Finishing Touches I v 4 'v r, - WEATHER BUREAU Richard Myers (left), meteorolo gist in charge of the Lincoln- Weather Bureau, keeps in touch with 0. C. Hirsch, contractor who is putting the finishing touches on the new Bureau quarters in the former Elgin Building. After an absence of four years from the University campus, the weathermen will move back after Jan. 1. The quarters will be in the fifth floor of Elgin, next to he roof. . 'Neb. Hall,' Old One, May Fall Elgin Bearing . Building's Name The University campus now has two Nebraska Halls but by next fail the old landmark at 11th and T will probably be removed. Elgin Building which was officially named "Nebraska Hall' by the board of Regents in September, 1958, will have its first occupants in Jan uary. "I'm looking forward to seeing the first departments move in for operation. It'll be a landmark in my position to see this building come into use." said Carl Donaldson, University business manager. He said that the building. which is equivalent to the size of six regular campus build- inss. can be put into use only as funds can be nbtained for remodeling. The conservation and sur vey department which is now the onlv department in old Nebraska Hall will be the first to move in after the Weather Bureau is located there. Donaldson said that by spring another list will be up for consideration of contracts. The aim for 1960 is to have old Nebraska Hall, the oldest building on campus, now be vond use, to be removed so that there will be only one "Nebraska Hall." I . .. VOL. 34; No. 48 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesday, December 1'6, ,1959 Steps own Rev. Rex Knowles From Presby House Pastorate Traditional Song Fest Is Thursday Yuletide music of all kinds will be presented during the 12th annual Madrigal Christ mas Concert Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. , The traditional concert, presented by the Madrigal Singers, will include hymns, traditional carols, songs of old customs and songs of children and adults. Also included on the pro gram will be: "The Soldiers Chorus" from the opera "Amahl and the Night Visi tors" by Menotti, and the traditional children's favor ite, "T'was the Night Before Christmas." Soloists for the concert will be Terry Otto of Phillips, "Lullaby on Christmas Eve," and Amer Lincoln o f Brad shaw, '.'Cherry Tree Carol." The approximately 30 mem bers of the Madrigals present unaccompanied and recrea tional singing, under the di rection of John Moran, as sistant professor of music. Derived from customary 16th century Madrigal style. The program will be present ed with singers seated around a table covered with wnite cloths and set with candles, eoblets and a punch bowl. The concert is open to the public- Rev. Rex Knowles, known as "the ideal student pastor" to many will leave the Uni versity campus and assume duties in Kentucky Feb. 1. After 12 years as campus pastor Pastor Knowles stat ed, "Heave with mixed emo tions.. It will be exciting to start new work yet it is hard to pull up roots in a place you love so much." His new position will be Dejan of the Chapel at Centre College of Kentucky. It is a Presbyterian related liberal arts college founded in 1810. Besides being a pastor in the college chapel and for the college community, he will teach two classes and be a professor of psychology and religion, as well as serving as a religious counselor for students and faculty. Center of Campus His home will be in the cen ter of the campus and he said, "It'll be fun to have students go by on their way to and from classes." The college is located in the blue grass region with beau tiful scenery and many his toric buildings surrounding it, he noted. . . Pastor Knowles came to serve in the Sports Star Of Week See Page 3 University in the fall oi 1948 fr o m a congrega tion in Onei da, New York. He at tended col lege at Con necticut Wes leyan and Yale Univer sity. From the one denomination Presbyterian in 1948 Presby House has grown to include Congregational, Evangelical and Reformed and Evangel ical and United Bretheran. Full Chapel Another achievement was the new chapel completed in 1957. His student congrega-i tion has grown until it now fills the chapel to capac ity and folding chairs are needed nearly every Sunday morning. He has earned M. A. and Ph.D. degrees in educational psychology from the Univer sity and an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Hastings College. I In 1952 the Outstanding Ne braskan award given by the Daily Nebraskan was award ed