The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1959, Image 1

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    " ... i
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Miss Whalen
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Miss Aikens
Top Cello
Artist Will
Leonard Rose, hailed by
many as the "Master Cellist
of Our Time," will be 'the
featured artist at the first
concert of the University
Symphony Orchestra.
The inaugural concert will
be held in the Student Union
Ballroom Sunday at 8 p.m.
The concert will be under the
direction of Prof' Emanuel
Wishnow. There will be no
admission charge.
Rose, who has played with
most of ' 'c leading orches
tras and in the major music
centers of North America and
Europe, has also been hon
ored with the Grand Prix du
Disque award.
His performance of Brahms
"Double Concerto in A Minor
for Violin and Cello," re
corded with Isaac Stern and
the New York Philharmonic
orchestra received the award.
Included in the program
will be "Overture to Iphigenia
in Aulis," by Gluck; "Con
certo in B Minor for Violin
cello and Orchestra," by,
Dvorak; "Berceuse and Fi
nale from the Firebird," by
Stravinsky and "Capriccio
Italien," by Tschaikowsky.
German School
Plans Celebration
The bicentennial anniver
sary of the birth of Friedrich
von Schiller will be celebrated
by a program presented by
the department of Germanic
languages and literatures
Thursday at 7:30 in Love Li
brary Auditorium.
Blood Cooler Bought
Regents Accept Training Grants,
Research Aids Totaling $304,357
The University Board of
Regents accepted $184,871 in
training grants and $119,486
in research aid Friday night.
In addition to the grants,
all received in the graduate
office since Sept. 23, regents
acknowledged a $2,049.29 be
quest from the estate of an
Omaha woman.
The woman stipulated that
University Hospital receive
the money, and Adam Breck
enridge, dean of faculties,
said that a heat exchanger
for a heart pump had been
purchased. -
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
told Regents, "The apparatus
will enable doctors to cool
blood in minutes, instead of
The Board also authorized
purchase on two lots at 448
By Herb Probasco
"That guy's the best in the
conference. Till next s year,
Nebraska's passing quar
terback Joe Rutigliano had
this to say about Colorado's
Gale Weidner who filled .the
sky with aerials Saturday
during the Huskers' 14-12 vic
tory. Rutigliano's tea mmates
were quick ' to agree with
him regarding the Buffalo
quarterback's passing . prow
ess. Center Jim Moore added,
"That k'i'3 a good passer.
And that fullback (Chuck
Weiss) is one . helluva good
Good Ends
"We looked good out there
today," smiled fullback Noel
Miss Eckrich
Vol. 34, No. 33
Honorary Commandant Chosen
Voting for the 1959 Hon
orary commandant, to De
presented at the Military Ball
Dec. 4, will be held all day
Friday in the Student Union.
The . nine finalists for the
title were presented ' at the
halftime of the Colorado-Ne
Dads Turn Vocalists
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DG DADS Delta Gamma sorority held an open house
Saturday afternoon before the game, with a program for
their dads. Several fathers wrote an impromptu song to
sing to their daughters. It went something like this:
"Hang down your head, Bud Wilkinson, Hang down your
head and cry. Hang down your head, Bud Wilkinson,
you didn't win 75." Left to right in the picture are Jerry
Bush, Robert Holbert .and Horace Gomon.
No.- 17th for a total of $13,500.
The property on the east side
of the street is the site of a
house partially damaged in a
fire several weeks ago.
Increased costs in opera
tion of University automo
biles prompted Regents to
revise their system in allow
ances and charges. They ap
proved a one cent per mile
allowance raise to six cents.
Under the law, the maxi
mum rate permitted is eight
cents per mile, Chancellor
Hardin noted. He also noted
that the Agricultural Exten
sion division used 40 per cent
Of the car-travel budget.
Regents agreed that indi
viduals using the private cars,
for University business
should be ,reimburesed the
Praise Colorado
Martin. "I wished we looked
like that all season. But don't
talk to me, all I did was keep
the fire going," he quipped.
Tackle Joe Gacusana said,
"They wanted that Orange
Bowl pretty bad, I guess.
They sure played hdrd. The
ends were darned good, too."
"It was a pretty tough
game, but we just outfought
'em," commented halfback
Clay White, as he got a rub
down on the training table."
Senior quarterback Harry
Tolly said, "It wasn't the
cold' so much as the wind
that bothered us. When you're
playing out there,' it isn't
cold, though. The fans were
probably colder," he added.
