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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1960)
"" """"-""I "' T " II III- ,1 .l I II - L lt l l Friday, February 5, 1960 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Thinclads In Dual Saturday Oklahoma State To Test Huskers Coach Frank Sevigne's in door track team will be look ing for its second victory of the young season when they host Oklahoma State Satur day at 2 p.m. on the indoor track. ' The Husker thinclads were victorious in their opening meet, a triangular with Drake and South Dakota State last Saturday. NU scored 93 2-3 points, followed by Drake with 43 1-8 and SDS with 13. Six champions will be de fending their crowns from last year's initial meet be tween the two teams. NU captain Joe M u 1 1 i n s and Bob Knaub were double winners in last year's meet. Mullins won the mile and 1,000-yard runs and Knaub doubled the broad jump and low hurdles. Al Wellman, Husker shot putter, won his event last year with a 46' 8" toss. In the tri angle Saturday Wellman had a heave of 5V2". Ken Ash of Nebraska won the 600-yard run a year ago. From Oklahoma State, returning titlists 'a year ago are Sammy Pegues, who won the high jump at 6' 3", and Miles Eisenman. Eisenman, the Cowboys' out standing distance runner who is defending champion in both the Big Eight indoor and outdoor 2-mile run, won this event last year. Saturday's action will see him competing In both. events. Besides these two, the Cow boys have other top track men, particularly in the pole vault. In this event Aubrey Dooley, a 15-foot vaulter, and Ray Graham, a sophomore, and a brother of Jim Graham who won the NCAA pole vault crown here last June, will be in action for the Oklahoma Staters. Rag Sets Coffee The , Daily, Nebraskan will hold a coffee for prospective reporters or anyone else in terested in working for the paper today at 1 p.m. Have WORLD of FUN I mm Travel with IITA Unb.i.vobl. tow Cost Europe oy mSL h" $75 Orient 1 TT Many lows inc(urf cof'tae credit Alto law-colt trips to Mie $16 up. South America $699 up, Hawaii Study Tour $58 up and Around the World $llv up. 17th YMf Aid You Trove Agent JM So. ktlMt" CMtw 4. U 7H WORLD TRAVEl 1 f fsi60 A date to remember . . . SUBJECT: Caterpillar Interviews for Engineers If you're about to receive your B.S. or M.S. engi neering degree, Caterpillar Tractor Co. is interested in you. Caterpillar is the World's leading manufacturer of Diesel Engines-Tractors-Earthmoving Equipment Our products are everywhere . . . doing the work of the world ... . getting big jobs done in big ways. At Caterpillar youH be doing important and satis fying work in RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - DESIGN - SALES - SERVICE - and many other fields. What's more, youH be able to grow -solidly and steadily along with us. Start thinking about Caterpillar now. Your Place ment Office has more information about us. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. Peoria, Illinois Today at 5 p.m. is the deadline for entering the table tennis and skill pool tournament which will be held in the Ag Union during February. There will be both men and women's divisions with double elimination play. In dividual trophies will be awarded to the winner in each division. The tournament is open to only Ag college students and entries can be made at the Ag union. Billiards Instruction Tomorrow Free Lessons Given in Union Billiards instruction will be given tomorrow morning in the student Union's billi ards room in pocket, co-ed pocket, straight rail and three cushion billiards. Starting time for the les sons is 9 a.m., according to Barney Bauermeister, Union Games Committee Chairman, whose committee is sponsor ing the instruction. Instructors will be Joe John son and George Fisk. John son and Fisk will also discuss rules of