J Tuesday, January 12, 1960 Page 2 The Daily Nebraskcn ..... i :! 3 I 4l 1 i f Editorial Comment u .;.?-: v t' ' - Tons of Bubble Gum Speaking of budgets and how can you help .it with tuition-type time coming : President Elsenhower dropped a little bombshell in his state of the union mes sage last week. ' ' ' ' , ' ' i : Seems as if Uncle Sam might come out with about 4 billion (that's right, with a "b" not an "mi") extra-type dollars next year once all taxes are. in and all bills paid. Democrats and .Republicans alike could, hardly have failed to note that $4 billion call buy a lot of pieces of bubble gum ; . . ' ''-: ' ':' Or a lot of votes, depending on who gets the credit for the spending! Mr. Eisenhower mentioned that if the surplus does materialize, it might be ap plied to whittling down our mammoth national debt. Meanwhile, Democrats holding down the majority of the seats in Congress are not too subtly licking their chops at the prospect of the political hay that might be made in spending said sum on pork barrel type projects all of course resounding to the credit of whoever pushed it through Congress." At this early date then, it looks as if ,. the lines may be drawn. If the money is spent to reduce the national debt, the GOP gets the credit for making a gesture . toward sound financing and lowering the tremendous interest payments on the debt. '- ' -' And If the Democrats push for big spend ing -in say, education, or highways, or dam-building or whatever, they can "point with pride',' to the projects for which they are responsible. None of which might come about if . 1) the surplus doesn't happen, or 2) it weren't an election year. Number 2 is the saddest point to men tion. A sum of the proportion of $4 bil lion, secured through no raising of taxes, could do a tremendous amount of good. Without going into the relative merits of how the money should be spent, small voices are already sounding the plea that Democrats and Republicans alike enter a s gentlemen's agreement to use the money wisely, and not to use the spending of the surplus as a platform, plank with all eyes on November. Small voices aren't too effective every fourth year, however, when the presidency is at stake. "Education Plus Responsibility is Labor Problem Solution . . ." read the Rag head line over a story about Bob Kennedy in Monday's issue. Try deleting the words, "Labor Problem" and substitute just about any other major national or international issue. It fits in most cases. And in the case of a sum like an idle $4 million which has been taxed away . from the citizen, that same citizen owes it to his pocketbook, if not himself, to inform x himself thoroughly on how it is spent. He owes.it to his nation to look into the long range ramifications of the disposition of the money, and not just to how it .immed iately affects his town, or his pet project, or his state. "Responsible Spending," would make an excellent campaign slogan for someone. . Px'i W0 WT; Fix Bayonets ! s ' ' Or . .. '. Uli . , . It's ... Time To , Review Nominations in Order Somewhere back in Daily Nebraskan antiquity, the staff conceived the idea that there were "those "heroes" sung and un sung, who make this University what it is. They are both faculty and student person nel, since no university can exist without a faculty, and no faculty can make a solid contribution without the student. Hence th-e. Outstanding Nebraskan award was initiated.. At the end of each semester from 'a list of nominations sub mitted from persons both on and off cam pus,' the staff of the Daily Nebraskan se lects one student and one faculty or ad ministrative, person to honor as an Out . standing Nebrriskan. ' - -,.v. The selection is always difficult, since each nominee's .name is placed in the competition for a particular quality or set of qualities in which he or she excells. Sometimes the award goes to a man who is lauded for being a Teacher one who has that magic quality which can inspire and infect young minds with the burning desire to learn and do more. Sometimes it goes to a student who has been an initiater, a beginner, rather than a follower. But regardless of the qualities of the winner, the Nebraskan has always been proud to honor the certificate win ners. ' The two honorees for fall semester, 1959 60 will be announced in Friday's paper, and will be presented at a luncheon that day. There have already been several fine nominees, but there should be many be fore the 5 p.m. Tuesday deadline. To which can only be added that the only persons considered are those nom inated by someone in a signed letter which reaches the Nebraskan office by 5 p.m. today. Don't wait for George to do it, nominate the person or person whom you feel to be Outstanding Nebraskans. i Was It Worth It All? The big push is really on. Among the juniors, that is. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference to anybody else, but it seems a shame that so much energy should go into that activity known as "Gunning for Mystics." ;,. The honoraries were established for service. This is their excuse for existence, and when seen in this light can perform a yaluable function. Any individual who serves in other activities in order that he may be an Innocent or a Mortar Board does not deserve to be one and the honor will be a hollow one should he succeed. Staff Views: On the Other Hand 40 "f By Sondra Whalen According to the AWS letter sent around to organized houses about the Coed Follies ' tryouts, skits do not have to be more than rough examples of what the finished pro duct will be like. v How wonderful this would be if it meant that characters could use scripts, the chorus could be per formed by just a few and the cosutming and stag ing could be explained in rough drafts. If I remember cor rectly, such steps .were ; advised by AWS several years ago, but no one seemed to pay much at tention to them; If such suggestions were revived, then adhered to by the houses, we would all get more sleep, and Student Health would have fewer cus- tomers., Perhaps houses could get together and " agree not to practice 20,000 hours before going over for tryouts. If all were rough, no one would have an unfair advantage, and houses not getting in would not feel so cheated. . A smaller amount of time would have been spent by everyone, and a smaller amount wasted by those not getting into . the show... ' ; ' ' . Sondra The School of Journalism has again de pleted our ranks by sending their stu dents out on the semi-annual field trips which climax the semester's work. Actually, the trips are. probably the best experiences J-School members get for practicing the fine arts of writing and re porting. For two days, they publish two state daily papers, largely without the aid of any of the regular staff members. ' Although getting up at 6 a.m. can be quite a traumatic experience the first times it's tried (it seems newspapers be lieve in getting that paper out early!) when the paper finally appears, the effort was well worth it. Prof. Jerome Ellison's article in the Jan. 3 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, "Changing Values in College" ties in with the present - University discussion on the honor system. He said that more dangerous than overt cheating is the frame of mind be hind it which he described as ''anti-education". Students interviewed gave pres sure to succeed coupled with fear of fail ure as their reason. . Perhaps another reason that might be mentioned would be that cheating, in mod . erate form, is not actually frowned on. Sometimes the attitude is rather that, if you can get away with it, fine. But as the time-worn statement goes, 'you're only cheating yourself'. : 7 Daily "Nebraskan SIXTY-NINE YEARS OLD tfrtaWt Associated ColierUU Profit, Inter V eollegUts Prett ' SemaeaUtiTet Nation Advertising 8srr- fee. Incorporated . . Pnfcllflied t: Boom 20. Student Union . Lincoln, Nebraska . TdwboM I-MSI. ext. 4325. 2. 4227 Th. Daft NrBnfcfcM hi paMlsa Moadaf. Twmter. ' fnrttt w Ktnarnt Attain m m npfwrtM ?i2ml " rtllt!i rtHI fn atff are pmomnf mfaulHt for wtnt hw 90f, mr ia, or raawi be prlnird. ttbrmmrr , IHt. SnbMrlptm nxn hi H w iiwiiiIw r M for lii. Mxlpmle rw. ' . ttntm m imh Mm aiaMcr at th. pott otnrm tm LlMoln, Nebrukt, under in met f Aafut i, ltl2. 1 E3ITOBIAL BTAfT MltOT Dttum Maxwell MMiaxlnf Bdltar ...........t'wroll Krsn ttimt Editor .SMHir VVhalra Sport. edltmT Hal Bmwn Copy Editor. Pat Dia, Sandra Laakrr, hrrh frnhaora . Wlrht Nnr. Editor Milt Mllroy Staff WrltMa aeaa. JanMek. Karra , I Mllw Mllrey, Ana Umrrt Reports. N taffy Whltfnrd. Jin r.rrnt, Jcrl J oh ooa. Harm Perlmaa, Dirk Stacker BUSINESS STAFF , Ba4r,M Maaaisi Staa Kalmap AHlntant iKwlnrM Maaaam ...... Da rttrnaoa, oil Oradj, Cbarlear Urou Ctrxntatina Manatat Deng oanitah Offlca Maaatar , Artiia JUUen By Dick Stuckey Imagining for a moment that college is enlightening, we look with firey enthusiasm . . . to the' approaching end-of-semester Formats A and B, building upvin the southwest like a locust blought. ' And let's remember real bullets are used here and if no one loaded our guns, then the least we can do is fix bayonets and