The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, March 2, I960
Page 2
The Daily Nebraskan
Editorial Comment:
Lenient Passport Giving
Poses Foreign Danger
The increasingly alarming problem of
the issuing of United States passports to
known Communists was brought under
fire by Charles Stevenson in a recent is
sue of Readers Digest
In June of 1958, the article stated, the
Supreme Court ruled that the Secretary
Another Name
Would Help
Avoid Confusion
Friday night, patrons of Coed Follies
watched as five girls were presented as
finalists for the title of "Ideal Nebraska
Coed," and the award was presented to
one of the junior women.
The title, based on activities and schol
arship, is presented yearly at the Follies
to an exceptional leader.
This idea of honoring a junior woman
for her activities' and grades is certainly
not objectionable, but the presentation
should be better clarified. For instance,
AUF's naming of a sophomore "Activity
Queen" is specific. She is an outstanding
sophomore in activities.
Ideal Coed, however, is a bit of a glorious
title that sounds like it's describing a
beauty queen that all the men on campus
would think of if they followed the diction
ary, as a perfect model. The title now says
little about the abilities and qualifications
of the recipient.
The name of the title used to be "Typical
Nebraska Coed," which also was a mis
nomer. Why not change the name again to
"Idol Coed" or "Outstanding Coed" and
stop confusing the men in the audience
who expect to see a Brigette Bardot in
bobby sox.
of State has no authority to deny pass
ports to people because they are Com
munists. Since that declaration hundreds of pass
ports have been issued to Communist
agents for travel abroad under the aus
pices of pleasure when in reality their ob
jectives are to deliver hate-America
speeches in such crucial spots as Red
China and the new African nations.
With the constant. anti-American propa
ganda originated by our enemies through
out the nations of the world, disloyalty
from within is a sure step toward building
even more distrust among those countries
which can be swung either toward the be
liefs of Communism or the democracy of
the United States.
Our federal government officials have
realized what a foolish decision the Su
preme Court has made and have urged
that action be taken.
President Eisenhower, in a special mes
sage to the high court, said, "It is essen
tial that the government today have power
to deny passports where their possession
would seriously impair the conduct of the
foreign relations of the United States or
would be inimical to the security of the
United States . . . Each day and week
that passes without it exposes us to great
The American Bar AssSciation has urged
Congress to take effective steps soon. It
says there are ways of permitting the
Secretary of State to use information from
hidden sources without violating individual
We, as Americans, not only have the
right but the duty to demand that our legis
lators take notice of the statistics and act.
Our reputation as a nation depends upon
Staff Comment:
A Leftist's View
By Sandi Looker
Are we becoming a nation of giants?
Yikes! That headline on an article I read
recently really got to me. Have always
accepted the fact that some of us -belong
to the world of tall people but never
really thought us to be Amazons. Oh well,
things are rough all over.
The article said that year by year
Americans are growing taller. That's nice.
But I really don't think the country will
be overrun with giants in the next few
Statistics look this way:
In 1900 less than four
per cent of American men
measured six feet
Today in the 20-29 age
group, one of every five is
six feet talL
In 1900 less than four
per cent of American wo
men measured five foot
Today in the 20-29 age
bracket, more than 18 per
cent are five foot seven.
This change in national stature is caus
ing big changes in our lives, the writer
For instance, at Cornell, the University
of California and many other colleges, new
dormitories are equipped with beds seven
foot long. Such luxury. And a purchasing
agent for a large hotel chain confirms that
he is now ordering 80-inch and king-size
beds instead of the old standard 74-inch
The came person says that bath towels
used to measure 21 inches by 44 inches.
Now be orders towels that are 26 by 52
At this rate, beach towels will soon have
to be the size of a double-bed blanket
A store executive says, "Our customers
seem to come taller and taller. I myself
have waited on girls as tall as six feet
five." Yea. Suddenly I'm short.
What's behind this tall body boom?
"It the end anywhere in sight, or do we
Just continue growing until we get so large
that we can do longer find food and disap
pear like dinosaurs from the face of the
earth?" the author wonders.
First we're likened to giants. Now he
muses that we may become disappearing
dinosaurs. The world becomes more com
plex every day. Chuckle, chuckle.
Scientific type minds have decided that
the increase in stature has been brought
about by better nutrition, improved en
vironmental health conditions, better con
trol of childhood diseases and the work
ing of evolutionary forces that somehow
stimulate growth.
