ukmvsity op NEBR- rl UC?ARY A ' urn Student Protests Fizzle Late Ope Vol. 34, No. 3-ih- Short Gowns Favored In Military Ball Polling' . . . But Long Dresses Supported, Too By Karen Long As the highlight of the so clal season approaches, girls must make the decision if they will wear the traditional long formal or the popular cocktail dresses to the Mill' tary Ball. , In a campus poll, two-thirds of the fellows and 'gals inter viewed preferred the short dresses while the other third thought that the affair should stick with formality all the way through. Candidates Disagree However, the candidates Dorm Theft Charges Are Filed Petty larceny charges were filed Tuesday against a . 20-year-old Lincoln woman in connection with a series of thefts in the Women's Resi dence Halls. She is not a University stu dent, according to Chief De puty County Attorney Paul Douglas, who filed the charges. She will be ar raigned Thursday in county court. Douglas said Eugene Mas ters, head of the campus po lice force, brought the woman to him Monday. Masters declined to tell the Daily Nebraskan details until the arraignment. According to Douglas, "Capt Masters has already returned a housemother's television set , found in the girl's home." "Nearly 30 purses with amounts from $2 to $20 also were stolen," he added. Douglas said the girl told him the thefts had occurred within the last two weeks, but Masters said there had been reports of pilfering since the first week of school. The girl had spent most of the money, Douglas said. Good Luck Hop Is Friday, 13th A "Good Luck Hop" has been planned by the Student Union for Friday (the 13th) immediately following the pep rally. New records are being pur chased by the Union small dance committee. Both stags and couples are invited. Twenty-Two " Twenty-two sorority pledges have been nominated for Junior IFC Pledge Class Queen, to be presented at the annual fraternity pledge class dance at the Turnpike Ball room Nov. 13. Pledges and their dates will dance from 8-12 to the music of Jimmy Rhea and his or chestra. A b;-Ip Irs ijl-i) A . ft 'J - 4 X PLEDGE QUEEN CANDIDATES Nineteen of the candi dates for Junior IFC Queen smile for the cameraman. Pictured above (top row, from left) are; Joanie Davies, . ftindy J-' v'. Jeenle Morrison, Margie Fetsr, Rs Ann Saalfield, Kathy Carney, Suella Stalder and Claire Roehrkasse; (bottom row, from left) Rhoda Skiff, Linda Jensen, Becky Schneider, Jan Scott and Jayne Erickson. In the picture to the right are (from eft): Ruthie Chub buck, Jane Jeffrey, JiO'e Westerhoff, Joanie Chenoweth, Leah Smith and Connie Wilson. Not pictured are Pat Dow and Gale Mulligan. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA .Wednesday,. November 11, 1959 for Honorary Commandant do not agree. Eighteen of the 24 favored long dresses while one of the six against said that all girls in the Grand March should wear them. An other thought that the hon ored four should. The primary reason against the floor length gowns was that they didn't think anyone else would wear them, said Dick Basoco of Navy ROTC who asked, the candi dates. Bill Wilson who favored the long ones summed up the male opinion on his side with this statement: "The trend for all dances the last several years has been cocktail dresses. The Military Ball used to be pretty, but the beauty and tra- McDole Is 'Star' Roland McDole, h a r d hitting right tackle on the NU football squad, has been named the Daily Ne braskan ."Star of the Week" for his play in the Nebraska-Iowa State game Saturday. For details: See Page 3 Love Fines Are Fine, Says Farley University library fines will continue at the usual rate, despite a trend across the country to raise them. According to Richard Far ley, associate librarian, "The reasoning behind the trends seems to be that as students get more money, fines lose their sting." Rates here are five cents a day a volume. Overnight re serve books cost 25 cents for the first hour and five cents per hour after that. P arley said Tuesday that the general return rate of lo cal students is "good." He estimated last year s fines totaled nearly $2,000, in cluding summer school ses sion. The money is used to re pair and replace books and add more copies, he said. Nominated Ballots w i 11 be issued to couples as . they enter the dance and voting will take place at ' intermission after the candidates have paraded before' the group. Both men and women will vote. Members of the Junior IFC will then count the ballots and the Queen will be announced about 11:30 p.m. tit Ts 1 1 Kyi J; 1 T dition has been taken away from it by the different types of dresses." 