tournament play. The rules will be used in the upcoming National Asso ciation of College Unions bil liards tournament. There is no charge for stu dents with identification cards. Bowling Signup Is Next Fridav The deadline for signing up for the Intramural Spring Bowling Tourney is next Fri day at 5 p.m. There is a limit of eight men to a team and the $10 entry fee should be paid at the Lincoln Bowling Alley, 236 No. 12th. Teams should sign up at the alley for the desired day to bowl, and enter on the official I-M entry blank. The defending All-University' champs are the Baptist-Christian-Student Fellowship team, who also copped the Independent crown. The 1959 Fraternity champion was Delta Sigma Pi and the Sel leck title-holder was Mac Lean. 1959 Series Films Ready A 35-minute film of the high lights of all six games of the 1959 World Series is now available to all groups, clubs or organizations desiring it, according to Roger Bottorff, general manager of the Lin coln Chiefs. There is no charge for the use of the film and reserva tions may be made by calling or writing the Lincoln Base ball Club offices. ' DATE; 1 - February eJ 16 and 17, . I 1960 Huskers Nebraska Face Big Nebraska's gymnas tics team puts its undefeated dual record on the line Sat urday when the Huskers clash with Kansas and Colorado College of Education. The event will be scored as a triangular and a double dual. As far as the dual section with Colorado College is con cerned, the Huskers will be an underdog, as the Colorado team defeated Nebraska in the All College Tourney in Colorado. Nebraska has won this tournament six times out of the eight years it has been held. The ten man Cornhusker team will be out to win their fourth and fifth dual meets. Hoevet Coach Jake Geier said that Co-Captain Phil Hall and Dennis Anstine will be held to limited action due to in juries. Anstine and Virgil Hubert are tied for high point hon ors, scoring 28 points in the last three meets. Hall is fol lowing close behind with 27. Geier announced the follow ing squad for Saturday's meet: Dennis Ans'ine Side Horse; Hifh Bar! Parallel Bars; Free Exercise. Don Bell Free Exercise i Tumbling. Don Brass Rebound Tumbling. Karl Byers Side Horse. Phil Hall Free Exercise. Prllel Bars. Flying Kings; Tumbling: Kebound Tumbling. Herbert Hajiick Rings. Nebraska's wrestling team will attempt to snap their losing streak this weekend. The Husker grappless take on the Air Force Academy in a 7:30 p.m. match at the Coli seum, Friday, and Journey to Brookings, S.D. for a dual meet with South Dakota State Saturday. Coach Bill Smith will have only six varsity wrestlers on hand as 167-pounder, Bruce O'Callaghan was declared in eligible this week. Earlier Smith lost Roland Wallick (177) and Phil Johnson (130). Best Husker hopes for a victory in these meets are Heavyweight Jim Raschke, who has a 3-1-3 record, and Wayne Reeve, 137-pound mat man. Probable NU llneuDS! 123 Ted Rethmeier (1-6) 130 Forfeit 137 Wyne Reeve (0-6) 147 Jim Faimon (0-6) 157 Garry Harley (0-4) 167 Forfeit 177 Dan Hoevet (0-4) Hwt Jim Raschke (3-1-3) Coach DicLc i;iass' Husker swimmers have two meets slated this weekend. The NU finmen go against Northwest Missouri Friday night at the Coliseum pool and travel to Ames for a dual meet against Iowa State Saturday night. Klaas was pleased with several NU performances in an 88-11 loss to Oklahoma VolleyballResult Delta Delta Delta-Phi Kap pa Psi defeated Kappa Kappa Gamma-Sigma Alpha Mu. Alpha Omicron Pi-Delta Up silon defeated Kappa Delta Kappa Sigma. Kappa Alpha Theta-Phi Delta Theta de feated Sigma Kappa-Beta Sig ma Psi. Alpha Chi Omega' Beta Theta Pi defeated Wes ley House. OPEN BOWLING SATURDAY ALL DAY SUNDAY UNTIL 6:30 Week Day 9 III :30 Except Wednesday NORTHEAST LANES 4S1S No. it Ml. 4-9427 MflRTH OU HIGHWAY 77 lm'yfAtT mmmmmmmzmtmnitiiii