The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, January 6, 1960
Page 2
Areas of Weakness
Shortly before Christmas vacation, one
of the Student Council vice-presidents
asked several non-Council members to
look over copies of the Council constitu
tion. They were asked to consider it with
view toward making "recommendations
for revision andor amendment.
This is a refreshing commentary on this
year's Council, which at the onset of its
career announced that all campus organ
izations were to be under scrutiny from
the Wednesday crew. All constitutions
were to be revised and re-evaluated in
termi of present needs and present func
tions of the organization.
No official action has been taken, how
ever, by the Council about even the con
sideration of its own constitution. So far
any steps have been of a non-official na
ture. There are several areas in which the
All But John Q.
Anyone who Is feeling cynical these days
of pre-final clutch might well gag over
some of the recent news.
Glad tidings of great joy! No more
steel strike. The downtrodden worker who
earned a meager average of $3.11 an
hour, has once again triumphed over man
agement and has wrested a settlement
which is said will cost industry "well over
one billion dollars."
Sitting in the cynic's corner one notices
that figuring a $3.11 an hour wage on a
40 hour week for 52 weeks, the average
steelworker was drawing just short of $6,
800 a year even before the latest settle
ment This one will push the hourly wage
rata up 40 cents an hour as well as give
other benefits.
Just watch that spiral spiral now.
As the Lincoln Star commented editori
ally Tuesday, management says that it is
pleased with the vice-president's efforts,
the steelworkers union is openly elated
everybody's happy even though manage
ment accepted terms which it had de
clared it could not. Who lost?
Nobody whose wage is geared to cost-of-living
did. Industry won't prices will
probably go up. All of which leaves John
And John Q. College-type finds it dif
ficult not to brood over the salaries which
go to those who tend the furnaces.
And Unbroken, Too
All eight all at once all intact.
A new record. For the first time since
the opening days of the Student Union
addition, all eight glass doors are intact,
unlocked, and in use.
Our cups overfloweth. We enter an era
of peace, prosperity, and unbroken Union
Council might consider whether or not the
present constitution provides for the most
effective type of student government:
1. The lack of direct election of Council
officers tends to weaken the prestige and
influence of Council officers who are by
method of selection far removed from
their constituency the student body.
2. The provision which states, 'Tilings
for college representation are open to
students who will be eligible to serve
their sophomore or junior years," in ef
fect provides that Council membership
shall be drawn from younger members of
the campus community to the exclusion of
seniors other than the five hold-over mem
bers. 3. Organization representation allows an
unwarranted amount of. coed membership
on Council. Of the 12 organizations listed
for membership, five are exclusively fe
male, a sixth providing for a YW or YM
rep insures a female representative. Only
three of the organizations are exclusively
4. The present system of elections does
not encourage development of any cam
paign platform by Council candidates. Of
ficers have made no commitments to
work for specific programs, and repre
sentatives often' are elected to have only a
a hazy idea of the sort of problems with
which they will deal during their year in
It is hoped that a concrete study of the
strengths and weaknesses of the present
constitution will emerge from these tenta
tive steps toward reevaluation of the Stu
dent Council organization.
Meet the Dignitaries
Another dignitary will visit the cam
pus Saturday.
Bob Kennedy, no stranger after the spir
ited activities of his crime investigating
committee, will no doubt have interesting
and varied comments. He's Sen. Jack's
brother, you know.
Kennedy will add to the list of digni
taries visiting our campus this fall Dr.
Tom Dooley, Ann Landers, to name a
couple. Other visitors in Lincoln have in
cluded Victor Reisel, labor columnist who
was blinded with acid by vengeful readers
several years ago; Hubert Humphrey, an
other presidential aspirant, and the other
Kennedy, Demo hopeful for the nation's
top spot.
Dick Nixon may visit the campus in the
What a wealth of information, opportun
ity for thought, and new experience these
visitors bring. It's high time more of us
started taking advantage of what they
have to offer.
