The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1959, Page Page 3, Image 3
Wednesday, November Entries For Spot On NU Bowling Due Thursday Thursday is the' closing date for entries in the roll-offs to determine the members of Nebraska's entry in the Big Eight bowling league. The roll-offs will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday on the Union Lanes with six bowlers being selected for the team. Each bowler" will bowl three preliminary games with the! wgiipai scores Dowung an other three games in the fi nals. Tne first match on the schedule is Nov. 21 at Kansas State. It will be a three-game team match plus one singles game and one doubles game. Trophies will be awarded and bowlers will be guests of Kansas state at the Nebras-ka-Kaasas State football game. Interested bowlers may sign up and pay the $2.00 en try fee at the Student Union Games Desk. Wliittemore Leads Since the opening of the Student Union bowling lanes, Don Whittemore has bowled the top game with a 247. Tom Eason is a close second with 245. LET OS TEST IT ELECTRONICALLY ON CliR FREE FREE The tact will tell you on a printed chart (made in 30 seconds) exactly the con dition of your watch. If it needs regulation or repair, you will find we offer: EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP QUALITY PARTS All WORK ELECTRONICALLY TESTED ON OUR -WATCH MASTER!" Dick's Watch Service 1245 R I your Itei I fceep Has? jyf the only gift shop designed exclusively for Men gifts for every occasion LINDELL HOTEL it uso PRE-gl.ECn.IC SHAVS LOTION 4, 1959 Daily Nebraskan Sports Union Plans Annual Trip For Skiers The Student Union has a suggestion for a per fect Christmas gift for stu dents this year. The annual Union ski trip will be held during Christmas vacation this year. Participants will leave Lin coln Dec. 29 and return Jan. 2, the Saturday before classes resume. Three days will be spent in the Winter Park ski area near Denver, Colo., which features ski slopes for all types of skiers from the beginner to the professional. Expert ski instruction as well as all necessary ski equipment will be included in a $63 rate for each person taking the trip, the Union said. Besides lessons and equip ment, this rate also will cov er board and room at Winter Park Lodge, sk lift fees, en tertainment and transporta tion costs to and from Colo rado. Entertainment available at the area includes ice-skating, sleigh riding and facilities for group socializing. Anyone interested in signing up for the trip should contact John Schroeder at 2-6528, or Sharon DeMars at 2-3287. The deadline for signing up is Dec. Nebraska Riflers Defeat Creighton The Nebraska rifle team won their third match of the season with a 1887-1877 vic tory over Creighton, Satur day. The only loss suffered by the Huskers was one at the hands of Creighton. Marvin Cox led the Nebras ka victory with a 382 score. Party for Tauber A going away party is be ing given for Sg. Donald J. Tauber, coach of the varsity rifle club. Sgt. Tauber is being trans ferred to Korea. The party will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the M & N building. 13th & M 'i-eiecTRic fHAVf to get In 1' 1 k Stars of The ' 1 Daily Nebraskan Awards Go To Entire Grid Team This week's Daily Nebras kan Star of the Week award goes to the entire Nebraska football team for their re sounding upset of Bud Wilkin son's Oklahoma Sooners. It was a team victory all the way with Harry Tolly's punting keeping the Sooners in the hole. Ron Meade's two field goals and one extra point kick were of vital con cern. Pat Fischer played prob ably the best game of, his ca reer and exemplified the Husker spirit when he waved Jennings Sticks With Moore And Zentic as Co-Captains Nebraska head football coach Bill Jennings decided not to change a winning for mula and named seniors im Moore and LeRoyy Zentic co captains for the second con secutive week. Moore and Zentic were co- captains in the 23-21 upset win over Oklahoma Saturday and Swim Meet Will Start Monday Preliminaries in the intra mural swimming meet will begin Monday with the 50- yard free style and the 200- yard medley relay. Preliminaries will continue every Monday until Dec. 8 when finals will be held. Entries will be accepted at the time the preliminaries are held with no one being allowed to compete m more than