Busy Athletes Weekend last Saturday. "The score at OU was not bad if you con sider we were swimming the fifth ranked team in the na tion," he said. He praised the fine times turned in by Larry Ferrell, Lincoln sophomore, Mihara and Larry McClean on the southern jaunt. Ferrell .Lincoln sophomore, clocked a 2:23.7 in the 200 back stroke against OU, his best time as a Husker. Senior co-captain Bucklin cut two seconds off his best time in the 200-individual medley. Mihara, sophomore from Omaha, trimmed nearly nine seconds off his 440-free style time and McClean, Fremont junior, bettered his season's top performance by 18 sec onds against OU. The Northwest Missouri team, scheduled to perform at 7:00 Friday, are in their first year of competition. Klaas noted, "We are helping them to establish a sched ule." Concerning the Iowa State dual, scheduled for 7:30 p.m., the NU swim coach stated, "From all indications, IS has several outstanding swimmers, and they have had some outstanding competition this season, swimming the two top teams in the nation this year. Paul Witherell, sophomore Cyclone perform' er, is an All-American in any event he swims." "We will give them a good battle tor firsts in several events," he said. Probably NU entries (Friday) 400-medley relay Tomson, Papadakis. Bosveia, rickett SO-freestyle Walton. Smith 220-freestyle Pickett 20O-lnd. medley Bucklin Diving Smith 200-butterfly Papadakis 100-freestyle Walton. Frank 200-backstroke Tomson r 440-freestyle Bosveld, Bucklin - y -200-breastroke PaDadakis 400-freestyle relay Bosveld Pickett Frank Walton Probable NU entries (Saturday) 400-med. relay Ferrell. Stocker, Mo Clean. Bucklin 50-fs Pickett, Frank 220.(5 Mihara, Bosveld 200-ind. med. Bucklin nivlna Walton. Frank 200-butterfly McClean, Papadakis lOO-fs Pickett, Bosveld 200-back Tomson, Ferrell 440-fs Mihara 400-fs relay Bucklin. McClean. Bosveld, 9no-hreastrnke stocker. PapadaKLs Pickett Bushmen Face Okla. The Husker cagers leave bv Diane Fridav headed for Stillwater where they win meet Oklahoma State Satur day night. The Huskers. who notched their first Big Eight victory with a 64-59 win over Mis souri Mondav night, will wind up their southern trip with a contest against (Jkianoma Mondav night at Norman. . The Huskers are currently tied for seventh in the league with a 1-5 conference record. Although Nebraska is 5-12 overall they have scored just five less total points tnan their opponents, 1074 com pared to 1079. Nebraskan Want Ads Ko. Words 1 da. 3 da. 3 da. 4 dsT 1-10 I -o I . I 1.00 11-1 JM .80 1.08 I 1.28 18-20 .80 M 125 1.60 .70 1.10 1.48 I 1.78 fce-ao I .fj I 1.26 I 1.88 2.00 31-85 .90 1.40 1.86 I 2.28 W-40 I 1.00 I 1.66 t 2 08 2.80 These low-cost rates apply to Want Ada which are placed for consecutive oays and are paid for witnin iu nays after Uie ad expires or le canceled. Ads to be printed In the classified action oi tne uauy Drau uiu. be accompanied by the name of the person plaolng said aa. FOR SALE For sale: '58 Metropolitan Hardtop, 3340 North 10th. OR 7-67D0. WANTED una way or rounn irijj riu. i. lr.hrit.rv Is l.curBin ur ir.iu; uti - weekend. Share e X P e n s e.s. Call Wanted: Help type some letters. Eve nings. Phone seven 7 s. Wanted: Male student, live in, part time work. 3201 So. 11th. Phone OA 8-2353, A reader. Contact Melvln Bauer. HE Z-377T, FOR RENT 1909 8 St. well furnished. Fireplace, shower, parking, garage available, Gentleman. OA 3-4040. Comfortable S room basement apt. Two adults. Phone GA 3-7784. 1801 South 13th. Dnm nrivat. hnmc Male or female. Phone OA 3-0853 evenings. 