to him as the "person who understands the student and his problems." The letter of nomination stated, "He is always ready to make himself available to student." ''Under the guid ance and direction of Rev. Knowles," the letter contin ued, "Presby house has be come synonomous with stu dent fellowship, m and wor ship. "Rev. Knowles has made students of all faiths welcome to many of the activities of the house. In this way, he has done much to further under standing and brotherhood at the University." - He has served -as an ad visor to Alpha Phi Omega scouting organization, Cosmo politan Club, All University Fund and foreign students. A favorite as speaker to or ganizations on campus he has probably spoken to more college groups than any eth er person on campus for that length of time. Hey, What's the Deal, You Guys? Knowles Christmas Show Set on KUON "Christmas From the Skies" will be featured as a special show on Channel 12 Friday at 8 p.m. Sacred music by the West minster Presbyterian Church boy's choir, a Christmas solo by Mi's. Virginia Duxbury, popular Christmas music by a male quartet, the Bud Im lay dancers and a visit from Santa Claus will be included The program will also have a film story of "The Littlest Angel." J-Schoolers To Invade York, Fremont Papers .. . Looker, Janecek Head Staffs Tha School of Journalism has announced editorial and staff positions for its semi annual field trips, Jan. 11-12. Managing editors will be Prove It, You May Get a Loan DUV Give Loans to Descendants of Union Fighters Did your great grand daddy fight for the Union in the Civil War? If he , did and if you are in need of financial assistance to further your education, you may be eligible for a loan from one of the many trusts administered by the Univer sity's General Loan Commit tee, The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War es tablished a trust fund to as sist students "who are def initely lineal descendants of a Union Veteran of the Civil War." Family Bible To be -eligible for the loan vou must, among other things, be able to prove your descendance. A photostatic copy of a family bible can be used if it contains all par ent and grandparent statis tics. In addition to the family rrnrd. a certified service record of his ancestor must be obtained by the student from his home state's. Adju tant General. Funds from many other trusts are available to "needy and deserving" students. These trust funds are in the custody of the Board ot ne- gents or tne university r vali dation. All such funds have been donated by Individuals, or ganizations or firms for the exclusive purpose of making loans to students. - The University Foundation has 36 trusts and the Board of Regents has 66. These trusts are administered by the General Loan Committee. Loan Committee This committee is made up of three faculty members and W. C. Harper, director of Universitv Services. The committee formulates pol icies of governing loans of money to students. His record shows that he has spoken 1,000 times at sor ority and fraternity meetings and an additional 1,000 to YWCA groups. His wife has been president of the YWCA advisory Board. They" have five children ranging in age from five to fifteen. - P -M VCSCJ SM Jjl' J ' $ ' . ' mmmmmm ,' j S - ' ' 4 - A small fire originating in an incinerator Monday night brought fire trucks and con fusion to Bessey Hall. Quiet reigned again, however, after discovery of th soarc was made. Only Great Hall of Union Remains of 'Playhouse' Modern furniture . . . j leather booths ... a juke box blaring everything from "Reville Rock" to "The Bat tt Hymn of the Republic" . . . qurte a change from the original Student Union. Looking through old clip pings it was found that the University Playhouse (as the Union was than called) was dedicated on May 4, 1938, after an eight-year construc tion campaign. In those days students had mv $.1 a semester for tflomhershiD fees to cover the $400,000 construction cost. Be- cause ui ceremonies were postponed three times. ' . Of the eight rooms in the Playhouse the Great Lounge and the Great nau were con sidered the most impressive. In the grill, serving 190 people, the walls were decor ated in light green, with fig ures of black ari silver. Each scene showed an aspect of student life. For example there was a picture of a couple dancing, and another of students singing 'around a Dan Pop, assistant to the director of University Serv ices, said that the first step for a student wishing to se cure a loan is to fill out an application and take it to the student loan office. During the next two days the loan committee verifies the registration of the stu dent, his accumulated aver age and other qualifications for the loan. An undergraduate must be carrying at least 12 hours and a graduate student at least nine hours, the appli cant must have a 4. 