M. E. Speaking
By Carroll Kraus Rockefeller from the race the opinion
Nelson Rockefeller's decision not to run polls of GOP leaders throughout the na-
for the Republican nomination for presi- tion comparing his and Nixon's chances,
dent not only has left supporters with Maybe the opinion polls really don't tell
thousands of campaign buttons, pamphlets a candidate what he needs to know. I'nder-
and unusable campaign plans, but it also stand that at a meeting of political science
may have thrown a wLi,js w instructors over the holiday season that
wrench into the mock fI'N $ tne combination of Stuart Symngton-Pat
presidential conventions ? - -- , ; Y. Brown was mentioned as a very possible
planned on campus this JL'-'J ' Demo ticket.
spring. y Jp The feeling among some of the Demo
Young Republicans and s & cratic leaders is that Missouri senator
Young Democrats are to M Symington, as the presidential nominee,
stage simultaneous mock V'v'k can take the Midwest, and Brown, gover
conventions co-sponsored ' nor of California, can swing that state's
by NUCWA. I IT' I neftv bundle of electoral votes from fel-
But Rocky's quitting ap- LJ. U awJ low Califomian Nixon,
parently sets up both the Kraus The largest number of electoral votes,
campus and national GOP those of New York, will go to the Demo
conventions as mere formalities in putting crats since the state tends to follow the
Vice President Nixon's name on the presi- Democratic party and with the defection
dential ballot. of Rockefeller the Democrats will gain
With no other GOP candidates in sight strength, the word is.
it may be hard to drum up interest in The South is counted on to continue its
either the national or local contests. Democratic leanings.
But the Democratic conventions are That leaves only the northeastern and
bound to be good ones, here or away. western states and the Democrats figure
Possible candidates for the Democrat they can ease enough votes from these
choice total at least a half dozen and of states to put their candidates into office,
these it's hard to count any definitely out This may be the plan of only a few party
of the running. members but such a slate does appear
Sen. John Kennedy would appear to be capable of netting a lot of ballots,
the top man, not only in this area but Not to say that the Symington-Brown
throughout the United States, according combination would be any better or worse
to a number of polls taken. than other Democratic combos, but it ap-
But some campus political scientists pears that some party leaders are more in
and Democratic faithful have been telling search of merely gaining the offices than
me he hasn't got much of a chance for the putting the best man for the job on the
nomination. His religion is going to be a slate.
bigger factor than polls have indicated and At least it seems the Republicans sin
bis family background and youth won't cerely believe that Mr. Nixon will make a
help much either, they say. good president, and aren't backing him
His dependence on popularity polls as only because he is a candidate they think
an index to an easy road to grabbing the could win.
nomination might parallel the case of
Thomas Dewey, whose built-up 'dreams But I do hope the planned campus mock
were shattered at the end of the election covention comes off successfully. The
day, 1948. campus Young GOP shouldn't despair.
The polls, too, apparently have driven Someone always can nominate Joe Smith.
Daily Nebraskan
SIXTY-NINE YEARS OLD personally responsible for wM they Mr, er
cua u ao, or cause to be printed. February 8. 158.
Hanbtrt AssooUted Collegiate Press, later. 43,'?''.""" " " PT raMt" " u ,or
Collegiate Prett Entered as seeon) elass matter the pott offle
SsprMUUtivei National Advertising Serr- to NbrMJ;T tV? A""rt mt-
lee. Incorporated bditohiai. staff
Published. t: Room 20, Student Union ManaitnV EdiWV..V.V".V.V.V.V.V.V.'. .camiira
Lincoln. Nebraska " Bondr wnmen
tM. m. R BBOTto Edltot Hal Brown
I4lO en tt Copy Editor Pat Dean, Sandra Laaker,
Telephone t-ISSU ext. 4225. 4226. 4227 Nlrht Stm Editor .JSSSSSS
Th Daily Kebraskaa la publish Monday. Tuesday. Btalt Writer faeaae eaneeek. Karen l,enr,
Vedmoay an rrlday. aortal the aohool year, except Mike Mllroj. Ann Mover
fnrla eaeatloa a ad exam periods, by atudent af the Reporter Naaey Whltford, Jim rarrest, Jert
(jarreretu at Nebraska aader the authorization at tha Johnson, Harvey Perlmao, Dlea Stuekey
QsenmJtte M Student Affair as an expression of atn- .-.,.
