The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 11, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, January 11, 1960
Editorial domment:
A Leader's Conscience . . .
The time of the big changeover has be
gun. It wont be completed until spring,
but a significant number of major office
holders -in campus organizations have
turned the reins over to their successors
within the past week.
New. blood means new Ideas, new en
thusiasm, new. dreams for improving the
campus, for revitalizing the organization
concerned and improving the events or
services sponsored by the group. This is
the value of change. With new leadership
almost always omes renewed optimism
and enthusiasm.
And, like other organizations, the Daily
Nebraskan will assume new management
at the end of this week. In preparation for
the turn-over, an up-dating of the Nebras
kan editorial files turned up a March,
1953 editorial which has applicability in
this time when so many campus groups
are electing new officers. .
From the "Westminster Chines," a pub
lication of the students at Oregon State
College, the 1953 Rag editor, Don Pieper
took the following "Beatitudes of a Lead
er,"; - ..
BLESSED is the leader who has not
sought-the high places, but who has been
drafted into service because of his ability
and willingness to serve.
BLESSED -is the leader who knows
where be is going,' why he is going and
bow to get there.
BLESSED is the leader who knows no
discouragement, who presents no alibi.
BLESSED is the leader who knows how
to lead 'without being dictatorial true
leaders are humble.
BLESSED is the leader who seeks the 1
best for those he serves.
BLESSED is the leader who leads for
the good of the most concerned and not
for the personal gratification of his own
BLESSED is the leader who develops
leaders while he is leading.
BLESSED is the leader who marches
with the group and interprets correctly
the signs on the pathway that leads to suc
cess. '
BLESSED is the leader who has his
head in the clouds but his feet on the
BLESSED is the leader who considers
leadership an opportunity for service.
A formidable set of goals and yet these
are the things about which anyone hold
ing an office or a position of Importance
should consider. Not all presidents are
leaders. And not all leaders hold office.
To those recently elected to office, the
Nebraskan extends best wishes and a sin
cere hope that you will evaluate your at
titudes toward the position in the light of
this list of beatitudes or any other cri
teria foT judgment
To those seeking office may the most
worthy win, and having won, may they
recognize the obligation for service which
accompanies the honor.
-JaALlfcSWT!50 j 1 1 KNOW IT'S PP&TLWE.' N3tf JT OTS1UL V I "
'( i5Tp VFS
By Sam HaH
We Have No Excuse
It is difficult to know whether amaze
ment or horror should come first upon
reading about this sprinkling of Nazi
linked anti-Semitism occurring in the
United States.
That anti-Jewish feeling has broken out
into demonstrations at all is cause enough
for concern in a nation predicated upon
not just token religious tolerance but upon
a positive attitude of respect for the other
man's beliefs, be they political rr reli
gious. Protestant leaders throughout the
country have condemned vigorously the
minorities both here and abroad who have
been busily smearing swastika's on syna
gogues. What is so amazing about the outbreak,
aside from its utter unreasonablesness is
that Americans could sincerely express
their dislike for something by using the
swastika. Is it that some of us don't re
member what the symbol stands for?
Have we forgotten the brutality with
which that symbol is forever linked? Are
there those who are willing to condone
what Hitler and Co. did to millions of
: Jewish people? .
.. Remember the "Diary of Anne Frank?'
Remember those footsteps and what they
In West Germany, where this outbreak
of anti-Semitism started a few weeks back,
vigorous steps have been taken by Chan
cellor Adenaur and his government to
stamp out the demonstration by taking
steps against right-wing parties. Part of
the -situation there has been blamed on
the influnee of teachers in the German
school system. Most of them who are over"
45, were members of the Nazi party and
still nurse some Nazi feelings.'
The West German government has
threatened to dismiss any instructor who
refuses to teach the truth about the Nazis.
Maybe the damage has already been done
But here, in the United States, where
there should be no delusions about the
Nazi philosophy, we cant very well make
our excuses on the basis of misinforma
tion or misguided nationalism.
