The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    The Daily Nebraska;
Page 3
Wednesday, February
For Conference Lead
Bit Elrht Standings
Kansas State . .. 7
Kansas 7
Colorado 7
Oklahoma . (
OklaJioma gtate 4
Missouri . . . 4
Iowa State 4
Nebraska . ... S
,M 74 tm
.(00 60S i tun
508 (19
65a OS?
94 7S
625 639
By Dave Wohlfarth
The Big Eight Basketball
Conference is currently a two-
team race between Kansas
and Kansas State. These two
clubs meet tonight at Man
hattan in a do-or-die battle
for the top spot.
Kansas has won five
straight behind the work of
Wayne Hightower, and BUI
Bridges. In their first meet
ing, the Jayhawks defeated
K-State 64-62, Feb. 10, to
knock the Wildcats out of
first place. Last week KU
toppled Colorado and Okla
homa in its upward surge.
Kansas State will be out for
revenge, counting on top per
formances from Wally Frank,
Ced Price and Sonny Ballard.
After streaking to five early
league victories, Coach Tex
Winter's hoopsters have been
knocked around a bit, includ
ing a 70-60 loss to Nebraska.
Colorado Loses
Colorado was kayoed out of
a share for first via a 84-72
loss to Missouri, Monday
Joe Scott and Charles
Henke starred for the Tigers,
scoring 27 and 26 points re
spectively.. The talented two
if? ill f
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Whatever your typing
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24, 1960
paced Mizzou to a 41-39 half
time lead and the win en
abled Missouri to move out of
the league cellar. The Tigers
have won four and dropped
seven and are deadlocked
with Iowa State for sixth
place. t
Colorado's 7-4 record earns
the Buffs third place in the
Big Eight, but they are in
danger of losing two of these
wins. Conference athletic di
rectors take action Thursday
on a pair of protested Colo
rado victories by Nebraska
and Iowa State,
Oklahoma held on to fourth
place with a 50-49 squeaker
over Nebraska. The Sooners
still have an outside chance
for the conference champion
ship. The Oklahoma State Cow
boys are in fifth with four
wins and six losses. The OS
crew have the toughest de
fense in the league, limiting
oppcnenfs to 519 points in 10
games (51.9 points per
Oklahoma and Oklahoma
State meet tonight in another
intra-state rivalry.
Iowa State is suffering from
a bis letdown after comln:
the Pre-Season Tourney at
Kansas City. Last week the
Iowa State losing streak
soared to five as the Cy
clones were downed by Kan
sas State and Oklahoma. The
Cyclones are tied for sixth
- .
Touch system or hunt-and-peck
Results are perfect
Typewriter Paper
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with four wins and seven
All Big Eight teams are in
action Saturday to wind up a
busy week. Kansas State is at
Oklahoma in a 'must' ' win
game for the Sooners, Kansas
plays Missouri at Columbia,
Iowa State travels to Colo
rado and Nebraska hosts Ok
lahoma State.
Winter Air
Fails to Halt
The cold weather is not
holding ud the Cornhusker's
baseball practice.
According to Lrii Dunne,
assistant baseball coach,
practice is progressing into
the fourth week. The first
three weeks consisted of cal
isthenics, however, practice
is in full swing this week.
Batting cages have been
set up in the basement of the
Field Hause for batting and
pitching practice. Fielding
practice is also underway.
IM Managers
Pick Up Ballots
Intramural team managers
may pick up the ballots for
the aU intramural basketball
team today. These ballots are
in the Sports office of the
Daily Nebraskan and will be
available between 1 and 5
Please remember that in
order to be able to have any
of your team represented on
the all intramural selections
you must submit a ballot.
jh I ''''' ; 1'
Big 8 Officials
To Discuss Fate
Of Husker-Buf f Tilt
By Chip Wood
University of Nebraska ath
letic director Bill Orwig will
make an official protest t o
the Big Eight conference and
Colorado in regard to the
ColoradoaNebraska basket
ball game played at Colo
rado, January 30.
The protest is being made
due to discrepancies in the
method of timing the game,
which Nebraska lost in an
overtime, 62-57.
