The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3
Tuesday, March 1, 1960 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Sp ring Football To Start March 2 By Dave Calhoun Nebraska's spring football practice, which is slated to begin March 28, will be known as Operation Experiment, according to head Football coach Bill Jennings. "What it largely amounts to," ftoach Jennings said, "is that we are going to give the players a trial at the position they have indicated they would like to play. If these changes do not work out there will be time to realign be fore next fall's opener against Texas at Austin." The practice session will be climaxed by the annual Alumni-Varsity game on May 7. The game Is the feature event of All-Sports day. As the squad moves into spring practice, there are let terman at each of the starting positions, with the exceptions of right end and left half back. Fischer To Quarterback Biggest experiment in the spring drill is expected to be located in the quarterback slot. Pat Fischer, a senior next fall will be switched from halfback to quarterback Coach Jennings said. Completing the Mckfield switch. Dallas Dyer,.Lexing ton junior, will move from halfback to fullback. Bill Comstock will try it at end after a freshman year at half back. Moving Dyer to fullback might clear the way for the return of Don Fricke, Hast ings senior next year, to cen ter. Fricke, was one of the top sophomores in the con ference at that position last fall. Last fall was the first time in his football career Shifted to Center mm' ul"J'""" ' 1 1 f VI - . vN-.-- i 1 - i Ik . - h J S . At 'C,7' " I i'- x I h ; 'i . 1 1 x ' i It I f iff r , K l ' f 4 V . v I , . t, . , If . 6 . - S vst - f ft - ; V. -- Hfc -'f It -i,' tv - x'r- - f 7 f: VI - I II -4 r If it i-v'-''- i Kvt; I Don Fricke The Stt&diooll SCRIBE is the Ball Point made, to write best on PAPER! Here is a piece of paper. CUp it out and try this test: write on it with an Sdt&lfaook and all other ball point pens, and by golly you'll see what we mean. that he had played in the backfield. On the roster below Fricke is listed as a center and full back. However, the first draft of the three-deep squad shows him at the num ber one center position. Switching Fischer to the man-under-center position should step up the speed in this department. The coaches feel that Pat, who can throw a running pass, will make the option play a much deadlier weapon. Once in the secon dary Pat has the speed and cutting ability to break for the long gainers. This ability was demonstrated several times last fall. Meade Second In the second slot for the quarterback position is Ron Meade, whose kicking toe provided nine out of 12 extra point conversions and three field goals last fall. Three sophomores, figured at the moment on an equal basis, will be behind Fischer and Meade. They are John Faiman of Omaha, Ernest Bonistall of Williamsville, N.Y., and Dennis Claridge of Robbinsdale, Minn. The return of Pat Salerno Omaha junior next fall is Inside Intramurals By dave tvohlfarth The current Intramural Basketball tourney is rolling right along. The only thing that seems to be hindering the tourney is the numerous forfeits. Last week, for instance, 10 teams forfeited games. Al though many of these were due to the Kingston Trio's show Wednesday night, this is still a largs number of absences. Many of these teams were con tenders so it's a little disappointing to see so many 2-0 scores. These forfeits haven't halted the progress of the tourney, however. Intramurals Direc tor Ed Higgenbotham is doing a real good job of keeping the tourney running smoothly, including posting schedules and sticking to them. Some of the highlights spotted in last week's action occurred in the Independent games. Xa - tt MP ' fclllllllil-M slated to bolster the Husker ends. Salerno was making real progress, according to Coach Jennings, until a frac tured jaw forced him out of competition last season. The following three-d e e p squad will start the spring workouts: Left end; Dick