go stick somebody. - But to the pbint. I have prepared a list, of prime re view questions from, obviously, prime courses for your use in final exams (which consists largely of tests). - Study 'em and remember: The life you learn may not be your own. Instructions: Sign name at top in braille and check which Format your neighbor has. (30 points). Questions: ' I. (From Home Economics 2 (much) Health, Hy giene, and Dirty Germs.) I would rather (choose one or so): (1) pick my eye, (2) pick my nose, (3) pick my neighbor's nose, (4) pick my neighbor's pocket, (5) pick my neighbor's eye, 6) all of these. Note: If you answer "all of these", you go to the Stu dent Tribunal for trying to be funny; if you answer 4, the -Student Tribunal comes to you, and if you answer "pick my nose", you're dead, because the test is machine scored by a sterile IBP.I and them germs on your paper lower your grade.) II. (From Bus Org 24Office Management.) Match the following columns. You have 8 seconds. A. Paper clips. . 2. To rub out misspelled werds. B. An eraser. 1. A littie box on your head. C. Desk top straightening. 3. Your major. i D. A blotter. 4. A blotter. E. An advanced set of reference books on the Malthus theory of inconspicious consumption in relation to the marginal propensity to equate the logarithmic scale . . . , , 5. Whaa . . . 6. Your minor. Note: This is a trick question: You see, the right hand side has an extra item, and you'll be damned if you can remember if desk top straightening is your major or your minor. III. (From Dairy Husbandry 303 Research in Milk Production Problems.) When milking cows, I should re member (1) my family, (2) DH 302, (3) where the bucket is, (4) where my foot is, (5) where the lab instructor is, 6) all of these, (7) none of these. Note: (7) is the one to check, because the right ans wer is obviously "the cow", but few get this right. IV. (From Elementary Education 102 Children's Lit erature.) Match the following books and their authors: 1. Peter Rabbit 2. Boris Pasternak 3. The stork 4 Charles Darwin 5. Karl Marx and James , Hoffa In choosing a . mate, I should consider first (1) sex, (2) species, (3) love, (4) all of these, 5) none of these, .(6) all but 3. Note: Won't you be surprised when you find that 6) is correct. . VI. (From Physical Education 95-Organization and administration of intramural sports.) Completion: ; If your students fail to respond to your cleverly outlined squash and croquet programme, you should: make them do .... pushups. If they don't do the pushups, you should make , them lift .... pounds. If they don't lift them apples, you should make them run .... laps." If they don't run the laps, but revolt instead, yoir should (1) flee to Florida, (2) regret that you have but one life to give to your cleverly outlined squaslvand cro quet programme, (3) burn the town in effigy, (4) Appeal to the NLRB, (5) run them laps yourself, but over cross country, (6) All of these. ' ." " VII. (From Bus Org 295 Human Relations In Ad ministration) Well, yeah, how why not huh? VIII. (From Logic 1 Discusion question.) Why in the hell should one have to go to class when he's got his book and his head if he don't wanna. (Use the back of your desk if necessary.) IX (From Psychology 70 a couple that have been bothering me for some time.) True or False (1) Psy. chology is God. True or False: (2) Sigmond Freud, be cause he has explored it, is our conscience. True or False: (3) .To take a man's, mind and soul is not stealing if he , gives them to you. X. (From ROTC any ROTC) The next war will be hsld on (1) the drill-flight deck, (2) the mall, (3) in the crib, (4) at the grill, (5) none of these. Note: Anyone who answers nine of these is probably an exchange student. Ahhhsooo. Huzzah. Have your paper notary publiced and hand it in to the grad student holding the Gatling gun: on Monday if your last name begins with 3 to 74; Tuesday if it begins with A to ; and Sunday morning if from 12:30 to 1:05 A.M. Paper must be accompanied by student ID, tran script, first semester fee receipt, thesis, lab book, chain mail, chaperone, dog tag, tribunal citation, dean's signa ture and draft card. Ain't we got fun. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS A. 