JL CNIVERSI7Y OP '1 nomas Dooley Visits On Wednesday Dr. Thomas A. Dooley, the ,"Bac Sy My" of countless thousands of refugees.in Indo china, will be in the Student Union at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The jungle doctor, famous for his work in Laos, will re ceive the Mutual of Omaha Criss Award in Omaha Tues day night. The $10,000 and gold medal award is given for outstand ing contributions in the field of health and safety. Dr. Dooley will meet for an hour with faculty and stu dents here. " -Dr. Jonas Salk, discoverer of the Salk polio vaccine who was to have accompanied Dr. Dooley, now will not be able to participate in the Omaha or Lincoln activities. Dr. Salk was the 1955 win- Dr. Dooley Young GOP To Study Publicity In cooperation with the Uni versity Young Republican club and the State Young Re publican executive commit tee, the State Central Repub lican Commitee is sponsoring a public relations clinic for top level Nebraska party workers. The clinic will be held in Lincoln Dec. 4-5, according to Loran Schmidt, State Young Republican chairman. The first clinic of its kind in the state, the two-day pro gram will include a study of daily and weekly newspaper news techniques, a seminar in preparation and release of news, radio and television methods, tips on newsplay and discussions of how the Ne braska Republican party can best explain its program and present its candidates to the people of Nebraska. A public relations manual that is being prepared for slate Republican organiza tions also will be distributed and explained at the clinic. No Trip Here 7or Rockefeller Nelson Rockefeller, Gover nor of New York, sent a letter of thanks to University Young Republicans for an invitation to speak to the student body. However, present plans do xnot call for a stop in Nebraska so the invitation had to De declined. In a letter to Rod Eller busch, president of Young Re publicans, the special assis 1 ant to Rockefeller. O t e n Root, said, "The governor ap preciated your thoughtfulness and hopes that it will be re newed if he does visit your area in the future." . Ellerbusch reported that family friends of the Rocke fellers in Lincoln are making further requests for his, visit to the state. Tea WW Honor Vice Chairman The Young Republicans will have a tea honoring Mrs. Clare Williams, National Re publican Vice Chairman, Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. in the Student Union. Accompanying Mrs. Wil liams will be. Mrs. Ann Batch elder, . 'stale vice chair man, and Mrs. Edna Basten Donald, national committee Woman from Nebraska. Jan Rhoda, vice-president of the Young Republicans, said that all University wom en are invited to hear Mrs. Williams, who is in charge of Republican women's activir ties in the United States. ft j& i T" v " " " ': Campus ner - of the Criss award, named after Dr. C. C. Criss, founder of Mutual of Omaha. Dr. Dooley will be accom panied by John Van Bloom, president of the Mutual of Omaha Lincoln agency and V, J. Skutt, Mutual of Omaha president and founder of the Criss award. Dr. Charles W. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic, chairman of the Criss Award board of judges, said the selection was made last spring. Dr. Dooley received word of the award Thursday in New York City. He said: 'Tim overwhelmed the first really direct award I've ever received as a doctor." Dr. Dooley first became in terested in the work in Laos, when after the fall of Dien bienphu and the political divi sion of Indochina, he was a Navy doctor attending 600,000 refugees fleeing Communist domination in North Viet Nam. He returned to the United States and raised money by writing a best seller, "Deliver Us from Evil" about his work in Indochina. Dr. Dooley has since estab lished two hospitals and a clinic in Laos. No Decision V On Removal Of Old Ad The Chancellor has not yet decided how to solicit $250,000 for the removal of the former Administration Building and for the con struction of a new art de partment building. The Board of Regents has authorized. Hardin to solicit private funds for the proj ect adjacent to the proposed new $2.5 million Sheldon Art Galleries. Dean of Faculties Adam K. Breckenridge, chairman of the University Building Committee, says any recom mendations the Chancellor may have for solicitations must be approved by the Board of Regents which will meet Friday. The Board announced its decision to remove the old Administration building, built in 1905, at the last meeting on Oct. 21. It is now being used by the department of architecture, and for conferences, institu tions and community services. At present the art department holds classes on the second and third floors of Morrill Hall where the University Art Galleries also are locat ed. LARC Kids Will Get AUF Money Tfcli li the serend article in th srrtes. "Where Your Moner Gol,M