The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Mondcy, November 23, 1959
The Daily Nebraskan
Editorial Comment:
Profession Betrayed
Charles Van Doren's admission of ac
cepting "help" in winning at in televi
sion's quiz shows struck harder at col
lege students than any other aspect of
the exposures made by the investigating
committee. Perhaps it was because Van
Doren, by virtue of his name, stood as a
-symbol of scholarly knowledge and in
tegrity. Whatever the reason-for the powerful
effect of his disclosures on nearly every
college in the country, almost no college
newspaper has skipped editorializing on
the ramifications of Van Doren's confes
sion. The University Hatchet of George
Washington University in Washington,
D.C. offered one of the most penetrating
"The case of Charles Van Doren, a fic
tional Dr. Faustus made real, is a sad
one indeed, and the American people's
easy granting of forgiveness is a good
sign. But their absolvement for both his
misdeeds one moral, the other legal, is
indicative of a menace which stalks our
land today. ' . - , "
"It is hard for us to judge Mr. Van
Doren's reasoning for what he did, but we
should be able to judge the ominous con
sequences of a full-scale acceptance of
blatant deceit, trickery, and perjury.
America is a country founded upon equal
justice under law. Justice does not mean
that a man should be persecuted, but it
does mean that punishment should be ad
ministered with mercy to a person guilty
of a crime.
"Mr. Van Doren has apparently suf
fered sufficiently for his immorality on the
quiz show "21." There is no law to form
a basis upon which he can be tried for
that outrage. Society as a whole will have
to judge him for that. And society can
many times be a stronger punishment
than jail. '
"What is more serious than Mr. Van
Doren's cheating itself is the often re
peated statement these days that the
American people wanted to be fooled;
they just wanted to be entertained. This is
not a good sign if it is true. And if it is
true, the American people should stand
up in judgment of their own sense of moral
right and wrong. If people allow them
selves to fall prey to an intellectual hypo
crite who preys on their emotions, what
is there to keep them from following this
reasoning even further and falling victim
to the pretense and trickery of a dictator
ial demagogue.
"The question of law in Mr. Van Dor
en's case is that he perjured himself before
the New York State Grand Jury. This is
the blatant legal crime he committed. It
was not a hasty act, for. Mr. Van Doren '
had a long tim,e to think about what he
did since his appearance on the show
three years ago ...
"We do not commend this trend toward
scapegoalism now. But Mr. Van Dorenv
an intelligent individual, is a man who has
had an education and supposedly knows
what laws are for. Yet he lied to protect
himself. The effect of his lying, however,
served not only to cover up. his own mis
conduct. For a time, it covered up the
crime of the show producers as well , . ,
"The question of Mr. Van Doren's con
duct reaches even further than breaking a
law or serving to illustrate the lack in
Americans' judgment. Much more is in
volved and it is perhaps more serious
than all the rest. That is that Mr. Van
Doren endowed himself with a trust and
he failed in carrying out that trust. He
was a teacher. He expounded the great
merits of educatn including the fore
most quality which education tries to in
stilla seeking for truth.
"This we do not feel Mr. Van Doren did,
and he now admits it himself. Not only
did he betray a trust to his family, he
cheated. That in itself was bad enough,
but not only did he cheat for money, he
cheated against his profession.
Sub Romans Help
Sub rosa groups at the University of
Kansas peered above the ground long
enough to toss some funds toward the
Campus Chest recently.
The Daily Kansan reports that two
banned groups contributed $25 each to
KU's counterpart of AUF. The first con
tribution came from Parhacamac, a cam
pus political party which dissolved of
ficially in 1954. Not to be outdone, several
days later a $25 donation came from what
the Kansan called Tau Nu Epsilc-n, nation
al drinking fraternity.
We're not sure if there are two TNE's
with different first names or if somebody
just goofed. It has been noted, however,
that NU's busy secret organizations have
not added to the AUF pot.
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'Errant Thou
From the editor's desk:
On Campuses 'n Things
By Diana Maxwell
A' rather, casual announcement in Sat
urday's morning paper said atomic chiefs
of the United States and the USSR may
begin a joint atoms-fr--peace project next
year. The comment fame after a tour
through the United States
by Prof. Vasily S. Yemely-
anov, director of peace
time nuclear development , ' - , ,
In the Soviet Union. i-!