4 aatafcn. rahtleasion aader the jnrladletlen of tha BUSINESS STAFf
AuawwnmlUee an feuidea publieatrnaa sns'J be free Bminens Manager Stan KaJmaa
irun editorial eeneorshV an tha part af tha Saheom. Assistant Business Manager Don Fercnuon GU
taw GnlTerslty, or on th part of any person outside Oradjr, (harlenr Dross
k tleJiersltr. The members of the Dally Nebraska Circulation Manatat Doug Younxdshi
anttte at aa th pari of any number ol lb taealty of Office Manacar Aralta tilers
All they ever do 6 eat.'
All thev eiec think
about is eating!
Lhill I " w
Uf. Ira
By Georgel
By George Moyer
The Republicans didn't
wait long to reveal their
party's A number one New
Year's resolution.
Obviously the nation's dy
namic din
saurs are
going to
make 1960
R i c hard
Nixon pres
i d e n t
They be
gan their
five days
early on December 26 when
Governor Rockefeller de
cided to take the subtle hints
wafting from the White
House with all the gentility
of a misguided sledge ham
mer and withdraw from
the race for the presi
dential nomination.
Grand Marshall
On New Year's day the
Veep, himself, appeared be
fore a nationwide TV audi
ence as Grand Marshall of
the Rose Bowl parade and
his comments on the Wash
ington victory were duly
solicited by the press
which obviously has made
no resolutions about giving
the Democrats equal time
in '60.
Then the latest Nixon
spectacular was released
for exhibition in the na
tion's newspapers on Jan. 4.
I refer of course, to the
recently settled steel strike
settled, the press is care
ful to point out, under the
kindly guidance of Richard
Nixon, your friend and
mine, that kindly young
chap who looks just like
the boy down the street,
any mother's son or the
president of the local Jun
ior Chamber.
The truth is, however,
that Nixon didn't settle the
steel strike.
Uneasy Truce
Nixon really purchased
an uneasy truce in the steel
industry with more than a
billion inflationary dollars
in concessions to Dave Mc
Donald and company which
in the long run will cost
the American public tril
lions more in shrinking gold
reserves, emaciated sav
ings and spiraling prices.
And 30 months from now
we will have to do the
whole thing over again be
cause the real issue in the
nation's longest and most
costly steel strike remains
That, of course, is the
work rules question. Man
agement is not going to
give in very easily on this
question. They want to re
tain their right to run their
own affairs, mechanize the
industry, reduce overhead
and bring their product
back to a competitive posi
tion in the world market. -
Thus, in 30 months we
will have the whole thing to
do over again. And Repub
licans talk about the atmos
phere being more conducive
to a settlement because the
political implications in an
election year won't be as
great then is so much hog
wash. After all, anyone who can
add and subtract will see
that 30 months from now
will be early June of 1962,
also an election year.
Of such settlements are
heroes made?
It is interesting to note
that the office of the Asso
ciate Dean of Student Af
fairs for women has tenta
tively suggested, through
statistics released to this
newspaper, that some of
the girls on campus may
' be here just to catch a fella.
With this startlingly real
istic approach for a back
ground, perhaps the admin
istration will start devising
a method for ferreting out
the other people around
here who are just wasting
their time.
It might make for a
smaller University but it
would be a real service to
overburdened parents.
Va-CAA-shun Chatter
It Bugs Me, Man
Set Tonight
New Builders officers will
be elected tonight at the
group's regular meeting.
Students wishing these of
fices have submitted applica
tions to Builders Board. The
Board will do the actual elect
ing of the new officers.
Positions to be filled are
president, vice president in
charge of Agriculture, vice
president in charge of public
relations, vice president in
charge of publications, secre
tary and treasurer.
a- tw ?itjrf!fiti.:
Never before has any diamond shape so strikingly en
larged diamond's appearance and revealed such fiery
radiance, such shimmering beauty.
You are cordially invited to $e
our telection of thes$
dramatic new oval diamond ringt.
We oive
Savings Stamps
worth 5
of your purchase
"Ouollrr Tll" J jHs'U'y
liOU '()' Street aj-
By Dick Stuckey
I fail to see the rationale
for this Christmas time
let's give each other dia
mond rings thing.
Personally, I do not be
lieve in marriage myself.
It is sacreligious. But of
course, my personal opin
ions mean nothing unless a
thousand committees and
43 groups have predeter
mined them for me.
Not Nearly
But a good friend of
mine, Wayne Slurr, recent
ly got married.- And he said
it's not nearly as sacre
ligious as just going steady.