'Won't Fit' In opposition to the big dresses, Ron Bell said, "The girl and the dress just won't fit in a Volkswagen." Most of the girls who pre ferred the short dresses thought that wool dresses for the event be dispensed and keep the short ones strictly formal. Another fellow disagreed and. said, "You can't be too formal at Pershing." Some girls felt that long formals can only be worn by tall girls. Girls who have them say this is the only time of the year that they really can wear them and that when they dress for a formal occa sion everyone should be in long formals since the men wear tuxes. No Jitterbugging The fellows chimed back with "I hate to step on women's pretty dresses and a couple just can't jitter bug." A friend replied, "But does anyone really dance much at these things?" The most common remark was, "Why not be comfort able and practical, wear the short." Another girl who favored the once a year dress-up said that to be feminine a girl should wear the long dress. Dr. Weaver Will Head Grad Group Dr.- John Weaver has been named chairman of the edu cational policies committee of the American Association of Graduate Schools. The dean of the University Graduate College succeeds Dean Jacques Barzun of Co lumbia University. Suggesting solutions for problems in graduate educa tion and maintaining national standards for such education are the main functions of the committee. Other members of the com mittee named at the recent meeting in New Hork City in clude Dean Robert Lumian sky of Tulane University, Dean Alexander H u r d of North Carolina University and Dean Joseph McCarthy of the University of Washington. For Pledge The candidates, their sorority and the fraternity which nominated them are: Joanie Davies, Kappa Al pha Theta, Sigma Alpha Ep silon; Sandy Johnson, Chi Omega, Kappa Sigma; Jean nie Morrison, -Delta Gamma, Sigma Chi; Margie Feese, Kappa Delta, Acacia; Rose Ann Saalfeld, Gamma P h i Power Failure Causes Blackout Breakdown of a genera tor at the University power plant about 8 p.m. last night caused a brief black out in buildings on the east side of the campus. . "Lights were out for less than 10 minutes in Sel leck Quadrangle, Residence Halls for Women, Student Union and some class buildings," according to Paul Owen,, public power engineer. "It was a minor acci dent," he added. A crowd of students gath ered in front of the girl's dorm aft or the lights went out but ' s o o n dispersed. Campus police were not available for comment after the incident. . New Sons Is Needed For SMU Prizes Offered In Open Contest Tassels and Corn Cobs sponsored a song contest oh our campus this fall, but it was just a small one com pared to one started at South ern Methodist University. SMU has opened a contest for the composition of a uni versity alma mater-type song to any professional or ama teur composer in the country. The contest, endowed by W. W. Caruth, has prizes to be awarded over a three-year period totaling ?7,20O and a possible bonus of $2,500 if it becomes the official school song. In the spring of 1960, 1961 and 1962 the submitted songs will be judged by SMU alum ni, students and faculty. On the basis of the judging, awards of $1,000 for first prize, $600 for second prize and $300 for third will be made in June of each of the three years. The nine prize-winners then will he eligible for the grand prize of $1,500, to be awarded in November, 1962. All entries awarded prizes in any year will be subject to option for copyright by SMU. ' In this way SMU hopes to gain songs with original words and music appropriate for the exclusive use by stu dents, faculty and alumni of their school exclusively. Class Queen Beta, Beta Sigma Psl. Karen Carney, Kappa Al pha Theta, Phi Delta Theta; Suella Stalder, Chi Omega, Delta Upsilon; Claire Roehr kasse, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Gamma Sigma; Rhoda Skiff, Gamma Phi Beta, Beta.Theta Pi. ' Becky Schneider, Chi Omega, FarmHouse; 'Jan Scott," Del ta Gamma, Alpha Gamma Rho; Jayne Ericksoii, Alpha Phi, Phi Gamma Delta; Ruthie Chubbuck, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Kappa Psi; Jane. Jeffrey, Alpha Phi, Sigma Nu; 'Julie Westerhorf, Alpha Omicron Pi, Pi Kappa Phi. Joanie Chenoweth, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Phi Epsiloni Leah Smith, Pi Beta Phi, Theta Xi; Connie Wil son, Chi Omega, Delta Tau Delta; Pat Dow, Alpha Omi cron Pi, Zeta Beta Tau; Linda Jensen, Kappa Kappa Gam maSigma Alpha Mu; amd Gale Mulligan, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega. By Jim Forrest Selection of the calendar for the academic year 1960 1961 was mcde by a unani mous vote of the Faculty Sen ate Tuesday afternoon. The calender sets