Yemely anov and nine "" ?'
other Soviet scientists who
made the 15-day tour, said
they were "tremendous-
1 -s , ,u4
ly" impressed by our
atomic power and re
search establishments.
Somehow I find it diffi
cult to be casual when someone talks
about atomic power, peaceful or other
wise. The words nuclear and atomic pack
such powerful meanings that it's difficult
to sit back and say, "that's nice," at a
comment that the U.S. and the USSR just
might be able to work together to channel
that power into peacetime uses.
. In New York last week, I and a good
portion of the 1100 college delegates at a
press convention heard one of the most
moving speeches we will probably ever be
privileged to hear. Norman Cousins, editor
of the Saturday Review, spoke of the So
viet' Union, but more specifically of the
atom and the cold war.
Regardless of personal feelings about
; the absolute necessity of arming and arm
ing well at this moment, Cousins con
vinced a good portion of his listeners that
the time was now to wake up to the facts
of atomic life. Three nations now have
testable nuclear weapons. England, the
U.S. and the Soviet Union have been testing.
Approximately 12 other nations are In
various stages of developing nuclear wea
pons. Hence, if present trends continue,
12 other nations will want to find out if
their ultra-expensive veapons of total de
struction really work. Result: 12 other na
tions making tests, 12 other nations help
ing the three of us to contaminate the air.
Cousins turned a cute phrase. He called
it "contamination without representation,"
in pointing out that no nation can limit
the fallout of its nuclear tests to its own
borders. Thus any country setting off nu
clear blasts is spreading radiation over
the entire face of the earth. He questioned
whether any nation has a right to pollute
the air for the rest of the world.
His point can be underscored by a sec
ond point that one individual making one
rash move or interpreting a radar's blip
erroneously, could launch a war. Ex
ample: faain from Cousins) SAC planes
operate under the safe program whereby
when radar shows unidentified objects
coming from the direction of the USSR,
our bombers go up. They do not go ahead
and delivtv the payload, however, unless
they receive a confirmation from SAC
headquarters before crossing the 200 mile
limit. Okay.
Now, suppose like last year a flock of
geese or something like makes blips on
the screens. Our planes scramble. In no
time they are hurtling toward Russia. Rus
sia has radar screens too. These screens
now have ominous blips on them.
So . . . now the Soviets have a threat
facing them, so their bombers take to the
air. Now that there are USSR bombers in
the air, our suspicions are confirmed and
we now have two sets of planes roaring to
ward each other's country.
End of example.
dear di
it has come to my atten
tion that i was maliciously
maligned in a recent rag
by one e period e period
capital hjnes
this uncalled for attack
has wounded me deeply and
left a scar that all the
teachers college methods
and ed psych courses in
the world will probably be
unable to cure
i would have the gentle
man of former red sweater
fame know that the archie
of whom he speaks and i
are the best of friends it
was i in fact . who taught
my cockroach pal how to
type although i must admit
he has always had a cer
tain flare for writing i am
confident that archie will
be as offended as i when
he receives the copy of the
paper that i sent him en
couraging the squashing of
bugs indeed it will be
enough to make archies
blood run cold and confirms
my opinion that e period e
period is the type to yield
to the killer instinct at the
slightest provocation
i wonder at the columnist
who seeks to vent his inner
turmoil and tensions on poor
defenseless bugs please ex
cuse that term archie i
know how you dislike it
but on to more important
junior initials
say kid did yu notice
last week that the political
folderall of the senior ifc
has been absorbed and
taken over by its baby the