5 cumu lative average for all hours earned at the University. When the applicant returns to the student loan office he is interviewed and the loan committee takes action on his request. Payment Plans Loans from trust funds in custody oi the Board of Re gents or the University -Foundation are expected to be re-naid-on or before Sept. 1 fol lowing the date the loan is made, except for graduating seniors. Graduating seniors arrange ' a. monthly repay ment plan with the loan committee.' Cosigners are usually re quired for all loans. It is recommended that a cosigner be parent or a relative, and preferably one who is beneficiary of the borrower's life insurance. Interest on the loans Is at the rate of two per cent per annum while attending the University, four per cent per annum if not in attendance, and six per cent per annum after maturity. Pop said that the trust fund in custody of the Board of Regents has approximately ramnfire The grill and the Great Tinnire have become a thins nf tiiP nast and now. onlv l $157,000 outstanding in loans the Great Hall remains on the This represents loans to 535 a? caning it)ad flaw, individuals. Sandra Laaker for the York Daily News-Times and Jacque Janecek for the Fremont Guide and Tribune. Dr. Robert Cranford will accompany the Fremont staff and Prof. Neale Copple will advise in York. This is the fourth year for the semi-annual field trips. Students assume positions held by regular staff mem bers and put the paper out themselves, according to Dr. William E. Hall, director of the School of Journalism. York staff members for the trip are as follows: Liz Smith, wire editor; Jane Crooker and Louis En gel, copy editors. Reporters are Eloyce Warp, Elwin R a n n e y, Margaret Wertman and Dave Calhoun, news editor. Photographers are Norm Taylor, Gordon Young and Jerry Lamberson. Fremont s t a f f members will be Jack Rogers, Tom Bock, Don Eversoll and Jerry Grossart. Sue Ann Schnabel will be city editor. Reporters will be Mary Lou Reese, Barbara Cohen, Ned Totman, Ingrid L e d e r and Herb Probasco. Hal Brown. Larrv Novicki. Doug McCartney and Sehyon Joh will be photographers Builders Dinner Set The annual Builders Christ mas dinner will be held at 6 tonight in the Indian Suite of the Student Union. The outstanding Builders workers will be announced as well as the outstanding assis tant from the ag campus. All members of Builders and sev eral faculty members have been invited. "Each person attending is supposed to bring a 25 cent gift," Larry Kilstrup publici ty chairman, said. "The San ta Claus will distribute the gifts to everyone there." ( Entertainment will be fur nished by Sandy. Johnson who will sing several soleo tions accompanied by Harry Grasmick. , ) Worksheets Will Be Due Af ter Holiday Worksheets for second-semester registration are to be turned in to the Registrar's Office the first week after vacations. Jan. 5 is the date for sen iors, Jan. 6 for juniors, Jan. 7 for sophomores and Jan. 8 for freshmen. Late registra tions will be accepted only on Jan. 11 and Jan. 29. In case desired courses are already filled, students are urged to list alternative courses and sections. Card pulling, which will be done by the Registrar's Of fice, will be guided by the number of hours students have earned by Sept. 14 and the order in which work sheets are received. Students are also to list work and intercollegiate ac tivities. The top and the bot tom of the worksheets are to be filled out. Fees will be paid Jan. 22, A-G; Jan. 25 H-N and Jan. 26 O-Z. Late fees will be due on Feb. 1 and a $3 fine will be assessed. J-School Gold Keys Go to Six Students Cheer, Gifts, Santa at Rag All Daily Nebraskan and Cornhusker workers, report ers and staff members are invited to attend the annual Christmas party today from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Daily Ne braskan office. Refreshments will be served and cheer and merri ment will reign over all. San ta Claus will arrive at 4 p.m. bearing gifts. Note: All who wish a gift must also bring a 25 cent one for someone else. 