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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1959)
Pag The Daily. Nebraskan Weanesaay, i November u'( Editorial Comment: J Students Again Are Mute "We're being pushed around. Nobody ever cares what the students think." So goes the cry as student A vents his wrath upon whatever powers exist on Student B. Like when the calendar for next year showed that school was to begin a week later. The Student Council moved into action, formally protesting the switch. They requested student opinion in order to back the presentation they wanted to make to the Faculty Senate calendar com mittee. So letters arrived from AWS, RAM and the Inter Co-Op Council. Not a very large expression of student opinion. There tends to be a strong feeling of resignation among Council members. They feel that working on something such as the calendar switch is the collective banging of heads against stone walls. Small wonder that Council members should take this attitude. If the consensus among students is that the switch in scheduling is going to pose a problem in job seeking, then why don't more than three groups speak up? Griping In the Crib doesn't sway many opinions. Constructive voicing of opinion does, how ever. It would seem only good sense among both organized and non-organized campus groups that when the Council requests a sounding of student opinion on an issue such as this, that they receive it. Any stu dent organization has the prerogative to register an opinion in the name of the group regardless of whether that group is a social fraternity, a charity organiza tion, a professional society, or whatever. So does the individual student have the prerogative to send a letter to the Stu dent Council or to the Daily Nebraskan registering an opinion on an issue such as this. The response of nothingness to a request for opinion-must be thoroughly dishearten ing to the persons on Council who , have f ttempted to speak for the students. There is another angle, too. A large per centage of Council membership is com posed of organizational representatives. Theoretically, these individuals return to their groups each week to report on Coun cil activities and to sound opinion among the group on pertinent questions. This should be done on a more active basis. If the Council wishes opinion, it would seem logical that the organizational reps should introduce the subject in their meet ings and ask for a straw vote. Here you would have opinion ready made. This would not be enough, however. While the Council members themselves could take a more active part in sampling opinion, the great mass of mute ones might stir itself long enough to speak above a complaining mumble. One be comes cynical about the frequent com plaints of persecution when thousands will not rouse themselves sufficiently to com ment on when they ' would like to begin attending classes in the fall. Not Shrouded With Ivy The best thing which has happened to the Young Republicans since Eisenhower is the sudden flurry of activity among the University Young Democrats. Whereas in the past the YR's took care to provide newspapers around (downtown as well as the Daily Nebraskan) with fairly frequent notices of their activities, with the new impetus of an aggressive Young Democrat crew, YR's are turning into veritable founts of information and plans. Seemingly, the YR's are entering into their most active year. For the YD's there is no question. They've never done anything before. For a new-born organization (at least as far as the campus goes) they are doing a tremendous job of program planning and participation in State political affairs. If the promise shown by these two groups this year is fulfilled this spring and next fall when the election year fever really begins to be felt, no student on the cam pus should emerge untouched by the is- Inferior Sticks Lest it ever be said that comment on any major issue escapes the keen eyes and blazing typewriters of the crew from the Union basement, the following an nouncement has been requested: Earlier the hue was raised when sticks were substituted for spoons in the Crib. Now reports are that the initial sticks are being replaced with an inferior grade of sticks. The report is unconfirmed. sues and platform advocated by the two parties. This is a hopeful sign. In the midst of stagnant activities and dying programs, it it invigorating to see activities as dynamic as these moving to the fore. The same holds true for NUCWA. The Council on World Affairs has spent a year or two in almost total eclipse. This is un fortunate. The Mock UN they held one spring was one of the most worthwhile and exciting movements into the sphere of world affairs. Remember when one dele gation staged a riot and walked-out? Anyway, some new blood has gone into NUCWA, too. Their first program on labor Tuesday night will not be the last for a while, we hope. These are the sort of activities which should- be stimulating the imagination of students while in college'. These are the ones which deal with that which is really pertinent today. Too often we neglect them as we shroud ourselves in ivy. I Cornhusker Deadline ' No amount of publicity seems to reach everyone, but for those who occasionally read this half of the page Friday is the deadline for Cornhusker individual pic tures, so if you wish your face recorded for posterity, hie yourselves to the Union basement no appointments necessary. They are being taken in the Commuters' Lunchroom. M. E. Speaking By Carroll Kraus broken up into bunches of little lights Well, most of us publication workers those of you who attended the Homecom iidn't get to take the trip to Mfssouri a ing Dance this year or any' other dance couple of weeks ago for unofficial migra- down at Pershing will remember them, tion, so we've decided to take an even However, looks like the Military isn't more unofficial migration on our own. going to score at the football game with Miss Maxwell, Mr. Kai- Colorado this weekend. Seems like the man and I will flee the f -"""N ! administration was a little wary about scene (hope I'm gone, at i V firing the big gun when the Huskers least, by the time this . f f scored. paper's out) for points C 1Sr I'm sure if Army ROTC had decided to eastward. So will Sue I " 1 go through with the gun-firing routine Schnabel and Mary Cun- V . 