Page 4 The Daily Nebroskan Monday, January 11, 1 960 S AUF Drive: Selleck Quad Tops Its Last Donation Selleck Quadrangle tops the All University Fund list for the greatest increase in contributions above last year's figures according to the comparative figures re leased to the Daily Nebraskan Saturday. Selleck's contribution was $517.11 compared to $203.65 donated last year, v Other comparative figures show: . fU I Lad Trar 4 ....$57,7 $20J.$5 Drtva aearN completed. . Cmd. medical and married student . i.N Drive nearly completed.' Oraanned honaee SK.74 161 jj Dnva completed hPleil 109 SO 171.M Drrre eompleted fcrartUee ' looa so 14J4.SJ Drtva nearly completed. OraaaitaUone 285.00 SIS.OO Drive aeartjf compteUd Fraternitwo 414,75 ujeja Drive lesa thaa half completed Faculty Drive - 600.00 (.Expected flffure tor the drive to begia is Marca.) Totata M.TM.fl AUF officials expressed the hope that additional funds from the incomplete drives, particularly from fraternities, See Russia in 1960 Ecmemy StadentTeackef mmner oart, AMoicaa coed acted, bom $495. Kavaaia tjr JafolarcuacA. H-dar Irora Warsaw to- HMirf Visit rami owna phto Major rities. Dimmwmi Crmmd Tmm. Raaaea, Poland, CanclaosJoraiLja, Scandinavia. Vestan Eavope ighHghla, ColUgimto Circle. Hack Sea Croiaav Russia, PoUed, Cxochoalo aekia. Scandinavia, Bent-lax. W. Europe. f aataraj Earopm AiacaMavia. Fint In arvaiUbia. Bedgaria, Roamania, Kassia. Poland. Caechosfevakia, Vroas m EaiuDi acenac warn. Se ywar Trod Agnt Maupintour IZ36 MmarliaarMi. Lawrence. Kan. Typewriters For Rent Koyol . Underwood Smith - Remington Try Oar Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No, 11th Phone HE 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On ENTIRE TIE " regl 2.50-3.50 ...... now would bring the $5,500 goal closer. Sue Carkoski, AUF presi dent, said, "This year AUF emphasized the education of charity giving. We wanted the campus kto be familiar with the function and purpose of each of the five charities they chose to receive their contributions. "We feel the AUF was im portant to the campus in other respects," she continued. "It produced a united effort among AUF workers and volunteers." Civil Service Ups Standards For Clericals A new examination for stenographers and typists has been announced by the United States Civil Service Commission. New qualifica tion standards and higher pay for those qualified to do bet-ter-than-average work have been made. The new standards will be in effect in all parts of the country. All applicants must pass a written test covering verbal abilities, a clerical ap titude test which includes questions in arithmetic, and a typing test. Applicants for stenographer jobs also must take a stenog raphy test with dictation at the rate of 80 words per min ute. Announcements and appli cation forms may be ob tained from Gerald W. Val lery. Civil Service Examiner in Charge, U.S. Post Office, Lincoln. mos STOCK 65 a sale for you to "warm up" to! aV a. Phone HE 2-2042 1127 "R" STREET KNUS Has Disc Show From Crib - The University radio sta tion, KNUS, has gone on the air with an evening disc jock ey show originating from the Student Union Crib. The "Campus Pop Shop,' as it is called, is under the control of the station's pro gram director, Jimmy Ray, and features the top 20 tunes of the day plus campus news and commentary. The program is on the air from 8-9 p.m. Monday, Tues day, Wednesday and Thurs day evenings. Disc jockies for the show are Denny Larson, Monday; Gary Dee, Tuesday; Mel Shauer, Wednesday; and Keai Allen, Thursday. Wilson Fellows Get Assistance From Foundation A $4,000 grant from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has been given to the Graduate College to assist advanced students. A subsidy of $2,000 is given to each Wilson Fellow current ly enrolled in Graduate Col lege. Three-quarters of each $2,000 grant is to be used for assisting any students genu inely interested in a teaching career, whether or not they earlier received Wilson Fel lowships. The remaining quarter is to be used at the discretion of the University to strengthen its graduate pro gram. Howard Carter and Kevin D. Reilly are the two Wilson Fellows at the University. Community Concerts To Present Musical . "Voyage to the Moon," a musical fantasy based on the Jules Verne novel, will be pre sented tonight at 8:30 at Pershing Auditorium, t h e third show in the Lincoln Community Concert series. Admission is limited to sea son ticket holders only. Doors will be open at 7:15 p.m. Concluding production of the series will be the National Ballet of Canada on March 28. the captain announces reduced Re. Sale Price 55 53849 $6250 $349 $70 5Jl49 $7495 .,. $ 49 Osr fnfire Stock! 2250 aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBBaBaaaaBaBaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaBW laaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaBaaakaBaaa TOPCOATS tn,ire S,6cL J55.00 -............... only 5 3 49 i ' ,- " - i LITTLE MAN Sfl'X vl 'ibi','' '"""w'ri'ce T i' V ? If1 IAS Eer . 