Here our only excuse can be that some
of tus must be either very bigotted, very
unsure of our own position, or else just
incredibly stupid and malicious.
By Sam Hall ,
Pity you people who
smoke Marlboro cigarettes
" and drink bourbon whiskey,
for you are nothing , but
"middle-class slobs."
So- said a w-sk
d i v orced . - - f
former Jjt .
ShOW gili, -
member of
C 1 e v e- ,
land's high
society f f n-
picaea up
this enlight-
ening lesson m Soc 53 dur
ing a social calling I at
tended there.
B r a s h 1 y reprimanding
husband number three on
the spot, she explieity in
structed her dawling to
"change back to Parlia
ments or something and
tome sort of Scotch whis
key at once." With the
brands you're using (Marl
boros and bourbon), you're
turning into nothing but a
middle-class slob.
If cigarettes and drink
are factors for determining
social status now-a-days,
then I'm being crushed in
to obscurity by the masses
of humanity piled on top of
me on the social ladder.
This is the only conclusion
.1 could draw, for in my
filteriess Pall Malls and in
my hand was a can of
Leisy's light beer.
I did "sve some consola
tion, though. For (be writing
on the package of my brand
of cigarettes reads "Where
ever Particular People Con
gregate." Thank Heaven I
don't smoke Wings or tip
the corn whiskey jog.
While I was sitting In the
Metropole in New York
City over vacation, a beat-
From the editor desk:
ealr tka
nik named Bert (some
body) strolled up to our ta
ble. He asked if he could
recite to us the shortest
Christmas poem in history
which had been written by
. a beat friend of his out in
headquarters (San Francis
co). "It's got the message,
man," he said. "We con
sented, so he began:
"Christmas Joy and cheer,
Come but nce a year,
I get the slime effect from
I bate snow."
With a casual "Thanks,
man," Bert turned and
walked out the door. We
soon lost sight of him in
the heavy snowfalL
Who's this Rembrandt
. running loose on campus?
Your artistic practices of
slopping paint on various
fraternity doors ' is ugly,
secondly, your style is
cramped and thirdly, the
color of red you use is hid-
Is there another sub-rosa
movement underway on
campus? I doubt it But lit
tel boys must play.
Dr. Treves
Will Visit
Dr. Samuel Treves, Uni
versity instructor of geology,
received permission from the
Board of Regents Saturday to
take leave of absence from
Dec. 15, 1960, to Feb. 1, 196L
During this period. Dr.
Treves will do research work
at the Horlick Mountains in
the heart of Antarctica. He
selected the Nebraska winter
months for the trip because
that is the period of the
austral summer in Anactica.
His trip will be financed
either by the National Science
Foundation or the Interna
tional Geophysical Year Data
Reduction Center at Colum
bus, Ohio, where he has
worked the past two sum
Across the' Campuses: .
Leap Year Warnings
Issued at Syracuse
aaeast KB wares. Wmm
Irwn mill ssas Umtt tee
On Campuses 'n Things sr? ffg
X O LibrarY Criticized hncrn
"- iiiumi
By Diana Maxwell
Items I'd rather not overhear but do:
Pledge 1: We may have an all-night one
tomorrow. Our skit isn't in very good
shape yet
Pledge 2: Yeah. Gee, I hope not I really
need to study.
Pledge 1: Gee, I wonder
if the slumber party to
night is required. I was
up all night last night
studying for finals, and if
I don't get any sleep to
night ...
Pledge 2? Me too, but I
don't suppose we could
get out of it . . .
Pledge 1: I dunno. The
skit's not right 3'et. They
said we'd keep rehearsing until it was . . .
Pledge 2: But I'm so tired ...
And et cetera.
