The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1960, Image 1
LIBRARY MAR 2,196 Ihci A TO Pledges I Plan Omflfia -tiffla h ii w i r fYw i y m i m 'Crusade Run ' The Alpha Tau Omega pledge class is going to run to Omaha. Saturday morning the 27 pledges will make the near-60 mile trip as the last leg of a project designed to raise money for the "Crusade for Freedom." $5 Tickets First the pledges will contact each ATO alumnus in the Lincoln-Omaha area with the objective of selling $5 tickets to a dinner to be held Friday night at the Cornhusker Hotel. The dinner menu, inscribed "Behind the Iron Curtain," was chosen to remind the alumni as citizens of the auster ity of life there. The banquet will include baked beans, weiners and po tato chips which will be donated by various companies. Saturday morning will find the pledges "walking" the collected money in relay style to Omaha for delivery to Allen MacTier, state chairman of the "Crusade for Free dom." A luncheon at the Hotel Blackstone has been arranged for the students when the relay runners arrive in Omaha. Hungarian Refugee Edmund I. Lazar, a graduate student at the University and a Hungarian refugee, will be a guest at the Friday night dinner. The son of the one-time Minister of Justice in Hungary, Lazar escaped from behind the Iron Curtain in 1950 and worked on a voluntary basis for Radio Free Europe, which is supported by the Crusade for Freedom, from 1951-56. Among other guests will be Chancellor Clifford Hardin who has recently been appointed to the Crusade's state committee. This project was initiated primarily because the ATO pledge class could not win their own "Help Week" trophy. 'Help Week' Just this year the Nebraska ATO collegiate chapter was given a "Help Week" trophy by alumni in turn to be presented to some other college fraternity at the Univer sity for the best "Help Week" project. The Nebraska "Help Week" trophy is not a new thing, however. The switch from "Hell Week" to "Help" was made several years ago by the fraternity and many other of the fraternity college chapters offer a trophy similar to that here at the University. Award Nominations Terminate April 9 Preliminary nominat ions end April 9 for the Francis William Vreeland Scholarship Awards. The Vreeland Scholarships consist of three awards made annually to students in the departments of art, music and English. The student must have demonstrated "excep tional creative ability" during the preceding year. Francis William Vreeland Scholarship is the name of the department of art award. Its value is $400. ' The John H. Vreeland Schol arship is the name of the de partment of English award which is $300. The $300 department of music award is named the Ida M. Vreeland Scholarship. Nominations for the awards will be made by faculty mem- Applications For UNSEA Due Friday Applications for University Student Education Associa tion offices are due in Teach ers College, Room 103 by Friday at 5 p.m. Candidates must meet Uni versity eligibility require ments and have a 5.5 ac cumulative average. No interviews will be held, according to Marsha Boden, president. The executive board will present a slate of two candi dates selected from the ap plication for each office. Nominations will then be al lowed from the floor at the March 16 meeting for presi dent, first vice-president, sec ond vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Elections will be held at the April meeting. All paid mem bers will be eligible to vote. Union Presents 'Father Panchali' An Indian film, "Pather Panchali" will be the Student Union Foreign Film shown to night at the Nebraska Thea tre, 13th and P Streets. The show is the winner of five grand prizes from Can nes to San Francisco. It is the story of Brahmin family in the village of Bengal. After facing many hardships the family is eventually forced to start a new life in the city. The film will begin at 8 p.m. Crib Doughnut Tree, Gder Barrel Begins The Crib has a new do-it-yourself feature consisting of an apple cider barrel and a doughnut tree. Starting today, "Cribbers" may serve themselves from the ciderbarrel and doughnut tree. The idea is Food Serv ice Director Martin Kohl legian's "surprise of the month." bers. These nominations will be be reviewed by the awards committee. Only juniors and abobe (sophomores' in excep tional cases) will be eligible for nomination. The basis of qualification in clude