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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1960)
Monday, March 7, I960 Poge 4 fifing nrrw THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY FOR WHEN WE CLEAN our sbehres we dispose of merchandise ""DIRT CHEAP" to make room for addi tional merchandise each Spring (you see we ore a WORLD-WIDE book dealer and will buy thousands more books this coming Spring ) SALE STARTS f&QKDAY, MARCH 7 THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF HUNDREDS "DIRT CHEAP" SPECIALS: Mist Trances "AO day long" Ding Dang School Books, Orig. $1 .02, Sale 19c Leathereroft "How to Can leather" by Al SraMman, Orig. $5.00, Sole C7c "Ticforiol History ef American Ships" Orig, $?SJSQ Sale $2X39 Picforiol Hntary American Sports" Orig. $10.02, Sale $2X0 - Henry Irving Biogre ptej, Orig. $12.03, Sale $1X9 Baby Shower Books, "Teety Games", Safe 19c Boardmoa Robinson by Albert Christ Joaer, Orig. $15.00, Sale $1X0 Encyclopedias end sets Bronte Balzac Irving Paine Kipling Harvard Clossio Awrricana, all sets priced for quick sale. DISCOUNTS 2S 75 AST LOOKS MUSIC COOKS 'GARDENING ERICTA SKELF Vi OFF RAG BOND TYPING PAPER Vi OFF FOUNTAIN PENS 39c SSEEF CASES Vs OFF ALSO ON SALE Boobs in the stacks :( wholesale dept ) discounted 30 of new hoots and 50 of vsed books f3 ...IJnionStatcmentContinued NEBRASKA BOOK . STORE , 1135 PL Street Lincoln, Nebraska (Continued From Pae H assess direct labor cost charge of $10 for the Tan-Am room and $15 or $25 for the ballroom. la answer to the statement m the coffee charge, it is true that if a gronp w"ts coffee served them 1b a room ther than a fd service area, we tarre 15 "ts per cap with m allowances The extra five cents per persea is a direct service laber charge and levied to recover ur direct labor costs. The gronp has the option of pa tronizing the established food areas, or paving for the serv ice. We do not give allow ances when the number in at tendance falls below the ex pectation f the group. We have not found a way, yet, of using cold, day-old coffee. Most pointedly, howver, is the problem of the U a i e a presuming that we know NOW SHOWING , v? Here's . 1 V part hmW I Sr f lavetfl ! V " v seen 1 I V-j 1 yell ' ! if ' f 1 ! III I? Thmmimrwm " more about your group than you do. If yoj do not know now many members are to attend, how can we possibly know and provide an exact number of cups of coffee fend other products? A primary point in regard to the financial affairs of any group in its dealing with the Union is that we must main lain the position of the sella, and the group, the buyer. In no way can we formally ad vise a group as to how to spend their money. This func tion is quite adequately per formed by the Student Af fairs division as well as the faculty advisers ef yeor group, and your officers. Our primary goal is to let you know what we have the abil ity to do ia regard to any given service at any given price. The statement In regard to the Inion changing rales monthly is quite untrue. The Virion could more nearly be criticized on the point that the rules have not see a changed often enough. Cr rentjy the Tnion board and management is engaged la rewriting the house rules and business policy for the first time ia several years. My concluding statement is in the form f a request to all students as individuals r groups. My (office as director was created to serve a specif ic function. That function is to administer the facilities and staff provided by you, the student body, in such a manner as to insure that yon are served efficiently and ef fectively. Ton can help os by translating to me any short comings you find in our or ganization. It is our mutual desire as the staff Is expand our services and to upgrade our 1 .standards, but we must rely on an expression f sat isfaction ifrom iout users. My office is always open to you, our customers. Allen TL Bennett Managing Director Student I nion Ma ADULTS ONLY Vn trit Tnrt net I . A- oe naraaa urea tbstbarala St -VCCMNeouMT snVsilifcinsansI For the Week of March 7-13 MONDAY: . CITY YWCA, cabinet meeting. 4 P-m-n 52 Uta . CONVOCATION, Dr. Morris fjshbem, 10 w, Unwwny SIGMA XI, Dr. John Weaver, speaker, 750 p.m. audi torium, Bessy HalL ,VT 7 FACULTY ROUND TABLE, Dr. Alan Bates, speaker, i.w ARTmESSrebraska Art Assn., all week, University Galleries, Morrill Hal. TUESDAY: FACULTY SENATE, meeting. 