The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1959, Image 1

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Oaths' Value
Sec Page 2
Art Display Might Go
As Result of Robbery
A recent theft of another
piece of art from the Student
: Union may result in w i t h
drawal of all paintings now on
Allen Bennett, Union man
ager, said Thursday that the
exhibit supplied through the
facilities of the University
art department may be with
drawn. 'No Funds'
"We are faced with the
situation of either removing
the collection of purchasing
insurance against further
thefts," Bennett said. "At the
present time, we have no
funds which could be used to
Rush Book
Sigma Delta Chi. men's
professional journalistic fra
ternity, has been awarded the
contract for the 1960 IFC
Rush Book.
SDX and Theta Sigma Phi,
women's journalism profes
sional, had shown interest in
putting out the book.
In a vote of 17 to 4 the
IFC awarde 1 the $3(K) c o n
tract to Sigma Delta Chi for
the fourth straight year.
Criticism Earlier
Earlier this fall criticism
was presented against SDX.
IFC Vice President Bob Blair
said that the main criticism
was the fact that the Rush
Book was delivered to the
printer late, thus delaying the
delivery date to prospective
freshmen rushees.
Wednesday evening Blair
listed (several complaints
against SDX saying the
printer, "was upset about the
delay in copy bocause be had
to reschedule the vacations
of the employees."
The entire executive coun
cil agreed that last year's
Rush Book was one of the
'best in the .country."
'No Decision'
Normally the executive
council selects the group to
publish the Rush Book. How
ever, Blair decided to pre
sent the matter to the entire
Interfraternity Council say
ing, "The executive council
could not make a decision
for reebmmendation after
last week's interviews with
Sigma Delta Chi and Theta
Sicrma Phi."
Herb Probasco, representa
tive for SDX, presented his
group's ideas and stressed
the Sigma Delta Chi will take
measures this year to see
ihat all deadlines are met.
The IFC also has taken
measures to insure deadline
dates. This year a penalty
clause has been added to the
, Theta Sigma Phi also was
supposed to present ideas,
however, its representative
Jailed to appear at the meet-
VOL. 34, No. 49
insure a collection of major
"The Union cannot guar
antee against further, thefts,
and we must satisfy our
moral responsibility to the
art department," Bennett
Norman Geske, director of
the University Art Galleries,
said Thursday that although
the art display in the Union
"was a promising project, if
the students can't take re
sponsibilities, we can't afford
to leave the display there
"It is a drastic commen
tary on the student body of
the University of Nebraska,
Geske stated.
Bennett said that it was
"inconceivable to both he
and Geske why one individ
ual would jeopardize every
one'? enjoyment of the dis
plays." Abstract Charcoal
The picture stolen was de
scribed as an abstract char
coal drawing by Marcia Lag
ing. The picture was located
in .Music Room "A." A paid
attendant is on duty in that
vicinity at the master sound
control for the music rooms
from 8:30" a.m. until 10 p.m.
The attendant has a view
of all the rooms except the
greater part of Music Room
"A". Campus police have a
list of all who were in the
room since it is required that
one sign in and out but they
have been unable to come to
any definite conclusions yet.
Another painting, an ab
stract oil painting by Ruth
Williams which was also in
Mticis Room "A", was de
faced by circles and a face
drawn in pencil.
Theft Before
Earlier this year a -water-color
painting by Dick Moses
was taken from the Union.
At this time, it was said that
another theft would result in
withdrawal of the entire dis
play. Bennett and Geske said
they were of the opinion that
the Union was the logical
place to display the various
works of art since they were
all done by University stu
dents. "
It has been a custom that
art students leave one' or
two of their best paintings or
art work as a gift to the
University, they said.
Geske, as chairman of the
art department, is in charge
of keeping and displaying
these art works at the ad
vantage of the art depart
ment. Research Group
Schedules Tours
Midwest Research Institute,
Kansas City, Mo., will hold
open house between Christ
mas and New Year's for visit
ing scientists and v graduate
Persons desiring tours are
to call Dr. Max Thornton,
vice president and technical
director, from. 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. December 28-30. The
number is LOgan 1-0202,
Kansas City.
nrv7 nnnrTMT n Qiiyn
Regents Accept $250,000 Memorial
For Construction of Art Building
Christmas came early for
the University Thursday.