eenrernlng eratributiona collected by the All Uni versity Fund. The article explain each f the charltlel that AUF will donate to this year, the varlana purpopes the char Ity ferveR. The 14th annual AIT drlte atartd Monday and enda Mot. 21. The Lancaster ' Association for Retarded Children was founded five years ago by the parents of retarded children in Lincoln. " Tuition is about $20 per month and is supple mented by charity contribu tions. The only other sources of income for the school are the annual , National Association for Retarded Children drive in Lincoln and individual con tributions. Through LARC school, many retarded children are taught to take a measure of responsibility and adopt them selves to useful lives in the community. LARC School is located on a state-owned farm formerly used is a Nebraska home for boys. The University's old student Health building was obtained by LARC to house a shelter workshop. i j . Deadline Near For Coriiliusker Picture-Taking This is the last week for the taking of individual Corn husker pictures. Anyone not yet having their picture taken should report to the Commuters Lounge in the Student Union basement anytime this week between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. , . . Cornhusker staff members issued a special appeal to members of Innocents and Mortar Boards. Only four of each group have reported for pictures, they said. , NOV lo 1959 the Vol. 34, No. mm Twenty Change We're from t - v: - r- WHERE'S LIL' ABNER? Four members of the Ag Union publicity committee, who declined to give their names, put in a plug for the Sadie Hawkins dance to be held Friday night at the C. A. Activities Gym. Tickets for the stag or couple dance are 50 cents a person. Parents Day Begin With Plans Include Saturday will be one of the few times students at the Uni versity will feel free to intro duce their -parents -to and converse with the Chancellor, deans and coaches of the Uni versity. At 10 a.m. these people 'will be in the lounge of the Stu dent Union and hold informal chats with students and par ents. ' . MB's, Innocents Host Mortar Boards and Inno cents "will act as hosts to the many parents who are ex pected to be present, accord ing to Bob Blair, chairman of Parents Day activities. Free coffee and rolls also will be served during the morning reception. In the afternoon, parents will be honored at the Nebraska-Colorado football game. Blair reported that tickets for the special parents sections may be obtained from A. J. Lewandowski at the Coliseum business office. He said that students who wish to sit with their parents in this section must pick up special slips at the office since the activities cards will not admit students to that -section. Letters Sent Letters have been sent to parents of more than 2,000 Travels Set For 4 SDX Members Four members of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour nalistic fraternity, will leave Wednesday morning for the 50th national SDX convention in Indianapolis. Scheduled to attend the meeting, which officially opens Thursday and ends Sat urday night, are Carroll Kraus, president of the Ne braska undergraduate chap ter; Don'EversolL undergrad uate secretary; Prof. James Morr iso n, undergradu ate chapter adviser, and Dr. Robert Cranford, former ad viser. Both Prof. Morrision and Dr. Cranford are members of professional Sigma Delta Chi chapters and are on the staff of the School of Journalism. Features of the convention are a speech Friday night by Vice President Richard Nix on; a trip to Depauw Univer sity near Indianapolis, the home of Sigma Delta Chi; a visit to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and a guest ap pearance by Jack Webb.v The 1 University delegation will return Saturday. ARCHIVES W - One Vie for - Made Dogpatch Activities Reception Game. Dance freshmen and new students, and more than 1,000 letters were distributed to organized houses for distribution to parents. Committee mem bers report that many have replied for reservations. A special Mom-Pop Hop is being held in the Union Ball room from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday. Bill Albers will play and students may bring their par ents or come themselves. Tickets will be sold at the door for 65 cents each or one dollar a couple. Nationwide Tour Stan Kenton Planning Turnpike Appearance in I n, jystgs Stan Kenton Navy Rules Against tV For Ball The Military Ball will not be televised this year as it has been in recent years, ac cording to Dick Basoco, pub licity chairman of the' Ball committee. Several factors figured in the no TV decision, he said. . "The, original purpose of televising the Military Ball was to call attention to the Ball throughout this part of the state. It is the opinion of the staff that this has been done," Basoco reported. "Another consideration is that televising requires ex tensive