wi3 be M?ry liimhTOiga, staff writer and columnist for the SL Lewis Psl-Dispalca and national president of Thcta Sigma PhL The ulstaaliag Theta Sig will be announced and the outstanding wemea working in Nebraska newspapers wij receive awards. A worfeshs is bcirg plasoed fr the nora irg of Ajril 2. "WW"