McDaniel, Jim Huge and Bill MacDon aid. Left Tackle; George Haney, Leon Janovy and Russ Edeal. Left Guard; Don Olson, John Ponseigo and Richard Krause. Center; Don Fricke, Dar rell Cooper and Mick Tingel hoff. Right Guard; Dick Rosier, Don Houser and Al Fischer. Right Tackle; Roland Mc Dole, Dave Myers and Archie Cobb. Right End; Pat Salerno, Gary Toogood and Bill Com stock. Quarterback; Pat Fischer, Ron Meade and John Fair-man. Wohlfarth In the Dents opening win over the Losers, 23-23, Clayton Peterson hit 11 points and Erik Olsen added 9 to pace the Dent attack. j Lyle Comstock looked real good for the Losers, scoring 13. The Losers, a team composed of Lincoln men, were lead ing 22-20 going into the final quarter but were stopped in the final stanza. The Losers rebounded better and appeared to have the stronger team before the Dents started hitting. Law College dumped Wesley House 34-26 after holding a 20-12 intermission margin. High scorer of the game was Wesley's Howard Nellor with 15. Law's Herb Mayer hit 10 for the winners. Phi Epsilon Kappa downed the Clatonians 37-31 in an opening round battle. Although the Clatonians' Larry Ragin and Dean Whitehead hit 11 and nine points respectively, PEK had a well-balanced attack with Ken Ruisinger, LeRoy Zentic, Dale Siefkes and Lowell Shuman paving the victory path. Dale Stradling sparked the Geolographers over the Pa thogens, 34-19. Stradling, an above-par ball-handler, was hot from the field and tough defensively. He led all scorers with 16 points. Intramural managers: Don't forget to return your ballots for your all-opponent intramural team to The Daily Nebras kan office by tomorrow. Two Intramural Tourneys are slated for early March. The Intramural Volleyball tourney will begin March 15 and badminton action starts March 2L The double-elimination Volleyball tourney consists of competition in Fraternities, ('A' teams only), Selleck and Burr Halls and Independents for the All-University title. The defending volleyball champs are Phi Kappa Psi in Fraternities, Gus II in the Selleck Quad division and Smith House in the Burr Hall championship. Entries close March 8. Six singles players and six doubles teams from each or ganization are due March 15 for participation in the Bad minton tourney. The Fraternity defending champs are Beta Theta Pi and Gus I copped last year's Selleck title. Individual winners last year were Andy Matison of Theta Xi in singles and Beta Theta Pi's Bob Soucher and Gary Aksamit in doubles. Deadline Tomorrow Deadline for all entry blanks for the Intramural All-Star basketball team is tomorrow at noon. All intramural managers are reminded that the entry blanks must be returned to the sports office of the Daily Nebraskan by that time. WEDNESDAY! I "if. f I Ji " I .i..-A-Vf . r I IN A ! PICTURE TO RANK J ' WITH THE SUCCESS I at I AND GOD I CREATED WOMAN" Iranians Capture Ping Pong Title The Iranians topped the 1959-60 competition in the University's recent table ten nis tournament. Theta Xi took double hon ors capturing both the run ner-up trophy and the fratern ity championship. Said Bahreyni, Iranian medalist, was awarded the All-University Individual Championship. Benton Hall topped Selleck entries with 53 points. Ag Men were Ag College cham pions with a 7th place in over all competition. The top five teams in the tournament were: the Iran ians with 142 points, Theta Xi with 71, Habekal with 65, Ben ton with 53 and Sigma Alpha Mu with 46. Read the Daily Nebraskan Classified Ads. Better still USE THEM! Spring IM Tourneys To Begin Five Sports Open To All Interested Spring intramurals have arrived. All over campus lit tle pink, white, yellow, green and blue sheets of paper are sprouting up. Theses sheets announce different intramural events which will be con tested in the coming months. Paddle ball, golf, tennis, Softball, and horseshoe con tests have just been an nounced. These sports are open to all University men, big I's, little i's, fraternity men and any other person interested. A special "Open" paddle