lighting and other facilities that the Navy, spon sors of the Ball this year, feels would detract from the extensive interior decorations that have been planned,", lie added. "It is hoped," he concluded, "that the removal of the lights needed for television will add preafly to the atmos phere fid spectator appeal of the Ball." jvl tmi LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ' in Prince Selection Twenty-one campus coeds, contenders for the Nebraska Sweetheart title, will be in terviewed tonight by Inno cents Society. The interviewing board will select 10 finalists on the basis of poise, beauty, personality and general appearance. The finalists will be an nounced Dec. 4 at the same time as the 10 Prince Kos met contenders. Early Interviews According to Don Epp, se lection chairman, the Sweet heart interviews are being held at this early date be cause the individual sororities and residence halls already have submitted their candi dates. The method of choosing Prince Kosmet also has been changed this year. Later in terviews of both groups would cause unnecessary rush and confusion, he said. Fraternities and men's resi dences are required to sell tickets to the Kosmet Klub show in order to nominate Theatre Are Not . . . Schedule Conflicts Explained University Theatre follows the same rules as any other campus organization when scheduling productions. However, the Theatre can plan events for closed nights Homecoming, Military Ball, Chancellor's Reception since it is considered a departmen tal function rather than a so cial event, according to Mrs. James Eller, assistant to the dean of student affairs. Complaints Heard- Student Council heard com plaints last Wednesday that Theatre productions would oc cur during Military Ball week end, Kosmet Klub and Coed Follies. Complaints were that stu dents were required to miss the events if they participated in the productions. The The atre season opened Home coming weekend. Mrs. Eller, who has charge of preparing the activities cal endar each spring, said every Stan Kenton, five-time winner of Down Beat Maga zine's popularity poll as leader of the nation's num ber one jazz orchestra, will appear at Turnpike Ballroom Sunday. The dance is scheduled as a twilight affair, 7-11 p.m. Kenton has been 'one of Capitol Records' top record ing stars since the company began. Currently on a nation wide tour, the bandleader will be making his first local ap pearance since winning the Down Beat award for the fourth time. Kenton, hailed as "Modern America's Man of Music," will present an orchestra consisting of 20 of the nation's leading instra mentalists. Spectacular Kenton's first musical spec tacular was in 1947, when he came upon the idea of for saking the ballrooms in favor of the concert stage, a med ium which he felt would dis play to better advantage his musical ideas. This endeavor was called "Presentations in Progressive Jazz." This was later abandoned and in its place came his next attempt at innova tions in the musical world. These plans required a 4 piece concert orchestra utiliz ing a 17-piece string section. The production was called "Innovations in Modern Music." 77 Cities "Innovations" began in 1950 and toured 77 cities across the country, coming to a close at Hollywood Bowl where more than 16,000 people gath ered. Following the Bowl concert, Kenton reformed the 20-piece dance orchestra. His second concert tour with "Innova tions" completed a nation , wide itinerary this year. mm 'Sweetheart; a candidate for Prince Kos met. Each organization must sell 50 tickets for each nomi nee. The candidates must then be interviewed by the Mor tar Boards who will select 10 finalists on the basis of appearance, personality and attitude. The finalists will be an nounced at the same time as the Sweetheart finalists, Dec. 4. This date is one week be fore the Kosmet Club show and provides for a one-week campaign period. Choice Only Before Epp said originally Prince Kosmet candidates were se lected in the same manner as the Sweetheart contend ers. The sponsoring group simply chose a candidate to represent them at the inter views. KK devised the new sys tem of requiring the houses to sell 50 tickets for each nominee for several reasons. Epp said the Club feels it does a service for the organ- Events Social group submits a tentative schedule to her office by April 20. Two Dates Picked "Organizations are contact ed if there is a conflict, she added. She also said the The atre had been notified last spring that Homecoming and Kosmet Klub had been spoken for earlier. The Coed Follies date was set April 28, eight days after the Theatre-had submitted its schedule. Dr. James Baldwin, acting Theatre director, said Monday the Theatre administration "certainly didn't intend to 'kill' any activities." "We can take the criticism and will try to schedule so there won't be