The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1960, Image 1

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    It's Colder Than...
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COLD SNAP Freeeezing
yesterday, with temperatures hovering
near the zero mark, slowed down campus
activity. The frigid readings, along with
remaining ice and snow left over from
the weekend storm, made driving and
walking unpleasant to say the least. The
University power plant appeared to be
NU Health Service Develops
Diabetes Detection Technique
4Do-It-Yourself Test Strips Involved in Approach
By Nancy Whitford
A new technique for the
early detection of diabetes,
which may 'have nation-wide
significance, has been devel
oped by the University
Health Service.
The new approach to dia
betic case finding consists of
mailing "do-it-yourself" test
strips to persons who are then
asked to return the results.
Significance lies in the fact
that the method is both cheap
and effective.
'Most Eligible' Finalists
To Be Named at Follies
Eligible Bachelor candid
ates have been interviewed
but the 10 finalists will not
be revealed until Coed Fol
lies Feb. 26.
Candidates were judged on
personality, appearance and
their "unattached status,"
according to Bunny Aikens,
Cornhusker royalty section
Houses or residences could
submit one candidate for
each group of 23 yearbooks
sold at the beginning of the
Judges selecting the 10
finalists were Mrs. Bernie
Randolph, Mrs. Amile Pearce
and Mr. and Mrs. Quentin
Rag Picks
For Contest
Three women and one man
will judge the Daily Nebras-kan-sponsbred
"Best Dressed
Girl" contest.
Interviews will be held Jan.
13, beginning at 7:15 p.m. in
349 Student Union.
The Judges are Mrs. Naomi
Schleis, buyer at Ilovland
Swanson's; Mrs. Ginny Hol
lenbaugh, fashion coordinator
at Ben Simon and Sons; Miss
Mary Louise Babst, fashion
coordinator at Miller and
Paine, and Quentin Bengston,
owner of Quentin's Town and
Campus, and Three Steps Up.
Mrs. Frank Morrison,
fashion coordinator at Gold's,
may also be a judge.
Seventeen candidates have
been entered in the contest.
The winner will be entered in
the national contest sponsored
by Glamour magazine. The
10 national winners will then
spend two weeks in New York
City as guests of Glamour.
The winner of the Univer
sity contest will be announced
in the Jan. 15 issue of the
Daily Nebraskan.
Married Student
Dance Is Friday
A dance for married stu
dents is scheduled Friday
evening in the Student Union
Baby sitting facilities and
free movies for the children
will be provided m the Ogal
lala Room from 8 to 11:30
Music will be furnished by
the Kersten Brothers stereo
phonic set. Admission will be
Si oals.
cold weather
Some 1,600 of these tests
were recently mailed to Uni
versity employees. An
additional 3,400 were placed
in University buildings to be
picked up by students.
To date, 585 tests have been
returned by employees and
123 by students. Of this num
ber, 16 were positive. Sev
en of the 16 have been proved
to be definitely diabetic. Four
of the seven were aware of
the condition and three were
not. Three additional persons
Bengston. The five most elgi
ble will be selected at a later
date and they and the run
ners up will be announced in
the 1960 Cornhusker.
Candidates for the titles
and their sponsors are Archie
Clegg, Don Epp, Rus Edeal,
George Fritts, Fred Bliss
and Morris Beerbohm, Farm
House; Jim Brown, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; Art Black
man, Alpha Tau Omega.
Jim Moore, Phi Delta
Theta; Jim Samples, Larry
Frazier 'and Jim Glather,
fielleck Quad; Jim Huge, Phi
Kappa Psi; Dave Anstine,
Kappa Sigma; Jim McKen
ney, Beta Theta Pi; Tom Gil
liland, Phi Gamma Delta.
Al Krizelman, Jerry Rosen,
Howard Lipton and Howard
Kenyon, Sigma Alpha Mu;
John Zauha, - Harlan Haar
berg and Richard Eberspach
er, Alpha Gamma Rho; Fred
Howlett, Ken Tempero, Ber
nie Votava and Dave Godbey,
Theta Xi; Henry Bauermeis
ter, Beta Sigma Psi; and
Doug Sieler and Jim Kow
alke, Delta Upsilon.
AUF Totals
AUF drive totals are not
yet available, according to
Gretchen Shellberg, publicity
She said that the results of
the drive might be ready for
release following AUF's
Thursday night meeting.
Winter Park Is Invaded:
'Skiing Is
Nobody qualified for the
Winter Olympics, but 14
students and their chaper
one returned from Colo
rado with the opinion that
"skiing is great."