Orwig said that the Husk
ers had a 50-50 chance of
winning the protest. He is
going to Kansas City Febru
ary 25, to the Big Eight
meeting of faculty represent
atives. It,is not known which
day, Thursday or Friday, the
protest will come before the
faculty group.
The dispute arose over the
allowance of two extra sec
onds of play at the end of
the game when the "clock
showed there were five sec
onds remaining. The official
timekeeper explained this by
saying that he had allowed
the clock to run two seconds
after the officials had whis
tled CU's Don Butler for a
foul against Jim Kowalke.
The time clock is the offi
cial timing piece in Big
Eight games and it cannot
be set back unless the offi
cials are notified.
Charles Bitter, who keeps
official time on the bench at
Colorado games, said in re
gard to why he didn't notify
the officials, "There was such
a short time left in the game
that N I didn't think it would
make any difference."
Colorado was able to come
down the court and score in
seven seconds to tie the game
up and go on to win in the
overtime. Bitter's unimpor
tant alteration cost Nebraska
the game.
Sprinter Set
For Big 8
Track Meet
Sprinter and quarter miler,
Bob Cross, has lived up to
pre-season expectations of
track coach. Frank Sevigne
by becoming a standout per
former for the Huskers this
year. .
Bob was originally from
Alexandria, Va., but graduat
ed from Boys Town in '58 as
a three-sport standout. He
was a Cowboy regular half
back in football and a starter
on the basketball team which
won the state title his junior
Cross won the 440 in the
state meet his senior year
and set a new state record
of 48.6 which placed h i m
third among all the high
school quarter milers in the
As a Nebraska yearling,
Bob won the quarter and
tied for first in the 60 yard
dash in the conference indoor
Although he has been ham
pered by a leg injury this
year, Sevigne said Tuesday
that Bob is in the best shape
of the season.
Cross won the quarter In
the Oklahoma State dual last
Saturday with a time of 50.3.
This is his best time of the
season in that event.
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Husker Yearlings Add Sooners
To Postal
The Nebraska freshman
track team continued to show
brilliant times and good team
balance as the defeated
Oklahoma's frosh, 94-23. The
indoor frosh postal was held
Feb. 20.
The Huskers demonstrated
overpowering team balance
as they won 11 of the 14
events held. NU freshman fin
ished 1-2-3 in the 600-yard run,
1,000-yard run, high hurdles,
low hurdles and high jump.
The yearlings also shut out
the Sooners in the pole vault
and mile relay.
Individual NU cinderman
equaled or bettered their pre
vious times as the young
Huskers chalked up their sec
ond win. In their opening
postal, NU blasted Oklahoma
State, 95-19.
Ernest Gunter, the flying
Philadelphian, won the 60
yard dash, high hurdles, 440
yard run and low hurdles. Be
sides these four blue ribbons
he was a member of the win
ning NU mile relay team
which ran a 3:24.1.
Gunter matched his pre
vious 6.8 time in the low hur
dles, a time which is a tenth
of a second under the Big
Eight postal record. Closely
following Gunter in the lows
was Ron Moore, who turned
in a 6.9 time.
Gunter covered the 440
yard course in an amazing
49.7, and equaled liis previous
top times in the 60-yard dash
(6.2) and high hurdles (7.4).
In the high and low hur
dles, a tenth of a second sep-
The Results:
60-yard dash Won by Gunter (Nl, 2
Pfister (N), 3 Vlodman (0). Winner's
time. :06.2.
440-yard dash Won by Gunter (N), 2
Soli (O), 3 Epps (N). Winner's time,
880-yard Run Won by Neff (O), J
Kenny (N), 3 Silveira (N). Winner's
time, 1:59.
Mile Run Won by Stevens (N), S
J. Scott (N), 3 Neff (O). Winner's time,
2-Mlle Run Won by Stevens (N), 2
Neff (O), 3 Frawley (O). Winner's time,
600-yard Run Won by Silveira fN), 2
C. Scott N), 3 Kenny (N). Winner's
time, 1:15.1.
