v. a. .. 4 -U .W' 4 Wednesday, January 13, I960 Page 2 The Daily Nebraskan Editorial Comment: Rebirth of Activity Seen Opinions vary widely on the amount and quality of the activity of such organiza tions as NUCWA Nebraska Council on World Affairs), Young Republicans and Young Democrats. Superficially, it appears that this elec tion year has breathed new life into all three groups, particularly the last two, which have outdone themselves in trying to match and outdo the other in press re leases, scheduled speakers, and so forth. This is an extremely healthy sign on a col lege campus, where by all laws of logic interest in politics and government should be widespread and enthusiastic. However, if this spurt of activity is merely an election year one-shot wonder, both 'Youngs" will have failed in one of their two major purposes, which is to ed ucate and interest young people in the game of politics. And politics is not a sport whose season comes but once every fourth year. NUCWA, which two or three years ago appeared to be solidly established on cam pus, went into a tailspin last year. There are some indications that it is off and moving this year, what with plans to help coordinate the mock Democratic Conven tion this spring and to bring in more speakers. If these plans get off the ground, great! The mock United Nations put on by NUCWA two or three years back, was an . interesting experiment in learning by do ing. When NUCWA turns its collective effort toward this sort of event, we say good luck and let's have more of same. But when a portion of its membership be comes interested in gaining office mainly to further personal ambitions, to be trite, "It's time for a change." Tuesday night was election night for NUCWA. It was the culmination of mere than a week of self-examination and re evaluation. It is sincerely hoped that the new officers will use their energy to turn the organization more nearly into the type of group it is designed to be one to cre ate interest in world affairs, to train col lege students to study more carefully the forces molding world affairs in other words to make the campus acutely aware of what's happening outside and what they can and should be trying to do about it. Seen in this light, NUCWA has the po tential of being one of the most vocal and influential elements not only on the cam pus, but in the state. Whereas some or ganizations on campus must strain oc casionally to justify their existence, NUCWA, the Young Republicans and Young Democrats need never to so. They are the type of organizations about which nearly everyone at one time or another has commented that "if they just had time" they would like to work in them. With this sort of potential, it would be a pity to see any one of them degenerate in to nothing more than a campus political stepping-stone, or go into the eclipse which NUCWA did last year. To utilize this po tential, however, a packed calendar of talks, panels, films and other events is an essential to keeping campus interest at a high pitch. Nixon Still Undeclared Scarely a commentator or news analys ist in the United States has failed to react, in one way or another to Nelson Rockefel ler's announcement not to be a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination. And on the Nebraska scene, in comment ing on the New York Governor's decision, Donald Ross, State GOP national commit teeman, said "the only purpose it (the decision) will serve is to assure that the Republicans will go into the election with a united front, undisturbed by intra party arguments ," It has been pointed out that 1) this means that the GOP will again hold a sterile convention in which the nominee is already decided; 2) the GOP will enter the after-convention contest with no in-fighting on its record (which the Democrats will not, what with their slate of five or six' solid contenders); and 3) that Nixon will undoubtedly run on Eisenhower's record. Not to be left out of the commentating picture, the "National Review" remarks: "This leaves us repeating that it is not a good thing for a great political party to move toward its convention without the cleasing and reinvigorating shock of de bate. Without contest from the left or the right, Nixon, as heir apparent to Eisen hower, is relieved of any necessity to move an inch from a wholly undefined middle of the road. If Senator Bridges, say, or General Wedemeyer were a pre sumptive candidate for the Presidential nomination, Nixon might be compelled to measure his own views against a truly conservative position. Or if he were pressed from the mild left by Henry Cabot Lodge or John J. McCloy he would have to define himself in relation to the "modern" Republican pull. As it is, noth ing will be clarified in the months'that lie immediately ahead." To all of which the die-hard televiewer might observe that watching the last GOP national convention wasn't much fun especially when compared to the show the Democrats put on, and- this one won't be either. M. E. Speaking rr t Kraut By Carroll Kraut The recent extension of hours in Love Library came at quite an opportune time. With finals approaching, the later hours should be a real boon to students who want to get reviewing done in a quiet spot or finish last minute term papers or do research for soma final quiz. It seems like activity people are especially hap py to sea the change, along with students who work afternoons. Before the