Hijsker: head coach Bill
Jennings - slouched in his
chair in the coaches' room,
r ' s r I
Miss Hansen
All-Student Voting Friday
braska football game Satur
day. . They are Elizabeth "Bun
ny" Aikens, Sally Downs,
Priscilla Eckrich, Martha
"Martie" Hansen, Ruth Hus
ton, Margaret Marshall, Ruth
Prochaska, Sondra Whalen
six cents rate witJi the fol
lowing exceptions:
If an individual requests
a University car at least 24
hours before departure and
the car is not available, the
Car Pool will submit a vouch
er that mileage may be
claimed at seven cents per
Since the use of Univer
sity cars outside the state is
discouraged, the Pool .i 11
pay a rate of seven cents' for
use of private autos.
Except as noted above,
and in those cases where the
use of the private cars have
been determined to be the ad
vantage of the University, in
dividuals using private cars
outside the state will be paid
the equivalent of first class
(Continued on page 4)
still wearing his hat and coat.
"Just once, I'd like to get
out In front, not ease up, but
know we've got a chance to
win." he remarked about the
narrow margin of victory that
has been' on the scoreboard
in all of the Huskers home
wins. ' ' '
' Jennings said he didn't sub
stitute units Saturday be
cause, several players were
injured and since the weath
er was so cold, the first team
didn't 'get as tired.' '
On the play when a Colo
rado punt hit a Buff lineman
and Pat Fischer picked up
the ball, he said the referee
"must have blown the
whistle, otherwise it would
have been a touchdown."
Jennings added that he
Miss Huston
and Yvonne Young.
The finalists were selected
from a field of 37 candidates
nominated by women's or
ganized houses. They were
judged by a panel of five
ROTC cadets and midship
men and a staff adviser.
Blair Says
Folks Day
Is Success
Parents Day, held in con
junction with the Colorado
Nebraska football game Sat
urday, was deemed a success
by Bob Blair, chairman of
the Parents Day Committee.
Blair said that an estimated
250 parents went through a
reception Saturday morning
at the Student Union. The line
consisted of the Chancellor,
his assistant James Pittinger,
Director of Athletics Bill Or
wig and various college heads.
"We were more than
pleased with the turnout al
though the weather probably
made it impossible for some
parents to come," Blair said.
"From 10-11:30 a.m. there
was a steady stream of par
ents coming to the Open
House.," he added.
.Open House was held in the
Union and free coffee and
doughnuts were served. It
was estimated that even
more parents attended the
Open House than the recep
tion. There were 150 mail orders
for tickets to the game from
parents and additional tickets
were purchased by students
for their parents, which pre
vented an accurate count of
parents attending" the game
during Parents Day, Blair
Navy Employers
Will Interview
Students JVIonday
Engineering' and science
students interested in naval
engineering and related fields
will be interviewed by Navy
employment representatives
The interviews will be made
for work in three of the top
scientific centers of the
Navy's new Bureau of weap
ons. These civilian-manned lab
oratories are concerned with
new weapons and missile re
search development and test
ing. . ' ,
All three centers are locat
ed in Southern California.
Employment inquiries
from any experienced en
gineers or scientists who are
interested also are welcomed.
didn't hear the whistle.
Saturday was the first time
he planned to use Fischer at
quarterback, he said. "Pat
had some work as the second
quarterback earlier this
year," he added.
Across ,the way in the still
ness of the Colorado dress
ing room, halfback Jerry
Steffen, a native of Crofton,
Nebr., compared the Ccrn
huskers with other Big Eight
"They're better than they
were last year," he said,
"but they're not as good as
Iowa State, Missouri and
Kansas. I think they'll beat
Kansas State, though," he
added about the Cornhuskers'
foe next week.
"That Zaruba really sur
prised us on the touchdown
XZZ' i J
Miss Marshal
The judges were George
Porter and Ron Smith of
Navy ROTC; Bob Paine of
Air Force ROTC; Bob Blair
and Lowell Hansen of Army
ROTC; and Col. E. R. Mc
Carthy. They were judged on
beauty, poise, personality and
popularity. Thirty-seven can
didates competed in the in
terviews. In the all-campus election
Friday, students will vote for
three girls.
By voting for three, ac
cording to Ball publicity
chairman Dick Basoco, "It
is felt that this will eliminate
any possible politicking."
The breaking down of the
finalists into the three serv
ices for election of service
queen will be done prior to
the Friday voting, he said.
However, the services will
not know who their three fi
nalists are until Nov. 23 and
24, when they vote, he ex
plained. This way, Basoco pointed
out, services will not be able
to vote for their three can
didates in the all-campus elec
tion Friday.
If one of the services selects
a queen who is also the Hon
Campus Parking Found
'Not Overcrowded'
. . . Council Committee
Over the last two months
the campus parking situation
has been going through an
extensive evaluation by the
University's Parking Board,
according to J. B Fournier,
The results of the evalua
tion caused Fournier, he said,
to conclude that there is more
campus parking available and
not in use than is over
crowded. Elgin Lot
The evaluation showed that
the Elgin lot has 60-70 spaces
not being used during cer
tain parts of the day, the No.