Was it last year or the year before
when Kcsmet Klub drew such a barrage
, of complaint for scheduling try-outs just
before finals? Realizing of course that the
calendar is full, fulL full, it still seems
like inviting trouble to schedule Coed Fol
lies try outs the Tuesday of the week pro
ceeding final exams. ,
That week is normally one of the fullest
academically. Few professors can resist
scheduling an hour exam then, and if the
course requires a term paper, they are
due. Lab books, never quite up-to-date.
are due with all their diagrams dia
grammed . . . and so on. -
And in the meantime each house is try
ing to put together a really clever skit or
traveller act which will give them a spot
in the Follies Feb. 26.
For many of the girls involved, they are
heading intotheir first final exam period.
They have never taken the type of exam
which lasts for three hours and covers
everything from the beginning to the end
of the course. They're scared. I am too,
and I've gone through the whole mess six
times, before.
This past week and the one upcoming
are probably the worst of all possible
times to have scheduled something like
the try outs, which do require a great deal
of previous preparation, no matter how
"rough" the skit might be at the time. No
house hoping to win in competition is go
io to take an unrehearsed skit which still
has many 6erious flaws before a discern
ing set of judges. The whole idea is to
win, and reason tells us that this means
a lot of rehearsal and a lot of time spent
writing. "
I do not mean to attack the Follies. They
are fun, and they provide a good eve
ning's entertainment Also they go a long,
long way to jack up the AWS treasury.
However, when an event causes a serious
strain on the time of students just before
finals particularly where freshmen are
involved, it seems as if the time to evalu-.
ate the net worth of the event has come.
Daily Nebraskan
Ktf&ben Aetoeiftted Collegiate Pre, later-
" collegiate Frew
Keprete&t&tivft: NatlonaJ Advertising 8er.
- iee. Incorporated
FcMlshed at: Room 29. Student Cnlra
Lincoln, Nebraska
14th at B
Telephone S-763L ert 4225. 43SS. 42S7
stuff stn tpflcwftlty iuiipfiMfM6 viv vritflt flv
4a. ar aw to a arintoa, fearaw, a. 10. ,
abMrlvtlaa lataa a ts in itamf ar U tar flto)
saaaMfnr fat.
eiiim a, memt Hum matter a
t the M afra
fa LoMola, Mearaaka. a4w Urn mtt ut lilM 4, UM.
Vh. itoils Nrbraokaa- Is paMtoaal Honda, .
Wmimmdmm aa frlda, eurlm thr adMwl yw. ncrrt
iHa oaaMtna, aea aaam aortaaB. a? ataaiaia at tba
l almotty at Mettraafca anaar tat aatharlmatlaa M tka
Cmaront as Student Artaln a aa rapTwana at aa
asot splnl..n. PaMwatloa aader the larladletMa at ba
Btttmniittr oa tiirm PuhllMMtnaa cha4l be tra,
from xdltnru aeaanmlUB oa h part at tint Bahama.
UM Klalvaratt. ar aa Uw part at aajr para lamai
ealttoa a aa ttw part af ant memaar at Urn tacaitj at .
Maaactnf ttttm
Wawa Kdnar
Sajara) KlUliaj
CT EAL-n ....
KlrW nnra EdHar
aatt fVrttara
darrall Kraa
.... M.aaadra wiialta
Hal Imn
oaaa, Sandra laaker,
Bara fmnaac a
Karaa laag
Jaaaaak. Haraa Laaa. '
MU aUlray. Aaa Mare
. .Raaay Whttfma. J lis rancat. tnt
kaaaa. Barm rartmaa, Dteh ataekay
Macas Hnaaeai
4ra99) .1...
....paa Farcaaaa. oa
fltaa, Owrleaa Uraaa
Ardlta iiiilan
Library Criticized
What Kind of servicaaJid
operation are the students
and Nebraska taxpayers en
titled to in Love Library?
Being both a studnet and
taxpayer I expected effec
tive and efficient service.