switchover, only about two and a half hours re mated after dinner fir library research or study. Kn ii'c tin ta four hours. And after a hectic day at the Rag or Corn busker office, for instance, a spot like one of the library study rooms is just the place where minds can make the big switch over to an academic mood. Additionally, having supported later library hours in the past, I feel almost compelled to take advantage of the later openings. And it's so much fun to walk back home late in the evening in these London-type fogs. The new library hours shouldn't be looked at as an arbitrary victory over the administration or some other hazy form of dictatorial power, though, I'm certain that service to the student has been library official's main goal but that lack of cash has been the problem in having to close up shop early before. - The cost of operating a library like ours is a tremendous drain on the dollars pumped into the University by taxpayers. By the time a $5 book goes on the shelf, for instance, it represents a $15 invest ment. The process of selection isn't a hap hazard chore; and proper cataloguing, etc., to enable patrons to find the book also takes up time and consequently money. So we can hardly expect to have the same extensive service and as many librarians during the new late hour? as we get during the afternoon and early evening. At least not until someone taps some untouched resource in this supposed ly great state of Nebraska. Besides it's quieter at night; some librarians have tendencies to shout, not talk, into phones in the reading rooms. With the end of the semester approach ing I feel just about all of us can say that it's been a memorable one. We may remember it as the first, or the last, semester of our college career. Some will remember it for the start of a new romance; others because of some great heartbreak; others because of honors gained . . . The list could go on and on. Besides our personal remembrances, we'll be likely to remember the Nebraska football victory over Oklahoma for a long time. Sports fans, too. may recall the downhill dive of the Husker basketball squad after a blazing start; the politically minded may remember it for the rah-rah visits of the brothers Kennedy and other national figures. But if I don't start studying I may re member this semester as the one when I flunked out of school. Daily Nebraskan SIXTY-NINE YEARS OLD Kacn Associated CotJeriate tnm. Inter collegiate Frew KcpnaeaUtfre: rational Advertistag Serr fee, aorprated rg&Uihei fc Eomb tft, Stvdent VaUm liaeelB, Nebraska 14th K Telephone t-ICZU ext. . ttM. CT w DaHr yearaokaa ! friMd Mtar. tmitmr, m,4m mm, mm rta " ' ,-,-ln , as 4sfm A'lain mm aa rip rr ill, af mm-VTr'-lTli. rMiM aar a arlataa mt tha tZLZZZm m. raMcama. 1 kta 9mm 6tirfM mrmammmim mm aart af tmm (WV ilu, tin ClHnw, or tm Mm aar afaaf iraa aataiaa a lananttr. Tim aawaaara a VmiDi attar mt mm tarn mmrt mt ttmj aar af tmm Saealtf a ataff an anaaW minaallili far vaal tmrf mw. ar l artauM. rcaraarr a. IMS. rate an U mrr naUr ar M far Mm Kmtrrr4 mm mum ram illw at tmm part afflca a Lamia. KatoMka. mmmt tmm aat af AasaaH . lilt. KOTTOKLAL STAFF KMar - Maaa ManrrJI Maaarjfac ClHar ..........- -mfrmM riiaar mmm S4Mot ....................... Uaartt Ealtar , Caay tHr Pat Daa, fmrm Laafcer. Hark Ptvaawa Xira x- Elilar Aaa Mom lair HUM) Jmv laatwfc. Mmtrm I mo. MUw Mttrar. Aaa Umrrr Xmmrt WMttarl. Jim rarnM. trtt Jiaaa. Bvwi fatal a. Otc Mark? By George! t By George Moyer I fv $5L Occasionally, something in the Daily Nebraskan will make me laugh. There are two principal reasons for laughing at the Daily Ne b r askan. The first of t h e s e is when they print s omething they want you to 1 a u g h at which is and usual- Mye' ly reserved for Peanuts. (Although, I get the impres sion that sometimes the staff may be trying just the same.) The other time when it is permissable to laugh at the Daily Nebraskan is" when they make all kinds of silly mistakes, which is generally all the time and not reserved to anyone. The Rag's persistance along these lines is amaz ing.lt has lasted ever since I have been in school which has been five years. In that time.'nine editors have sworn faithfully to the Pub Board that they were go ing to tighten up the writ ing, tighten up the proof reading and really put out a professional type paper. Each time, to the utter despair of the editor, sand dunes pop up in the dessert, people are incited to riot and someone parishes in a veekend automobile acci dent. ' Of course, this happens on any newspaper from I lie incurs Need Actors A reading of the play "The Chairs" will be presented Feb. 16 in Gallery B, Morrill Hall. The play was written by Eugene Iwiesco, one of Eu rope's leading experimental dramatists. "ThP Chairs" is a trade farce about an old couple in their nineties wno are prepar ing for a meeting at which the old man is to deliver his long-awaited message to man kind. Three people are needed to participate in the reading, according to dirctor Bill Lar son, senior in Arts and Sciences. time to time. Not even my late employers, the Lincoln Star, had such an amazing record for screwups as the Daily Nebraskan, iiowever. And the really shocking thing to consider when re grading these errors is that they are made by college students who aren't even supposed to be where they are if they haven't got some ability to handle the Eng lish language. Apparently, the rest