junior of the same initials
i speak of course of the
recent jr ifc queen election
as i get the story when
ideas for the jr Ifc ball
were being discussed the
proposal for a queen of
pledge classes was talked
over but never approved
by that body
at the last minute through
some nefarious dealings
members of the cheesebox
comma hanger and queen
crowner fraternities started
calling other houses saying
that they had selected can-
by caesar
didates and if the other
houses wanted to be in the
running they ought to pick
a candidate too
small wonder that the
queen happened to repre
sent one of the three houses
doing all the calling
veil di i am now pushing
my soap box into an . appro
priate position from which
to spout forth great pearls
' of wisdom which all should
pay the greatest heed to
you see kid i wonder just
how fair such political
wheeling and dealing is to
anybody concerned even the
ultimate winner herself
there is no doubt in my
mind that the girls in
volved in such affairs are
usually completely unaware
of the goings on thus the
scheming is not fair to those
being discriminated against
and it is not really fair to
the queen because it robs
her of any real honor that
the position may have held
on merits
now i am not saying that
campaigning should 'be ta
boo on the contrary i think
it is a very good thing but
"i think it should be done
on a persons merits and
not on a basis of exchang
ing votes for this for votes
for that or for house glory
as has been all too true
in the sordid past
if a person favors another
person for anything i think
it is that persons' duty to
campaign for the s e c o n d
party but i think the rea
sons for favoring ought to
be based on what the speci
fications" for the title or of
fice are
all of which is so ideal
istic that everybody is prob
ably saying get rid of that
broken typewriter that
capital h ines didnt see and
get this bum out of here
and maybe theyre right
its too bad but maybe we
shouldnt sweat the small
stuff like moral principles
pushing my soap box back
Into its customary corner
i remain yours in ethical
By Sam Hall
i -J
Daily Nebraskan
liember: Associated ColleriaU Pres. Inter-
eoilefiat Press
itepreseotsiive: National Advertising 8"T
lee. Incorporated
Published st: Room 20. Student I'nlon
Ltnooln, Nebraska
litb St B
Telephone 2-7631 ext 4223. 4226. 4227
Tli DMIr NrtmMlltMi ta patnlMir Msite. fandar.
WadivMatr m4 rt Carina Uir rhH rear. rxrriA
tfuriai wwttam nam fM-fffKlt, hr tut-n ml Ik
Calmiat'r ftatoraatta mnort Ikr aati)H7.atla of trim
OwtMiMtl" mm fctuornt AffaJra a M .ipffwif of ati
Vat atrtalna. tujtimHm ntr lft tartiuiiriiM ml IM .
fatmnmmmHU ma fMwrtm tuhUrmAmn ahaM tr trrm
trtrm 6Jtria4 rartip mm Ibm imt nf tor Hnhrom
ftMttp mr mm Ui part ml mmt mrmM-r ml th tmreMy ttt
ttoa iBlvrraila, mr mm l aftrt nf an nt-rwm mill4a
ia lalnmn, Ttw coeniije torn lau ArbraaMU
ataff mr vnnmlu rapoiwltil for trtiM thri tar, ar
mo, or nw la ha prim.!, rrbraary H. lugs.
ttiibwrlptloa rstra mrm 12 prr anaom or $t tor Uw
mcG mlr rvmt.
inu-tr aa mmma rlax mttr at rfea nnat fff-
fat lima, ntiiniw. uaiier tha an ol Anton , twix
tutor Diana Maia-rll
Manwrlnf r.AHar ... Carroll Kraua
i 1itnr SiiDdra Whaira
rtpnn Mlt HaJ Hmtt
Cop Killuir John IJorrnrr. minora iMmkrr,
Ifcrrh frdiacro
Mrht wa Editor , Ana Mnyrr
M(t Wnt'ra Jama Miwrk, litrri l-oni,
Ar. man vvntrra Mika MMn, Ana Mm
Ki-portrra wirr Vhltf.,rd. Urn rorrxt. JVrl
Johtuua. Ilarvry frrlmna, llr Bturkrr
taafaaaa Mm .. man Haimaa
AMitianl, Manaxcra .. Ia rrraovia, ,b
Oradr, hartrtu- ,rw
tirrBHfi.. Matiatei Uuoa ,nn,ntit
Olfica alauana Ajflim thbrn
For a moment here I'm
.going to diverge from my
normal course of direction
and speak of Greek and
Roman .... ,..-.
ogy. Of
I'm going
to do so in
my usual
sort of
m a n n cr. m
has arisen
on our cam
p u s a
group who call themselves
the SATYR, men of lustful
nature; lecherous men.
Seems tney intend to write
"thought provoking" ma
terial that will appear in
this paper and serve as a
counter-balance to the usu
al, more trivial columns.