1 they wouldn't have used one the size of ningham of the Corn- , V" f last year's. That one might have caused nUsker "''K, a little danger in that it could have shat- Everybody but yours J tered the windows in the press box in the truly is going to New Ifl I west stadium. York for ACP convention; I i U JLJ But gosh, if the Army had control of the my travels will only ex- Kraus ' cannon this year, I'm sure they would tend to Indianapolis for Sigma Delta Chi know how to fire the thing (seems to be a convention time Part of the business) and the worst-thing What I'm realiy leading up to is this: In g "ait would do would be to jar loose a case there are grievances about some- . . . . . . t anvwav thing, the following stalwart journalists 0n weU- we mig get snut out anyway. may be able to provide the answer. An apparently avid Nebraska fan, Jim Sandi Laaker is moving from the copy Schueth, has sent me a note saying that desk to the editor's desk to handle Page 2; wjtn all this ahroo about spirit, songs, news editor Sony Whalen is moving to the cheers, chants, etc., it brings to mind managing editor's chair; and Karen Long that he.s never seen 0r4ieard accurately, ia taking over Sony's place. tne words t0 the song with the bit about, Course Kai has a bundle of biz assist- "On Mighty Men." ants to watch the store.' Well, Jim, the title of the song is "Hail So, you nearly all-girl band, here's pass- to the Team" and here it is, for you and lng the buck. posterity: . "Hail to the Team, Glad to see the Navy's decided to get The Stadium' Rings as Everyone Sings rid of television at the Military Ball. It The Scarlet and Cream, may be nice for the folks in TV-land to Fight on for Victory, Echo our Loyalty, watch, but it's rather exasperating for So on Mighty Men, the people who go to the Ball. . : The Eyes of the Land, upon every Hand, Pershing Auditorium usually supplies Are looking at You, enough lights to make sunglasses in vogue Fight on for victory, anyway. Furthermore, they actually fol- Hail to the Men of Nebraska U." low you. Especially those lights that are . 30 (Me 'n Jack Webb). Daily Nebraskan - SIXTY-NINE YEARS OLD " ISWSTSiSSr ?L . . . j , ., i . n - , tinbseriptloa rates ara 13 per semester ar $g tor Mm Uember: Associated Collegiate Press, Inter- ' mdrmie rear. eollerlate Press Entered a seeona tlui matter at the pomi of Acs a. ! .. . a. , . . ... In Unenla, Nebraska, under the act of anenst 4, 1911. Representative: National Advertising Serr- s tutorial sTrr ICO. Incorporated Editor... Diana Maxwell Published at: Room 20, Student Union juisi:dHr --t!Vre,,Jit ,, aj-u..v Newe Editor Sondra Whales J.JJiaain, DraK Srrs Editor Hal Browa 14th A B . Nieht News Bailor , ikn Telephone S-7631. ext. 23. 422. 4227 Copw E,u,or" " """ STZl The IHW Nebrntkaa Id published Monday. Tuesday, Writers ....Jacqiia Janerck, Karen Lent, Wednesday and Friday during the school year, ricrpt "" MeCartnry durina raeatlons and eiam periods. iturtenU of Mia J'. Staff Writers Mike Mllroy. Ana Moyer University ol Nebraaka onder the authorization of the Reporter Nancy VV'hltford. iim Forrest, rl Commit toe on StuiWnt Affaire ae aa expression of sto- Johnaon, Harvry Ferlman, Dirk Stuckey dent opinion. Pnbllcatlon under the Jnrladle'lon of the BUSINESS STAFF Soboommlttee on Student Publication! ahall be frea Bualneas Manager ".Stan Ralmaa from editorial censorship on the part of the Subeom- assistant Business Managers Don Ferguson, Gu nUirs r the narl of any member of the faculty of Grady, tiharlene Grna the University, or en h. -art of any person outaide Circulation Manas Bong Vounsuaii) tna University. The members ef the Daily- Nebraekna tfiiloe Manager , ArdJth Ehlers I By George ! By George Moyer ba the tern This week's issue of Sports Illustrated contains an ex amination Of eastern col lege tastes in athletics and other things under the ti- tle:, "Up ,Squ a s Dow B a s ball!" The sis of e a s a t t i tude toward "c o ntests of physical skill" and most anything else is the amount of enthusiasm gen erated by the people who participate. The number of people particiapting is also important. It works like this: The more people taking li d Moyer part in a given activity and , the more enthusiastic they are about their participa tion, the less " socially ac ceptable the activity. Individuals, Too This works with in dividuals too. A man with a trick (notice that word, trick) of manner a kind of blase self assurance can convince everyone else that what he is doing is the most worthwhile thing the thing to do. That makes this man the most socially acceptable. Employing "this philoso phy, whole college cam puses can become socially unacceptable. Cornell, for instance, is cdhsidered by. Easterners very far down the social scale. Penn and Harvard