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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1960)
Monday, March 7, 1960 The Daily Nebraskar Page 3 Conference Mat Title To Oklahoma, NU Last Oklahoma gained Big Eight Conference Wrestling suprem acy Saturday by defeating the 1959 NCAA wrestling cham pions, Oklahoma State. Okla homa scored 83 points before a crowd of only 423 fans to accomplish the feat. Oklahoma State followed closely with 73 points, while Iowa State had 58, Kansas State 28, Colorado 25, and Ne braska 10. The ten individual titles were split between Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Iowa State, and Kansas State. Oklahoma and Oklahoma State each won four titles while Iowa State and Kansas State each won one. Rascke Downed Husker Jim Rascke almost won the heavyweight title, but lost after an overtime FINALS 11S-Povndfl John Dooley, Kansas State, awarded unanimous decision over Don Webster, Iowa State. (Regulation match score, 2-2: double overtime score, 1-1.) 183-Pounns Msssak! Hatta, Oklahoma State, del. Tony Madas, Oklahoma, 13-5. ISO-Pounds Stan Abel, Oklahoma, def. Doug Wil ton, Oklahoma State, 10-3. 137-Ponnds Le Anderson, Iowa State, del. Larry Word, Kansas State, 6-1. 147-Ponnds Larry Hayes, Iowa State, def. Bob Wil son, Oklahoma State, 8-2, In over time. (Regulation match score 8-6). 11 17-Pounds Sid Terry, Oklahoma, del. Bob John son. Oklahoma State, 4-0. 187-Ponnda Ronnie Clinton. Oklahoma State, def. Bob Strange, Colorado, 22-8. 177-Poonds David Campbell, Oklahoma, def. Ron Meleny, Iowa State, 15-1. m-Ponnda Bruce Campbell, Oklahoma State, def. George Goodner, Oklahoma. 4-3. Heavyweight Dale Lewis, Oklahoma, won unanimous decision over Jim Raschke, Nebraska (Regulation macth score, 1-1; overtime score, 1-1.) ' '1 Ufc Uss- r k-v f f 4 - -1 NEBRASKA'S BOWLING TEAM . . . Left to right are the members of the University's bowling team. They are Stuart Kutler, Gary Starck, Ralph Holmstrom, Jerry King, Bill Vacek and Jerry Dondlinger. University Bowlers Meet 'Unseen? Foes By Cloyd Clark Every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. the University Bowling team rolls off against unseen opponents. At the same time' another Big Eight bowling team is rolling on their al leys against the Cornhuskers. This action is the Big Eight bowling postal competition. The university team has bowled face-to-face matches with several schools, but these matches were extra curricular. The Big Eight bowling league is entirely "mail-in. ' Each week's results are sent to Lawrence, Kan., to be matched with the results of the other conference teams. Jerry King, Ralph Holm strom, Stu Sutler, Bill Vacek, Gary Starck, and Jerry Dond linger makeup the Univer sity's team. Holmstrom is leading the Straiaht-from-the-ShouIder Facts Can Save You Hundreds of Dollars r inWJTR !iMv ' I iSs Checks the . 1- m Th bin newt for '60: America's new line-up of mall economy caw ... and here, for the first time, SSe mprehensive, fact-filled. .ide-byde com mrteon you've been looking for . . . a 32-page Kated book that can help you wve hundreds of dollars on your 1960 car. Every detail based on manufacturers' published data. . Additional X-Ray books compare the 1960 Btandard-size cars . . . the 1960 medmm-pneed cam. No obligation. See your Rambler dealer. Get Free Automotive X-Ray at Your period by an officials deci sion. OU heavyweight, Dale Lew is was leading with an es cape point but Rascke evened the match by scoring on the same maneuver