of the University must really be suffering it this is what the campus turns out in the way of "best writers." Since the truth Will be known sooner or later any way, I may as well admit that I am the one respon sible for the basketball rat ings across the way on page 3. This was my bright idea for a lead story while sub bing for Hal Brown, who is away in Fremont toiling for Dr. Hall. Any complaints may be addressed to Geo. "Gregg" Moyer, 519 N. 16th Time bombs will not be accepted. Debate Team Meets Success Renny Ashleman and Tom Cooper were one of four un defeated teams at the debate squad tournament at McPher- son College in McPherson, Kan., last Saturday. There were 34 teams in the tournament. The other Uni versity team, Eileen Warren and Bob Austin, won two and lost two. MY AJTH0? DIDN'T RAISE Mt TO Bt A TV AERIAL: UWAtttaMaVt ftttVft Mfttf MftaMaVI 00m oraea Daa Pervaiaa. 4ril Okanraa Onn Daar foaaraaal ....J-r4it isaitsa You'll Enjoy Shopping ot Gold's Gold's OF NEBRASKA Il's the Knit For Fit i-''v'-' This spring more thon ever before yoc'll literally live in this cotton lenit dress! For date, class or tra elinf it' unsurpassed for comfort, lone wear ability, food basic fashion ... wUb never a wrinkle worry. Delisbtfnl cotton knit sheath in shadow plaid of rreen and beife. Siaes 7-15. 14.98 GOLD'S Campus Shop ... Sond Floor The Spring Trend . . Saving with Green Stamps 1 uaiiiiiiiiiiioiiiitimioiiiiimiiirjiiiK ( f I I The Captain's SALE .1 a 9 is still going strong. I Captain's j mill; s . 1127 "R" Stret iiiinipiiiiiiiiniioiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiimtt? GOO!) NEWS FOR lOVERSr Read Nebraskan Want Ads Diamonds within a young budget Every girl's dream -to hvt diamonds proclaim that ihe is beloved! Make that dreim come true with this inspired new ensemble, brilliant with three diamonds in each ring. Both Rings COflC Incl. Fed. Tax -PtUJ Convenient Terms REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Von, TaM" 120 Stmt SST. WW 5? Oil Campus (iutfW Wtua Tttn-aqe Driwf',"TU Many Lore of Dobie Gilii", U.) HAIL TO THE DEAN! Today let us examine that much malipied, widely misunder stood, grossly overworked, wholly dedicated campus figure the dean. The dean (from the Latin deanereto expel) is not, as many think, primarily a disciplinary officer. I!e is a counselor and piide, a haven and refuge for the troubled student. The dm (from the Greek Anno to skewer) is characterized chiefly by sympathy, wisdom, patience, forliearance, and a fondness for homely pleasures like bam-raisings, gruel, spelldowns, and Marllioro Cigarettes. The dean (from the German deangtmnchl to poop a party) is fond of Marlboros fr the same reason that all men of good w ill are fond of Marlboro- becauf Marilmro is an hrnuid cigarette. Tlioe better makin's are honestly better,, honestly aged to the peak of jierfection, honestly blended for the best of all possible flavors. The filter honestly filters. Marlboro honestly comes in two different containers a soft pack which is honestly soft, and a flip-top box which honestly flips. You too w ill flip wlien next you try an honest Marlboro, which, one honestly hopes, will be soon. But I digress. We were learning how a dean helps under graduate. To illustrate, let us take a typical case from the fik of Dean S of the University of Y (Oh, why be so mysterious Hie dean's name is Sigafoc and the Univer sity is Yutah.) m 5 m Wise, kindly Dean Sigafoos was visited one day by a fresh man named Waiter Aguuicourt who came to ak permission to marry one Einma Blenheim," his dormitory Laundress. To the dean the marriage seemed ill-advised, for Walter was only 18 and Emma was 91. Walter agreed, but said he felt obligated to go through with it because Emma had invested her life savings in a transparent rain hood to protect her from the mist at Niagara Falls where they planned to spend their honeymoon. What use, asked Walter, would the poor woman have for a rain hood in Yutah? The wise, kindly dean pondered briefly and came up with an answer: let Walter punch holes in the back of Emma's steam iron; with steam billowing back at the old lady, be would find a rain hood very useful possibly even essential. Whimpering with gratitude, Walter kissed the dean's Phi Beta Kappa key and hastened away to follow his advice which, it pleasures me to report, solved matters brilliantly. Today Emma is a happy woman singing lustily, wearing her rain hood, eating soft-center chocolates, and ironing clothes twice as happy, to be candid, than if she had married Walter. . . . And Walter? He is happy too. Freed from his liaison with Emma, he married a girl much nearer his own aire Agnes Yucca, 72. Walter is now the proud father-ttepfathcr, to lie perfectly accurate of three fine healthy boys from Agnes's 5rst marriage Everett, 38; Willem, 43; and Irving, 55-and when Walter puts the boys in Eton collars and takes them for a stroll in the park on Sunday afternoons, you may be sure there is not a dry eye ir. Yutah And Dean Sigafoos? He too is happy happy to spend long, tiring days in his little office, giving counsel without stint and without complaint, doing his bit to set tha young, uncertain feet of his charges on the path to a brighter tomorrow. e iw Uui We don't Mf that Marlboro 1$ the dean of filter cigarette, but it' mure at the head of the cla. Try tome or if you prefer miktnen without filter, try popular Philip Morris from the mama maker.