The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, January 5, 1960
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
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Hit. Jl . -
TALL CAGER-Sophomore Wayne Hightower Is the tall
est member of coach Dick Harp's Kansas basketball
team. Kightower stands 6-8!i and tips- the scales at 192
pounds. He was the leading scorer in the Big Eight pre
season tournament.
KU Quintet
To Invade
Soph Hightower T
Leads Jayhawks
Kansas, Big Eight tourna
ment runners-up, will provide
the opposition Saturday as
Jerry Bush's quintet makes
their first home appearance
since Dec. 17.
The Jayhawks, in their
fourth season under coach
Dick Harp defeated Okla
homa State and Oklahoma be
fore bowing to Iowa State 83
70 in the finals of the pre
season tournament.
7-4 Record
Led by sophomore Wayne
Hightower, the Kansans have
won seven and lost four. In
cluded among their victims
are Northwestern, North Car
olina State, San Francisco
and Brigham Young.
Hightower Is a 6-8 for
ward from Overbrook High
School in Philadelphia, tne
same high school Wilt Cham
berlain attended. He averaged
25.7 points per. game and 21
rebounds as a freshman last
year. Hightower was the lead
ing scorer in the B 1 g Eight
pre-season tourney.
Another highly promising
Kansas sophomore is Jerry
Want Ads
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Start the New Year out right. Talis
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Read Nebraskan
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KANSAS SOPHOMORE Jerry Gardner, a 5-11 guard is
one of many outstanding sophomores in the Big Eight this
year. He will be appearing in Lincoln Saturday as the
lluskers host Kansas at 8:05 p.m.
Four Nebraska Cagers
Answer to Name 'AT
Iowa State Wins Big 8 Opener
As Nebraska Rally Falls Short
A rally by J e r r y Bush's
Hustling Huskers in the final
minutes fell short as Iowa
State took a 57-53 verdict
over Nebraska in the Big
Eight opener for both teams
at Ames Monday night.
Trailing 38-52 with about
eight minutes left in the
game, the battling Huskers
fought back to pull within
three points at. 56-53 with
1:22 remaining but that was
as close as they came as tne
Cyclones held on to take the
Maxey Scores
AlJWaxey started the Ne
braska rally with a jump shot
and a free throw. Sophomore
Rex Swett added two more
jump shots before Ted Ecker
hit . two layins for the
Cyclones to make the score
board read 56-43.
Maxey and Wayne Hester
then added set shots, Bill
Bowers hit a layin and Hester
connected on another layin to
pull the Huskers to within
five points at 56-51. After
Swett narrowed the margin
to three points, Bob Stoy of
Iowa State made a free throw
to end the scoring for the
Nebraska gained possession
of the ball and called timeout
with 31 seconds remaining but
Gardner, a 5-IIV2 cuard from
Wichita, Kan. He averaged
22.5 Doints per eame as a
freshman last year.
The Javhawks have five let-
termen returning from last
vear's team that commled an
8-6 conference record to fin
ish in a tie for third place
with Colorado. Kansas had
an 11-14 overall record.
Returning letterwinners are
Kill Bridges. Al Donaghue,
Bob Hickman, Jim Hoffman
and Dee Ketchum. Donagnue
and Bridges were the eighth
and tenth leading scorers in
the conference last year with
13.8 and 13.2 averages re
Bridges was named to the
all-conference team last year
as a sophomore. He scored
308 points and pulled down
343 rebounds during the sea
son.. These mam are toppeji
only by ciyae Loveneue ana
Wilt Chamberlain as Kansas
Saturday's game at the Col
iseum will be the opening
test for the Jayhawks in the
conference chase.
Four "Al's" on the Univer
sity of Nebraska basketball
team leads to confusion some
times. Al Maxey, Al Buck, Al
Roots and Al Olsen cause
coach Jerry Bush to specify
last names when he calls for
Al Maxey is a 6-3 junior
from Indianapolis, Indiana.
Last year Maxey scored 384
points and was second only
to Herschell Turner in both
points and rebounds. Bush
said that Maxey is one of the
greatest hustlers he has ever
The next Al is also from
Indiana. Al Buck, 6-9 sopho-
IM Basketball
Alpha Gamma Sigma vi. Air Mea
Alpha Gamma Bho vi. Cornhuskeri
Kiesselbach vs. Van Es
Acacia vs. Zet.-. Beta Tan
Manatt-A vs. Avery
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MacLean vs. Bessey
Brown Palace vs. Beta Sigma Pa
Gus I-A vs. Seaton I
Canfield vs. Benton-A
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Delta Tau Delta-A vs. Theta Xl-A
Delta Upsilon-A va Sigma Nu-A
Open Bowling Weekdays Till 5
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020 N. 48th PHONE IN 6-1911
more, is from Fort Wayne.
Buck was an au-state selee
tiou in high school. Nebras
ka's future success depends
a lot on this big center, ac
cording to Bush.
Among Al Roots' basketball
qualifications are his selee
tions as all-state in high
school and Junior College All
American. Al is a junior, al
though it is his first year of
varsity competition for the
Cornhuskers. He is from Kan
sas City, Missouri.