to send the match into an overtime peri od. Rascke picked up the ad vantage in the overtime by scoring escape point with 1:54 left, but Lewis was able to tie the match and gain the of ficials' unanimous decision for victory. The only regular season de feat for Lewis was dealt by Rascke. The defending cowboys, de spite their loss of four of their top wrestlers because of ineligibilities, nearly repeated their conference Champion ship, but there were just too many good wrestlers to cope with. Sooner Scores Upset The furprise of the finals was the upset of defending 177 pound champ Ron Me leney of Iowa State by Dave Campell, a lanky (6-5) 'Soon er. NCAA champ Larry Hayes of Iowa State was forced into an overtime to defeat OSU's Bob Wilson In the 147-pound class. There were no pins In the finals. Nebraska's only chance for a pin came when Rascke was wrestling Iowa State's Jan Schwitter in the semifinals, but Jim settled for a 9-5 de cision. Raske was Nebraska's lone bright spot. John Dooley of Kansas State pinned Ted conference with a 192 for high game average. The ability of Nebraska's bowlers is shown by the fact that members of the team are required to maintain at least a 170 average. Coach and manager, Merle Reiling praised the bowlers for their steady Improvement and persistant practice. He said, "the boys are expected to spend at least 9 hours a week open bowling under su pervision. This minimum is always met and is very often excelled." Reiling went on to say that on March 24th, the team will travel to Iowa University and Iowa State University for match games. In addition he commented that, "Our team deserved more support. They work hard and competition against unseen opponents isn't ideal." Rothmeier of NU in 3:48 in semifinal action. NCAA champ Stan Abel of l Oklahoma dropped Husker Faber Jenkins with a pin in 53 seconds. POINT, NEBRASKA , . Husker heavyweight Jim Rascke picks up points in his semi final bout with Jan Schwitters from Iowa State during the Big 8 Championships last weekend. Rascke won this match, "but lost in the finals to Dale Lewis of Oklahoma. NU Falls To K-State: Turner, Hester, Shipwright End Careers At KJJ Tonight Kansas State assured Itself of at least a tie for the Big Eight Basketball 'Champion ship by beating Nebraska 83 74, at Manhattan Saturday night. The Wildcats now have a conference record of 10-4. If Kansas, Nebraska's foe tonight, beats the Cornhus kers, the regular conference season would end in a tie between the two Kansas schools. The Wildcats had to fight Nebraska off in the first half, and for a while it looked like it would be a repeat of the Nebraska-K-State game at Lincoln. Nebraska upset the Wildcats 70-60. Wildcats Roll However, with 2:45 left in the first half, the Staters, be hind the sharp shooting of Mike Wroblewski, caught fire. The score was 29-28, with K-State holding the ad vantage, when Wroblewski hit a jumper to start the Wildcat rally. Kansas State hit lay-ups, jumpers, stole Nebraska passes and when the gun fi nally sounded the Wildcats had completely overwhelmed the Huskers, holding aft un believable 42-28 halftime score. - During the second half Ne Med Society Chooses 14 Twelve students and two physicians have been select ed for membership in Alpha Chapter of Alpha Omega Al pha at the University College of Medicine in Omaha. Seniors chosen for member ship in the national medical college honorary were Nich olas Bethlenfalvay, Rex Bos ley, Joyce Lynch, Richard Lynch, James McGath, Willis