so many con flicts, but won't guarantee there won't be any," he added. "This University is just get ting larger and conflicts are bound to occur," he said. No Designs He noted that the season's opener this year on Home coming weekend was not de signed to "draw the Home coming crowd." He said it was planned as "the most convenient date since the start of the term (for rehearsal time)," and it would give ample time to start rehearsal for the next production. There will be no rehearsal or production the night of the Military Ball, Dec. 4, he noted. J. P. Colbert, dean of stu dent affairs, said Monday he told a Council representative, "The University Theatre did not receive any special privileges and that it was im possible to avoid all schedul ing conflicts." NUCWA . To Feature Labor Talks Four labor leaders from Omaha and Lincoln will pre sent a panel discussion at a meeting of NUCWA tonight at 7 in 348 Student Union. They will summarize the local and national structure of labor unions along with recent- labor problems. The panel will then open the pro gram to questions. Included on the panel will be Herbert Stocker of Oma ha, area representative or the AFL-CIO; Ronald Smith of Lincoln, president of the Com munications Workers Local 7470 and a member of the state AFL-CIO executive board; L. K. Emery, first vice president of the Lincoln Central Labor Unions; and Kenneth Lewis, secretary of the LCLU and a member of the AFL-CIO. Board members will lheet at 6:30. This is the first program to be presented this year by NUCWA. Membersliip is open to anyone. Tuesday, November 10, 1959 ization which justifies the re-; quest. He added that KK felt th publicity afforded the frater nities and organized houses warranted this return service. The candidates are: Joyce Clark, Residence Halls for Women; Barbara Jahn, Resi dence Halls; Sally Markovitz,. Residence Halls; Pat John son, Chi Omega; Pat Salis bury, Alpha Xi Delta; Polly Doering, Alpha Omicron Phi; CeCe McClain, Kappa Alpha Theta. Angie Holbert, Delta Gam ma; Virginia Sagehorn, Fedde Hall; Ann Billmyer, Pi Beta Phi; Janet Hansen, Delta Delta Delta; Marian Bray ton, Alpha Phi; Alma Heuer m?nn, Love Memorial Hall; Shirley Shiff, Sigma Delta Tau; Sharon Baughman, Kap pa Delta. Suzanne Tinan, Kappa Kap pa Gamma; Laurie Aber nethy, Zeta Tau Alpha; Kay marie Swartz, Sigma Kappa, Judv Holmes. Alnha f!hi Oitip. ga; Valerie Roggow, Resi dence Halls; and Sharon Har vey, Terrace Hall. Here are candidates' inter view times: Time 8:00 8:07 8:14 8:21 8:W 8:35 8:42 8:49 8:56 :M 9:10 9:17 9:24 9:31 9:38 9:45 9:52 9:59 10:06 10:13 10:20 Candidal Joyce Clark Barb Jahaf Sally Markovitz Sharon Baughman Pat Johnson Pat Salisbury Polly DocrintT CeCe McClain Ancie Holbert Virginia Sagehont Ann Billmyer Janet Hansen Marian Brayton Sharon Harvey Ainu Heuermanrt Shirley Shiff Valerie Roggow Suzanne Tinan Laurie Abenwthy Kaymarie Swartr ' Judy Holme Education Directory Available - The 'Advancemer& Place ment Institute, a non-commercial professional informa tion and advisory service for the field of education, has published the third volume in a series of "World-Wide Grad uate Award Directories." The directory includes in formation on fellowships, as sistantships, prizes, scholar ships and work-study plans for students and professional people. Many Contributors More than 350 universities and foundations throughout the United States as well as more than 100 foreign univer sities have sent information to be listed in the new vol ume. Each listing includes the amount of the stipends which range from $300 up to $10,000, the field of study, the candi dates prerequisites and the method of application. . Volumes I and II were pub lished in 1957 and 1958. Copies of all volumes of the Directory may be examined at most deans' offices, univer sity and public libraries and school superintendent offices. It may be ordered from the Institute, Box 99, 'Station G, Brooklyn 22, N.Y. Each vol ume is $3 and the set of three is $8. . Placement Journal ' The Institute also issues a monthly non-fee placement journal, "Crusade for Educa tinn " whirh features an an- nuai international issue. This issue is especially de voted to foreign positions in cluding qualifications and sal aries, administrative, libra rian, research and science po sitions. Many of these positions pay travel expenses and, in most cases, the language ot instruct tion is English. The magazine also may be ordered from the Institute. 1 NU Radio Club To Elect Tonight The University Amateur Rariir. Huh will meet at 7 D.m. -tonight in 205 Military and Naval Science Buuaing. Election of officers will be held and refreshments will be served. ' Home Ec Club The Home Economic Club will meet Thursday evening at the Central Electric and Gas Co. at 12th and N. Phyllis Hansen of the Gas Kitchen will give a demon stration for the evening program.