The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, November 4, 1959
On the Social Side:
Huskers and Romance
Scored This Weekend
By Pat Dean
Fourteen caimms couDles
tegained composure enough
after tne Oklahoma-Nebraska
game to get pinned and en
Carol Frey, Alpha Phi
sophomore in Teachers from
Lincoln, to Lowell Hansen,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon junior
In Business Administration
from Sioux Falls, S.D.
Barbara Fitzpatrick, Delta
Gamma senior . in Teachers
from Lincoln, to Greg El-
luna, bigma Nu alum from
usceoia. ,
Donna Geis, Alpha Chi
Omega senior in Arts and
Sciences from North Platte;
to uary Aksamit, Beta Theta
Pi senior in Business Admin
istration from Crete.
Marty Hansen,' Chi Omega
junior in Home Economics
from Omaha, to Ross McGlas
soa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
senior in Arts and Sciences
from Lincoln. V . ,,.
Judith Morrison, freshman
at Stephens College in Co
lumbia, Mo., from Norfolk,
to Gerald Peterson, Delta
Sigma Pi senior in Business
Administration from Plain-
Sandy Luchsinger, senior in
Home Economics from Crete,
to Ed Peeks, Delta Sigma Pi
junior from Lincoln.
Pat Flannigan, Delta Delta
a mi,
iwd oct abovt on
Ttoswr Minna CAxrvs
Acrrrrrr plan.
tILL MILLER 5-901 1
Typewriters For Rent
Rcyal Underwood Smith Remington
Try Our Renlal-Purchast Plan
Special Student Rates
125 No. 11th Phone 2-4284
Typewriter Ribbons Pvt On
Shop doily 9:30 to 5:30, Thursday 10 to 9
$r . I
One perfect
cultured pearl
or o cluster of perfectly matched pearls
may be found in Miller's coljection of
exquisite cultured pearl rings. Come,
look, try . . . then let your own personal
"Santa" know just what you want for.
$12 t0 $41 p,js ta
. v
Eex!vs Cs!!!nty Savings Stamps!
Delta senior in Arts and
Sciences from Omaha, to Bill
King, Kappa Sigma alum
from' Lincoln.
, Eunice McCosh, Zeta Tau
Alpha senior in Teachers
from Gering, to John Hum
mel, Beta Theta Pi sopho
emore in Law from Central
Engagements ,
Jan Myrberg, Pi Beta Phi
sophomore in Teachers from
Lincoln, to Jim Pinkerton,
Alpha Tau Omega junior in
Business Administration from
Matze Clark. Chi Omega
sophomore in Teachers from
Columbus, to Ron Seymour,
Sigma Nu sophomore in
Teachers from Grand Island
Judy Tracy, Residence
Halls junior in Teachers from
Mason City, to Stan Garner
from Fremont.
' Betsy Antes, Kappa Delta
junior in Teachers from Lin
coln, to Kenneth Myers, Beta
Sigma Psi senior in Business
Administration from Rush
ville. '
: Karen Jacobs. Zeta Tau
Alpha senior in Teachers
from Plattsmouth, to Walt
Weaver, alum from Calla
way. Linda Teal. KaDDa Aloha
Theta sophomore in Arts and
sciences from Lincoln, to
Bob Hebert. Phi Delta Theta
junior in Business Adminis
tration from Omaha.
Lois Rahn. a senior in Home
economics from Three Forks.
Mont., to Tom Kreiser. a erad
student in Chemistry from
Ono, Pa.
Home Ec Club
Cornhusker pictures for the
Home Economics Club will be
taken at 5 p.m. Thursday at
the Howell Theatre Building.
There will be no regular
-A. :.t: : ; :. . .: T--s
Anybody Got
Large Feet?
Shrieks of laughter and
disappointment last week
at the Zeta Tau Alpha house
when pledges opened the
boxes they thought con
tained sweatshirts.
The huge - boxes were
brought up from the freight
depot, brought into the liv
ing room and opened. But
inside were many more
little boxes, each contain
ing a dozen pairs of men's
white sweatsocks sizes 11,
12 and 13.
