The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1959, Image 1

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Jimysgs Honored
Vol. 34, No. 32
Friday, November 13,1 959
. i m it msmm
AIR FORCE PLAQUE Head football coach Bill Jen
nings receives a plaque from Col. W. B. Atwell of the de
partment of air, science in appreciation for work Jen- ,
nings did in Europe this summer as an instructor in the
United States Air Force football clinic. Jennings received
the plaque along with a letter from Col. Guy N. Blair,
chief of the special services branch of the personnel
services division, directorate of military personnel. The
engraving on the plaque said, "Presented to William A.
Jennings for outstanding services to the United States
Air Force Special Services Sports Program, 1959." He re
ceived the award at a special ceremony Thursday after
noon with Air Force ROTC students participating.
New Procedure
Everyone Can Vote
For Military Queen
Procedure for the election
of a 1959 Honorary Command
ant has been changed to en
able all students to vote on
all nine candidates before
the service branches select
their queens.
The nine will be revealed
at half-time of the Nebraska
Colorado 'game Saturday. On
Nov. 20 all students may vote
for three girls for the title
even if they do not plan to at
tend the Military Ball. Bal
lots that are marked with
the numbers one, two and
three for preference will be
Nov. 23 and 24 the service
branches will vote fn their
Two Queens
Will Reign
At Pep Rally
The Girl Most Likely to Stop
the Colorado Buffalo and the
Activities Queen will share
the limelight at tonight's pep
rallv- , .
The presentation of the Ac
tivities Queen will be made by
Fred Bliss, AUF vice presi
dent. The queen will be one
of four finalists interviewed
for the final time Thursday
night. She will be attended by
the other three candidates.
Finalists are S h a r o n De
Mars, Lynn Wright, Sharon
Rogers and Gladys Rolfsmey
er. The Girl Most Likely to Stop
the Colorado Buffalo will be
selected for her audience ap
peal, appearance, originality
and costume. She will also be
presented at halftime during
the game Saturday. Her prize
will be a two-foot teddy bear.
Contenders for the title are
Judy Turner, Alpha Chi Ome
ga; Chris Imm, Alpha Omi
cron Pi; Carol Frey, Alpha
Phi; Lou DeWall, Alpha Xi
Delta; Jantina Dyksterhuis,
Chi Omega; Judy Spenser,
Delta Delta Delta; Margaret
Holtmeier, Delta Gamma;
Penny Prally, Gammi PJn
Beta; Marge Morehouse,
Kappa Alpha Theta. '
Joyce Tonica, Kappa Delta;
Linda Jensen, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Kay McCormick, Pi
Beta Phi; Jessie Johnson, Sig
ma Kappa; Shirley and Sherri
Kessler, Zeta Tau Alpha; Sha
ron Russell, Fedde Hall; San
dra Weiner, Love Memorial
Hall; Gloria Schwartz, Ter
race Hall; and Sharon McNer
ney, Towne Club.
Film Series
Tickets Left
One hundred tickets still are
available for the 1959-60 For
eign Film Series, according
to Jane Mahoney, assistant
chairman of the Student Un
ion film committee.
Although one film has been
shown, there are 12 remain
ing. Tickets are $4 for students,
$5 for faculty and $6 for pat
rons. Thp remaining films are:
Nov. 18 The Seventh Seal (Swedish)
pec. s roroiaaen nun incuun
?W. i-Tti r.U ef Pans (Frnirl
in ilea uohwii
" 17 The Awakening (Italian)
Mar. 1 Pather Panohali (India)
lfr-To be announced
30 The Crucible (French)
Apr. 6-To be announced
' 20 To be announced
27 Flemenco (Spanish)
Tickets can be purchased at
Ag or City Unions and Miller
and Paine's service desk.
classrooms for the service
queens. The elections commit
tee will select three repre
sentatives for each service
from the nine
Previously the services se
lected their queens before the
students voted on Honorary
Commandant. Only , people
who held tickets for the ball
could vote. This . year only
student identification cards
will be necessary to cast a
Colonel E. R. McCarthy,
staff advisor to the elections
committee made this state
ment, "I realize there will be
a certain amount of cam
paigning going on and I hope
it will be carried on in a dig
nified manner which is fitting
to the occasion."
"The Military Ball is more
diginified even than Home
coming and the campaign
should not be carried on in
the same rah rah nature,"
said a member of the pub
licity committee.
Parents Day
To Be Warm
Military Finalists
Presented at Game
Prospects for a cold Par
ents Day will be only in the
weather as Innocents and or
ganized houses work to ac
complish a warm welcome
for parents from all areas of
the campus.
Royalty will be revealed
at the game when Terry
Mitchum, last year's Hon
orary Commandant, is escort
ed to the center of the field
by Midshipman Fred Howlett
and Army Cadet Bob Blair.
