The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1960, Image 1

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University Is Willing
To Pave Selleck Lot
Student CoutIV?i5&ig
Board aaommceA-WedjiesdyJ
that the University is willing J
to pave Selleck parking lot.
The plans have been drawn
for this improvement. At the
present time, however, the
University lacks the neces
sary funds for the paving of
the lot. Cost was estimated at
Cut Capacity
Roy Neil, parking board
member, told the Council the
paving project would cut each
lot's capacity by 50 cars since
the paving plans call for en
larged car parking spaces to
enable cars to be parked more
Due to the present lack of
funds, parking permits which
are now issued by the Uni
versity for one dollar would
Sec Picturp
Page 4
have to be issued at five dol
lars or more for money to
float a bond issue, Neil said.
If the fees were raised for
the bond issue, then the Uni
versity would be unable to
issue an excess of permits, he
50 Excess
The University now is
sues permits in excess of 50
of the total parking spaces
available. This termination
of excess issuance would cut
the University revenue from
parking fees since a parking
space would have to be "guar
anteed" for a $5 parking fee,
he added.
The problem of priority for
parking spaces in the Selleck
lot is also to be considered
with the increase in parking
fees, should the increase be
come a reality, Neil Stated.
Spring Day, Union Party
To Continue Collaboration
The question of coordination
of Spring Day and the an
nual Student Union birthday
party was discussed by the
Student Council Wednesday.
Sue Carkoski, member of
tha Student . Union activities
committee, came before the
Council with the question of
coordination between Spring
Day and the annual Student
Union birthday party.
Miss Carkoski told the
Council that the E-Week ban
quet committee had ap
proached the Union manage
ment about the possibility of
holding its annual dinner
dance in the Student Union.
It was also stated that Spring
Day, the Union birthday party
and the E-Week dinner and
dance were all scheduled for
April 29.
E-Week Conflict
The E-Week dinner-dance
would require the Ballroom
for the dinner, which would
be served to approximately
400 people, and the Pan
American Room for the dance
which would follow.
The question posed was
whether or not the Student
Council, which governs the
Spring Day committee,
thought the Union should ac
cept this E-Week proposal if
offered formally.
This question was pre
sented to determine the pro
bability of the Council wish
ing to continue the unofficial
collaboration of the birthday
party and Spring Day.
In the past, Spring Day has
terminated at 6 p.m. and the
Union birthday party has be
gun shortly thereafter, thus
making Spring Day into an
all day event. The activities
committee wished to know if
the Council wanted to con
tinue this collaboration.
John Hoerner then moved
that the Spring Day commit
tee work with the Union on
their party in a cooperative
manner so as to. benefit both.
The motion passed.
The Union activities com
mittee also wished to know
if the entire Union should be
left open for the campus-wide
party or if two of the major
rooms should be tied up with
a single college. A motion
was then made by Don
Gable that the Council rec
ommend the party be carried
on in the way scheduled with
out regard to the E-Week
Banquet. The motion was de
feated. Discussion Advised
The members of the Stu
dent Council felt that it must
legislate only against inter
ference with its Spring Day
committee and it recom
mended that the Union com
mittee discuss the matter and
decide. '
Godbey stated that one
thought in the attempt at
standardization was to require
all activities to check in their
records to the Student Coun
cil every summer.
He explained that the Uni
versity v$ts have enough
paraing spaces on tne campus
to supply ample parking fa
cilities. The other student
parking lot is the Elgin lot.
One suggestion would place
the University freshmen park
ing facilities at Elgin and
permit the other three classes
to use the Selleck lot. Other
suggestions have also been
considered Neal noted.'
Building Rejected
A parking building occupy
ing the present Selleck lot
was considered, but the idea
was rejected due to the pro
hibitive cost. Parking meters
placed in the Selleck lot to
help defray the cost of paving
the lot were also considered
and rejected, he added.
Neil stated that there were
no plans for any of the pres
ent parking lots, other than
continued use for parking. In
answer to a question about
future removal of all cars
from the campus proper, he
said that all University build
ing would take place to the
east of the campus.
Other plans, he said, call
for eventually closing the
streets running along the
south side of Andrews and
Burnett Halls between 13th
and 14th and the street run
ning along the north side of
Love Memorial Library be
tween 13th and 14th.
The present faculty parking
lots would then be paved and
the small mall would be ex
tended across the area be
tween Andrews and Burnett
Halls and Love Library, he
Carl Donaldson, University
business manager, has con
sented to look over a plan to
be presented by the Council
Parking Board along with oth
er parking studies. He will
then make recommendations
to the University.
The Council would hold
these records over the sum
mer and would examine
them. Activities would make
better records if they knew
the Council would review
them, he said.
The Council would work
with the administration to en
force such a statute and the
judiciary committee would
deal with violators through au
thority given them in the
council constitution.