Mundt, Gerald Rounsborg, Maurice Skeith and Philip Weingart. Juniors chosen for the hon or were Martin Lohff, James Peck and Daniel Roberts. Alumni member chosen was John Ivins, M.D., a 1939 graduate of the college now associated with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Francis Coleman, M.D. of Des Moines, was selected for honorary membership in the chapter. Coleman is a Medi cal College faculty member. "Sir- J Th 4 i -'"Ts'lE JiW-) tm i tMi f ! m ! M i isssWii in wii in mil ii iiiiM iir ' lfr lUmfater Amtrfcan Dtfcixt 2-Dosr Sedan Mifutacturr'i ttrffttttd fKtory (MlmrvrJ prfc at Kftmhi, Wis. State tnd teal tiit, H any, ptkm) quipmftut, tiba. 51 1795 Rambler Dealer's I r i - 4r braska jumped back into the contest, with Her sc hell Turner leading the Huskers rally attempt. Turner Gets Hot Turner, who had been held to only one point in the first half, exploded in the second canto to dump In 19. Several times in the late min utes of the game the Huskers roared to within seven points of the Wildcats, but Wroblew ski and company doused the rally fire with quick fielders. Wroblewski took the e v e- ninir'a cnnrln Vinnnrc with 9R for the winners, while team mate Steve Douglas added 13 to the K-State total. Turner paced the Huskers in his next to last game for Nebraska with 20 points, while Albert Maxey pumped in 19. Six Teams Vic For Title In IM Basketball Tourney By Dave Wholfarth Six Intramural Basketball games are slated Tuesday as the tourney ends next week. The games, which will be played at the PE Building, are finals in the various di visions. Kappa Sigma plays the win ner of tonight's Alpha Tau Omega vs. Beta Theta Pi game in the Fraternity 'A' Tourney. If the Kappa Sigs lose they will have another shot at the title Wednesday night in the double-elimination tourney. Game time is 5:05 p.m. for Tuesday's game. Dental College and the win ner between the Losers and Phi Epsilon Kappa will tan gle at 7 p.m. for the inde pendent crown. In the Burr-bellecK A fi nals, Hitchcock meets the Mac-Lean-Selleck winner at 8 p.m. In other games Hitchcock plays the Selleck Gus I win ner In Burr-Selleek B ac tion, Sigma Nu takes on the victor of the Delta Tau Del taSigma Phi Epsilon game in the Fraternity 'B' Tour ney and the Corn-Shucks fi nals are also on tap. Con tenders for this spot are Theta Xi-A, Kisselbach, Theta The Ag College Tourney Nebraskan Want Ads Mo. Words 1 da 2 da. 3 do. da. .40 .06 .86 I 1.00 11-16 .60 .80 I 1.06 I 1.26 .CO .06 I I i 1.60 21-26 .TO 1.10 16 t 1.76 26-80 .80 1.26 1.66 ?l-6 .00 1.40 1.86 2.2 W-40 1.00 I 1.66 2.06 I 2.60 Til low-cost rstss apply to Want Ads wtiteb ars plaeed for eonAcuttv oays and are paid for within 10 days after ths ad expires or Is canceled Ads to be printed in the elasMried section of the Dally Nebraskan must be accompanied by the name of the Mm piaauig said ad. TAILORING WE FIT THRM ALL TALL OR SHORT THIN OR STOUT CONTINENTAL OR CONSERVATIVE FANCY VESTS TUXEDOS Custom tailoring clothes at prices no higher than ready-made. Double brsastsd converted to single. COLLEGE TAILORS (established 1894) Mrs. Esther Loso 4445 So 48th Phone IV 8-4212 Cloned Saturdays Dressmaking or alterations dons at reasonable prices In neat, op to date styles. Call Mavlt. HE 2-2214. FOR RENT Close In sleeping rooms. $4.BO and $6.60. 