She will be presented with a
bouquet while the drill team,
under the command of Air
Force Cadet Donald Nelson
and accompanied by the
University band, forms an
honor guard.
Nine finalists for the 1959
title will be escorted by cad
ets and midshipmen ' from
each service branch and will
be presented to Miss Mitch
em. Thfey will be wearing pastel
borgona capes supplied by
Hovland-Swanson who will al
so provide the royal ' gowns
for the ball.
At 10 am. parents will have
the opportunity to meet the
chancellor and university per
sonnel at a coffee hour in
the Student Union. Another
wil) be held following the
All sorority and fraternity
houses will have open house
after the game and most sor
orities are having luncheons
for parents.
A Mom and Pop Hop honor
ing the parents will be staged
in the Union Ballroom' at 9
Theta Sig Meets
Betty Person, statehouse re
porter for the Lincoln Star,
will be the guest speaker for
Theta Sigma Phi journalism
fraternity Wednesday.
The meeting will be at 7
p.m. in 234 Student Union,
according to Jacque Janecek,
Parents Reception
1 Students' parents will
have the chance to infor
mally meet and visit with
administrative and faculty
members Saturday morn
ing. An informal reception will
be held from 10 a.m. to
11:30 p.m. in the main
lounge of the Student Un
ion. Chancellor Hardin, J i m
Pittenger, assistant to the
Chancellor, Bill Orwig, di
rector of athletics, deans of
the colleges and faculty
members will be on hand
to visit with students and
Free coffee and dough
nuts will be served during
the reception.
Due to popular request in
dividual pictures for the Corn
husker may be taken for
three more days.
The last opportunity will
be Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday from 10 a.m. to
5:30 p.m.
Photo editor Dick Bosoco
said, "I had hoped we would
wind up the picture taking by
today, but many have called
saying they were unable to
get down this week and asked
for an extension."
He said many have put it
off as they felt the date would
be extended as it had in the
I was reluctant to do so.
but I hope everyone will take
advantage of the three day
extension now," he said.
Those who have had pic
tures taken this week may
pick up the proofs in the tem
porary studio in the Com
muters lunch room of the
Student Union.
Basoco reminded all Mor
tar Boards and Innocents to
have their individual pictures
taken this week also.
Dorm Thief Pleads Guilty
To Petty Larceny Charge
A Lincoln woman iis await
ing sentencing for stealing in
the Women's Residence Halls.
Mrs. George Boghossian,
20, of 1845 E, pleaded guilty
to a petty larceny charge
Thursday in Lancaster Coun
ty Court.
Her sentence was deferred,
pending further investigation
by Robert Metcalfe, probation
Mrs. Boghossian, who is
not a University student, ad
mitted stealing a television
set from a housemother, Mrs.
Robert M o o d i e, and cash
from a number of purses and
According to University po
lice Captain Eugene Masters,
more than $100 has been re
ported missing by dormitory
residents, but Mrs. Bohassian
claims she took only about
No Record
The Lincoln woman, whose
husband Is an employee at
the State Hospital, had no
previous record of theft, Mas
ters said.
Captain Masters said all
dormitory residents had been
alerted to watch for mysteri
ous persons in the dormitory.
Mrs. Boghossian had been
seen, but no one realized she
was the thief, he said.
On Tuesday she went into
a' girl's room, "thinking the
girl was not in," she wnt
on, "but she was," and Mrs.
Boghossian told her "she was
sorry, she had the wrong
Took License Number
Then she went to a phone
booth, and the coed sum
moned Mrs. Moodie. Accord
ing tor Masters, the house
mother followed Mrs. Boghos
sian when she left the dorm
and took her license number.
Masters traced the car and
went to the Boghossian home,
accompanied by a policewom
an; Mrs. Hulda Roper.
He said he found the tele
vision sitting in the front
On the way to the police
station, Mrs. Boghossian ad
mitted she had done the steal
ing, Masters said.
Threw Purses Away
She, admitted that she us
ually took purses and billfolds
and left them in the rest
Council Asks
On Extended
Library hours was the sub
ject of much discussion in
the regular Wednesday meet
ing of the Student Council.
J. B. Fournier, Law School
representative, stated that
the value of Love Library
was well over two million
dollars and interest rates on
this, at six per cent, amount
ed to thousands per year.
"With this much going out
the window every year, we
may as well use the library
as much as possible," he
Up To Council
Dave Godbey, member of
Hardin Will Direct
College Association
Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din recently was elected pres
ident of the American Asso
ciation of Land-Grant Colleges
and State Universities.
The organization ' is com
posed of 68 major institutions
in 50 states and Puerto Rico.
More than 1300 college presi
dents and administrators
were present in St. Louis ior
the meeting w h e r e the an
nouncement was made.