Their purpose, I am told,
is to tie in Greek and Ro
man tradition with present
day campus life. Sounds
like an intriguing experi
ment, but after reading
your column of last Friday,
lecherous men, (by-lined
Dick Masters) I must ven
s ture to say that readership
will be low, and this you
cannot deny is of utmost
Equipped with dictionary
and a vague recollection of
mythology, I attempted to
piece the meis together.
My interpretation was one
of an intellectual discussion
of a sex orgy, but later I
am told, this is false think
ing. I'm snowed. Just what in
the hell was it about? Per
haps I'll take another look.
We mustn't fear that we
will be overcome with the
philosophy of this psuedo
ii.telJectual group for they
are only four or five in
number. But then again, we
can't discount the fact that
one sits on the board.
I'm looking forward to
interpreting their next bit
scribbling. However, if it is
too trying for my mind, I
can always resort to a low
er levd of thought provoca
tion the crossword puz
zle. I can see no difference
between the two' anyway.
n a ft
Like, Dartmouth, here we
come! The AWS, constant
ly bothered with problem of
girls hours, should look in
to the policy of this progres
sive education center,
where people aren't clock
watchers and hours an
apparently a thing of the
past. I realize that Dart
mouth 13 an all-male insti
tution, but girls do spend
weekends in Hanover.
Received a letter recent
ly from a girl who attends
Vassar. She related her re
cent visit to Dartmouth,
The booze, the hi-fi, and
the fireplace were out of
this world, she said, but her
entire evening was ruined
when she had to leave , . .
at 7 a.m.
Unions Reveal
Holiday Hours
City and Ag , Unions have
posted holiday closing and re
opening hours.
City Union will close at 7
p.m. Tuesday and the Ciib
will be shut down at3 p.m.
The cafeteria will close at 1
Ag Union, also will close at
7 p.m. tomorrow and the Dell
will shut down at 5 p.m.
- Both Unions, the Crib and
the Dell will open at 7 a.m.
next Monday while the cafe
teria In the City Union will
begin business again at 11
a.m. Monday.
- Nebraskan Letterip .
The Dally Nebraskan will publish only thoie lettera which are atgned.
Lettrr attacking individuals must carry the author's name. Others majr
ce Initials or a pen name. Letters .should not exreed too words. oen
k!t.-s exreed this limit the Nebraskan reserves tha r,ht to condense them,
r-'talnlns the writer's views.
To the Editor:
I was annoyed when I
read in the Daily Ne
braskan ". . . New Tradi
tion will start, Too." They
were referring to a tree
lighting ceremony that will
be started this year as soon
as they get a tree to light.
I have always believed
that tradition, was years in
the making, not something
that cculd be slapped to
gether, when convenient. If
the Union Activities Com
mittee wants to ligh'' :. tree
let them and maybe in sev
en to ten years they will
be expected to, and thus it
will be traditional that they
do. What I can't see is any
one referring to anything as
a tradition or as traditional
even before it has been
done once.
In Vhe same news item it
says that ". . . . students
will gather around the tree
for the special lighting cere
mony and singing of car
ols." The whole thing
sounds like .something out
of "1934" by Orwell. The
The 100 year-old tradition
will start tonight t.nd there
will be a spont. .ieous rally
at 7:35 p.m.
Would you like to know
why therd is no true school
spirit? It is because every
thing Is regimented and
forced. One unorganized
football rally would show
there was more school spir
,it around than any ten s
planned rallys like we have
Rodger H. Skidmore
i urn m ininma urn , ..rwnwqv-'-:' "imyrmMmw
t". r - r ziy -
i r ' v.:- ;
IV".--t -, - . -i . ::. " '.
1 ! 1 . ' - - - , m
S 'W4
Ufal, o.fcan HMuttmJ JLmt.mtmmmJ iakZi' a ;LA
Ralph Marterie, maestro of
the band that's No. I with
college students and No. 1
with hit recordb, will be
hitting college campuses
jigain this fall as Marlboro's
musical ambassador of
good will. Don't miss -Ralph
and his Marlboro
Men when they visit
your campus.
The better the ipkin's, the better the smoke
You're smokia better when it's Marlboro