A $250,000 gift from the
Woods Charitable Fund Inc.,
was announped for construc
tion of a memorial art build
ing adjacent to and in archi
tectural harmony with the $3
million Sheldon Art Gallery
at 12th and R.
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ART BUILDING SITE The site for the
new Sheldon Art GaUery and NeUe Coch
rane Woods Building will be this area at
12th and R Sts. The Old Administration
Student Council :
By Mike Milroy
The annual Christmas par
ty dominated the scene at the
last Student Council .meeting
of the year Wednesday.
A short business meeting
was held prior to the long
awaited arrival of Santa
(Jack Nielsen) Cla'us. The
meeting was called to order
by Bob Krohn, first vice pres
ident, who assumed the top
post while Santa was climb
ing Mo his required regalia.
Fred Kickers, chairman of
the open totise committee,
reported that the committee
held a luncheon with the di
rectors of the Science and Ag
Day and Home Ec Hospitality
Day recently.
The main topic of discus
sion was problems encoun-
. ji l l. : I , f i ...
taking and possibilities of in
corporating the days into an
All-University project with
similar purposes.
The library committee read
a letter to the Council from
James Pittenger assistant to
the chancellor. The letter
stated that .. Pittenger was
looking into the "recommen
dation made concerning the
Campus Police situation" and
he would thus be in k posi-
tion to discuss the entire pro-!
posal with the committee.'" J
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terry.- .i.iirigtinas
The Rat Staii
iveiy near.' ioo
W Ml )) si KV'(
The Board of Regents ae
cepted the gift in a special
Art Pioneer
The building will be de
signed to provide increased
classrooms, studio and fac
ulty offices for the depart
ment of art, now housed in
the two top floors of Morrill
Building .(left
Santa Makes Scene
The letter was directed to
Fran Spoeneman, chairman
of the committee, in connec
tion with the recent report
and request for an extension
of hours at Love library.
Don Gable, chairman of
the final exams committee,
said that the final exam
schedule appearing on the
back of the class catalogue
for the spring semester is er
roneous. According to Floyd Hoover,
Registrar, approximate
ly 1,000 were printed before
the omission of 1 i n a 1 exams
scheduled for Tuesday, May
24, was noticed. The correct
ed schedule will be available
The meeting wai. then ad
Builders To Lose Mielenz
Miss Mary Mielenz, profes
sor of secondary education,
has announced her retire
men ' as Builders' adviser
after 14 years of service to
that organization.
Her retirement will be ef
fective at the end of this
school year, it was revealed
at the annual Builders'
Christmas dinner. She was
presented with a plaque in
appreciation for her services.
- An
Although a final name has
not been decided, the build
ing will bear the name
Nelle Cochrane Woodsy pio
neer worker in the Nebraska
Art Assn. -
The fund is being adminis
tered by Frank M. Woods of
Chicago and Tom Woods of
background) will be re
moved, but most of the trees will be preserved.
journed and Santa appeared
dressed in the traditional red
suit and whiskers, complete
with an exceptionally square
pillow for the necessary pad
ding. The jovial Santa, described
by one Council member as a
"contemporary," then pre
sented gifts and poetic greet
ings accompanying them to
the various members and the
faculty advisers.
Presents received varied
from 'chameleons to flat bas
ketballs to scratch pads for
narrow minded people. The
chameleon made his appear
ance in full living color, the
basketball was very flat and
the scratch pad was about
one-half inch wide.
Loys Mather, ag public re
lations assistant, - was given
a 'plaque as the outstanding
Builders Ag assistant. The
city award went to LaRae
Richter, special edition as
sistant. Worker certificates were
presented to 18 freshmen and
sophomores who committee
chairmen felt had done an
outstanding job for the organization.