The group spent five days
during Christmas vacation
at Winter Park, Colo., as
representatives of the Stu
dent Union's annual ski ex
cursion. One Sprain
Only one member wa3
listed on the casualty rolls
and escaped with a
sprained knee.
The daredevils of the
slopes left Lincoln early
Dec. 29 and traveled in the
clubcar of the Burlington
Zephyr. (Due to overcrowd
ed conditions, the car had
working overtime (at left) as black clouds
of smoke and white clouds of vapor rose
nearly straight into the air. And it was
just as cold downtown as on campus. The
Continental National Bank temperature
sign (at right) reminded passersby of
what their cold faces already told them.
who tested positive have been
identified as "probably dia
betic." "The significance of these
figures lies in the fact that
2 to Vh persons per 1,000 on
the University campus have
been found to have diabetes
without being previously
aware of it," said Dr. Ken
neth Rose, director of re
search for the University
Health service.
"This means that there are
probably 200-250 persons in
the city of Lincoln who may
also have diabetes without
realizing it," he said.
1.7 Cents Each
Cost of the tests is approxi
mately 1.7 cents each, while
similar testing done in a doc
tors office would cost about
$2. However, once a year dur
ing National Diabetes Week,
Nov. 15-31, all doctors coop
erate to run free tests on in
dividuals who desire them.
Due to lack of initiative on
the part of the public, this
method has been successful
to only a limited degree.
Suggested by a consulting
physician to the University
Health Service who wishes to
remain anonymous, the new
idea was given Impetus by
Dr. Samuel Fucnning, direc
tor o f the health service.
Much of the "legwork" also
wag done by Dr. Rose and
Miss Celeste Knipmeyer, pub
lic health nurse.
The importance of early de
tection cannot be overempha
sized, according to Dr. Rose.
One example of this is the fact
that when the body fails to
burn sugar, it burns fat in
stead. This causes the for
mation of certain fatty
substances believed to cause
hardening of the arteries.
Still another result may be
Persons who have family
histories of diabetes should
be especially careful to have
frequent test checks, Dr. Rose
noted. All persons are rec
ommended to be tested once
a year though he said.
Additional possibilities for
the method are seen in the
future when similar test strips
may be used to discover kid'
ney ailments and other dis
Great' Say
been converted from loung
ing for passenger use.)
Several cars were added
to the train which took
them from Denver to Win
ter Park, since skiiers from
all parts of the country
had migrated west for the
Even Ratio
Whether they planned it
that way or not, the ratio of
men and women was even,
seven to seven, plus spon
sor Dottie Holcomb.
Arriving Wednesday
noon, the group checked
out the surroundings and
ended up at a cozy night
spot known as "Adolph's."
One Cornhusker became
Impromptu pianist for the
Early next morning they
donned their parkas and
Vol. 34, No. 1
Due Today
Junior worksheets will re
ceive priority at Administra
tion today as acceptance of
the sheets and card pulling
moves into the second day.
Students who fail to turn in
their worksheets on the cor
rect day may do so the fol
lowing day or next Monday.
Students not turning in work
sheets by that date may re
gister Jan. 29-Feb. 13. New
and returning students also
may register at that time.
Students in Junior Division,
Business Administration or
Agriculture may leave their
add and drop worksheets at
their dean's office before Jan.
20 and the changes will be
made during early registra
Students are to .pick up their
cards and pay fees at the
Men's P. E. building accord
ing to the schedule Jan. 22,
A G; Jan. 25, H-M; and Jan.
26, N-Z.
Those who do not claim
their packets of cards and
pay fees on the correct day,
may do so Feb. 1-6 but a late
fee of $3 will be assessed. If
payment is postponed to Feb.
8-13 the late fee is $4.
Graduate College students
and teachers advanced pro
fessional students register
Jan. 29-Feb. 13.
Make Call
At Library
Alert students prevented
what could have been a seri
ous fire in Love Library Tues
day night, a library official
told the Daily Nebraskan.
They reported seeing a live
spark on the rug in the Orr
American Literature Reading
Room on second floor about
9 p.m.
Seven local fire trucks
rushed to the library, and
firemen tore out a radiator
panel where a cigarette had
The library had smelled of
smoke during the day, but the
source had not been detected,
the library official said.
He said a similar incident
several years ago resulted in
considerable wall damage.
There was no damage to the
wall, rug or books this time,
he said.
Home Ec
Madge Haumont and Rose
mary Kuhl will vie Thursday
for the presidency of the
Home Economics Club.
Students with Club mem
bership cards will be eligible
to vote in the election which
will be held from 4 to 5:30
p.m. in the Ag Union Lounge.