Final Exams
Don Gable, finals commit
tee chairman, submitted a
sample schedule of final
exams for the first semester
of the 1960-61 school year.
Gable drew up a tentative
schedule to present to the
Faculty Senate sub-committee
on final exams along with
the schedule which will be
submitted by the Registrar's
office for approval in March.
The Council reviewed the
schedule and directed Gable
to submit it to the Faculty
Senate sub-committee.
Tuesday's Daily Nebraskan
erroneously recorded the per
centage of how many Delta
Gamma sorority pledges
made their average first se
mester. The estimate given was 20
per cent. The correct amount
is 95 per cent.
Fraternity Pledges Boost
Total of Average-Makers
University fraternities re
port an estimated increase of
11 per cent over last year in
the number of pledges that
attained a "5" average.
An estimated 280 of 412
pledges or 68 per cent made
their average as compared to
only 57 per cent last year.
Almost every fraternity re
corded an increase in per
centage with some increasing
as much as 50 per cent.
Estimated Numbers
ACacia reports that five of
seven made their average
while Alpha Gamma Rho es
timated 15 of 17 and Alpha
Gamma Sigma five of eight.
Alpha Tau Omega reported
15 of 24 and Beta Theta Pi
16 of 22.
Reports from Beta Sigma
Psi are seven of 12 and Delta
Sigma Phi, five of 10. Delta
Tau Delta estimated 20 of 25,
Delta Upsilon 15 of 20 and
Farmhouse 9 of 10.
Two of six Pi Kappa Phi's
made their average and 22
of 24 Kappa Sigmas. Phi Del
ta Theta estimates 12 of 14,
Phi Kappa Psi 19 of 25 and
Sigma Nu 13 of 26. Reports
from Sigma Alpha Epsilon
are 20 of 38, Sigma Alpha Mu
12 of 16, and Sigma Chi 19
of 33. Estimates from Sigma
Phi Epsilon are 17 of 28,
Vol. 34, No. 59
Kingston Trio Returns Say
Kingston Trio will replace Johnny Mathis
ACE Head
Pat Johnson, sophomore
member of Chi Omega soror
ity, was chosen president of
ACE teacher organization
Other officers include vice
president, Gloria Erick
son, Alpha Phi junior; record
ing secretary, Ann Sheldon,
Delta Delta Delta sophomore;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
May Williams, junior; treas
urer, Lynn Tooley, Kappa
Kappa Gamma sophomore;
publications director, Jean
Carlson, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma freshman.
. Publicity chairman Jantina
Dyksterheis, Chi Omega
freshman; historian, Nancy
Hall freshman and state
board representative, Sharon
Anderson, Kappa Alpha The
ta sophomore.
Miss Sue Arbuthnot, profes
sor of education, was chosen
as advisor for the group.
Julie Hathoway, retiring
president, will serve as a
member of the group's advis
ory board. She is a senior
and a member of Pi Beta
Phi sorority.
A new project for this
semester will include work
with children of the St. Thom
as orphanage. ACE members
will help the orphans with
their studies and entertain
them at parties.
Theta Xi 18 of 26, and
Gamma Delta 14 of 21.
Theta Chi and Zeta Beta
Tau would not estimate the
number that made their aver
ages, i
Porter Optimistic
George Porter, IFC presi
dent, was optimistic regard
ing the increase and felt that
it may persuade more sopho
mores and juniors that live
in the dormitories to pledge
"More emphasis on schol
arship is being placed in each
individual house," Porter
commented. "I also feel that
more students, especially
freshman, are beginning to
realize just how difficult col
lege is getting to be."
Help Week Trophy
Winston Wade, president of
Alpha Tau Omega felt that
the Help Week trophy, to be
given by the ATOs, was a
factor in the increase of
The trophy, given by ATO
alums, will be awarded to the
outstanding pledge class on
campus other than ATO.
The winning class will be
judged on outstanding schol
arship, best percentage of
pledges initiated, and highest
composite record of activities
the previous semester.
Judges Select
Traveled Acts
Four traveler acts for
Coed" Follies were selected
Wednesday night from nine
groups which tried out.
The four acts and their
skitmasters are:
Delta Delta Delta, "Uh
Oh", Betty Mencke; Fedde
Hall, 'Lollipop Dance",
Peggy Polk; Kappa Alpha
Theta, "A Girl", "Kerbie"
Nore; and Love Memorial
Hall, "A Visit With Wil
bur", Lorraine Hadley.
The theme for this year's
Follies, which will be held
at Pershing Municipal Au
ditorium Feb. 26, is "Hits
V Misses".'
Begin Drive
The Young Democrqts will
begin their membership drive
YD members will visit
houses and dorms and explain
the function of the group.