ball tournament will begin the long list of Spring Sports. The reigning All-University Champions are Delta Upsilon. The DU's George Fisk cap tured the individual champi onship and George teamed with Doug Youngdahl to win last Spring's doubles championship. This vear's handball action will get under way March 21st. Players must enter by 5:00 p.m. March 8, in order to be able to compete. If the snow melts the spring softball competition will get underway April 4th. Tourna ments will be set up in the classifications of 1. Inter- fraternitv, 2. Independent, and 3. Resident Halls, Burr and Selleck. Manatt wears the All-Uni- versitv softball crown for 1959. Dental College (Fresh' men) were winners of the Independant division, Theta Xi the Fraternity division, Van Es the Burr hall tourna ment. Softball provides a little more incentive to partici pants. Besides getting their names in the Daily Neoras kan the winners will receive medals and trophies whereas the handball players just par ticipaie. The 1960 Horseshoes com petition will be only in the doubles division. The single elimination tourney will begin April 4th. "Barnyard golfers" will be competing against de fending champions Theta Xi and Gus II. Last year K. Erickson rung up the indi vidual honors. The tennis racquets will see action again in April dur ing the 1960 spring tennis doubles tournament. Beta Theta Pi, Gus I, and the Chemists are the defending team winners. Galen Salts man and Stan Kruschwitz are carrying the doubles laurels. Gene Johnson, Delta Tau Delta, copped The 1959 indi vidual golf honors. This year's tournament will be held April 23. Pioneer Golf Course will again host the tournament. Team champions for 1959 are Phi Kappa Psi and Dental College. The Spring sports will de cide the All-University Honor Roll champions. T.eCt Hnlfhnpk- Warrm Powers, Bernie Clay and Pat Clare. Risrht Halfback: Clav White. Bennie Dillard and Gene Ward. Fullback: Noel Martin. Bill Thornton and Dallas Dyer. All totaled there are 91 players on the roster. This total breaks down Into 61 sophomores, 19 juniors and ii seniors, tne best balance the Cornhuskers have had in many seasons. This vear's s a u a d is strengthened by the return of M leuermen. Seven transfer players are listed in the three deep squad and all of them are expected to provide excellent help next fall. Latest to enroll was Ben nie Dillard, who won a fresh man numeral here in 195S and was a varsity squadman in 1957. Dillard, who can sprint the 100-yard dash in :09.7, graduated from a Call fornia junior college at mid year. The Huskers, who had a four and six record last fall, will open against Texas at Austin in a night affair on Sept. 17. 1960 Spring Football Roster STUDENTS INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE WITH AN OLYMPIA PRECISION, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER TYPPNRmtt SLRVICI AND RENTALS BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Name Tn. ABSON. Bennie LT BOND, John RE BONISTALL, Ernest QR BORER. Ronald RT BI RD, Jame FB CARLSON. Dwain LG CARROLL. Robert RE tCASE. Phillip RE JCLARE. Patrick LH CLARIDGE, DeanU QB CLAY, Bernie RH COBB. Archie RT JCOLE. Roger RE COMSTOCK, WIDUm LH tCONGER, John (Jack) FB COOPER. Darrell trm.LAKD. Bennie JDOBRY. Warren DONOVAN. Larry JDOY1.E. Dennis DRUM. Louis (Mic) DuB')LS, Duane DYER, Dallas EDEAL, Russell EISSLER, Ron FAIMAN, John Jr. t FISCHER, Richard (Al RG FISCHER, Pat 3B-LH FISHER, Fred FRICKE, Don FUEHRER. Paul GACVSANA, Jose C LH LG RE E RT FB LT C OB RH FB-C KG RT HA MSA, Rudolph (R.J.) LT HANEY, George IHELDT, Don JHOVSER. Don JRTCE. Jim 1JACOB, Tom JJANOVY. Leon JONES, Robert t JORDAN. Donald K1FFIN, Monte KISCON, Jack J KITCHEN, Robert KLVCK. Dooslas ROSIER, Richard LT RT LG LE LE RT LG FB LT RE C LG RQ KOZLOWSKI. Joe. LH-RH KRAl'SE, Larry C KRAUSE, Richard XG LAMBERT, Berkeley C LARSEN, Gary LH LITTLE, James' RH M ACDON ALD, William LE MARTIN. Noel FB McBRIDE, Eddie C MrDAMEL Richard LE McDOLE, Roland RT McMAHON. James RT MEADE, Ronald OB MICHKA, Ronald RT