musical composition of high quality, literary compos ition of both poetry and prose, outstanding work in art and performance in music. Francis Vreeland was a na tive Nebraskan, born at Sew ard in 1879. He attended the Cincinnati Academy of Art; the Arts Students League, New York; and the Julian Academy, Paris. The awards in the Departments of En glish and Music are named in memory of Vreeland's father and mother. Inquiries connected with the awards should be made to Peter J. Worth in 207 Morrill Hall. Faculty Has Own Frat . . . Club Is Place For Social Gathering Surprising though it may seem, the faculty members have their own "fraternity" house at 1520 R St. Although not a fraternity in reality or in actual oc currence, it serves as a place for "social gath ering" among the faculty. , K 'I IT? ""JZ,, TZ 7 ' 4 IH' V : - - ,i in Mini V' 'A-.--, it,., !-..' 4awi SPLIT PERSONA LITIESMr. and Mrs. Robert Haase both lead two lives. By day, Mr. Haase is a campus patrol man while his wife works in the speech department. By night they live in and tend the Faculty Club. An oriental statue is held by Mrs. Haase, sent to the Faculty Club by Col. Ernst Liebmann, who was a member until May 1958. He is currently serving with the 1st Cavalry Division in the orient. Vol. 34, No. 73 Council Demands Officers Groups May Lose Their Constitutions All organizations who have not turned in the names of new officers to the Division of Student Affairs should do so immediately, according to Student Councilman John Hoerner. In order that all officers may receive information con cerning the orientation con ference for student organiza tion officers, to be sponsored by the Council March 20, the Council requests immediate response. If organizations are not represented at the conference there is a chance of that or ganization losing it's constitu tion, he said. At its Wednesday meeting the Council will take up the question of what action should be taken concerning organizations which do not respond. Faculty Tells AVF Views Two faculty members, James S. Blackman and Gor don Van Riper, will speak at I the AUF meeting in 232 Stu dent Union at 7 p.m. Thurs day. Blackman and Van Riper will discuss the faculty's views on the All-University Fund Faculty Drive which will be held March 21-April 2. AUF is open for suggestions to better the functioning of the drive, according to presi dent Sue Carkoski. Those in terested may attend. Wen dorff Attends Ike's Conference Urban E. Wendorff, assist ant professor of ag engineer ing and vocational education, is attending the President's Conference on Occupational Safety in Washington this week. More than 3,000 leaders from industry, labor, agricul ture, federal, state and local governments, insurance, edu cation, health and private safety organizations are in cluded at the Conference. The main function of the Faculty Club is the serving of noon luncheons. Mrs. Dorothy Becker is the director of the food service and is in charge of the two menus served each day. The two menus usual ly consist of "one a sand- Vliet's Play 'Rockspring' Will Premiere Thursday The "world premiere" of I R. G. Vliet's play, Rock- spring" will open Thursday I A , .r ( ,. v JT V" i 8 1 1 ' 1 '' ' f 1 1 y cfi in ff ' ' w 11 if ' ntr m-vwnr-MmmmmmmdU' Wtfr" iftrtirr VirTiwrr-'iini) mar DONT LIKE YOU Margery Coffey (as Billie Borah) and Luther Frost (as Hench) portray part of the tense last scene from "Rockspring." The national prize winning play will be seen in Howell Theatre Thursday through Saturday. Written by R. G. Vliet, the play is directed by Dr. Joseph Baldwin and features a setting designed by Dr. William Morgan. Conrad To Of Campus Bob Conrad, who an nounced his candidacy for the state governorship yes terday afternoon, will be guest speaker at the Young Democrats meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in 232 Student Un ion. Conrad is presently serving as administrative assistant to Gov. Ralph Brooks. He attended Wayne State Teachers College but re ceived his A.B. in 1947 from the University. He graduated from the University Law School in 1949. Conrad established a law practice in Genoa, Neb. and became a member of the Co lumbus firm of Wagner, Wag ner and Conrad. wich and soup and the oth er a casserole," says Mrs. Becker. Mrs. Becker said, "We had a big day today, (Tues day), there were 76 here for luncheon." "Another important func tion of the Faculty