10th Street lot has around 40
empty, Area No. 2 has over
300, and the 13th and Avery
lot usually has 20 vacant.
The only lots that seem to
be extremely crowded are the
two Selleck lots.
..Under special evaluation
by the Adminstration and the
Board is the experiment in
meter, parking east of the
Student Union. Originally the
lot, which cost $11,500, was
designed as premium parking
for students who have mid
day classes and do not want
to drive to school at 8.00
a.m. to get parking close to
The meters have been crit-
run," Steffen said. "We 'didn't
think he'd have the speed to
go all the way, but he sure
fooled us."
Joe Romig, sophomore line
backer who played the last
quarter with a oroken nose
blamed Nebraska guard Le
roy Zentic for the injury.
"Heck, I didn't break it,
some Nebraska guy did it. I
think it was that 62 (Zentic),"
he declared.
Nebraska players came
through the contest with sev
eral injuries.
Don Purcell suffered
bruised hip and Pat Fischer,
a bruised leg. Guard Don Ol
son played with a case of the
flu and trainer George Sulli
van said he would probably
be put in Student Health Sat
urday night.
Miss Prochaska
November 16, 1959
orary Commandant, the run
nerup in that service will be
the queen.
Miss Aikens is a sophomore
in Teachers College and a
member of Pi Beta PLi so
rority. Miss Downs is a senior in
Teachers and secretary of
Alpha Phi sorority.
Miss Eckrich is a senior in
Teachers and secretary of
Kappa Gamma sorority.
Miss Hansen is a junior in
Home Economics and social
chairman of Chi Omega so
rority. Miss Huston is a sophomore
in Home Economics and a
member of Kappa Delta so
rority. Miss Marshall is a senior
in Arts and Sciences and
Teachers College and a mem
ber of Gamma Phi Beta so
rority. Miss Prochaska is a senior
in Home Economics and sec
retary of Delta Gamma so
rority. Miss Whalen is a senior in
Arts and Sciences and presi
dent of Alpha Omicron Pi so
rority. Miss Young is. a senior in
Teachers College and a mem
ber of Alpha Omicron Pi so
rority. icized because they do not
show the time remaining. On
this problem Fournier said,
"The meters in that lot are
designed to do just that.
When students have to put
in ten or twenty cents each
time they want to park, there
is a marked increase in the
He quickly went on to say
that the meters are not de
signed to take money away
from the students but "to pay
for the expense of the lot and
to improve campus parking
in general."
Limit Freshmen
The Board has had under
consideration the proposed
idea to limit freshman stu
dents to the least used lots,
relieving some of the conjes
tion in close lots. Since no
decision has been made yet,
the Board requests any com
ments or suggestions from
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SHE STOPPED 'EM Chosen "Most Likely To Stop A
Colorado Buffalo," Alpha Phi Carol Frey must have real-
ly bopped the Buffs with her Blunderbuss Saturday. Ne-'
braska 14-Colorado 12!
Miss Downs
fx Vj
............... .......,,.-v.. ..U.J- I
Miss Young
AUF Solicitors
Are Requested
All University Fund
workers, persons who
signed up, or anyone wish
ing to solicit for the inde
pendent drive in the city, of
Lincoln, may pick up their
materials in the AUF of
fice at the Student Union
Tuesday or Wednesday.
The AUF office in room
343 will be open from noon
to 10 p.m. Packets of di
rections may be signed out
and money returned during
these hours.
Any group of four stu
dents with a car may
choose the day and hours
they wish to solicit. Re?
ceipts will be given for
each donation and all funds
nmst be turned in by 10
p.m. Wednesday.
ASME Honors
50-Yr. Member
William DeBaufre, a re
tired University professor,
was recognized at McCook
for his 50 years as a member
of the Nebraska section of
the American Society of Me
chanical Engineers.
Frey Named
Most Likelv
Carol Frey, Alpha Phi, was
chosen "Girl Most Likely to
Stop the Colorado Buffalo" at
Friday night s pep rally.
She was dressed as a pil
crim complete with musket
and pilgrim hat. The selec
tion was made as the best
all-around idea from among
the 19 contenders.
Two runner-ups were also
selected. Jantina Dyksterj
huis, Chi Omega was select
ed as the candidate with the
most spirit. She was dressed
as a white rabbit and carried
a baseball bat with which to
sock the Buffaloes.
Linda Disbrow, Delta Delia
Delta, was chosen for the best
She was dressed as an
Eskimo and bombarded tha
crowd with snowballs.
The judges made their se
lection on audience appeal,
originality of costume and
spirit generated.
Miss Frey was presented
with a large red and white
teddy bear and appeared dur
ing the half time of Satur
day's football game.