All in all, the Zctas have
360 pairs of new white
sweatsocks but none the
right size to fit any foot at
the house. ,
Moot Courts
Region Test
Members of the Univer
sity's three-man moot court
team will participate in re
gional competition at St. Lou
is Nov. 11-13, according to
coach Allen Axelrod, profes
sor of law.
This year's team is com
posed of three seniors. They
are John Haessler, Donald E.
Leonard and Richard A
Teams from South Dakota,
Creighton, Kansas, Kansas
City, Missouri, Washington of
St. Louis, Kentucky, St. Lou
is, Washburn and Louisville
also will compete for honors.
The winner of the regional
competition will then com
pete in the national contest
at New York City in Decem
ber. Since entering the com
petition in 1953, the University
team has won the regional
twice and the national once.
Editors Plan
Headline speakers at the
third annual Cornhusker Ed
itors Workshop this year will
include a district officer and
a past president of the Inter
national Council of Industrial
The workshop will open
Nov. 21 at the Student Union.
Mrs. Georgia McGillivrav,
editor of the Cargill News,
Minneapolis. Miss., and John
Solomon, who supervise: two
nationally circulated company
publications for Western Auto
Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo.,
will be the speakers.
Mrs. McGiliivray is Area
7 director for ICIE; Solomon
is the immediate past presi
dent.' The Cornhusker Editors
Association, t"h e University
School of Journalism and he
University Extension Serv:
are sponsoring the workshop .
Workshop planning commit
tee members are Miss elle
Gingles, the Nebraska Chris
tian chairman: Miss Mary
DeMars, Red Cross Review;
Conrad Good, editor of Bank-!
er's Life publications: Joe
Hartley. Lincoln Telephone
Service; Dr. -William Hall,
director of the School of Jour
nalism and C. W. Bowmaster,
University Extension Srvice.
Ed Scholarships
To Be Presented
Second semester tuition
scholarships are being offered
to students in elementary or
secondary education by the
Nebraska Congress of Par
ents and Teachers.
The recipients of these
scholarships will be selected
on the basis of scholarship,
financial need, character and
aptitude for teaching.
For additional information
and application forms, ma
jors in elementary education
should se Dr. Russell Mc
Creight, 211 Teachers College.
Majors in secondary educa
tion should see Dr. Rex
Reckeway, 310C Teachers Col
lege. All applications must be
in by next Tuesday.
Med, Nursing Schools
Choose Class Officers
Class officers for the Uni
versity Medical College and
School of Nursing have been
Med school senior class of
ficers are president, Joe
Gardner; vice president, Les
Murdock; secretary, Francine
Wisner; treasurer, William
Manke: and Student Council
representative, Fred Boyden.
Junior Positions
Those elected to junior posi
tions were John Kirchner,
president : Eugene Fisher,
vice president; George Orr,
treasurer; and James Peck,
council representative.
Sophomore class officers
are John O'Rourke, president;
James Bell, vice president;
Richard Cottrett, secretary;
Robert Rasmussen, t r e a s
urer; and James Hall, coun
cil representative.
The freshman class chose
Richard Dolbec, president;
Robert Hamilton, vice-president;
Marshall Cook, secre
tary; Vincente Colon, treas
urer; and Michael O'Neil,
Student Nurses
Senior officers elected by
Junior IFC
Will Choose
A Queen
The Junior IFC will hold its
annual fraternity pledge class
dance at the Turnpike on Nov.
The dance will feature the
music of Jim Ray and his
Members of the dance com
mittee are John Nolon, Steve
Hansen, Tom Cooper and
Jack Lausterer. Tickets can
be obtained from any house
representative for $2 a couple.
The crowning of a Jr. IFC
Pledge Class Queen will be
j UVWU Li 11 .5 tWI 1U1 Ill 1
Mime. Each fraternity will
! nominate its own candidate.
! The queen candidates will
be announced next week. Vot
ing will take place at the
Med Fraternity
Sets Up Fund
As 'Perpetuation'
Alumni of the national med
ical fraternity. Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Beta Gamma Chap
ter, have set up a scholarship
fund to perpetuate the mem
ory of the local organization.
This year, senior medical
student Phillip W. Weingart
received the award.