Other nominees are: secre
tary, Gladys Rolfsmeyer and
Mary Anne Weber; treasurer,
Virginia Sagehorn and
Jeanne Spanhake.
Publicity chairman, Elaine
Bath, Vera Egger and Judy
Yaryan; membership, Carma
Anderson, Nancy McGath
and Sonya Erickson; and his
torian, Kay Anderson, Gayle
Blank and Janice Scott.
Members are asked to work
on their service projects while
NU Fans
had their first taste of ski
ing via two professional les
sons. Most of the say was
spent mastering fundamen
tals and learning how to
fall gracefully.
New Year's Gathering
New Year's Eve found
our heroes gathered around
the lodge's new fireplace,
celebrating with students
from Minnesota, Texas and
Iowa State who also were
staying there.
Thursday and Friday
were donated to skiing, with
three students taking to the
lift on the experts' slope.
They also watched jump
ers training for the Olym
pics at -Squaw Valley,
Calif., next month. One
skier was seen coming
down the slopes with a ba
by on her back.
Nebraskan Opens
Nominations for "Outstand
ing Nebraskan" opened to
day. Letters may be submitted
to the Daily Nebraskan of
fice, Room 51 in the base
ment of the Student Union
until 5 p.m. Tuesday. One
and one faculty member will
be selected for the award
which will be announced in
the Jan. 15 issue of the paper.
Semester Awards
Both men and women are
eligible for the title, present
ed at the close of each semes'
ter. Any student or faculty
Judy Hanneman Voted
President of Tassels
Schreiber Elected Vice President
Judy Hanneman was elect
ed president of Tassels at the
organization's Monday meet
ing. The new vice president is
Sue Schreiber. Kay Stute is
secretary. Other officers in
clude Mary Erickson, pub
licity chairman; Diane Tinan,
treasurer; and Ginny Hubka,
notifications chairman.
Miss Hanneman, junior in
Teachers, is rush chairman
for Delta Delta Delta sorori
ty, and past Tassels publicity
Miss Stute, junior in agri
culture, is a member of IWA
J. MATHIS One of 10 stops.
Ticket Sales
Begin Today
For Mathis
Tickets go on sale today at
the north entrance of the Stu
dent Union for the Johhny
Mathis program Feb. 10.
"We want to provide Uni
versity students with the op
portunity to buy tickets first
as it is primarily a Univer
sity activity; however, after
Friday we will offer the tick
ets to the public," said How
ard Kooper of Corn Cobs, the
sponsoring organization.
"The nrocram is not a
money-making project or one
only for entertainment but
one which Corn Cobs believe
will bring prestige to the Uni
versity and pride to the stu
dents," Kooper added.
The Nebraska program is
one of 10 stops in the nation
which Mathis is making on
his special college lour.
Tickets are available to
day through Friday at prices
of $2.95, $2.25 and $1.50.
Famous Novelist
Newly Appraised
By Dr. Hough
The hook. "The Quiet Reb
el: William Dean Howells as
Sncial Commentator." writ
ten by Dr. Robert L. Hough
of the University department
of English, is a recent publi
cation of the University
The new appraisal of the
famous American novelist is
concerned primarily with
Howells' T'A-i as a social re
former from 1900 to 1920,
when he was the occupant of
the "Editor's Easy Chair" on
Harpers Monthly.
Many observers believed
Howells' interest in social
reform died with the defeat
of the Populist Party m 18,
Prof. Hough writes, but to the
contrary Howells continued to
speak for reforms such as
prison reform, woman suf
frage, abolition of capital
punishment and world government.
member may nominate a can
didate. Letters stating the reasons
for nomination must be sub
mitted in writing and signed
by the person making the
Names of persons making
nominations will be kept con
fidential. Nominating letters
become the property of the
Daily Nebraskan and any or
all parts of the letter may be
printed in the paper.
Outstanding Contributions
Faculty members nominat
ed must have been on the
board, Phi Upsilon Omicron
and courtesy chairman for
Hospitality Day. Both Miss
Stute and Miss Hanneman
were 1959 Homecoming Queen
Miss Erickson is a mem
ber of WAA board, vice presi
dent of Aquaquettes and a
member of Coed Counselors.
She is a sophomore in Teach
ers. .
Miss Schreiber is a junior
in Arts and Sciences, a Red
Cross board member, vice
president of Sigma Alpha iua
honorory and vice president
of Sigma Delta Tau sorority.