Dr. Earnest Hooton of Harvard, a noted
anthropologist who died in 1954, suggested
that possibly there was some factor, as yet
undetermined, in modern life that stimu
lated the pituitary gland which controls
the body's growth, the author points out.
He goes on to say that doctors would like
to be able, by using hormones, to stimu
late growth in short children and to slow
the rate of growth in those who appear to
be sprouting too tall.
But the late Dr. Hooton recommended
that best thing to be done about height
is to accept it.
That's a right noble attitude. To think
that society will try to accept the giant
I wonder if trees will ever have to grow
taller in order to provide shade for us.
Got so excited at the great round ball
game Saturday I almost lost my compo
sure. But the loss of something else was
the singularly most amazing part of the
game one of Jim Kowalie's contact
The fact that he found the little thing
on the massive floor was a feat in itself
but the way he popped it back in impressed
me so much I could hardly stand it.
Watched a sorority sister wrestle with
ber contacts all last semester and got the
impression that inserting them was not
only a major operation but also a time
consuming enterprise.
She had to seat herself at her desk, use
a magnifying type mirror and numerous
kinds of solutions before she got the job
But Kowalke did it in about two sec
onds. Right there on the basketball floor
and alL
Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated CoIlerUte Press, Inter-
eolleriate Press
Xepresentative: National Advertising Serv
ice, Incorporated k
Published at: Room it. Student Union
Lincoln. Nebraska
Hth 3c.
Tdev&one HE 2-76Jt ext. 4225. 4226, 4227
The Itmitr Wrtoraekaa paetrehe' Maa, lamaa.
TTeSamier aaa rrttmr rUt the tru ar,
aerie vacattea aae) arrteee, taeat of the
Cwvcntty at 4ruk eeoVr the aataurlzatlua f tlir
f i hit l in mm KwiIrM Affair a aa ii"ti rf ete
ra eiexea. CaliljrMlM aar tlx turtaalrttaa at tka
1,1,, mi, M lull it reMleatlea ehaM ar 1n
tram mmurm eeaarel aa tbe rat af the Kebeem
MMae or aa tka part af mmr member at the faealt? at
i ii. ii am turn aart af aar ami eatalL
tuanw. The umber mt the UmiU aearaekaa
aerarjoallr reepeaetble for a-ttat they . af
a. er eauae ta ae print, triiraarr I. lMf,
huiraenptiua rate are pr ermeeter er ti tin the
ranftr year.
Kater ae enmma dee matter at the auet efflt
Lieeata, JVebraeka, eaarr the art f Aacaat 4. lei 2.
Carrey Kraae
Manartnr Eatter fcera Laeiu
ewe Ertr Brk
Bperl. filter Ume talhuua
V" Baiter fcra ut
Cea, Editor, Deaa. Oar KeOtrre.
" rAiu Oary Matter
Staff Writer Mike Milro. Aaa HT
. " . Ceral lmhenna
Jotter "Staff Writer un Wakiferta,
Jim for re.
business staff
Maetnra Maaacsr a,u Kalmaa
AMletaat neelnea Maaacen JStJ Crae. aerteae
Oiiii, Ardrth IJtlere
.ireejaea jajtaacer fjuax leeaceaaJ
Daily Nebraskan Letterips
Doubtful Value
To the Editor:
It is with reluctance that
we will attempt to reply to
the views of Mr. Heeckt as
expressed in "For the Heck
of It." This is because
there is doubtful value in
dignifying views such as
his with an answer.
We reply, however, be
cause Mr. Heeckt, in his
"bumbling" fashion is
symptomatic of the growth
of neo-fascism among the
so-called "experts." (Most
budding journalists say
what they really think
while still in the "bumb
ling" stage once ma
tured they write in TIME
ese and their views are ex
pressed through slick
cliches.) Certainly it is im
perative that fascist views
at least' be identified as
If he, like many other
apathetics, would like to
leave government to the
so-called experts, our ques
tion is: Who are these "ex
erts"? By what criterion
are they chosen? Are they
to have responsibility along
with there authority?
If, as Mr. Heeckt says,
"... common man is little
more successful at govern
ing himself per se in a
democracy like ours than
in any other system," are
we to adopt the ways of
an "expert's " dictatorship
For the Heck of It
By John Heeckt
Dr. Lancaster tell us that
the maverick philosopher
Bentham loved mankind in
the abstract and not in the
particular. This idea could
probably be extended to
professors, professional
men, etc., in our times.