A University First
This is the first time that a
University representative has
been elected to such a high
and important national post.
Dr. Hardin, 44, is also be
lieved to be the youngest pres
ident the association has had.
"I was liighly pleased to be
selected for this post," said
the Chancellor. "I have long
been an enthusiastic sup
porter of the programs and
philosophy of the Land Grant
Institutions," he continued.
The position will be for one
year and the custom is that
after serving as preSufcht, the
following year he will serve
rooms or threw them on the
Captain Masters cautioned
all campus residents to be
on the lookout for people who
might enter houses. He ad
vised, "Put purses and bill
folds out of sight."
"Practically all purses that
were stolen were in plain
sight," he added.
"It's simple for a prowler
to step in arid take a purse
off a desk, but usually they
will not search drawers," he
Dooley's Medico Will
Share AUF Funds
Dr. Thomas A. Dooley's
project, MEDICO, will re
ceive up to one thousand
dollars from the All Uni
versity Fund.
This was the result of
student comment. The AUF
Board felt that this was
something worthwhile, per
haps even more so than
other AUF projects. The
Board voted Thursday night
to give all the money over
the goal of $5,500 up to one
thousand dollars to Dooley's
The" AUF Board decided
that the goal must be met
before MEDICO would re
ceive any of the funds so
licited through the efforts
of the All University Fund.
State Pen Tour
Is on Schedule
For Ag Students
Fifty Ag College students
will tour Nebraska State Pen-
itentiary Tuesday evening.
The tour will leave from the
Ag College Student Union 'at
5:30 according to Sara
Rhodes, chairman of the Ag
Union Hospitality Committee,
sponsors of the event.
Students may sign up for
the tour in the Ag Student Un
ion' on a first come first
served basis. Anyone who has
signed up for the tour, but
doesn't plan to go is asked
to notify Miss Rhodes.
The eiuup will be enter
tained by prison inmates and
will eat supper at the institu-
the Library Committee last
year, told the Council it must
decide the hours desired and
the 'days that they wanted
the library tObe open and
then gather student support
to back the Council. He also
stated that longer hours had
been sought in the past, but
that the situation now is sim
ilar to that of the past two
; Jack Nielsen, Council Pres
ident, said that the opinion
of the Council members is
more than just any 33 stu
dents and that the Student
Council recommendations
as chairman qf the executive
committee. The executive
board is composed of 12 other
members from colleges and
He succeeds D. C. Clement
French, president of Washing
ton State University, who has
held the post for the past
Committee Member
Dr. Hardin has been a
member of the Association's
executive committee and
chairman of the steering com
mittee for the celebration of
its 100th birthday in 1962.
On the national education
scene, the Chancellor is chair
man of the committee on In
stitutional Projects Abroad
and a member of the new
committee for Educational Li
aison Between U.S. and Coun
tries of Sub-Sahara Africa,
both of the American Council
on Education.
He is also a trustee of the
Midwest Research Institute of
Kansas City.
Chancellor Hardin has been
at the University since 1954
and was instrumental in ob
taining the $2.9 million Ne
braska Center for Continuing
Education which was partly
financed by the W. K. Kellogg
Sales End
Next Week
Advanced sales for Builders
student directories end Nov.
18. .
Students who want directo
ries must purchase them in
advance as only the number
purchased will be ordered.
Organized houses will be
contacted Monday and Tues
day nights and booths will
be open in the Student Union
Tuesday and Wednesday from
10 to 12 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m.
Julie Kay is in charge of the
Price of the books which
list names, addresses, nhone
numbers, affiliation, and ma-
jbrs of students as well as in-
on the faculty is
85 cents.
Garner To Play
At "Sadie" Dance
Stacy Garner's Orchestra
will play at the first Sadie
Hawkins dance sponsored by
the Ag Student Union.
The dance will be held to
night ia the College Activities
gym 8:30 to 11:30.
Tickets are being sold by
committee members of the
Ag Union and are also on sale
in the activities office of the
Ag Union.
carry weight, although only
when these recommendations
are made on and supported
by a strong foundation.
.' "We must start with a well
defined course of action," he
said. "First, we must get a
good sample of student opin
ion and then make a vigor
ous, all-out effort to attain the
students' wishes. Student
Council members must really
push an effort like1 this and
gather as much information
as possible which we may
then build a foundation up
on." Research Books
It was stated that Frank
Lundy, Director of University
Libraries, wanted to purchase
more books for research pur
poses. He is also not con
vinced that students want ex
tended and increased library
hours nor is he convinced
that students would use these
if they were adopted.
It was further stated that
the staff of the Love Memo
rial Library thinks the library
should be used more for re
search purposes than for sim
ply a place in which to study.