3 If!,., 'Jm. excuse? tw , f J 1 1 r nLfr t -r- i j. live w-vc. JY.WOKfc ITS Short Plays To Be Given This Week Two student-directed one act plays will be presented by the University Laboratory Theater Friday and Saturday. "The Traveler,"' by Marc Connelly, directed by Karen Walker, will be presented at 8 p.m. both nights in Room 201. The second play, "Day of Storms." an original script by Wilma Wolfe, will be pre sented immediately following in the Arena Theatre by Miss Wolfe. After the performances, the audience will be invited to attend a discussion of "Day of Storms." "The Traveler," a comedy, includes in its cast' Wayne Soukup, Phil Boroff and Bob Gambs. Production manager is J. William Milldyke. The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. m u r- dered by Hitler in 1945. rs the subject for the second play. The cast consists of Julie Williams. Jim Hamsa, Andy Wolvin, Louise Shadley and Foster i Woody) Haecker. John R. Wilson is production manager. A STARTS TODAY Reg. Sale Price 51 695 .V, $1149 $1595 $1049 $1495 . $099 SPECIAL OfflR $499 ON CAMPUS COFFEE -W (TH fKTTt H4&5 TO SKIP NAKF U&.' Rag Applications Are Due Today Applications for paid staff positions on the Daily Ne braskan must be submitted to 311 Burnett by 5 p.m. today. "Positions and their salary on the editorial side a month include editor, $85; managing editor, $55; three copy edi tors, $35: news editor, $65; three staff writers, $35; and sports editor $45. Business positions are busi ness manager, $60; three as sistants, $20 plus commissions and circulation manager, $60. Lag in Business Closes Cafeteria Lack of business is the reason for the closing of the Student Union cafeteria serv ice on Saturdays. This will not affect other , food services of the Union, ac I cording to Union officials. ! Orders for group luncheons ; and dinners will continue to be accepted for Saturdays and no change is being made in: Crib service hours. The Crib is open from.7 a.m. to 1 a.m. ' on Saturdays. 0 or more! SWEATERS Keg. Sale Price $595 $49 $1495 $99 $395 $49 Special Group 5 5 00 Oar Entire SPORT COATS Reg. $4500 . . $4250 . ; 3995 - All Sale$ Are Final, Alterations ate Jazz Festival Appli ication Deadline Set Modern and dixieland jazz groups from the University are eligible" to compete in the Collegiate Jazz Festival of 1960. at the University of No tre Dame March' 18 and 19. Wednesday Interviews Scheduled Interviews y will be hed Wednesday for the Daily Ne braskan sponsored "Best Dressed Girl" contest. . Candidates are advised to wear, street' dresses with ap propriate accessories. They will be asked questions about managing a clothes budget, campus customs, understand ing fashion and make-up. Judges for the contest are Mrs. Naomi Schleis, buyer at Hovland-S w a n s on; Mrs. Ginny Hollenbaugh, - fashion coordinator at Ben Simon and Sons; Miss Mary Louise Babst, fashion coordinator at Miller and Paine, and Quen tin Bengston, owner of Quen- Uh's Town and Campus and Three Steps Up. ' The winner will be an nounced in the Jan. 15 issue of the Daily Nebraskan. Contestants and interview times are as follows: Jeainle Spahnake 7:15 Jarkie Shaffer T:?5 Saeleal Tliompson 7 . Mary Ann Weber 7:45 Kav Stranss 7:55 Janet Hoeppner :05 Jeanne Gamer :15 Perm Praulle :2 Janice Hellwe Ruth Button 0:45 Kay Swoboda , :55 Claire Vrha Rhotla -Skiff : Bonny Aikens :15 Patricia Ope-ll : Kanaarie warts S-35 Patrica 000 Karen Knaub :55 LINCOLN' COMMUNITY CONCERT PRESENTS v Voyage To The Moon' MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 8:30 p.m. Pershing Municipal Auditorium Admiuion br membership only Door$ open 7:15 p-nu SALLI Stock! Safe Price 3149 :2949 $2749 Extra. 5 Reg-125.., 'y The two days of competi tion, including five sets of preliminaries, will include 35 40 groups which will be al loted 20 minutes of playing time each. HI . til 1 J rne groups wui oe juugea by the publisher of Down Beat magazine, the owner of the Blue Note Jazz Room In Chi cago, a well known Jazz musi cian, a music educator and a famous jazzeritic. Winning groups will receive prizes, a booking at the. Blue Note Jazz room for the best combo; a booking at the De troit Jazz Festival for the" best big band, and instru ments and soloist scholar ships for outstanding soloists. The deadline for applica tion is Saturday. , Students who are enrolled or have graduated within the last two years from the University are eligible.' An application fee of $15 is required from each group and will be refunded to those groups not accepted. A three-to-five minute tape recording of the groups also must a comDany the application. It will be used as a basis for se lecting groups to participate. Application and tickets for the festival may be obtained at the Student Union Activi ties office'. , Read Nebraskan Want Ads ' A Good Teachers AeencV DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE Established 1918 serving the Missouri Valley to the West Coast Enroll Sow. i S26 Stuort Blda. HE 2-4954 ! SPORT SHIRTS or DRESS SHIRTS m iJ ORE 3MflillWlaBWf'MM