Personally I didnt re
ceive the service that I ex
pected I was entitled. I
thought they cant please
everyone so I mentioned
the library service to other
students. The replies were
many and the majority was
not apat on the back for
the library.
Not alL but most of the
library employees just
plain waste time on the
taxpayers money. The em
ployees take unlimited
breaks around campus
which is probably wonder
ful for the coffee retail
ers of America, but not for
the taxpayers.
I also have reason to be
lieve that there are a num
ber of employees lost in the
stacks. I recently asked for
a book and they sent some
intellectually looking per
son to find tie book. After
an hour 1 made up another
slip and the library, helper
didn't come back again but
finally the third time was
the charm. I was informed
their (sic) was no book.
Personally, I have sched
uled an appointment with a
state senator within the
month to see if an investi
gation is in order. The
age and salary structure,
supervision, time - on the
job, and worker qualifica
tions will be the primary,
points of our discussion.
Every taxpayer should be
on guard against misappro
priating state funds ' and
hiring people whose admin
istrative ability is niL -Student
ia ai s
Engage Holly
The January meeting of tne
Nebraska chapter of Sigma
Xi, national science honorary
society, will feature a speech
by Dr. Roy G. Holly, profes
sor and chairman of the de
partment of obstetrics and
gynecology at the University
College of Medicine in Oma
ha. Dr. HoDy will speak on iron
metabolism in pregnancy.
The meeting is scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Dr. Holly has been engaged
ia research in, the general
field of iron metabolism and
anemia in pregnancy.
Haase Attends
Newman Club
National Meet
Jerry Haase attended the
Winter National Executive
Committee meeting of the
National Newman Club Fed
eration during Christmas va
cation. As the representative of the
Central State Providence,
which consists of Iowa, Ne
braska, Kansas and Missouri,
Haase joumyed to Purdue
University, West Lafayette,
The group discussed prob
lems and enacted legislation
on religion and education
programming for the Catho
lic student on the secular
At Svcracuse University
the Daily Orange didnt let
the leap year slide in with
out preparing the campus
for what it meant
Reports a Daily Orange
"Leap Year was the in
vention of Julius Caesar as
a measure to keep calen
dars accurate. Supposedly,
the year 'leaped forward
once every four rounds.
First historical mention
of Leap Year as an aid to
matrimony is a law passed
in Scotland in 1238. This
regulation stated that dur
ing the time designated as
Leap Year a woman could
propose marriage.
"Any man who refused
was required to pay a cer
tain fee. Proof of previous
betrothal was the only
means by which a man
could be excused. Other
countries later adopted
similar laws . . .
"Whether the dark o' the
moon has an effect on husband-hunting
is yet to be
discovered. But 1960 will of
fer two total eclipses of the
moon as well as two par
tial blackouts of the sun . . .
"The - 'Almanac further
recommends that courting
be done during the last
Filial Exam
Sataraar. Jaa. M
J.J p.m. AH apctians af Enflisfc A.
Msadar, Jaa. 1 t
JB. aaasaa meetin at 11 am. S
aa 4 aw ar MWF ar n m
ar taw af tbeat w.
J-J p.m. Classea mewint at 11 a m. TTH
oretthrr an thaae ,w0
Aa aarta af Srwh , 10.
71p.m. AH aacttau f EdacaUoa U
2. '
Taaaia?. lam.
t-11 a m. Oaaaai rneetlnt at 1 p.m. S
or 4 4m. or MWF or aw an
ar twa theae 4m.
t-J p.m. Claaaee wtmj at 1 r m TTH
ar either ant of thear twe dan.
AD aectiom of Busmen Organi-
Katioa 1 and 4.
floaneada,, Jaa. M
-12 a.m. Clasaea roeatin, at I a.m. I ar
4 day, ar MWF or am- one or
twa of thear da.
31 p.m. Classes meeUnf at 1 p .m. TTH
ar atther af theae twa dm.