But that's kind of a stu
pid thing to say.
Anyway it's sure not
good to be back I guess
and if anybody asks how
our vacation was, or how
Villeville was, please tell
'em rotten, or what caca
tion?, or damn good and
then don't ask them how
theirs was because you
know they'll say "Just fine,
just fine . . ." Aaaauughh!!
The human race in this
land will surely kill itself
from stupid "How was your
va-CA-shun?'s" and "Isn't
it warm in here's" and
what year are you huh?'s"
and "Sure was glad to
meet your glad acquaint
ance I'm sure I was glad
to sure."
We're Trying
Joe Stalin sure hit it on
the head when he said what
he did about not worrying
about having to beat us be
cause we would beat our
selves because we are right
in the middle of doing that
But that doesn't have
anything to do with getting
married and Wayne Slurr I
suppose because after all
we have got to have more
people born to be in ROTC
and fight and wear their
uniforms home vacation to
show all them spies that we
have a standing 'army etc.
Which is about all they
will be able to do when
the shooting starts.
Anyway, congratulations
to the 40,000 people who get
married, engaged, pinned,
annulled, and hatcheted
over vacation.
And to Wayne Slurr
How was yerr va-CAA-shun,
Waaane? (With midwest
soil-bank type accent.)
SDX Meeting Today
Sigma Delta Chi, profes
sional journalistic fraternity,
will meet at noon today in
the Colonial Room of the Stu
dent Union.
On Campus
1 ttnan
(Author of "I Was a Tten-age Dwarf' "The Many
Loves of Dobie Gillit", etc.)
First Little Story
Once upon a time a German exchange student from old Heidel
berg came to an American university. He lived in the men's
dormitory of the great American university. He was a fine,
decent young man and all the other young men in the dormitory
of the great American university tried very hard to make
friends with him, but, unfortunately, he was so shy that he
refused all their invitations to join their bull sessions. After a
while his dormitory mates got tired of asking him and so the
poor German exchange student, alas, spent every evening alone
in his room. .
One night while sitting all alone in his room, he emelled the
most delicious aroma coming from the room next door. Con
quering his shyness, he walked to the room next door and there
he saw a bunch uf his dormitory mates sitting around and dis
cussing literal are, art, culture, and like that. They were all
smoking Marlboro cigarettes, which accounts for the delicious
aroma smelled by the German exchange student.
'trf'. y toSsA ';ip ""S ?
'-fa smiled ikmi wibtftfltifMJ
Timidly, he entered the room. "Excuse me," he said, "but
what is that marvelous smell I smell?"
"It's our good Marlboro cigarettes," cried the men, who were
named Fun-loving Ned, Happy Harry, Jolly Jim, and Tol'abla
So the German exchange student took a Marlboro and en
joyed those better makin's, that finer filter, that smooth, hearty
flavor, and soon he was comfortable and easy and lost his
From that night forward, whenever he smelled the good BmeB
of Marlboro cigarettes, he always went next door and joined
the bull session.
Second Little Story
Once upon a time there was an Indian brave named Walter T,
Muskrat who had a squaw named Margaret Giggling Water.
Margaret was sort of a mess but she sure could make beaded
moccasins. Every day she whipped up a brand-new pair of
beaded moccasins for Walter, which were so gorgeous that all
the Indian maids on the reservation grew giddy with admiration.
Well, sir, Margaret got pretty tense about all the girls making
eyea at Walter and one night they had a terrible quarrel
Walter flew into a rage and slapped her on the wrist, whereupon
she started crying like all get-out and went home to her mother
and never came back.
"Good riddance 1" said Walter, but alas, he soon found out
how wrong he was, for the Indian maids were not really in
terested in him, only in his moccasins, and when he stopped
showing up with a new pair every day they quickly gave him
the yo-heave-ho. Today he is a broken man, sitting all alone in
his tepee and muttering ancient Ute curses.
Third Little Story
Onee there was a lion which was a very quiet lion. In fact, the
only time it ever made a sound was when it had a toothache.
Tha makers of Marlboro would Wet to point moral toot
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Trg a pack of Marlboro
or Marlboro's sister cigarettes Philip Morris and Alpine-
td gain yourself heap of pleasure.