0 IV'
mm II
Friday, December 18, 1959
Lincoln, who both attended
the Regents meeting.
Tery had stipulated that it be
used exclusively for gallery
and exhibition rtnrnnsps
.ii i ..-c 1
TTTancellorClifford Hardin
told Regents the Woods Fund
stipulates that the new build
ing will have a minimum
snarp of ?.(! OHO nuar inni
AflffiroTalctfhstmMi-til93 ata, the time of her
would be financed through
1 the University's share of the
I state institutional building PVarat. 01 ecwrs of the As
1 lew Hjociatinn. replacmg her hus-
The gift will also finance re
moval of the Old Administra-
Other Stories
See Page 4
tion Building, scathwest of the
Gallery site.
Dr. Hardin predicted the
University would have "one
of the most architecturally
attractive art centers on a
collegiate campus" with the
completion of both new build
ings. He pointed out that renova
tion of the Elgin Building will
provide space for architec
ture classes, conferences and
institutes, mail room and
telephone switchboard now
housed in the former Admin
istration building.
Park Setting
He said no additional build
ings are planned on the 12th
and R site and that the park
like setting would be pre
served. Dr. Hardin said the Woods
Courses Are
Not Required
If a ' student is interested
in teaching, he should not
count himself out because
he lacks specific training in
education, according to Miss
Mary Watson, director of the
Co-operative Bureau, for
The Co-operative Bureau of
Teachers is a non-profit or
ganization which devotes it
self to teacher recruitment
and placement.
Miss Watson said there is
an increasing demand for
liberal arts graduates as
teachers in both private and
public schools.
She said there were many
interesting teaching openings
that do not require a degree
in education or a prescribed
number of education courses.
Miss Watson added that many
independent schools and a
number of public schools now
prefer teachers with a sound
and thorough liberal arts
background over those who
have i specialized teaching
Fall' Fighting
See Page 4
gift was a fitting tribute to
Mrs. Nelle Cochrane Woods
whajiad played an important
f ste in the growth of the Ne
braska .Art Assn. A native of
IjUiiwts', she came to Lincoln
invA J:i i -1 r
iu loot anu uicu Bl me age IH
80 in 1950.
Mrs. Woods was continuous
ly a sustaining member of
the Nebraska Art Assn. from '
Beam, in iwl sne wu
elected a member of th
band' who had served briefly
as a director and vice presi
Upon her death, one-third
of her net estate was left to
the Woods Charitable Fund
with the proviso that the
trustees set aside a separate
Fund of $25,000 for the bene
fit of the Nebraska Art Assn.
to purchase paintings for the
"Nelle Cochrane Woods Col
lection." Other Gifts
Previous gifts for the same
collection of $2,500 in 1953 and
$2,500 in 1954 made a total
of oyer $30,000 available for
annual purchases during a
12-year period ending in 1964.
This collection will be housed
in the new Sheldon Art Gal
lery. In addition, the Wroods Fund
set up in 1954 with the Uni
versity Foundation, the
"Nelle Cochrane Woods Fel
lowships" which have made
$12,000 available annually for
graduate students in the
School of Social Work.
Among other grants given
through the University Foun
dation were $1(10,000 in 195!
to start the student mental
health program, and since
1954, $15,000 a year for facul
ty traveling fellowships in the
In the years since its found
ing in 1941 by Mr. and Mrs.
Woods Sr., Fund grant!
through the University Foun
dation have now reached a
total of more than $590,000.
Hours Sel
A I Librarv
For Vacation
Special library hours have
been announced for Christ
mas vacation.
The building will be open
Saturday from 7:50 a.m. un
til noon and . closed all day
Monday through Wednes
day, Dec. 21-23, the library
will open at 7:50 a.m. and
close at 4:50 p.m. Thursday
through Sunday, Dec. 24-27,
the building will be closed.
During New Year's week,
Dec. 29-Jan. 3, the above
opening hours will be in ef
fect Monday through 'Thurs
day but be closed F r i d a y
through Sunday.
Regular beurs will resume
Monaa', Jan. 4
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