Henry Baumgarten, Coun
cil Faculty Adviser, told the
Report on Calendar
Causes Questioning
A Calendar Committee re
port was also the subject of
Student Council comment at
the Wednesday meeting.
Some of the Council members
were curious about the ab
sence of Council opinion on
the beginning of the 1960-61
school term at the recent
Faculty Senate meeting.
Dennis . .Nelson, Chairman
of the Council Calendar Com
mittee, told the Council that
all the evidence that was sub
mitted to him was three let
ers and the straw vote of the
Council's preference.
"The Faculty Calendar
Committee took a survey of
faculty date preferences and
based their decision on this
since the Student Council rep
resentative was not present
at that meeting," he said.
"Evidence submited just
did not have enough weight
for us to try to present our
point, and the presentation of
our argument would have had
to be presented to the Faculty
Senate since the Faculty Cal
endar Committee had already
made its decision.
Jack Nielsen told the Coun
cil that three letters showed
some support, but not enough.
He also explained that the
reason a Council member was
not present at the Faculty
Commencement, Meters
Discussed by Council
In addition to school cal
enders and library hours,
parking meters and 'schedule
conflicts were discussed by
Council members. Elimina
tion of the speaker at the
Commencement exercises al
so evoked opinions of various
activities represented at the
The Parking Board stated
that they had submitted a
recommendation to James
Pittenger, assistant to t h e
chancellor, that the twelve
minute meters be changed to
either two or four hour meters
since very few students used
the twelve minute meters.
The Parking Board made this
recommendation since the
Student Union parking lot is
still on an experimental basis.
Ken Tempero, social com
mittee chairman, stated that
the Faculty Sub-Committee on
Social Affairs is planning to
make two recommendations
to the Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs.
One of the recommenda
tions will be: on closed dates,
such as Ivy Day, Homecom
ing "and the Chancellor's Re
ception, nothing else should
be scheduled. The other is:
there j should be no duplica
tions un scheduling dates of
events which involve a large
segment of the student body
andor paid public perform
ance and that events sched
uled first should be given
It was also reported that
Council that the recent boost
in the library's budget was
used up on the increasing
costs of the library and not
on new books. He said that
there are numerous demands
from every channel that
books and journals be ob
tained and the administrators
of the library have to be
thoroughly convinced of a
plan before they will approve
it due to the shortage of
He also told the Council
that it would be a matter of
"taking money from one
pocket and moving it to an
other" if the library were to
extend and increase hours.
Chuck Wilson mentioned the
earlier vote of the Council
that was submitted to tho
Library Committee and also
told the Council of a poll
taken last year which had in
cluded over 700 University
students which was submitted
to the library as a sample of
student desires.
He said the Council must
get views of the student body
and then express them in a
motion by the Student Coun
cil. Then, he said, we should
get a "yes" or "no" answer
Calendar Committee meeting
was due to a mix-nn in the
mail system.
The Council was notified of
the meeting in time, but the
notification did not reach the
Council's hands until one day
after the meeting since the
letter had gotten lost in the
rearrangement of the activity
mail boxes in. the Union... He.
explained that it was not the
fault of any person or organi
zation, as had perhaps been
understood by some.
J. B. Fournier said the Stu
dent Council should show stu-
.i t : MMj or 1 .n( ! n
(straw vote of Council on
calendar question) should in
dicate the student opinion for
the campus.
Jack Nielsen told the Coun
cil that "members acted as
individuals in presenting opin
ion and not as reDresenta-
tives. Bob Krohn informed
the Council that a "straw v
vote shows only individual
opinion and is not representa
tive." It was stated that the Stu
dent Council weight and the
letters were found to be in
sufficient and though a pre
sentation of this evidence to
the Faculty Senate would
hurt the Council more than
help it. '
the faculty is interested in
finding a more effective and
fair method of punishing stu
dents for offenses. The pre
sent method consists of either
dismissal, conduct probation
or conduct warning.
In connection with the opin
ion upon whether a speake
should be engaged for Com
mencement, Jack Nielsen re
ceived various Council mem
ber's individual findings on
the subject. Builders Board
was in favor of having a
speaker, 12-4. The four dis
senting votes being cast be
cause of the heat problem in
the Coliseum. A. W. S. was
unanimously in favor of a
speaker, although they
thought a time limit should
be imposed and a local
speaker be considered.
TWA and Tassels wera
in favor of eliminating a
speaker unless the speech
were a short one delivered by
a member of the University.
They believe tradition should
be followed and retain the
Coliseum as the site of Com
mencement instead of moving
it to Pershing Auditorium or
Memorial Stadium where it
would be cooler.
Some thought that a speaker
for Commencement was very'
necessary and that the other
program should be c0H.en.5edi
to avoid the .amount of time
consumed. They also thought
the selection of the speaker
was of prime importance in
the question of eliminating
speakers at Commencement.