Al Olsen is a 6-2 sophomore
from Deer Park, New York.
He was selected to the all-
Long Island team in high
Unitas Honored
Johnny Unitas, passing star
of the National Football
L e a g u e's champion Balti
more Colts, has been named
America's outstanding ath
lete of 1959 by the Phila
delphia Sportswriters Assocl
Main Feature Clock
Stuart: "Never So Few,"
i:4U, :zu, 7:;iu ,9:40.
Lincoln: "Operation Petti'
coat," 1:45, 4:20, 6:50, 9:25.
Nebraska: "Little Abner,"
l:oo, 3:12, 7:23, 8:34.
Joyo "Pillow Talk," 6:00,
9:20. "Tarzan The Ape Man,"
Varsity: "Happy Anniver
sary," 1:1, 3:17, 5:24, 7:31, 9:38.
State: "They Came to Cor-
us ,rr a.js.-. . ) f n fin
pura, i.Ub. j.uj. .io, i.jii,
couldn't pull the game out
of the fire.
The Huskers also rallied
late in the first half to pull
within f our points at half
time 31-27. With Iowa State
leading 19-9 midway in the
first period, Hersch Turner
hit a jump shot and a free
throw, Jim Kowalke scored
on a jumper and Bob Harry
connected on a layup.
Jump Shots
Kowalke and Turner then
hit jump shots as the Husk
ers reduced the Cyclone mar
gin to two points at 22-20.
Vinnie Brewer, Iowa State
Sports Signals
by hat brown
Since the old year has gone by the boards and the new
year is here in full swing, let's take one final look at 1959
and pick out some of the high and low spots in Husker sports
during the past 12 month period.
BIGGEST UPSET There isn't much doubt about this.
It has to be the football victory over Oklahoma as the
Huskers ended the Sooners undefeated con
ference string at 74 games and to make it
even more spectacular it was Nebraska's
SEASON Tony Sharpe's baseball team
which wasn't supposed to cause much
trouble in the Big Eight. But the Husker nine
finished the season in second place with an
11-4 record, second only to NCAA champion
Oklahoma State. Nebraska still had a mathe
matical chance for the crown going into the
Brown final series with Kansas State but their hopes
were washed away when the first game was rained out.
team that at times looked like world-beaters and at other
times looked terrible.
MOST EXCITING MOMENT The final moments of the
Nebraska-Oklahoma football game when with Nebraska lead
ing and Oklahoma's Bobby Boyd trying to pass for a TD
against the gallantly fighting Huskers.
whose antics on the bench are worth the price of admission.
walke, Nebraska eager, whose name very seldom hits the
headlines but who is one of the steadiest and most depend
able men on Jerry Bush's quintet.
BIGGEST LOSS The loss of freshman coach Warren
Schmakel is a blow to the Husker recruiting program and to
the coaching staff. Nebraska's freshman gridders went
through two successive undefeated seasons since Schmakel
took over the frosh in 1958.
stant hustling keeps the pressure on the opponents and gives
the Husker fans something to cheer about.
TOP NEBRASKA ATHLETE Nebraska has its stars in
each sport, Herschell Turner in basketball, Joe Mullins in
track, Jim Raschke in wrestling, etc., but Harry Tolly gets
this corner's nomination as the top athlete for his participa
tion in both baseball and football. Tolly didn't star in either
sDortl3urhe Was a vaTuable"assert6 both Teams. He was one
of Tony Sharpe's leading pitchers last spring and played an
iron-man role as a quarterback on Bill Jennings grid squau.
ting the basketball team the day before the Big Eight pre
season tourney opened only to rejoin them the next day in
time for the opening game of the tournament.
sophomore who was voted
the outstanding player in the
pres e a s o n tourney came
back with a jumper for
the Cyclones.
Turner and Brewer then
swapped buckets before Jan
Wall made good from the
charity line and Maxey
scored on a tipin to make the
score 26-25 in favor of Iowa
Jay Murrell, Cyclone sopho
more from Omaha, hit three
free throws and Brewer hit
another jumper ag the Cy
clones pulled away once
more. A 35-foot jump shot by
Turner as the first half buz
zer sounded made the half
time count 31-27.
Iowa State opened the sec
ond half by racing away to
their biggest lead of the eve
ning 52-36 before the Husk
ers started their last half
Nebraska could find the
range from the field only
three times during the frigid .
first 10 minutes of the second
period as the Big Eight tour
nament champions pulled
away to a 16 point lead.
Kansas State is the only
Big Eight team to come clos
er to the Cyclones than Ne
braska did Monday night. The
Wildcats forced Iowa State
into an overtime before losing
84-83 in the opening game of
the Big Eight tourney. The
Cyclones had little trouble
disposing jOf Colorado and
Kansas in other tourney
Nebraska hosts Kansas Sat
urday in their next encounter
and Iowa State travels to Ok
lahoma State Saturday.
Empty cigarette packs
and the organized house
with the most empty
packs will win A REVERE
Contest Ends
Jan. 6, 1960
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