4 p.m,, anditonum, Love AGM-YWCA. cabinet meeting, 8:30 p.m.. Food m& Nutrition Bldg. .r AG YMCA-YWCA, program meeting, T:J5 p.m,, Food and Nutrition Bldg. . A ART GALLERIES TOUR, Norman Geske, director, 1:30 p.m., second floor, MorriD Hal. PI MU EPSILON, business roeeilng, 7:30 p.m- 305 BurneW. LINCOLN SYMPHONY, Elizabeth Schwartzkopf, soloist, 8:30 p.m. Stuart Theater. WEDNESDAY: FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB, art tea, 1:15 p.m., Morrfll Hal CITY YWCA, community service, 4 p.m., 3 Union. CITY YWCA, religion greap, S p.m-, 222 Union. STODENT COUNCIL, meeting, 4 pjn.. Union. CHILD GUIDANCE LECTURE, Dr. J. W. Rose, Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, S p.m., ballroom. Union. THURSDAY: ECONOMICS DEPT. LUNCHEON, Dr. Simon Rottenberg, guest, 12 :15 p.m.. Food and Nutrition Bldg. ECONOMICS SEMINAR, Dr. Rottenberg, speaker, 3 p.m. Faculty Qub. CITY YWCA, projects, 4 fun., 334 Union. CITY YWCA, world community, S pjnL, 340 Union. CITY YWCA, low and Marriage, 5 pjnu, 331 Union. AGRONOMY CLUB, meeting, 7:30 pjn, 306 Keim Hal. HOME ECONOMICS COUNTOL, meeting, 12 noon. Food and Nutrition Bldg. HOME EC CLUB, committee meeting, 4 p.m, Ag Union. STATE BASKETBALL TOURNEY, nigh school afternoon and evening, Coliseum and Perching. FRIDAY: SIGMA DELTA CHI, meeting, 12 noon, Colonial Room, Union. ECONOMICS SEMINAR, Dr. Rottenberg, speaker, 1:15 p.m., 308 Dairy Bldg. ORCHESIS, dance concert, Howe! Memorial Theater. STATE BASKETBALL TOURNEY, afternoon and evening. Coliseum. BASKETBALL DANCE, ffolloratg high school tournament, Union. SATURDAY: TRACK CONIC, Wgh school coacbes, 8: 30 to 12 moon, indoor track, East Stadium. STATE BASKETBALL TOURNEY, finals, al iday, Coliseum BASKETBALL DANCE, S allowing bigb school tournament, Union. SUNDAY: SYMPHONIC BAND CONCERT, i jm. ballroom. Union. Read the Daily Nebroskon Classified Ads Ludzy Strikes Dr. Frood to the rescue: Foolproof Formula Simplifies Che mistry Deor Dr. Frood: H am huving a difficult time in chemistry. We are studying :the chemical properties of acids, and II have become utterly confused. Can you help me understand acids ? J. Bunsan Bwuer fl V' 'iillf v i Door Bunon: Take two parts of hydro chloric acid and three parts nitrir acid. Pour into saucer. Stir mixture with finger. Note how much shorter Ihe Anger be comes. That ifc due to the chemical action of the acid. Dear Dr. .frood: 1 was amuzed at the Tecent -survey which proved Ihut rthe poorest students were students with cars. Would you iiomment, please? Dean Dear Dean: I was amazed, too. In any day only the rich student had cars. Dear Dr. Frood: On 1he level, do you "smoke Luckies? - Doubting Tom Dear Tom: On the level,! do smoke Luckies. 3 also smoke Luckiec on inclines. And once njoyed one while scaling iht vertical face of Mt. Everest Dear Dr. Frood: Exactly What iis the difference ibetween adult westerns and what 0 suppewe j-ou would call juvenile westerns? Channel Selector Dear Channel: It's the horses. The Iters inn juvenile westerns rides a pure white 'horse or a jialomino. In adult westerns, the 'hero's horse is tirowa, sincere, ima-ture-looking. Dear Dr. frood. 3 am going out forlhe college play and have ibecome interested in the "Ivlethod" school of acting. Could you tell me 'hov. tthts idiffers from crdi nary acting? Thcspis Dear Thespr. It iis all a matter of no you throw yourself thito your ipart. For instance, when playing Ttur Pan" the ordinary actor iflics through the air m guide wires. When the "MothotT actor plays the rule, wires arc unnecessary. Dear Dr. Frood: II aim (friendly, cut going, tolerant, athletic, well lo do and a goodconversatiormlist.'Why doesevery body iiateme? Eur$ Dear Hurt: I donlt know why we just dtw COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE MORE LUCKIES THAN ANY OTHER REGULAR! When it romes to choosing fheir regiilar smrjke, college students head fright for (fine tobacco. Result : Lucky Strike taps every other regilar sold. ILuckj's taste beats all ithe rest because LS-MJX !Lucky Strike tmeans fine tdbacco. IJkz") 1L Mf'T i : i hy ji iC'ifirrrfi TOBACCO AKD TASTE TOO FIfiE TO FILTER! Product of (JmJmaa4tUiaBByaa iJiaK our middle nana