MOORE. Thomas RT MYERS, David RT MYERS, Roger HB VFWTON, Isaac RH lOLSEN, Steven FB OLSON, Donald LG PEARSON, Daryt RE PONSEIGO, John LG :POWERS. Warren LH Pl'RCELL, Donald RE :RASCHKE. James LT J ROBERTS, David FB ROBERTSON. Tyrone RG tROOD. Jed RG SSALERNO. Pat LE SCHACHEL. William LT STAPLETON. Dean RT THORNTON, William FB TTNGELHOFF. Mick C TOLSMA, Edgar LG TOMLINSON. Larry LE TOOGOOD, Gary RE VRBACER. Dewey RH WARD. Gene RH WARDEN. Gary LH WEI.LMAN, Allen RT WHITE, Clay RH W1F.DEMAN, Larry RG tWTLLIAMS, E. Peter LG YOUNG, Bruce LE Letters earned Transfer ; Squad member last season Rt. Wt. An Class Itemetewa 61 0S 18 Soph. Crossed. Ark. M 180 JO Sr. Missouri Valley, la, t-i 185 It Soph. Williamsville. N.Y. tl 200 19 Soph. Toledo. Ohio 5-11 19 ig Soph. Norte Tonawuda. II. T. (-1 185 18 Soph. Fullerton -l m 18 Soph. Rock Ulaod. VL -l 19S to Soph, Tekamah 8-8 190 M Jr. Sioux City, It. 8-1 195 18 Soph. Robbinsdale. Mina. 8-1 1"0 XI Soph. Qnincy. HI. M Ml 24 Soph. Mobile. Ala. M. 204 IS Soph. Granite Falls, tflna. 8-1 187 19 Soph. ScottsMuif 5-11 184 1 Soph. Aurora 511 217 23 Sr. Fort Worth, Texaa 5- 7 ISO 22 Jr. ML Pleasant. Tat 6 1 200 19 Soph. Schuyler 6-0 175 18 Soph. ScottsMuS 6-4 230 21 Jr. Fairbury 6-3 190 19 Soph. Fremont 6-3 220 19 Soph. Niagara Falls, N. T. 519 17$ 19 Jr. Lexingtc-B 6-1 210 20 Jr. Overton 5- 10 190 19 Soph. Omaha (South) 6- 2 190 18 Soph. Omaha (South) 6-2 201 20 Soph. Princeton. Mina. 5- 9 106 20 Sr. Omaha (Weatatda) 64 187 20 Soph, Kansas City, Mo. 6- 0 187 20 Sr. Hastings 6-1 203 19 Soph. Long Island, N. T. 6-2 205 20 Sr. Lincoln (Huh) t-n 1M 19 Sonh. Ord 24 jr. East roan. ua. 21 Soph. Lisco 19 Jr. Lincota (Ptas X) 20 Soph. Hotdres 19 Soph. Mendota. TJL 21 Jr. David City 18 Soph. West Point 21 Jr. Donelsoa. Tens. 20 Soph. Lexington 18 Soph. Omaha (Sou 00 20 Sr. McCook 18 Soph. Watertoere, S. IX. 21 Sr. Watertown. S. D. 18 Soph. Jersey City, M. t. 18 Soph. Scottsbhitf 21 Jr. Augusta. Oa. 22 Soph. Ni.Kara-m-the-Laa, Oat 19 Soph. Harlan, la. 19 Soph. Grand Island 18 Soph. Edina. Minn. 20 Jr. Clay Center, Kane, 21 Soph. Maskegon, Mich. 25 Jr. Port .Arthur, Tex. 20 Sr. Toledo, Ohio 18 Soph. St. Paul, Mina. 19 Jr. Caaby, Mina. 17 Soph. Omaha (Bensoa) 19 Soph. Omaha (South) 20 Soph. Toledo, Ohio 19 Soph. Grand Island 18 Soph. CTossett. Ark. 19 Soph. Sionx City, la. 22 Sr. Grand Island 17 Soph. Cereaco 21 Sr. Chicago, IE. 19 Soph. Kansas City, Mo. 20 Jr. Omaha (Benson) 20 Jr. Omaha (North) 20 Soph. Long-view, Wash. 19 Soph. Toledo. Ohio 20 Soph. Columbus, Ohio 20 Jr. Omaha (Central) 18 Soph. Rock Island, DL 22 Soph. Council BlnOs, la. 20 Soph. Toledo, Ohio 19 Jr. Lexington 19 Soph. LeMars. Ia, 19 Soph. O'Neill (St. Mary's) 19 Jr. Reno, Nev. 18 Soph. Burwell 20 Jr. Gtennwood, la, 19 Soph. Fremont 20 Sr. DeSmet, S. D. 22 Sr. Toledo, Ohio 18 Soph. ScotUMuff 20 Soph. Dayton, Ohio 19 Soph. Sanest 6-1 225 6-0 205 6-1 190 4- 8 187 6-0 17 64 220 6-1 XQS 5- 10 186 63 21S 6-0 185 64 166 6-2 20O 5-18 183 5- U 175 6- 3 198 6-3 202 6-1 201 5-11 172 5- 10 170 6- 2 208 5- 11 191 64 190 6- 3 196 6-3 232 64 205 64 168 6-0 201 64 210 6-2 225 5-U 180 64 192 $-7 6-3 6-1 5- 9 64 6- 1 6-3 60 177 213 IBS 185 175 202 230 190 5-11 190 64 194 6-1 186 6-2 2M 6-4 213 64 188 6-1 202 5-1 185 6-1 190 6-2 205 64 175 5- U 180 644 180 6- 3 2:9 5-9 178 5-8 190 5-10 190 5-U 175 campus character: ; iiiiii ii H BLACKSTONE TORT Pride of tha law school, Bkckstone hat never lost a moot trial But there's noth ing moot about his prefer ences in dress. He finds that when he's comfortable, he can trap a witness and sway a jury like Clarence Darrow. So he always wears Jockey brand briefs while preparing his briefs. Exclusive Jockey tailoring gives him a bonus of comfort he gets in no other underwear. Fine Jockey combed cotton is more ab sorbent, smoother fitting, too. Tolookyourbest,feelyour best, take a tip from Tort. Always insist on Jockey brand briefs, $1.25. Your campus store has them nowl COOPert INCORP08aTED.ani08HA.WIL Xjockeij . -ur dWSCRIBE$L69 briefs 323 No. 13;h Ph. 2-5258 i- ADULTS ONLY .J