They concern themselves
with people as a mass and
with the problems of this
mass (e. g., populations,
prejudice and poverty).
They are repulsed by in
dividualsthe atoms of all
The whole becomes a fo
cal point and the value of
its parts standing alone is
passed by. This provides a
clue perhaps to our stress
on a "common" society
which conceives of man as
only an abstract symbol
overlooks quantitative dif
ferences in the particular.
Some, who may not be
wrong, believe that this
tends toward a society in
which man alone is almost
without being. If this is
true, then is many anymore
than a cog on a whell or a
single raindrop in a desert?
If solving the problems of
the world can be done only
at the expense of regi
menting m a n to be a sim
ple tool for providing ex
istence for ohetr simple
tools, are the problems
really worth solving? What
is the value of living when
the essence of individual
life is destroyed?
American men and wom
en are involved continually
with the subject of sex. In
private conversation of
male to male and female to
female, it has been, is, and
will remain the chief dis
cussion topic.
Yet Americans as a
whole live a frustrated ex
istence under irrational
mores and laws governing
this relationship which find
their basis mainly in the
hypocrisy and religious
fraud of puritan ancestors.
These mores are sup
posedly accepted as right
and proper not only by old
maids and clergy but by
the whole populace. But
while our society eternally
gives over lip service to
these mores, each person
in society spends his life
t i m e covertly violating
them all in thought or deed.
It is a matter of wonder
that our "educated socie
ty" has never rationalized
human relations in this one
supreme area, but continues
to be controlled by unnat
ural, mystical conventions
that have no basis in fact
and are generally refused
by simple human psychology-One
could almost suspect
that the origin of our cur
rent laws and customs ia
this respect rose from the
Middle Ages concept, rein
forced by the religious fa
naticism that landed en onr
shores in the 17th and 18th
centuries; that the only
way to glory and heaven is
to punish and scourge one
self to the point of suffer
ing during the sojouni on
This makes the benevo
lence of a Christian God a
mockery and the idea that
man is set apart from an
imals by his rationality a
A popular concept holds
that man is different from
the animal because he is
Any professor will im
mediately question this as a
definition because his own
experience with people
seems to imply a lack of
rationality in the species
more frequently than not.
I think that it is worth
while here to conjecture
where a man would be if
he were turned loose as a
baby without the benefit
of today's storage of know
edge. What a seemingly
interminable length of time
would have to pass, as it
has passed, before his pro
geny would even be able
to use verbal-lingual sym
bols to communicate with
their kind.
It would appear that the
difference between man
and animal is basically
minute 'it is dependent
upon man's individually
small capacity to remem
ber and pass on, that the
highest animal has not.
Or, in other words, the
difference between man
and animal is not between
two isolated representa
tives of different classes,
but between the painfully
gradual accumulation of hu
man history and technolo
gy and a single animal.
In the end, it appears
that little proof can be of
fered for any other idea
than that man is an ani
mal, a little the highest of
all species, with a storage
compartment added to his
Slender, tapered
side diamonds
Txpercd diirnondt are highly
prized for their rare style
and uncommon effectiveneti.
There are four of them, two
Unking the, found diamond
in each ring. A new ensemble,
ery advanced, very correct.
Beth rings
Ird. fed. Tn"
1200 "(T
s ta Jr
and give up the "little"
success we have achieved
in order to avoid "sterile
catering to mass man"?
What should we adopt as
an alternative to "The
pathetic scramble ... to
serve the bumbling whims
of the mass (which) has
had a tremendous negative
impact on all of our social
institutions as well as on
the conduct of political re
lations?'' Are we to turn to the
"... upper educated
classes in this country ..."
or the "experts," or would
Mr. Heeckt point to the ef
ficiency of Hitler, Stalin or
Mr. Heeckt's views are
symptomatic of still another
deplorable parochialism on
the part of those majoring
in " . . . modern social
fields." Perhaps those in
the College of Agriculture
should not "go out among
the masses and ask them
various policy questions aft
er a brief and anaemic in
doctrination on certain
problem areas."