'Peter Rabbit (autobiography) B. The Stork Did Not Bring You C. The Hell the Stork Did Not Bring You D. Gladys Goat and Her Barn yard Friends E. Let's Get Organized V. (From Home Economics 191 Love and Marriage:) Alpha Zeta Meet Tomorrpw Night Alpha Zeta, agriculture hon orary, will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Keim Hall. Discussion, will center on the high school presentations which members of the Club are making in Nebraska high schools. Final Exam Schedule Saturday. Jan. U 15 p.m. All section, of Enflih A. Maodu. J.a. 1 HJ a.m. Claw, meeting at 11 a.m. or 4 day., or MWT or any on or two of thea day.. J-S p.m. C1aea meetln at 11 a.m. TTH oretther one of th.ie two day. All aection. of Speech 9. . T-10 p.m. All .action, of Education 61 2. Tttridir. Jan.' 1 9-1J a.BL Claaaea meeting at 1 P.m. or 4 day., or MWF or any on or twoTof theaa daya. 14 P.m. Claaae meeting at 1 p m. TTH or either oa ' these two dayi. All eectlon. of Buatneaa Organi sation 3 and 4. Wedaaaday. Jib. W 9-12 a.m. Claseaa meeting at 1 p.m. S or 4 daya, or MWF or any one or two ol theae day.. 2- 5 p.m. CI use. meeting at 1 p.m. TTH or either of theae two dayi. At! aectlona of Economics IS, All eectiona of French 11. 1 J. ' All aectiona of Spanieh 51. .13. All section! of Home Econom ic 41, 42. Taaredar. Jan. tl 9-12 a.m. Claaea meting at 3 p.m. S or 4, days, or MWF or, any are or two of the, dtjra. Ctasae meeting at 9 P.m. 9 or 4 daya. or MWF or any on or two of theaa flay. All actions of Economics 11. 12. All Met ions of Edcatfos 30, 31. J-S p.m. Classes meeting at 3 p.m. TTH r either of thaw two days. 11 p m. AU eetiona of IUIH 11. It. IT. 41. Friday, Jaa. 9 9-13 a.m. Claaae meeting at 4 P.m. ( or 4 days, or MWF or any on or two of those days. AU section of English B. 1. J p.m. Claaae meeting at 4 p.m. TTH , or either one of theae two day. AU sections of English, 3, 4. gaturdar, Jaa. 93 9-12 1.1. Clara meeting at 8 a.m. 9 or 4 days, or MWF or any on or two of theae days. 3- 9 P.m. Classes meeting 18 a.m. TTH or either of these t'o days. All sectlsns of Bus. Org. 21. Monday, Jan. 35 9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 9 a.m. 5 or 4 days, MWF or any one or two or theae days. 9-1 m- Classes meeting at t a.m. TTH or either oa of the two days. Tuesday, Jaa. M ...... .... 9-12 a.m. Claases meeting la a.m. 8 or 4 day or MWF or r W one or two of theae day. 3-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 10 a.m. TTH or either on of the tw day. hMilsT I ?Ms f 1 sUlo x vTTpaf !nJ IM 11 V "l T jlil 1 pLiN 3 0 3 y v 9 llIrMl IJa v y T i NV,Tpr.siSii n v Hs h St 4JL 3 T H XH OX D3 Ijln v wl OAHGnON. k lulclwlfllWr"'"0"''- 9VU O Markussen Presented As Queen Jeanene Markussen was presented Friday evening as Miss Block and Bridle by Jerald Gould, chairman of the annual club ham sale. The queen, a sophomore in Home Economics, ' was an nounced at the Block and Bridle-Rodeo Club party and received the title on the basis of votes received from people who purchased hams before Christmas. A total of 280 hams were sold to students, faculty and staff members. 'I THINK HE GIVES HER LOW SRA0E5 OM PURPOSE,' fie 115 neis nm irxic tvizu& THEAA." CROSSWORD No. 2 ACROSS 1. Ruftod rocs" t. Humiliate 10. Rock Hudson typo 1L Rock. Frenchified 12. Kind of pi ami 13. Principle of II vinf 14. Kind of Joint 15. Part of the evening or bar 16. Ellington' Prelude to IT. Confused axil Is indigo 18. The one girl . 19. They've got Menthol Magic S3. Gosh I U. If a ased for raising eyebrows 2. They're at tbe end of Koola 38, Us this when . you run out of ' lis and buta 19. I'll pa; you later SO. This can't b right . 88. This makea things easy 87. Sh. like to be called ing 89. He aot choosy . 40. Apple country 41. BuUgght ehaar 48. Girl found la Li'lAboer 44. Father 45. Jalopy maldn' 48. Mis Flttgerald 4T. We one 48. you I . 49. Diploma decoration DOWN 1. Careful examination 1. Rest up; lie down 8. Skilled worker 4. Gelett Burgess' little creature fi. War god 4. So. African general and uteamaa T. When your throat tells you it's time for .try Kools r8- More Ilk un powdered BOM 9. Boos, razzee, etc 19. Big 19 A crosses ara, 10. Uk s grad tl. Floral hula hoop 12. What to do with 19 Across ,5. Toothy typo 27. Makes a booboo SO. Kind of ling 81. Diaejockejrsvill 82. Open 84. What the gal who got away 85. Lily-Ilk. part ot Maria Caila 88. So. African endoour 38. They don't have Menthol Magic ' St. Mercedes' last nam 42. It ain't a ' 7 3 4 'AREVOUKfJI 7 73 ENOUGH TO J . KRACK THIS? !L - 19 20 I 21 22 23 "" r" 24 27 aWwW,Sff,J,)JBrl, wsaaaj ssaaaMgaai aBawaaaaaaE HasssaassM saaaijassai BBaaaaaa ssagjssssn ill ii.m... gpsBaassBS io ur 32 l " - 33 nnirp" 37 ' 38 j39 40 " IT" 42 """" 43 " "" " , 47, 7T " 49 " 1 ' ' ' .1 I I tL J I I ( When your throat tells J fS yoii its time for a change, ) f jJ you need Hl : YOU NEED THE SjSM ' . sisw aa ' II ZJ V anio Mf MTHOV r n;;yBwprsrf-,;''";"'