Any person interested in
becoming a member but is
not contacted by a Democrat
ic worker, should contact
John Kerwin, at Alpha Tau
Omega house. The member
ship fee for the organization
is one dollar.
Don Ferguson, publicity
chairman of Young Demo
crats, said, "We feel everv
student should be interested
in governmental affairs, par
ticularly the election of public
officials. An organization such
as Young Democrats or Young
Republicans should be among
every students activities."
Several individuals in Young
Democrats have started stu
dent groups to support favor
ite Democratic presidential
Those students interested in
joining the "Nebraska Stu
dents for Kennedy" group
should contact chairman Don
Ferguson at The Phi Gam
ma Delt a house.
Information concerning
Lyndon Johnson may be ob
tained from Pete Riddlebur
ger at the Delta Upsilon
Don Gies, president of
Young Democrats, remarked,
"It would be good experience
for all of those who have a
favorite candidate to join a
campus organization for him."
Sinfonia Seeks
Jazz -Vocalists
Jazz vocalists to perform
with a Jazz Scholarship Con
cert in March are being
sought by Sinfonia, profes
sional music fraternity.
Auditions for the concert
will be held Tuesday from
7-9 p.m. in the Student Union
Ballroom. According to Sin
fonia music director, Frank
Tirro, an accompanist will be
available, but students may
bring their own if they wish.
ii mM J
By Herb Probasco
Corn Cobs announced late
Thursday that Johnny Mathis
has cancelled his Wednesday
appearance at Pershing Mu
nicipal Auditorium.
However, the Kingston Trio
has been contacted to appear
Feb. 24, and all tickets for
Faculty Committee OKs
Pledge Training Creed
The Inter-Fraternity Coun
cil received "unanimous en
dorsement" Wednesday night
of the material set forth in its
Pledge Training Creed.
The endorsement came via
a letter from the Faculty
Committee on Student Af
fairs and was read to the IFC
by president George Porter.
With the letter of endorse
ment came the suggestion that
possible "suspension of pledge
privileges be changed to
"Activities Probation" since
Ups Funds
By $462,648
University Foundation directory-secretary
Branch in his annual report
Thursday noted a 60 per cent
increase in new funds over
the previous record year of
Funds totaled $1,256,426 dur
ing 1959, Branch noted. This
was an increase of $462,468
over the previous year. He
said that assets now stand at
$3,607,111, an increase of $822,
398. Branch delivered the report
at the Foundation's annual
board of trustees meeting.
Elections were also held,
and former Chancellor John
K. Selleck was re-elected
president for an addition
al two year term.
Other officers elected in
clude C. Wheaton Battey, vice
president, succeeding Joe W.
Seacrest; and Howard. Had
ley, re-elected treasurer.
Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din lauded the performance
of the Foundation. He said,
"The Foundation has become
an important integral part of
the entire University program.
Its contributions and support
have strengthened many
phases of the University's
"The citizens of the State
can indeed be proud of the
Foundation's progress," he
Wishnow Will
Talk To PBKs
Monday Night
Nebraska chapter of P h i
Beta Kappa, national honor
ary scholastic society, will
meet Monday at 8 p.m. at
the Student Union.
Prof. Emanuel Wishnow,
chairman of the department
of music, will discuss "Re
cently Rediscovered 16th and
17th Century String Music."
Wishnow obtained the ma
terial for his report while vis
iting England and Italy on a
travel grant from the Uni
versity Research Council.
While there, he searched
the archives for old manu
scripts of stringed music and
selected a number to be mic
rofilmed. Several of the com
positions are attributed to
England's Henry VIII.
Ross Biography-
Is Translated
A biography of Francisco
Madero, written by Univer
sity History Professor Dr. !
Stanley Ross, has been trans
lated into Spanish.
Madero was a leader of the
Mexican Revolution of 1911
and served as president of
Mexico from 1911-13.
The Spanish version of the
book was translated by Edel
berto Orres, former Rector of
the University of Guatemala,
and published by Editorial
Grijalbo. The original version
was published by Columbia
University Press.
u u
the Mathis show will be hon
ored for the trio's perform
ance, according to Howard
Kooper, Cobs booking agent.
Seats will be the same as
those purchased for the
Mathis show.
Came Sunday
Kooper said that he learned
suspension of pledge privil
eges is an action which be
longs exclusively to the Board
of Regents.
Navy Thanks
The IFC also received a let
ter from Captain James Han
sen of the Navy ROTC depart
ment thanking the IFC for
the housing provided for the
Naval Cadet Choir, which ap
peared at the Military Ball.
Details were given concern
ing the contract between Sig
ma Delta Chi and the IFC for
the forthcoming Rush Book
by Bob Blair, IFC vice-president.
Dick Basoco, Sigma Delta
Chi vice-president, told the
IFC that the Rush Book would
be delivered June 1. He also
cautioned Greek houses to
submit copy and pictures on
or before the deadlines; de
linquent houses will have no
page in the book.