Is the staff at Ag College
non-intellectual? Do s t u
dents at Ag College learn
nothing more than "grow-
in? corn"? Would it be bet
ter if the professors at Ag
College got the "Nebraska
layman's opinion on how to
operate the nation" after a
thorough "indoctrination on
certain problem areas"?
Just what are "local ag-
riculturists" that they
should remain apart from
the body politic? Are those
of Ag College truly less in
tellectual than "experts"
from "modern social
fields"? We submit that the
parochialism desplayed by
Mr. Heeckt stems from the
usual source ignorance!
"Perhaps a lasting and
burning error in our sys
tem of educating is that it
..." removes the illiter
acy of people such as Mr.
Heeckt and gives them only
"... a brief and anemic
indoctrination on certain
..." democratic prin
ciples and basic human
We suggest Mr. Heeckt
read Animal Farm by Or
well (a fairly simple book)
and examine his own ideas
critically. In what way does
he (and those like him) dif
fer from the pigs?
A Part of the Bum
bling Mass
K., M. & B. Evans
On few
(Author of "I Wat a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Many
It was a dullish evening at the Theta house. The pledges were
down in the catacombs; the actives were sacked out upstairs,
not doing much of anything. Mary Ellen Krumbald was stick
ing pins in an effigy of the housemother; Evelyn Zinsmaster
was welding a manhole cover to her charm bracelet; Algelica
McKeepport wag writing a letter to Fabian in blood. Like I say,
it was a dullish evening.
Suddenly Dolores Vladnay stood up and stamped her foot
"Chaps," she said to ber sorors, "this is too yawn-making! Let's
do something gay and mad and gasp-rnaking. Anybody got an
"No," said the sorora, shaking their little sausage curls.
"Think, chaps, think V said Dolores and passed Marlboro -cigarettes
to everybody, for if there ever was a smoke to start
you thinking, it is mild and flavorful Marlboro! Things come
clear when you puff that good, clean smoke through that fine
filter knots untie, dilemmas dissolve, problems evaporate,
usbwebs vanish, fog disperses, and the benevolent sun pours
radiance on a new and dewy world. Oh, happy world! Oh,
Marlboro! Oh, soft pack! Oh, flip-top box! Oh, get some
already! v
er a f
ycvL civ mx":xi
Now Geraldine Quidnunc, her drooping brain cells revivified
by a g'xd Marlboro, leapt up and cried, "Oh, I have a perfect
gaHer of an idea! Let's hypnotize somebody!"
"Oh, capital!" cried the sorors. "Oh, tingle-making !"
At this point, in walked a young pledge named Alice Blue
gown. "Excuse me, mistresses," said she, tugging her forelock,
"I have finished making your beds, doing your homework, and
ironing your pleats. Will there be anything else?"
"Yes," snapped Dolores Vladnay. "When I count to three,
you will be hypnotixed."
"Yes, excellency," said Alice, bobbing a curtsey.
"One, two, three," said Dolores.
Alice promptly went into a trance.
"Go back," said Dolores, "back into your childhood. Co
back to your fifth birthday, bs-k to your birth, to before your
birth, to your Lust incarnation . . . Kow, who are you?"
"My name is Bridey Sigafoos," said Alice. "The year is 181f
and I am in County Cork."
"Coo!" said the sorors.
"How old are your' asked Dolores.
"I am seven," said Alice.
"Where is your mother?" asked Dolores.
"I don't know," said Alice. "She got sold at the fair last
"Coo!" said the sorors.
"Tell us about yourself," said Dolores.
"I am five feet tall," said Alice, "I have brown eyes, and I
weigh 3200 pounds."
"Coo!" said the sorors.
. "Isn't that rather heavy for a prl?" said Dolores.
"Who's a girl?" said Alice. "I'm a black and white guernsey."
"Coo!" said the sorors.
"Moo!" said Bridey Sigafoos.
UW Me aaelaaa
a a
Wt, tht maktrt of Marlboro, havt our doubt about thU
$torg. About etgarettt$, howtver, stw hold tht truth to b
mlf-vldtnt: Marlboro for filter tmoktrt, fhlllp Morrlt for
non-filter tmoktrt. Try tome.
tke tednraitr. yaa aereaarr a. imm piaaarer itoac ieaacdaaJ I miunai. iiwXvwKvvvvwi
by R. G. VLIET
March 3, 4, 5 8:00 p.m, HOWELL THEATRE
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