are other schools that are taking a social OSMOSIS By George Haecker A few discussions, an edi torial, and the "More or Less Personal" column in Monday's Evening Journal have all dealt with the fact that most of Nebras ka's young people in tend t o spend their lives else where. The col umn in the Haecker J o u rnal stated that people were leaving for eco nomic and cultural reasons and then went on with a description of our tight economy, completely neg lecting the concern of culture. This very ignor ance of culture and our ten dency to push it behind the more practical outlook is the reason why the young ones pull out. It is not for lack of eco nomy that they leave but it is, instead, our over con cern with it, and our neglect of culture. The editorial didn't seem to consider cul ture any more deserving than a mere mention and this seems to be the outlook of the whole state. Culture is thought of as a kind of bother and some thing that will go away if it is ignored long enough. Pleasures of the mind and eye are considered trivial endeavors and we only seem to be dimly aware of non-physical values. Any project that might be meaningful toward a high er culture is quickly squelched under our stag nant preoccupation with the more practical proposal. Our environment is pol luted ' by dull practicality and the only beauty to be seen is nature's. Our archi tecture is miserable. The buildings are as stero typed and meaningless as marshmellows. Look around you, and even the most sensitive eye can find no beauty in our man-made environment. It is still a wonder to me how we ever built the state capitol, our single achieve ment of really good architecture. The University's art gal lery has one of the finest collections in the country but who cares and who comes to see it? Lincoln has a symphony orchestra but it is more of a hobby for it's members than a source of enjoyment for the citizens. A university is imagined to be a breeding ground for the higher things of life. But even our campus atmo sphere is more concerned with beer drinking, busy work 'activities, queen elect ing and almost anything that doesn't involve con trolled thought. And such things as the Art Gallery, University Theater, Foreign Film Society, and Communi ty Concerts only receive mediocre support. We seem to perpetuate our own stagnation and it is no wonder that we would prefer to have our fun here and then move on to high er atmosphere when we graduate. And unless there is a great change of ideals, values, and attitudes both in the old and young, Ne braska will always remain a friendly place but a rath er stagnant one too. li tii :f 1 ' Vi-: h- A 0LORIOUS PHENOMENON! i Never before has any diamond shape so strikingly en larged a diamond's appearance and revealed such fiery radiance, such shimmering beauty. THESE TWO DIAMOND ARC IDENTICAL IN CARAT WEIQHTI You are cordially invited to set our, selection of these drarmtie new OVAL diamond ringt. ASY BUDGET TERMS TAKE MONTHS TO PAY "Quality Telh" sV.,.,iii,-...,i...i,.iiISII -'Hferf IIP 1200 O St. ''wjwi'iwii.ii;teir-fM j 1 5 beating supposedly because of their lack of "blase self assurance." t Now, applying this criter ia to Nebraska, where stu dents can still get enthu siastic eiough over a foot ball game to tear down the goalposts or indignant enough over an abridge ment of academic freedom to send petitions to the state legislature, one can imagine how socially unac ceptable we become to East erners. . As a matter of fact, our campus must be just a cut above some of our boun tiously productive barn yards to the average Ivy League student. Which makes the average Nebraska student about as socially acceptable at an Eastern school as... Well, I'll let you fill it in. ' , Clod With Mud If the average NU grad is regarded as somewhat of a clod with mud still a foot deep on his shoes accord ing to the standards of the East, I for one, am totally unmoved, If all an activity needs to make itself socially accept able is blase self assur ance, some strange kinds of socially acceptable activi ties might turn up. ' A system of values which .penalizes enthusiasm and active support by large numbers of people is really a little appalling to consid er. For instance, there never was a fundamental right or basic freedom secured with out the complete and en thusiastic support of a large number of citizens. Also, said rights were never and are never going to be successfuly defended without complete and en thusiastic support of an equal number of citizens. Full of Leaders And history is full of lead-. ers with tricks of manner who have been able to con vince everyone else that what they were doing was the most worthwhile thing. Enough, of Eastern p s u e d o-sophistication. .1 guess our midwestern mor al blue jeans are just as warm in the face of the icy blasts of social apathy as b u c k 1 e-in-the-back Ivy Leagues. . . . And maybe a good deal more durable. You'll Enjoy Shopping at Gold's Golds OF NEBRASKA Neatest trick of the season , . . Pendleton 's Pairables A pl fj '-.' u 4,,fj y x I i "- A. For a wider, more varied wardrobe ... Pair off your favorite Pendleton Tartan RerJ plaid jacket with a smart matching solid. Th fine guage slip over (with removable fringed ' tie) can be worn either with the trim plaid slacks or can he made into a three way come hination of skirt, sweater and smart jacket. Skirt, slacks and jacket in sizes 10-18. Sweater 3640. Sweater 10.95 Slacke.... , 14,95 Skirt .....14.95 Jacket 19.95 GOLD'S Sportswear . . . Second Floor Neatest trick in savings . . . fttf Green Stampi