Miss Hubka is a member of
Builders and co-chairman of
the Student Union dance com
mittee. She is a sophomore in
Miss Tinan, sophomore in
Arts and Sciences, is a mem
ber of Builders and Student
The new officers will be in
stalled next Monday.
Application blanks for paid
positions on the Daily Ne
braskan may be picked up to
day at the office of adviser
Dr. Robert Cranford, 311 Bur
nett. They should be turned in
by next Monday.
Editorial positions open and
salary per month are: edi
tor, $85; managing editor,
$65; three copy editors, $35:
news editor, $65; three staff
writers, $35; and sports edi
tor, $45.
Business positions open in
clude business manager, $65;
three assistant, $20 plus
commissions; and circulation
manager, $60.
Interviews, which are held
by Pub Board, will be held
at a date to be announced.
New Center
The new Newman Student
Center is nearly "two-thirds"
complete, according ot the
Rev. Charles J. Keenan.
The building at 16th and Q
is enclosed and all windows
or temporary windows are in.
Carpenters are now work
ing on walls and partitions in
the interior of the building.
The Rev. Keenan expects
the building to be completed
by the Aug. 1 target date. He
said the construction was not
affected by the recent steel
"All our steel was ordered
and arrived early," he said.
Catholic students have fceen
attending services in tem
porary quarters at 1112 Q St.
Young Democrats
Plan Two Events
University Young Demo
crats will meet in 332 Student
Union at 8 p.m. Thursday.
Plans will be made for the
coming mock convention and
this Saturday's convocation
presented by Robert Kennedy.
ASAE Elections
The American Society of
Agricultural Engineers wil
meet tonight at 7 in 206 Ag
Engineering Hall. ,
Election of officers will be
held and refreshments will be
1 served,
Wednesday, January 6, 1960
University staff for at least,
two years. Both students and
faculty members must have
made outstanding contribu
tions to the University. Can
didates may not be a paid
staff member of the Daily'
The spring awards went to
Phyllis Bonner, senior in Arts
and Sciences, and Bob Han
dy, activities director of the
Student Union.
Other student winners have
been Steve Schultz, Sandra
Reimers, Diane Knotek Bu
therus, Gail Katske Wishnow,
John Gourlay, Tom Novak,,
Bob Novak, Marv Stromer,
Jack Rodgers, Eldon Park,
Don Noble, Robert Raun and
Mrs. Ernest Herbts.
Past faculty winners were
Dallas Williams, director of
the University Theater; Dr.
George Rosenlof, dean of ad
missions; the Rev. Rex
Knowles, student pastor of
the Congregational-Presbyterian
House; Mary Mielenz,
professor of secondary educa
tion; Frank Hallgren, assist
ant dean of men.
Ferris Norris, chairman of
the electrical engineering de
partment; Duane Lake, man
aging director of the Union;
Dr. O. K. Bouwsma, profes
sor of philosophy; Dr. Carl
Georgi, chairman of the bac
teriology department; Eman
uel Wishnow, chairman of the
music department.
Donald Olson, assistant pro
fessor of speech, and W. V.
Lambert, dean of the College
of Agriculture.
New Program
Is Inaugurated
YWCA cabinet applications
are now available.
Persons interested in a
chairmanship of a Y commit
tee should pick up their appli
cations at the YWCA office in
the Student Union.
The deadline for applica
tions is Monday. Interviews
will be held Jan. 12 from 3 to
5 p.m. and Jan. 13 from 2-4
Positions Open
Positions open include
chairmanships of the follow
ing committees: membership,
publicity, worship, love and
marriage. Bible study, fac
ulty firesides and community
A student Christian Council
representative will also be
Other possible committee
chairmanships may be added.
They would include campus
problems, religious groups,
public offices and projects.
The Community. Service
committee is inaugurating a
new program this year. It will
serve as a clearing house for
volunteer service in the com
munity. Community Service
Fraternities, sororities and
other organizations may con
tact the YW committee for in
formation concerning com
munity services available as
possible projects. The com
mittee will serve as a media
tor between social service
agencies in Lincoln and Uni
versity groups.
The new cabinet members
will be introduced to the Y
members at a YWCA Coke
party to be held Feb. 4 at 7
p.m. at the Lutheran Muaent
House. Interested persons
may sign up for committee
work at this time.
Outstanding group workers
will be selected as part of the
new program this semester.
Selection will be announced at
the May Morning breakfast.
Japanese Film
Showing Tonight
A Japanese film, "Samur
ai," will be the foreign film
society presentation tonight
at 8.
The color film is an Aca
demy Award winner pre
sented by William Holden. A
war movie, the theme is built
around the "Legend of the