'Twill be grab-bag style with Santa grabbing. Card Company Enlarges Staff The American Greetings Corporation announced this week plans , to enlarge its verse writing and humor writing staff by adding sev eral college, graduates of the class of I960 to its editprial department. affiliated with Zeta Tan Al pha sorority. " ' Another sophomore, Miss SheUberg is editor of First Glance, Builder's magazine a member of AUF and Delta Gamma sorority. The lone male winner, No , vicki, is a senior and com mander of the Pershing Rifl drill team, as well as a mem ber of Delta Upsilon fra termty. Indian Welcome Typical Students Comment Qn Ike's Trip "A basic characteristic of the people" has been listed by Indian students attending the University as the number one reason for President -Elsenhower's enthusiastic weip come in India. ' This characteristic, accord ing to Jafjit Singh, agricul tural economics graduate stu. dent, is the fact that "th masses are highly receptive of most foreign digm'tariei and particularly responsive when they encounter a man like Eisenhower." 'Like Guest An explanation given by. Mrs. Omi Chopra, who il studying procedures of edu cation for a master's degree, is that "they made Eisen hower welcome just as they would a guest in the home." " Antimllw via . Irn An It According -m i a repon irom would happeili The masse8 the office of the dean of Stu- have beea waiting or just dent Affairs, requests should such a visit from w 8Uch nave Deen uiea Dy jwonaay a man or years said uate student Jit Chopra, 'Not Strange Indian students also felt Five girls and one boy were awarded Journalism Gold Keys at the School's annual Christmas party Tuesday. Mary Lou Reese, Sarah Al den, Gretchen SheUberg, Larry Novicki, Jane Crooker and Jacque Janecek. were honored as the journalism majors with the highest first year accumulative averages. B. R. Rothenberger, asso ciate editor of the Lincoln Star, presented the awards, which are sponsored by the Lincoln Journal and Star. Three of the students are transfers. Miss Reese, a junior is a second year trans fer from Grinnell College; a pledge of Theta Sigma Phi, woman's journalism frater nity; associate editor of Scrip, and a member of Delta Gam ma sorority. A transfer from Midland College, Miss Janecek is president of Theta Sigma Phi, a' Daily Nebraskan staff writer and a member of Al pha Chi Omega. She is a senior. Miss Crooker transferred from Texas Women's Univer sity, and is a member of Theta Sigma Phi and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Miss Alden, a sophomore, is Tribunal Summons Eight Today Student Tribunal judges have summoned eight stu dents to appear today and none have requested open hearings. evening. Students can ask that their cases be read in front of the Tribunal and JuenUy Jo 7?llL worn nu . u. -w, u5 an whQ traveled more tija,, J.UU lliiica just lu avo ,r u fr:l 1 I"U u vau hower" was "not really very strange." Many people com pare men of peace, such as Eisenhower, with the Hindu God Vishnu, they said. Others stated the hope that ask students to reappear. The report from the office of the dean said the Tribunal asked two students to reap pear last week who had not shown up for the previous presidents would fol- session. Basketball to Concerts NU Band Keeps Busy Strike up the band! This is exactly what the members of the, University Symphonic band does three times a week under the direc tion of Donald A. Lentz. The Symphonic band, com posed of 80 to 100 members, is the official band of the Uni versity. It plays for all home basketball games, - and in March, the entire band goes on tour throughout the state. Last year the band played for the governor's ball. While on the spring tour, the band will often sight-read the actual marches during programs. "Most of the concert pieces which we play on tour are ex tremely difficult, and we don't have time to work on marches," said Betty Con don, a member of the oboe section of the band. The Symphonic band was one of the six bands in the United States which was in vited ' to perform at the World's Fair held ,in Brus sels, the summer of 1958. The band was unable. to attend be cause it could not raise $36, 000 for traveling expenses. I im, ITieonhnwpr's pramnlo and travel more in the be lief that this is one of the most important and most economical ways to foster better foreign relations. ' ROTC Classes To Be in Elgin The old Elgin building, now Nebraska Hall, will get its first taste of college life to morrow. Air Force and Army ROTC will conduct leadership labs on the second and third floors. . The drill ceremonies, to be held weekly, are the first ac tual classes to be announced for the building purchased from the Elgin Walcil Co. .