three swimming events. An individual may partici pate in three swimming events plus diving. ... . Finalists will be determined on the basis of time with the six fastest times qualifying for the finals. The seven highest scores in diving will advance to the finals. Each diver must perform the five following dives dur ing preliminaries: front dive, back dive, inward dive, re verse dive and half twist. Those qualifying for the fi nals must do the five men tioned above plus any other three dives. The Coliseum pool is open for practice from 12:00 noon to 12:45 Monday through Fri day and from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Post Office Has Christmas Jobs Students interested in em ployment during the Christ mas season should inquire at the Lincoln post office. According to Postmaster 0. E. Jerner, the Nebraska State Employment Service began accepting application for tem porary jobs Monday, He said extra help would be needed from approximately Dec. 15 to Dec. 29. tOTIO" a bettor shave! Quicker . . . closer ... smoother .... no matter what machin you use. LOO l tan SHULTON NtwYork Toronto The Daily Nebraskan Week: a stretcher away and hob bled off the field with a sprained knee, only to como btck later and set up a touch down with a beautiful pua return. LeRoy Z e n t i c alertly grabbed a partially blocked punt and carried it into the end zone for a Husker touch down. The linemen were just as tough as usual and went the last few minutes on de sire and instinct.' Mention must also be given to the reserves who never got into the game but who played a vital part with their encour they will lead the Huskers again this weekend against Iowa State at Ames. Nebras ka must win to keep their Orange Bowl hopes flickering. "It worked well last week, why not try it again," said Jennings as he announced the game captains for the Cy clone fray. The Huskers went through Intramural Basketball Opens Soon An intramural managers meet regarding basketball will be held at 5-p.m. Mon day in Room 114 of the Physi cal Education Building. The intramural basketball program will be organized into leagues of the following classes: Fraternity A, G, and C; Resident Halls; and In dependents. A single round robin schedule will be played plus a double elimination tournament for the cham pionship. Players may be moved up from C to B or B to A but they may not be moved down and they may not play for any team other than the one with whom they began the season. Last yeju : all-university champions were the Chem ists. Other leagues and their champions were: Fraternity A-Sigma Nu; Fraternity B Sigma Nu; Fraternity C-Del- ta Upsilon. . Ag C o 1 1 e g e-Kiessel bach; Selieck Hall A Gus II; Selieck Hall B-Gus I; Burr Hall-Kiesselbach; Inde pendents-Chemists. Cobs, Tassels Seek W Flags Tassels and Corn Cubs are attempting to locate nine white flags with red "N's" which were taken from the Homecoming Dance Saturday nignt. The flags were borrowed from Gold & Co. and must be returned, according to Winston Wade of Corn Cobs. He asked that the flags be returned into the main desk of the Student Union. Aquaquettes Tryout Aquaquettes will hold an open tryout tonight at 7 p.m. in the Colesium pool. Nebraskan Want Ads No. Worda 1 da. 2 da. i da. ) dmT 1-10 .e i .96 1.00 U-15 JK .80 1.05 I 1.26 lt-20 M .06 1.25 1.60 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 I 1.76 20-80 .80 1.26 1.66 2.00 ll-SS .00 1.40 ( 1.86 I 2.26 U-40 I 1.00 I 1.66 ( J.OS 2 50 TImm low-cost rata aonlr to Want Ada which ar placed for consecutlvo Bays and ara fwld for within in dajra after tha r.d axplraa or ! canceled. TAILORING Custom Tailors Flnert woolens. Spe cialist In men's and women's fltttnr problems. Double breasted converted to single tuxedos to shawl collar. College Tailors. Esther loso. Bo. 48th. Phone 4-4212. LOST: Crotln wrist watch on af campus. 