Gub is to provide a social gather ing place for the faculty which helps the faculty to become better acquaint ed," said Prof. Stanley T. Vandersall, member of the club. The Faculty Club was originally organized in 1955 at the Student Union and was mainly for social pur poses. Closer Contacts According to VandersaH, the faculty felt the need for closer contacts, especially in various areas of the fac ulty where many of the faculty do not have the op portunity to meet each oth er. Vandersall said the house was ideal for the present setup. Before being taken over by the faculty it served as the International House. Prior to this, it served as the Phi Mu soror ity house. The club has a few ban quets each year. However, it does not emphasize social life except for the friendly chats among the faculty, says Vandersall Ag Members The Faculty Club has members from both city and Ag campuses. Any fac ulty member is elgible to become a member of the club. Club officers are: Prof, president; Prof. John F. Davidson, president elect; Prof. Dortolhy Hazel, sec retary; and Prof. Raymond C. Dein, treasurer. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA at Howell Memorial theater. "Rockspring" the recent winner of University Theatre Be Guest Democrats He served as Genoa City Attorney and Nance County Attorney from 1951 to 1958. Feeling the need for re-establishing the two-party system in Nebraska he said he ac cepted the post of executive Conrad secretary of the state Demo cratic party. Conrad became administra tive assistant to Gov. Ralph Brooks in December of 1958. Conrad has also been ac tive in .educational affairs serving as president of the Genoa school board and as member of the State Educa tion Committee on Approval and Accreditation. He also was a vice-president of Dis trict II of Nebraska State School Boards Administration. At the University Conrad was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity and served as president of Delta Theta ' Phi legal fraternity. He was also a member of Pi Kappa Delta, national for ensic fraternity. An informal coffee hour will be held after the meeting to night. YD Group Will Greet Sen. Kennedy Young Democrats is plan ning a caravan of students to travel en masse to meet Sen. John F. Kennedy when he comes to Lincoln Friday to formally file in the Nebraska presidential primary. Kennedy is arriving at the airport at 2 p.m. and will ar rive at the Capitol Building at 2:30 p.m., where he will hoM an open press conference after he files. Students who wish to greet the Senator should meet at the north1 door of the Student Union, according to Don Gies, president of Young Demo crats. Transportation will be available for those without cars. X I if i and Nebraska Masquers play writing contest is a revival of experimental theater pro ductions at Nebraska. Baldwin Directs The play is described by its director, Dr. Joseph Baldwin, as being a story of "poetic passion and power." Vliet, the playwrite, says that his play is a study of personal guilt, but that it touches upon and reflects the guilt of all of us. He con tinues, "guilt even for those things of which we are not guilty" such as, world wars and atomic bombs. The setting for "Rock spring" is a ranch near the Southwestern Texas town of that name. Lee Borah returns from the First World War, slowly dying of mustard gassed lungs and tortured by his guilty love for his young step-mother, Billie Borah. Their attempt to expiate the guilt and find a way to live or die with strength and dig nity is the theme of the play. Appearing as Billie Borah and Lee Borah, the ill-fated lovers, are Margery Coffee and Gary Parker. The own ers of a neighboring ranch are played by Grover Kautz and Jean Allyn. Luther Frost appears as Hench, Billie Borah's step-father. Environment A striking artistic "environ ment" composed of realistic details of stone, timbering, house forms and land-forms will be presented by the stage setting. Dr. William R. Mor gan, assistant professor of ispeech and Dramatic Art, as provided the advanced style Union Board Applications Now Available Applications are now available for persons inter ested in applying for the Studenf Union Board of Managers. Eight members will be chosen for the board. Inter ested persons are required to have a year of Union work experience, meet a 5.7 scholarship requirement, be a sophomore or junior in the University and be able to attend