Copy Deadlines
Each house will have two
pages. Picture deadline was
sei ior eeo. is ana tne copy
deadline was set for Feb. 26.
The IFC also received a let
ter from Frank Hallgren, As
sociate Dean of Men, inform
ing the IFC that New Student
Week activities would begin
Wednesday. Sept. 14. The let
ter asked IFC to end its Rush
Week activities the afternoon
or evening of Sept. 13.
Ben Prieb, IFC Social com
mittee chairman, told the IFC
that the Orphan's Party would
be held Saturday, Feb. 13
from 2-4 p.m. in the Student
Union Games Room. A magi
cian, University gymnasts and
University coeds will be on
hand to entertain. Food and
refreshments are to be served.
PJ Game
Heads Picked
Technical and musical di
rectors for the Kosmet Klub
spring show, "The Pajama
Game," were announced
Bill Baker will be technical
director. He is a junior at the
University. Musical director
is Bill Hatcher a graduate
student and instructor in mus
ic. Scripts for the show, which
will be presented March 25
and 26, are still available
from 2-5 p.m. at a booth in
front of the Crib.
T r y o u t s will be held
tomorrow beginning at 10
a.m. in the Student Union
Statement Issued
rfigrtl to say twi Johnny a this has cancelled Mw 1m
t.rt engagements of hi university lever, This includes his
engagement at Nebraska, on Wednesday, February 10, 1960. fhss
"ore informed of this cancellation, a Oorn Cob rtprtMnutin
flee ho Chicago to confer with aeneral Artist Corporation, fetal a '
booking agent. Mathis ' agent Mr Robert Eh) en, sale that sthie
nao ip ror no reaaon at el J for them cancellations, out that they
vera definite and final. BMert alao amid that la Us wmntj
rears as a booking agent no one aad cancelled like tale, with ne
tn viee of these circumstances our representative than
attempted w secure a suitable replacement for Mathis. Tt ataa no
possible to obtain ah act of equal quality for the same data, and
ratner tnait nave a second-rate performance, ee nave contracted '
the Kingston Trie for Sednewlaj, February 2k, L960
Tioieete already purchased for the iattde shoe aa? be ret lined.
Additional ticket aa be purchased at rerahinc audi tsrim.
Ticket ej be exchanged for oaan at the Audi toriua boa. effloe m
or before Saturday, February i). l6o.
Friday, February 5, 1960
of .Mathis' cancellation at
1:30 p.m. Sunday, when Don
Romeo o f Romeo-Hammond
Productions in Omaha,
through whom Cobs was work
ing, contacted him.
Monday morning Kooper
flew to Chicago with Ham
mond to talk to Robert Eh
lert, Mathis agent, who rep-'
resents General Artist Cor
poration. He told Ehlert that all
arrangements for the Wednes
day show, including chartered
buses and ticket sales had
been made.
Seven Appearances
They were told by Ehlert
seven college appearancei
and that he had decided that
he only wanted to go through
with two, these being at
Northwestern University and
Michigan University.
Cancelled along with Ne
braska were Ohio State which
had built its whole Greek
Week around Mathis' ap
pearance, Michigan State,
Missouri and Southern Illi
nois. Mathis is now appearing
at the Cocoanut Grove on the
West Coast, Kooper said, and
will open in Las Vegas on
Feb. 17.
Northwestern Tonight
He is scheduled to appear
tonight at Northwestern and
tomorrow night at Michigan,
Kooper added.
Don Horton, who had booked
Mathis at Ohio State, "was
very enraged" by the can
cellation, Kooper said, and
sent out 60,000 copies of a '
release chiding Mathis for his
Kooper said, "we even went
so far as to call Mathis or
his manager, Mrs. Helen
Noga. We were referred to
her attorney, Morton Farber,
in. New York,, who said he
tried everything within his
power to change her mind,
but she still refused," he
'Rest Up'
Only an Act of God could
enable Mathis to break his
engagement, Kooper said.
- An act of God, according to
Kooper, could mean illness,
death or the weather. It has
never been defined in court,
he said.
"It was implied that Mathis
was using the time between
the Michigan date and his
opening in Las Vegas to rest
up," Kooper added.
"What really irked every
body," he continued, "w a s
that we couldn't understand
why he decided to play two
college dates and not tho
other five.
' 'Conceivably, we could
collect damages by filing a
law suit," Kooper explained.
"However," he added; "our
(Corn Cobs) reason for bring
ing Mathis here was. not to
make money but to have a
major attraction at the Uni
versity. "We regret that this has
happened," he concluded,
"but it was beyond our con
trol." Tickets will be refunded un
til Feb. 13, he said.
Ptbrutrt J, 19W
!jOur trjviij,
Dun Binder, rreaident