Dr. J. P. Tollman, dean of
the College of Medicine, also
announced that freshman stu
dnt Jerold R. Heelan received
the Nebraska College of Medi
cine Alumni Association Tui
tion scholarship; and sopho
more John O'Rourke was
awarded a grant from the
Multiple Schlerosis Association.
1 ... i
W via
the student nurses include
Nancy Warren, president;
Marilyn Behrens, vice-president;
Kay Redmond, secre
tary; and Nancy Ly sing
er, treasurer.
Junior officers are Beverly
Mankin, president; Jo Koll
morgan, vice president; Betty
Swan, secretary; and Jean
Walton, treasurer.
The sophomore class elect
ed Grace Kunz, president;
Janet Lytle, vice president;
Julie Werner, secretary; and
Laura Jo Hamilton, treasurer.
Representatives chosen to
the nursing school's Student
Council and the all-campus
Council are Jo Anne Kilday,
Charlotte Comstock, Con
stance Dumler, Marilee Peter
son, Karen Kavanaugh and
Lois Osterthun. , .
It filters as
no single filter can
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real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste!
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University Singers Plan
First Appearance Dec. 6
Ninety-seven students have
been selected members of
University Singers.'
The choral group is directed
by Earl Jenkins, associate
professbr of music. The Sing
ers will appear Dec. 6 in two
performances at the annual
Christmas Carol Concert at
the Student Union Ballroom.
Members are:
aopranee Lex Lou Bell, Ann Blom
quist, Nancie Booth. Marian Brayton,
Mary Kay Coonrad, Carol Crandell, Jan
Una Dyksterhuls. Dolly Fulkerson, Pau
la Hemphill, Gayle Johnson. Paula
Knepper, Judy Lawrence, Kathryn Mad
en, Mona Mueller, Anita O'Reilly.
Clair Prucha, Mary Ramage, Sandra
Reimer. Janet Rhoda, Sylvia Ring, Lucy
Robertson, Kay Schoneberg, Joan Stan
ley, Janet VierruU, Jeanne Whitwer,
Sntann Worley, Carole Yerk and Anna
bell Zikmund.
Alloa Lois Anderson. Joan Baker.
Gretchen Blum, Jan Bottom, Shirley
Chab, Janice Dean, Patricia Erickeon,
Barbara Fenwlck, Elinor Fidler, Jean
Hageman. .
Cynthia Hansen, Mary Ann Harris,
University Flying Club
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7 P.M.
Lt. Schroder will speak ou "Nebraska Laws
and Enforcement Thru Aviation"
Featuring 20 Of The World's
Greatest Instrumentalists
Sunday, Nov. 15 7-11 Twilight
Mil ?
roll) ITI
tndmd a JZadiutimm mmomrut -ftfr Jv&aco
Joyce Johnson, Kay Liviren, Linda
Schelbittki, Sharon Smith. Terry Smith.
Susan StehJ, Kay woboda, Mary Anne
Timmons. Joyce Weir and Sharon
Wilson. .
Tenors: John Bartels, Wendell Bell,
Brian Binninc, Calvin Carlson. Larry
Coie, Calvin Cutruht, William DuHey,
Howard Ellenburf, Lynn Flood, Sieve
Hansen Larry Hoepfinfer.
Ronald Arlington, Gary Kahler, Rich
ard Leniniton, Amer Lincoln, Roger
Massey, Terry Otto, Wesley Pearce,
Kenneth Scheffel, William Spencer. Da-,
vid Stenzel and Jerry Tucker,
Baisea Harvey AM, Terry Boyes.
Gene Dybdahl, Robert Force, John Gil
liland, William Hatcher, Ronald Hol
scher, Join Jorsensen, William Larson.
Louis Lawson, Donald Lloyd and Kent
Murray. I
Douglas Pearson. Irvin Pearson, Roger
Quadhamer, Norman Rigsins, Robert
Rneler, Roger Schmidt, Roland Stock,
Frank Tirro, Jack Watkins, Dewey
Wiens, Gary Welch and Ray Woitasek.
Accompanist v Jean Sanders.
PE Frat Meeting
Phi Epsilon Kappa, profes
sional physical education fra
ternity will meet at 7:15. to
night "in the PE Builaing.
CHARCOAL.. .defi
end smooth . , ,
they bring you tbi
k Mr midlU
utm A. T. C.)