the Activity Board meetings on Tuesday even ings. Applicants should sign up in the Union activities office for interviews to be held Saturday in the Ogallala Room. Eleven Damsels Pledge Sororities Eleven girls have become sorority pledges this semester. The girls pledged during open rush include: Joyce Story, Alpha Omicron Pi; Karen Boesiger, Alpha Xi Del ta; Diane Rohrke, JoAnne Rohrke, Nancy Brown, Kar lene Sinf, Alpha Phi; Gwynn Showalter, Delta Gamma; Janice Kuck, Sigma Kappa; Marjorie Riddel, Zeta Tau Alpha. Orchesis Spring Show To Be Held March 11 Practice is underway for the spring orchesis show "Omnia Momentia," to be giv en March 11 at 8 p.m. in Howell Theatre. Twenty members of orche is, 9 members f pre-orchesis and some modern dance physical education class members. will perform in the two hour show. All Movement The name' which is latin for all movement will center on people, places and things in movement the world over. The first section will be de voted to an introductory dem onstration rhythmn, line and space movement and ap proaches ot composition. Features' of the show will be Oriental "Pagoda" and Af rican drums for tiie "Wango Wago," "Me and My Shad ow," and a dance depicting angry men, gay children, and greedy men. The section "Things of Sim plicity," features will be "The Wedding," "Breakers on tne se as no re, ine Wednesday, March 2, I960 of staging provided for "Rock spring." The largest problem faced was that of showing simul taneously the front yard, front porch, living-room of the ranch home, and a vista of the rugged, semi-desert "brush country." The experimental play con test was revived at the uni versity to give beginning playwriters the chance to get their plays published and to see these plays performed. Vliet's play was chosen in the first contest from among 63 scripts. Vliet Writes Vliet, whose home is now in Meadville, Pa., has pub lished both verse and fiction in leading literary magazine. One of his plays has recently won the Southeastern Theatre Conference "play of the year" award. The performances of "Rock spring" will begin at 8 p.m. in Howell Theatre, March 3, 4 and 5. Tickets can be pur chased at the Howell Busi ness office. Season ticket holders will be able to go half fare. Sammies To Clean Institution A Help Week Community Service Project, established recently by Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity will be held Satur day. The project will begin at 8 j a-m- Fifteen pledges with the i supci vioiuu vi a lew acuves ! will go to the State Hospital ! where they will clean up rooms, the recreation hall : and gym. I Besides the cleaning, the pledges will fix such things as Venetian blinds, move fur niture and scrub floors. According to Bernie Gross man, the Sigma Alpha Mu's are doing the project with the connection of the new "Help Week" trend. Grossman said, "We want to do something constructive rather than degrading and we want the pledges to have the feeling of helping others." Nafl Foundation Announces Plan The National Science Foun dation has announced a new program of Senior Visiting Fellowships. The fellowships include study in, or are associated with, countries participating in or cooperating with the NATO group. Any science or technology graduate student interested in qualifying for the University of Nebraska nomination should consult the graduate office no later than April 1. The Foundation is also call ing for applications by April 11 for NATO Post Doctoral Fellowships in Science which provide for post doctoral study abroad. Information on this program is also available I at the Graduate Office. Prairie Winds," "City Night Beat," and "The White Rab bit Caper." 'The Martyr The finale is entitled "The Martyr," which will be per formed to the music of "The Robe." Those included in the show will be Laurie Abernathy, Janis Briggs, Dottie Carpen ter, Carol Coffman, Karen Costin, Ingrid Dzenis, Laura Garcia, Jo Janet Gingrich, Judy Howard, Glenda Luff, Frank Gillen, De R Hughes, Alma Matuza. Anne Nordquist, Bea Price, Sharon Purbaugh, Paula Rhea, Ruth Read, Rogene Ruh, Pennie Sandritter, Don na Schiro, Gail Simon, Nan cy Sorenseon, Anne Sowles, Kit Stuart, Kathie Weber, Pat Ostdiek, Harriet Strick land, Karin Anker. Kathy Becker, Beverly Be lote, Sharon De Mars, Mary Donahoo, Mary Drishaus, Marilyn Kasselder, Ellen Nore, Lana Norris, Jeanne R(inmiller. Gloria Schwartz, Diane Yost and Nori Yost.