321 North 16th St. 11L2-842U. Sleeping Boom. 1909 F. Well-furnished, warm, shower parking. Gentleman. OA 3-4040. . PERSONAL Will pay round trip car expenses to O'Neil any weekend. Call J. Maoau ley, HE 2-1006 evenings. Losers: Need a date? Phipps! ID 4-3111. Call Roger Attention! All Track Tanks (especial ly EGO) report Immediately to head quarters. Tank Troop Local 288. HOUSE FOR RENT Available March 15th. 4 room hoime with ranpe. Northeast of Ag. College. Married SWiMi!, OoupU, JtCUr 7 J.Bi 1U -S314. S Tonight the Huskers face Kansas at Lawrence. A vic tor' by Nebraska would give the Conference title to Kan sas State. Turner, Wayne Hester and Dick Shipwright will be fin ishing their college basket ball careers in the contest. Another senior, Bob Harry was injured last week in the game against Oklahoma State and has not played in the final two contests. NEBRASKA g KANSAS ST. ft fit Kowalke 5 4-7 14 Frank 1 0-1 2 8 3-4 19 Heinz 0 0-0 0 Maiey 1 4-8 6 W'b'wski 11 6-6 28 5 W-17 20 Di.uslas 4 5-7 13 0 0-0 0 Ballard 4 2-6 10 Turner Hester Swetl Hoots Mowers Wall Dick Hartn 3 2-3 8 Comlev 4 1-1 0 1-2 1 H'tmeyer 0 7-10 7 10-0 2 MeKenzie 1 3-3 5 1 2-2 4 Brown 0 0-2 0 0 (1-0 0 Price 1 0-0 2 0 0-0 0 Ewv 1 3-5 5 0 0-0 0 G'th'rVe 1 0-1 2 Kile TntaU 9J SS-iJ 74 Totals 28 27-44 83 Nebraska 4874 K. State 4183 continues after a two week lapse with semi-finals sched uled Tuesday. Farm House-A meets Alpha Gamma Sigma and Smith House plays the Clatonians. Finals will be Wednesday night. Should the front runners lose Tuesday, rematches will be played Wednesday night. Undefeated tourney teams are Kappa Sigma (Fraternity 'A') Hitchock (Burr-Selleck 'A'j, Dental College (Indepen dent 'AM, Sigma Nu (Fra ternity 'B'), Hitchcock (Burr Selleck 'B'), and Delta Upsi- lon (Fraternity 'C'). The All-University Tourney starts Thursday night with two games scheduled. The Fraternity 'A' champs will meet the winner of Monday night's Delta Tau Delta-C vs. Beta Theta Pi-C battle. If the DUs lose, another game will be played Monday, March 14, to decide the All-University 'C champ. Friday the Fraternity 'B' champs challenge the winners of the Burr-Selleck B' Tour ney to decide the All-University 'B' Championship. Thursday's 'A' team win ner between Fraternities and Burr-Selleck will face the In dependent champs for the All University title next Monday, I ) iTfmiim) after every shave Splash on Old Spice After Shave Lotion. Feel your ace wake up and live! So good for your skin... so good for your ego. Brisk as an ocean breeze, Old Spice makes you feel like a new man. Confident. Assured. Relaxed. You know you're at your best when you top off your shave with Old Spice! JOO Sooners Capture Loop Swim Meet; Huskers 5th Nebraska's swimming team closed their 1959-1960 season by copping fifth place n the Big Eight Conference finale at Boulder last weekend. The Huskers scored 22 points in three events and followed Oklahoma with 195 points, Kansas with 58, Iowa state with 56V2 and Colorado with 27. Kansas State placed sixth with IIV2 counters. Mis souri and Oklahoma State did not enter the three-day meet. Diver Jim Frank made the best individual showing for Nebraska with a fourth place in the one meter diving, event. Another Husker individual point getter was Larry Mc Clean. McClean picked up sixth place in the 100-yard butterfly. In addition to Frank's and McClear's performances, the N.U. 400-yard medley relay team composed of Frank Tomson, Joe Stocker, Larry McClean and Jim Pickett, won fourth place. Nebraska's breast stroke ace, Joe Stocker, placed fourth in the 200-yard event to round out the Nebraska score sheet. The Sooners of Oklahoma took firsts in 12 of 15 events Stocker 'Celestial Circus' Explains