1.000-yard Run Won' by Kenny (N),
2 Stevens (N), 3 C. Scott (N). Winner's
time, 2:23.
HiRh Hurdles Won by Gunter (N),
2 Moore (N). 3 Wilke (N). Winner's
lime, :07.4.
Low Hurdles Won by Gunter (N), S
Moore (N), 3 WUke (N). Winner's time,
:0C 8.
Shot Put Won by Johnson (O), 2
Tomlinson (N), 3 Janovy (N). Winning
toss 48' 4".
Pole Vault Won bv Donovan (N), no
2nd or 3rd. Height 12' 8".
High Jump Won by Wilke (N). 2 An
derson (N), 3 Paulsen (N). Height
6' 1".
Broad Jump Won by Springer (0),
2 Wilk (N), no third. Distance 22' 7".
Mile Relay Won by Nebraska (Gun
ter, Epps, Wilkie, Kenny), 2 OU. Time
Phone GR 7-1211
Track Scoreboard
arated each of the first three
runners, Nebraskans Gunter,
Moore and Fred Wilke.
Ray Stevens clipped a sec
ond off his mile run time, won
the two-mile and NU's Joe
Scott finished second in the
Husker John Silveira, Clar
ence Scott and Bill Kenny
were the top three in the
600-yard run.
Unusual Lead
Defeats Slam
If you like to make positive
statements, bridge is not your
game. As fast as you can
make rules somebody will
find exceptions. For example,
take the case of the opening
lead against a slam.
South dealer
North-South vulnerable)
A 9 3 2
A 10 ft 4
A 10 6 5 S
A 8 54 AKQJ107
V 5 2 y V J
AJ 4Q8743
KQI982 7 4
A 6
V KQ9763
K 10 9 6 2
South West North Eut
IV 2 4 V 4
6 V All Pass
Opening lead 4d
What would you lead from
the West hand against South's
bid of six hearts? Tell the
truth, now, wouldn't you lead
the king of clubs?
If you do, you're a gone
Declarer wins in the dum
my, discarding the low spade
from his hand. He leads the
singleton diamond from dum
my and finesses the nine from
his hand. This is very normal,
since East would almost
surely put up the ace of dia
monds if he had it; and if
East doesn't have the ace of
diamonds South has no good
season to play the king
You win with the jack of
diamonds and return a trump.
Too late. South wins, ruffs a
low diamond in d u m m y to
capture your ace, gets back
with the ace of spades, and
can ruff two more low dia
monds in dummy before he
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A happy marriage of organza with taffeta petal appliques.
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GOLD'E Bridal Bureau v. . Second Flow
Kenny won the 1,000-yard
run followed by Stevens and
Clarence Scott.
Larry Tomlinson took sec
ond in the shot put with a 48
foot toss, bettering his pre
vious mark.
Larry Donovan cleared
12' 8" for the pole vault title
and Wilke won the high jump
and took second in the broad
draws your last trump.
Because of the bad diamond
break South must give up one
of his low diamonds and must
ruff the other three In dum
my. Eventually he draws the
last trump and cashes the
king of diamonds, making
the slam.
It takes a trump opening
lead to defeat the slam. West
gets in with the jack of dia
monds in time to lead a sec
ond trump. Now dummy can
ruff only two of South'! low
diamonds, and the slam Is de
feated. Mind you, a trump Is usnal
Iy the worst possible opening
lead against a small slam. It
turns control over to declarer
and gives him time to develop
his tricks without Interfer
ence. About once a year, how
ever, you get a hand like
this. Everybody at the table
is full of bids, just as though
the deck had nine aces and
seven kings Instead of the
normal quota. When that hap
pens, it's a cinch that some
of the bids are based on ruff
ing power instead of aces and
kings. Lead trumps early
and often do weaken your op
ponent's ruffing power.
Dealer, at your right, opens
with one diamond. You hold:
4 9 3 2, V A 10 8 4, 5,
A 10 6 5 3. What do you
Answer: Pass. You have
fine support if partner can
Did of his own free will, but
you have neither enough high
cards for a takeout double nor
a good enough suit for an
(Copyright 1950, General Feature. Corp.)