the start of the school year on Sept. 19. It will terminate June 8, Anticipated The Senate approved the calendar question in the open ing minutes of the meeting. It was anticipated that an ob jection to the new schedule would be voiced by the Stu dent Council, but no Council members were present. KNUS Expansion CampUS Radio Plans Increased Reception Plans for expansion, includ ing the beginning of a new program series and the in creasing of reception range on Ag Campus, are in the offing for Campus radio sta tion KNUS. Program director Jim Rhea said, "Beginning Nov. 30, we hope to broadcast a one-hour program from the 'Crib each night Monday through B'riday from 8-9." Music, Interviews The show is intended to be primarily entertaining and will include' music and inter views, he said. "At present," Rhea also noted, "we reach only about 2,000 students at Selleck Quad rangle, Burr Hall and the Women's Residence Halls on city campus. Plans are to in stall equipment in the Wom en's Residence Halls on Ag Campus which will enable us to reach them also." Other services to be provid ed free of charge to Univer sity students upon request include announcement of so cial events, playing of record requests and promotion of charity drives such as AUF. Broadcast Events . In addition, the station, which is theoretically in com petition with the "Rag" to "get the news to the student first," Hawkins Hop Gives Gals Opportunity Girls, here's your chance! No date Friday night, then don t worry. Just ask your feller to the Sadie Hawkins Dance at the College Activi ties Building on Ag campus. Beginning at 8:30, there will be schmoos, dancing and entertainment for everyone. Two added features will be "Marryin Sam" and the "Gut Bucket Combo." Sadie Hawkins Day origin ated in the days of yore when Sadie, the daughter of Marry in' Sam, failed to marry at the usual early age. Her father, determined that she should marry, then took his shotgun and forced a poor male soul to marry his ugly daughter. This tradition held through the years until the lime of LLil' Abner and Daisy Mae. Daisy Mae followed the tradi tion 'in capturing Lil' Abner a her "hubby" in the little village of Dogpatch Center. Ever since this time this tradition holds and a day is always set aside for the Sadie Hawkins event. This first annual event on Ag is sponsored by the Ag Union. The whole Sadie Haw kins tradition will be fea tured with Dogpatch costumes the style along with the tra ditional "girls asking the boys to come." Today, students on Ag are busily riding a three-seated bicycle to advertise the event. NU Professor Rate of Economic Growth A University associate pro fessor of economics, Wallace Peterson, said that achieving and maintaining a rapid rate of economic growth is the most important economic problem that will face the United States in the next 20 years. Speaker's Topic Is Discipleship Bob Peterson of Back to the Bible bidadcaating wjll be featured speaker at the Intervarsity Christian Fellow ship meeting Thursday. He will speak on disciple ship. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Party Room of the Student Union. When the new calender was first proposed in the latter part of October, it drew fiery comments from the Council. Members said they felt that the late' ending of school would interfere with some students obtaining summer employment. Jack Nielson, president of the Council, said that certain members of the Cduncil were concerned about the general reaction of the student body to the late closing date. Only Three However, when only three letters were received by the will broadcast all outstanding campus events such as the University Talent Show held Sunday. ' The regular Monday through Friday program schedule includes: "Music of the Masters" (classical mu sic) from 5:30-6 p.m.; "Even tide" (mood music) from 6:05-7 p.m.; "Swingin' Sounds" (jazz) from 7:05-8 p.m.; "Campus Pop Shop" (popular music) from 8:05-9 p.m.; "Girls D-J Show" from 9:05-10 p.m.; "Weather, News and Sports" from 10 10:30 p.m. and "Afterglow" (light classical music) from 10:35-11 p.m. Rhea also indicated that several positions on the radio staff, both paid and volunteer, are open to interested stu dents who wish to apply. IWA Shoe Shiners Will Spur AUF Drive Fund Raising Projects Planned All young men on campus have a chance to get an extra special shoe shine Wednes day. The Independent Women's Association will sponsor the shine from 5:3ft to 7:30 p.m. in the lobbies of Selleck Quadrangle and Burr Hall. The money will be denoted to the AUF campus fund. One of Several The shoe shine represents one of several special drive features sponsored by organ ized groups. Gamma Phi Beta sorority members are forfeiting their Monday night dinner to earn funds for the AUF drive. The money usually spent for the meal will be donated instead to the fund. Individual con tributions also will be made. Kappa Alpha Theta will Young Democrats To Meet Tonight Y o u n g Democrats will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in 234 Student Union. The membership drive will be started and the club's group picture for the Cornhusker will be taken. Who Will Stop Colorado Buffs? A Girl Most Likely to Stop the Colorado Buffalo will be selected at Friday night's pep rally. Candidates from organized houses will be picked on ap pearance, popularity and originality of costumed v The rally will start at 6:45 p.m. at the Carillon Tower. Selection of the "buffalo stop per" will be on the steps of the Student Union. Discusses Peterson's article appeared in the November i s s u e of "Business in Nebraska". He said that if a rapid rate is r achieved, "most of her social and economic prob lems, if not entirely solved, will at least remain man ageable." But if the U.S. fails in this, "then such problems as exist will not only remain unsolved but will probably become in creasingly explosive in char acter." The threat, to Western so ciety arising out of the ex pansion of the Soviet Union can be contained only pro vided this nation continues to experience rapid and sus tained economic progress, he said. . Council objecting to the pub lished dates of beginning and ending of school, the council didn't feel justified in request ing the S e n a t e Calendar committee to reconsider pro posed new dates, he said. ' i ne omy discussion on we hew calendar by the Senate before passage was an amend ment to its wording. The amendment added that there would be no undergraduate classes the afternoon of Spring Day, May 5, and' no undergraduate classes the morning of Ivy Day, May 8. The new calendar sets gen eral registration en Sept. 14, 15 and 16 with classes begin ning the following Mon day. Vacations Thanksgiving vacation runs from Nov. 23 to Nov. 27. Christmas vacation starts Dec. 21 and runs until Jan. 4, and the last day of first semester classes are on Jan.. 21. After first semester Com mencement on Feb. 4, regis tration for second semester classes begins Feb. 6. Important second semester dates include first scholastic, reports on March 4, spring vacation from Mar. 25-Aprll 2, second scholastic reports on April 15, and the honors convocation on April 18. Winding up the semester and the year are the last day of classes on May 27, second semester examinations from May 31-June 8 and Com mencement on June 10. The Senate also passed without objection the calen dar for the 1960 summer ses sion. hold its annual White Ele phant Sale to raise funds for the drive. This entails the contribution of a favorite item which is then sold to the highest bidder at a slum ber party-auction. , The funds from the sale then will be denoted to AUF. Girls also will contribute in dividually. Wishing Well A, look into the Women's Residence Halls revealed a wishing well in the main en trance hall. Several residents of the dorm contended it was an excellent small' change collector and a new booster for AUF. Individual contribu tions seem to have priority over special projects in the majority of organized house drives. Most fraternities and soror ities reported their members were making individual con tributions or a special assess ment was being included on the house bills. Drama Talk Scheduled By Grads , The Friday Graduate Club will meet this week at 4 p.m. in 232 Student Union. A presentation will be given by Dick Marrs, graduate stu dent in drama and theatre. His presentation will deal with a topic of interest from the theatre department. Coffee will be served. Approximately 75 persons attended the Graduate Associ ation's first social activity of the year Saturday which con sisted of a dinner, a program and dancing. Participating in the pro gram were Tashirs Isa, graduate student from Japan; who played a selection by Brahms and another from the American folk-songs; Aid a Casanovas, language gradu ate from Bolivia, who played a piano selection by Chopin; Sunghee Kim, who sang a semi-classical Korean song; Elaine How, Chinese gradu ate from Formosa, who sang a Chinese song; and Kandiah Satkunam, Malayan, who per formed yoga exercises. Also announced at the meet ing was the constitutional committee consisting of Shiv asegar Singh, , Rod Peterson, Ken Nakagawa, Mae Sylvan and Raden Hattari. The tri-purpose goals of inp tellectual, cultural and social activities, of the association were explained by Hattari. -