1902 B. 27th. REASONABLE!!! email aparmtent for one student. First floor, wear Dug. ua (wi".. PERSONAL Housetraller, 15-foot, sleeps two. Per feet for bachelor. Trainer By Dave Calhoun Paul Schneider, head trainer for University ath letics, is reported to be in vestigating a training position for a professional football team in Canada. Schneider left Lincoln Mon day evening for Toronto, to talk with officials of the Tor onto Argonauts. He is sched uled to return to Lincoln in time to depart for Oklahoma Snyder with the University basket ball team Friday. Athletic Director Bill Or wig said, "Paul went to Can ada to check the situation out. He indicated to me that he has no great interest in the job." Orwig said that a trip such as this is ' routine." It was reported that Schnei der had been offered a salary matching the one he pre sently receives from the Uni- Dessert Is Set For Newcomers Students who are attending the University for the first time this semester will meet for the Coed Counselors des sert Tuesday at 9 p.m. in the Indian Suite of the Student Union. A u The whole is equal to the sum of its parts (But some of its parts are more equal than others!) lll-MMrl V ft 0 M 4 .v? Hi Even Euclid had to admit... fltbwhaftfe up Euclid proved that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. And if you'll walk a straight line to the nearest pack of Winstons, you'll find it the shortest distance to a really enjoyable smoke. It's the tobacco up front that makes WINSTON TASTES GOOD, LIKE A CIGARETTE SHOULD! Visits versity. He is currently paid $6,500 a year. Schneider joined the athletic staff, as an assistant trainer, in October, 1948. On May 11, 1952 he replace Blaine Ride out as head trainer. Rideout resigned to enter private busi ness in Dallas, Tex. Schneider has been active in nation trainers associations and in 1954 he was elected secretary-treasurer for the 5th District of the National Kreigh, Paul Pace Frosh Sammy Kreigh and Chet Paul are the leading scorers for the freshman basketball team at the end of eight games. Kreigh, Zanesville, Ind., has averaged 13.1 points per game. Paul, 6-5 1959 all-stater from Lincoln High, has an average of 10.4 points. Larry Bemis from Martinsville, In diana .has averaged 9.7 point3 in only six games. The frosh have won five and lost three of their pre-season games with the Campus All Stars and the Football All- Stars. They have averaged 64.8 points per game and al lowed their opposition an average of 61.3 points. The freshmen start off their regular season February 13th against the Iowa State fresh men at Lincoln. IM Basketball TODAY'S GAMES Dental College vs. Physicists Law College vs. Geolograph ers. HOLLYWOOD BOWL Open Bowling Weekdays Till 5 Sat. All Day, Sundays Till 5 24 Lanes Automatic Pinitttart Restaurant . . . Barber Shop 920 N. 48th PHONE m 6-1911 Canada Athletic Trainers Association. He was appointed district di rector in June, 1955. During the 1959 NCAA track meet, held at the University. Schneider acted as head trainer. During World War II Schnei der served with the Army Air Force in the Pacific, as a captain. OrivigSays Grid Job Still Open Braley To Handle . Football Yearlings Athletic Director Bill Orwig said Thursday that Bill Jen nings is still looking for an assistant football coach. Orwig, who has Just re turned from a three day speaking tour, said that Bus Mertes, former Kansas State coach is still a leading contender for the Job. The Athletic Director also said that Jack Braley will handle the husker freshman team next fall. The new assistant will work with the varsity, probably with the backfield, Orwig said. WAKE UP SERVICE OF LINCOLN Serving the entire city with WAKE-UP SERVICI. Any hour of the day or night. ring till you answer" Rates by month week or day. 1312 K St. HE2-524T the difference and that's where Winston packs its own exclusive Filter-Blend a special selection of light, mild tobacco, specially processed for filter smoking. You'll find Filter-Blend gives Winston a flavor without paral lel. In fact, it's axiomatic that. H.J. REYNOLDS TOIACCO CO.. WIHWOIMMJIst. It.ft