Zodiac "Celestial Circus, the Zodi ac" is the title of the March sky" show featured at the Ralph Mueller Planetarium. The show explains the path or Zodiac followed by the planets as they move through the sky from west to east. The constellations occupying the area are known as 4he "signs of the Zodiac?" Most of them are named after animals. The sky show may be seen this week at 8 p.m. Wednes day and 2:45 p.m. Saturday. IM Scores Beta Theta Pi-A 52, Beta Sig ma Psi-A 39 Selleck-A 39, Seaton II-A 31 Beta Theta Pi-C 21, Alpha Tau Omega-C 17 Delta Tau Dclta-B 30, Farm House-B 27 Phi Epsilon Kappa 34, Law College 25 Gus I-B 33, Seaton II-B 31 ll, j&v. wwv ""tiSs&iDp Typewriters For Rent Royal - Underwood Smith Remington Try Our Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11th Typewriter in the three day meet to dominate the swimming championships for the second straight year. Three of Oklahoma's firsts were good for new confer ence records. Sophomore Carl Zahn accounted for two of them in the two butterfly events. The or,ly two other loop records that were bettered came from Iowa State's Paul Wilherell in the 200-yard in dividual medley and the 100 yard freestyle. Big 8 summaries: 100-yard butterfly 1. Carl Zahn. Okla homa. 2. Dave Drake, Iowa State. S. Dick Reamon, Kansas. 4. Jack Saari. Oklahoma. 5. John Jeffrey. Kansas. 6, Larry McClron Nebraska. :56.8. (New big eight record; old mark 1:00.5 by Jack Sonri, Oklahoma, 1958.) 100-yard freestyle 1. Paul Wltherell, Tnwa State. 2, Steve Skold, Oklahoma. S. Eldon Ward. Kansas. 4. Phil Brougher, Oklahoma. 5, Ernest Drowatsky. Okla homa. 6. Jeff Godell. Kansas. :S0.2. (New Big Eight record; old mark :51.2 by Jeff Fnrrell. Oklahoma, lSti. 800-yard breatsimke 1 , Carlyn Cruzan. Oklahoma. 2, Gordon Collet, Oklahoma. 3, Phil Gordon, Oklahoma. 4, Joe Stock er, Nebraska. S, Karl Pfeutte, Kansas. 6, Melvin Riggs, Oklahoma. 2:29.9. lno.yard baekitroki 1, John Day. Ok lahoma. 2, Charles Lechner, Oklahoma. 3, Al Reynolds. Iowa State. 4, Tom Her locker, Kansas. 5, George Icksa, Colora do. 6, Jack Kent, Iowa State. S9.4. 440-yard freetityle 1, Larry Lermo. Oklahoma. S, Bob Connor, Oklahoma. 3. Ron Hosner. Oklahoma. 4. Max Fran, Colorado. f, Don Johnson, Oklahoma. 6. Brad Keeler, Kansss. 4:50.3. one meter diving 1, Don Ecneinerger, Iowa Slate, 390.85 points. 2, John Wil liams. Oklahoma, 390 tto. 3. Lome Bale. Oklahoma, 370.30. 4, Jim Frank, Nebras ka. 360.0. S, Tom Downey, Iowa State. 330 .75. S, Clay Classen, Colorado, 319.95. 400-yanl medley relay 1, Oklahoma (Charles Lechner, Gordon Collet, Jack Saari, Phil Brougher). 2. Iowa State. 3. Kansas. 4, Nebraska. S. Colorado. S, Kansas State. 4:00.7. (New Big Eight record; old mark 4:03.1 by Oklahoma, 19S9.) Track Clinic To Be Held Saturday The University of Nebraska athletic department and the District I Nebraska Coaches Association will sponsor a track clinic Saturday at the indoor track, according to NU track coach Frank Sevigne. Sevigne said the clinic will be held in the morning due to the State Basketball Tourna ment finals in the afternoon and evening. Eight experts on each phase of track and field will present the four hour program. They are: Charles Foster, Woody Greeno, Keith Gardner, Willis Jones, Ike Hanscom, Harold Scott, Wayne Binfiled and George Sullivan. The clinic will start at 8:30 a.m. There will be no registra tion fee, Sevigne said. SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers Phone HE 2-4284 Rifafcons Put On AFTER SHAVE LOTION by SHULTON