All pactions af Economic la,
AD aactums af French 11. 1 I.
AH aaeUoea af Spanish SI. 58.
All aactions af Bame Econom
ics 41, 4J.
Taaradar. Jan. Tl
a .BY Claaaa mattnf at S p.m. S ar
4 days, ar MWF or amy aoa ar
twa of thear Sara.
Ciaaaet martini at S p.ra. t ar
4 daya. or kfWF ar any ana or
twe of tbaae days.
All actlous of Economics 11,
AD aactioas af Education 30. SI.
1-9 p.m. Classes martini at S p.m. TTH
or either af theae twa says.
1-1 p.m. AM sections of atath 11, la. 17.
frita. Jaa. tt
Ml a m. Classes meetwf at I P.m. or
4 dan, or MWF or any one or
two of these days.
AH sections af English ft. 1.
1-S pk Classes meetmi at 4 p.m. TTH
or either one of these two days.
. All sections of Enf Usk J. X 4.
Saturday. Jaa. a
-12 a .an. Claaes meeting at I a.m. S or
4 days, or MWF or any one or
twa af tbear days.
1-1 pjn. Classes meeting tt a.m. TTH
or either of these two days.
AO sections of Bos. Org. 21.
Maaday, Jaa. Xfi
t-U a.m. Claaaea meeting at a.m. s or
days, MWF or any one ar
twa of these days.
X-S P.m. Classes meeting at t am. TTH
or either sot of these twa days.
Tuesday, Jaa. tt
f-12 cm. Clauses meeunt It a.m. ( or
4 days or MWF or any ana ar
twa of these days.
S-I PJB. Claaaes meeting at 10 a m. TTH
or either one of theae twa days.
quarter of the moon, noting
that "lunacy is most active
not only among loons.
Grades at USI'
Cardinal Guild at the Uni
versity of Iowa has rec
ommended a new grading
system which would give
more precision to grades.
At Present, Iowa State is
oa the ABC system. The
proposed change would de
fine mathematically what
constituted say, an A as
opposed to an A. At pres
ent, no mathematical dis
tinction is made.
Oaths And Oatmeal
Among the New Years
resolutions made by a co
editor of the Kansas Uni
versity paper were:
". . . we intend to have a
bunch of loyalty oaths
printed up for our personal
use. This way we can
sign one every morning
with our oatmeal to reas
sure ourselves that we are
good citizens. We don't un
derstand just how this
works but one of our
friends said the other night
it was the thing to do.
"We resolve not to join
the Christmas Savings Club
for 1960 regardless of how
many more post cards our
bank sends us . . .
"Also we will try to avoid
national politics. -Although
it's an election year, dis
cussion of issues only leads
to arguments and we don't
want to lose any friends.
If Rocky can stay out of it,
so can we."
No Early Finals
A move to allow seniors
to take final examinations
early was turned down by
the Administrative Council
at Kansas State University
The move had been
pushed to provide seniors
in married housing ample
time to receive grades be
fore having to evacuate
their housing. -In other
words this was to make it
easier for those whose
graduation might depend
,upon the semester's grades.
Audition Winners
Are Announced
Lynn Williams, freshman in
Arts and Sciences, was named
a winner of the Lincoln Sym
phony Orchestra audition.
Miss Williams is a pianist
and performed Ravel's "Con
certo in G Major".
A University graduate, Mrs.
Diane Knotek Butherus, was
the second audition winner.
She sang "Une Voce Poco
Fa" from Rossini's "Barber
of Seville." Mrs. Butherus is
studying voice at the Univer
sity School of Music.
The two winners will ap
pear with the symphony Feb.
Heads LSA
Ttfewly elected president of
the Lutheran Student Associa
tion is Rod Ellerbusch.
Other officers are Larry
Wetzenkamp, vice-president,
Virginia Hansen, secretary,
and Lennart Swenson, treasurer.
"-vtr" " fV it