7-8585. Reward. Call PERSONAL! Why not. BoobeeTTT H. K. To "compliments of a friend." Sorry we bad to revise your ad slightly. FOUND Ladles wrist nrtta Friday noon near Aumett Hail. Owner can nsve mm by identifying and paying for ad. See Cliff Oberlaader 812 Selieck anytime after 7. HELP WANTED Belt on commission, unusual pernomil lsed bracelet and cuff link. Excellent for Xmas, prom, birthday gifts. Hlph Commission. No Investment Bend for free brochure. Terrlmar 707 Cortell Road. Franklin Square, N. ?. FOR RENT Jassmint apartment for 8 or 4 boys 125. each, Including utilities. K Claremout, Than b-Ziii. agement and their work in practice sessions. This Husker football team gave the students, alums and guests something they will never forget, a victory over Oklahoma. The entire state owes Coach Bill Jennings and his band of Huskers a sin cere thanks for giving them a chance to hold their heads high again. Players receiving awards are: Left ends: Dick McDaniel, Roger Brede, John Bond and Guy Sapp. Left tackles: George Han- a rough scrimmage ses sion Tuesday with the stress on pass defense. Iowa State is ranked high in the Big Eight offensive statistics with many of those yards coming via the airways. They have the first, sec ond and fourth best passers in the Big Eight They also have "good receivers," said ennings. Jennings feels that the Ne braska pass defense has been "spotty up-todate but 'fair ly satisfactory" and is some what improved. Tuesday's scrimmage was the last of the week for the Huskers. Fullback Noel Martin, end Roger Brede, and halfback Gene Ward and Pat Fischer were held out of the heavy work Tuesday. Pat Clare, who has been slowed by a bad foot this fall, was given the go ahead sign in the contact drill. Nebraska will outweigh the Dirty Thirty nearly 20 pounds in the line and about 12 pounds in the backfield as both teams have outside chances for the Orange Bowl berth from the Big Eight. The Huskers will leave Lin coln Friday and work out on tthe Drake University gridiron in Des Moines before going on to Ames. Golds OF NEBRASKA (A) CREW NECK Nylon and cashmere blend for per fection. Foil fashioned. Tan. blue and tray. 70 Sixes 38 to 46 (B) V-NECK True elersnce in a full fashioned imported pullover. Soft, durable cashmere In tan, blue, 97 ff) At, tray. Sizes 38 to 46. Plus Aided ey, Duane Mongerson, Russ Edeal and Leon Janvoy. Left guards; Don Olson, John Ponsiego, Dale Siemer, Al Fischer, Warren Dobry and Don Heldt. Centers: Jim Moore, Mick Tingelhoff, Darrell Cooper, Brue O'Callaghan and Roland Wallick. Right guards: LeRoy Zen tic, Dick Rosier, Don Houser, Pete Williams and Jed Rood. Right tackles: Roland Mc Dole, Joe Gacusana, Al Well man, Jim Raschke and Al Harants. Right ends: Don Purcell, Max Martz, Phil Case and Jim Huge. Quarterbacks: Harry Tolly, Ron Meade and Joe Rutigli ano. Left halfbacks: Pat Fiech er, Dallas Dyer, Pat Clare, John Marman, Warren Pow ers and Jerry Levy. Right halfbacks : Clay White, Gene Ward, Jack Con ger and Carroll Zaruba. Fullbacks: Don Fricke, Bob Kitchen, Dave Roberts, Bill Bohanan, Don Jordan and Noel Martin. HOLLYWOOD BOWL Open Bowling Weekdays Til! 5 Sat All Day. Sundays Till 5 24 Lane Automatic Pinsettert Restaurant . . . Barber Shop 929 IV. 48th PHONE 6-1911 STUDENTS INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE WITH AN OLYMPIA PRECISION, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ITPfWJMTH SERVICE AND RENTALS BLOOM TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 323 No. 13th You'll Enjoy Shopping at GOLD'S New Collection of Imported Austrian Cashmere Sweaters BY BERNHARD ALTMANN Suave fashions aimed for the honor roll. Newest self-assured styles In cashmere and cashmere blends, for every man on campus, for every occasion. ' w GOLD'S Men's Store .Street Floor Serines With frC Green Stamps Page 3 Moonlight Bowling Is Friday Rolling in the "moonlight league" will start at 11 p.m. Friday, according to the Un ion Games Committee. Bowling fees are reduced to $1.25 per couple, refresh ments included. Reservations can be made at the games desk in the lower level of the Union. To further carry out tha moonlignt atmosphere, lights will be dimmed to a bare minimum. t i. .4 Sca RiiaRin. 1960 . Economy StadentTeacher sammer tours, American conducted, from $495. Rmuim by Motarroack. 17-days from Warsaw or UVUinH Visit rural town plus major eitiea. Diamond Grand Tow. Rasxua, Poland, Crechoalovakia, Scandioavss. Western Europe, highlight Collegimte CircU. Sack Sea Cruise, Russia, Poland, Czeh8le Takia, Scandinavia, Betvclox, W. Earop. Et-it Europe AdvmUmr. First time available. Bulgaria, R paranja. Russia, Poland, Cxechoalonlia, West era Europe scenic roase. H See yossT Travel Agent Maupintour 1236 Maaaaciutsens, Lawraseev KjLas. Ph. 2-5258 B J i new 1 1 . 1 f I !